Monday, March 5, 2012


Salam Haliqdiaz- i ve answered yr question in the previous entry belwo:) Liney-thanks sis:), Maryam sirdha- thanks sister,my chinese friend said it is better to drink the pure lemon juice as it will work better,nothing wrong with mixing it with water:),Mamalisa-ha,ha there;s no secret,Lisa pun Alhamdulillah dah bertahan lama,cuba try to layan pasangan seikhlasnya,contohnya jgn berhenti buat perkara romantic yang tak menjolok mata di mana pun:)kalau terlampau tak larat pulak kan,Noorfariha-hello Kuala Pilarian..hee...hee..thanks so much,Insyallah you ll be a good and loving wifey:),hanis- betullah tu apa anak kita buat pun best kan,go grab the skirt:),UmiYumi,ha,ha UmiYummi pun manis jugak:), Susumanis,thanks sis,Ita&4Es Insyallah we jumpa nanti:),Nerry-cuba ko pakai pesen star wars dulu,..aku nanti tia mia nangis..hee..hee,mana pulak si Ann ni:), Saniah-tu lah tak susah pun kan, Shamsuhada-selamat mencuba,kau manis pakai apa pun,syanashwa-thanks atas doa yang baik,Mira Marlena-kalau office i pakai pin jugak kalau tak habis jatuh2:),thanks sis,Aida78-salam,tak ada masa lagi mencari macam2 aida, Lady of Leisure-rabbits Tia mia dah escape dan satu lagi sakit:( hug2 for your arri and molly too:) and special gorgeous hug for that little man, Mummy Miqhael- sedap bukhara syed kan, Nagena-thanks so much..yeap baru akak perasan that mr froggy:), Julie Arberdeen- esok  nak pi makan nasi arab lah:),bukan julie,tu blouse from East India:), Kak Pinat-makasih,luv you,potpetmama- ha,ha cute kan our kids,he,he tak tau ada jumpa ke tak,Anon-thanks for the info,Dila-ha,ha nothing much frm white envelope selain rezki di beri Allah dan di kongsi ajo, yanizz-thanks ya,silent reader bangsar,really?ha,ha..say hi if you see me:)..thanks for all yr good words, Aisyah-you are most welcome, Nur Raihana-yeap so true sis,moga kita sama2 diberkati,AnnHuzi- thanks Ann,psstt nerry is looking for you, daydeck86-Alhamdulillah,My Putri- i hope my shawl tutorial can give you some ideas,how's little puteri? Suffiakmal-thanks adik-Salmi-yeap sedap kan Salmi, Artlover- happy if  i can bring smile to even one face a day;) 

The story today;

The domestic me:) why? because Tia is having high fever so i tak dapat buat benda lain selain ambik cuti; merawat,masak,masak,masak,kemas,kemas and kemas:):) Anak sakit kita pun willing buat apa jua:)My pray moga Tia cepat sembuh kesian dia..Alhamdulillah today nampak okay sikit after taking the antibiotic.

This is Sunday's picture..dua orang ni sibuk nak buat necklace,bracelet dan lain2 lagi...Tia belum demam lagi masa ni.

Yeayyy my first handmade necklace!

Good thing about this thing it teaches yor child to be patience and creative;)

The two strawberry lover..kalau makan mesti dengan whip cream bertambah-tambah;) he..hee with full necklace around their necks:)

Lunch i cooked special egg crab...the girls loved it very much..very yummy.

Very easy and simple to cook- clean and cut your crab.Pound lots of shallots,garlic,ginger and tumeric.Tumis bahan tumbuk until wangi,masukkan crab,add a lil bit of salt and a spoon of oyster sauce, flip few times and cover the wok with lid for the crab to cook, dont keep too long 6-8 mins is enough.Open the lid and let the water/sauce thicken, break one egg in the middle,stir for a while and make sure it covers the whole crab..and switch off the fire immediately.Serve with garnishing if you like..yumm..yummm;)

I cooked lemak fucuk with soon for Uwan so i made this sodap sambal for myself:)

We changed few lightings in the house since some is not working lah sejak dulu2 kan.This is for the living area..i love it;):) very good bargain:)


The verandah has new 5 arms too....yang lama dua arm tak mau nyala2 dah.

Finally, i always love white chandeliar in the we have the white one in our room:)

Semalam budak demam nak makan homemade famous amos..penat pun mama complied with their request..lucky we have this in our Betty Crocker to the rescue!

They like double choc/dark i added 1 spoon of cocopowder to the batter and i pound one whole bar of cooking chocolate and added it in..

Our very own famous amous with chunky cocholate..the whole house smells like famous amos stall yesterday.

The cookies turned out to be really nice..crunchy with melted chocolate inside:)

So we keep in a few jars.

This is mine.mine and mine...:):)

I placed it at the bar counter so that it will easier for verybody to eat and munch:) (Note: that;s the plain jar i bought from jusco but i stick the chequered ribbons around it..nice kan)

Yeahhh The Munchier on the loose:);)

Evening while waiting for papa to come back and bring Tia to Hospital,the girls have "Origami" session with kak Yan.

Thanks Kak Yan..layan the two girls..they love it very very much:);)

Kak yan showing the origami book and asked the girls to choose a craft that they want to make.

Both decided to make rabbits:)

Step by step lesson.

sambil crafting sambil munching:..i love the view;)

Yeyyy the 3 memories of ribbon,heart and rainbow.


  1. sodap plak nampak eyh pemes ames tu

  2. terbau2 cookies tu sampai sini.. he..he.. sambal sodap tu mengancam sungguh.. mkn dgn nasi panas takde lauk lain pun layan..

  3. hi kak zura..
    kak yan rili look like kwn sarah mase uitm dlu..xtau la the same one or just pelanduk dua serupa.. :)
    sis..nagena yg ade komen sis tu sis..
    both me n my sis minat kat kak zura..
    good mom,good doter,etc etc..kalau borak2 kdg2 ckp ape2 msti ade add name akak for example.."bla bla bla mcm mamatiamia kann??"...

  4. azu, i adore ur lightings, cantik sungguh..boleh meleleh air liur tgk pemes amos tu...dah lama tak mkn..moga tia cepat sembuh..rajin2 mkn ubek...jgn coleh2 yo...

  5. Thanks for your respond reg lemon juice. I woke up this morning and hoping for your new entry. Alhamdulillah, I got it today. Hehehe. I love your kitchen, I love your garden, I love your chandeliar, I love your biscuits and I love the way you provided your kids with such activities. May your adorable daughter recover soon, and keep me and your dua's. I hope to read your next entry. I wish you can post new entry everyday. Your writing such inspiring. Take Care, Sister. :)

    Maryam Siddra.

  6. salam kak zu, nnt jgn lupa yer bg contact no kontraktor grill tu..tq

  7. weee. busy2 kak pon sempat blogging and layan semua komen follower. wee. pandai urus masa ni!

  8. alamak ..sedeyy pulak rasa hati tengok gambar memories of 3 bunnies tu..

  9. the lightigs are awesome !! pandainye kak zue pilih... suke yg kat bed room tu..suci aje kan..

    rajin kak yan layan tia mia buat origami rabbit tu...sambil munched the cookies mmg best je kan..

    sambal ikan bilis tu lagi mencongkam dari cik crab bertelur tu..heheh

  10. salam akak, semua sihat? Akak, resepi ketam tu tukar dgn udang ok kan. Jatuh hati dgn chandeliar akak..

  11. Salam Zu, harap2 Tia cepat sembuh. kalau anak2 tak sihat ni kita mmg risau kan?
    sedapnya tgk ikan bilis tu. time tak selera makan dpt ikan bilis mcm tu boleh makan nasi bertambah lg :)

  12. kak zue,
    love the egg crab,its look the sambal sodap tu..yumeeehhhh

  13. Sedapnya.... Nak sambal bilis tuuuu.... Kak. I dah add fb u...tgh tgu u accept je..hihihi... Lovee u sgtttt...

  14. amboi sapa tu siap peluk cookies jar tu? anty sikit blh?..:) :)
    i love ur lightg kat bedroom tu..ishh geram tgk..but hubby ni lansung takde feminin side dlm diri dia..ha ha ha..dah nama pun lelaki kan..
    okla..nice story mory..cant wait for another one..
    o ya..harap tia dah sihat ya..take care .. :)

  15. hehe i missed the last post.
    nerry, i have sent u mail.
    azu, i sent u 1 too.
    shhhh! jgn sebut my story kat sini.
    u were both in my thoughts.
    best ada cousin kak yan entertain them.
    tia get well soon. is she in hospital? mia tak demam?
    usually both tak sakit same time?
    Alhamdulillah, take the healing process as a strengthening process. May they grow stronger and healthier.

  16. love love love yr beautiful n3 as usual MTM, yg x tahan kotam tu hah, sodap bona nampaknyerr, harus g cari ketam n masak cam tu..shukran mtm, May Allah keep blessing u n yr loved one FOREVER..amin :))

  17. Hi are u?

    Harap2 u sihat walaupun anak2 tak sihat.. (i know u are very strong dear!)

    How's about Uwan? sehari tak tgk pic dia I rindu...(sometimes i feel Uwan cam nenek i jer...huhu...and i hope u don't mind it...)

    Anyway dear...u are good chef laa..terliur daaa tgk ketam! and...sent my "Assalamualaikum" to Sis Yan..walaupun x kenal dia..even silaturahim kita terjalin hanya di alam maya ini, i hope we can be a good frenz ya..

    Miss u beautiful pic with lots of smile!

    See u..daa
    -Silent Reader-
