Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Food,Music and Shawl Tutorial..hikkk..hikk:):)

Salam & Hullooo:):)

We borak2 in the next entry ya..i am so exhausted today,cooking non stop and had to run here and there):) 
Just jawab first question of first commentor from last entry sister HALIQDIAZ - "Yeap haliqdiaz,i did my MBA and it was fully sponsored by the company plus i did Diploma in Strategic Marketing from Cambridge University too.Well to me practice is sort of completing your circle,after LLB then Chambering,finally  you should end it up with practice, give a try for a short while,it's gonna be fun..after that you have many other choices to do:):) MBA compliments your LLB as you can become a more 'trick or treat" lawyer..heee..heee:);)

Lets cerita2 first,apart from usual food and activities a few friends and readers have asked me to do a tutorial on wearing the shawl..hee..hee..ada orang suka jugak my "no style style" ya.But I am honored and happy as some want to 'berhijrah' too,so lets share the little skills that i have:):) Have a good niat in your heart as niat is the utmost important and it determines the whole scenario;):) Bak kata Uwan kalau niat betul semua pun boleh jadi pahala..InsyAllah.

Alhamdulillah doa di makbulkan, i can now see her sitting on the outdoor chair again:) Thinking about her condition in ICU..this scene is kebesaran Allah SWT truly..Kunfayakun:):)

Uwan stilled not tired of my nasi every weekend i still cook nasi lemak:):)

Nasi lemak panas with soft boiled eggs and keropok too.

Uwan likes my bee hoon goreng too..this was our breakfast on Friday.

Nothing beat hot tasty bee hoon goring in the morning:) With udang kering and eggs..yumm.yumm;)

For the Papa i bought two flavors of grind beans from Gloria Jeans:):) Now we can have good coffee at home without wearing jeans..only Pagoda T is needed:)

The papa has registered the two girls for keyboard lesson here..well, we don't have piano at home only we start  with keyboard first.

The two enjoying their lesson with Miss Stephanie;)

Hmmm i always love white piano..walaupun tak tahu main berangan nak have it in the house one day..but it is too expensive;(

While waiting for Tia Mia,mama nak show this useful shawl mama bought from ZARA,definitely a must for orang tak cukup masa;) kalau class music start pukul 2.00 and and at 1.45 the kids and papa in the car and mama has 2 mins to get ready,this is the easiest;) this shawl dah berjahit hujung ke hujung macam "Iamjaetfuel dari Yuna" pakai inner,letak ni atas kepala.No pin or brooch needed.

Budak2 muda suka lah buat camni..kita pun try jugak while duduk dalam kedai piano tu waiting for Tia Mia:)

Easy kan..macam kain kelubung pun ada hee..hee...casual outing okay lah..kalau office kena buat kemas sikit.

Ok..time's up:)..the two girls dah keluar;)

Hmmm let me give a try:):)

The Duet team;)

After class we treat the girls with Tutty Fruit..Red velvet,raspberry,vanilla and strawberry ..RM23 for this tub:):)

As promised here is my amateur shawl tutorial:)

I bought two new shawls today..the one on the left is lycra and a bit pricey while the black one is cotton T shirt material.

So lets try this lycra one;)

Very easy 1,2,3 or 1,2,3,4 steps..first, put on your inner.i like the soft, flat no awning type.

Secondly bring both side under your chin, one side should be shorter from the other side.i always put my left side shorter than the right one.

Put a small brooch under your chin.

Bring the longer right or left side to the right or left and pin it on the top of your head.

There macam ni:)

You are ready to go out..took me less than 10 bling2:)

But if you like another style you may also bring the shorter part to the other  side and pin it ..maksudnya kiri kanan lah balance:)

Sudap fuss:) tapi my style ni no bling2 sebab i tak suka bling2..brooch pun tak at  the side pun guna needles.

So far as i cakap kat atas ,i cukup suka ni from ZARA.

This is how it looks like..kain sarong type...tak tau lah wanita2 barat buat style but we boleh guna untuk hijab:):)

Letak macam mana pun boleh.

Macam pergi sawah pun boleh..hee..hee..yang penting depan dia labuh.

Boleh jadi gadis nakal kenyit2 mata kat husband macam baru kahwin jugak..kihhh..kihhh

Well habis dah tutorial i..the girls have many things to do..we bought some activity boxes from Times:)

The Papa bought me this;):)

While he read his boring book i will have fun with mine..Thanks Popit:)

Night,Night All:):) I have a line up of activities tomorrow..sunday pun kena bangun awal the papa has golf tournament and he's leaving at 6.00 a.m..zzzzzzzzzzz;):) Paaa you buat Coffee Gloria Jeans you sendiri lahhhhh:):)


  1. love it... kisses for tiamia from auntie liney... comel sgt. akak pun comel sgt with the hijab :)

  2. Salam. Love your writing. Love your spirit. You look stunning in those Shawls. I pray, may Allah swt gives Uwan sihat & happines, also may Allah swt rewards you and your family with His Blessing, His Rahmat & His Maghfirah. Btw, according to your Chinese friend, we cannot drink lemon juice with water, may I know the reason. Thank You Sister. :)

    Love from ;
    Maryam Siddra.

  3. hi akak comel mama tiamia...bila nak belanja reader u pulak hehehe..sweetla ur husband..makin rajin yeah..nak mintak petua dgn you boleh cemana nak jadi romantik n loving loving for pengantin lama ni? hehehe..i kawin blom sampai 10 years tapi nak loving lelebih cam muda muda dulu malu dah hehehe but still salam n kiss tu x tinggal la..

  4. Kak... I love ur writing. U give me strength n spirit in many ways... Such as.. I niat to be a good wife and mother like u as i will getting married this year..i realllyyy wanna be like u! Haha.. And i hope i will perform my duty and be a good daughter to my parents as well ;-)
    P/s: my kampung pon kat pilah! That's maybe why i love u even more kot. Hihi....

  5. sukanya dgn kata2 uwan yang buat perkara dengan niat yg baik tu boleh kumpul pahala.. mmg tahu mengenainya.. tp bila dituturkan sebegitu hati jd seronok mendengarnya.. sampaikan salam buat uwan ye.. kak zu, i love ur skirt tingakt2 tu.. haruslah hari ni cari masa utk grab skirt tingkat2 yg dah beberapa minggu dok teringat2 tu.. he..he.. kat rumah ni keyboard cuma anak dara saya yg pandai main.. segala mcm button kat keyboard tu dia sorang yg tahu functionnya.. bila dgr dia main keyboard selalu macam muka ni senyum aje.. biasalah anak kita kan, apa yg dia boleh buat selalu buat kita rasa bangga.. lebih2 lagi bila kita pun tak tahu tentang itu.. Nak masukkan kelas piano juga dulu, tp sebab tahu nnt rumah tak muat nak masukkan piano, so hantar main keyboard ajelah.. he..he..

  6. Salam Zu, comelnya buat demo pakai tudung hehehe.. kalau Zu pakai ok la, kalau k umi pakai rasanya mmg real mcm nak ke sawah lah :p

    k umi pun suka gloria jeans coffee..sedapp.

  7. Salam Azu,
    Macam2 nak cerita sebenarnya... Insya-Allah kita jumpa nnt.
    Wah.. TiaMia dah jadi artist ye.. Nanti main satu lagu utk Eizan ok :)

    Uwan pun makin sihat, Alhamdulillah...

    *Luv the pergi sawah style shawl.. As

  8. wei kalah ustazah baayah ni hahh klu dgn shawl ke sawah tp x leh lawan style star wars tu ok... sila buat entry shawl star wars tapi rasanya cantik klu kau buat ....

    tiamia cepat main piano nnt untie nerry dtg duet dgn celo hehhe

    tumpang pesanan kat ann singapore : Ann I email u tapi bounce frustnye pls email me at

  9. salaam, mamatiamia.. love yur latest look.. :) byk cerita bila lama tk singgah.. happy to know that everything goes well in yur wonderful life.. :))

  10. salam azu..thanx utk tutorial pakai shawl tu...memang sonang nampak eh...nanti nak try jugak...salam utk dua artis kenits dan uwan...nampak uwan makin sihat..alhamdulillah...

  11. Nanti Tia and Mia boleh lawan Edward Cullen main piano.
    By the way,I love your hijab tutorial and did the hijab ever fell off when you're in the office?Because I've tried using the method and it didn't work well for me.So I have to go with the brooch bunga-bunga and pin sana pin sini.

    Semoga kekal berbahagia selamanya,InsyaAllah...happy to see uwan duduk-duduk dekat porch tu.

  12. salam chumelll bila try tudung ni kan pelbagai pesen...knp zu x try tudung bawal or tudung yg ada orning kat depan dia mesti lagi chumell...

  13. salam zu...hemm i ni memang bkn jenis bergaya2 ni..dulu pakai bawal suka sgt tp kena berbrooch bagai kan selalu brooch hilang..pastu pakai zupp je dgn tudung express (yg awning type tu)nk cepat je..shwal tak pandang sbb mmg tk reti pakai and always think messy la nk belit belit ni..takpandai lah

    pastu anak i yg bongsu pakai shawl..alamak si 12thn pun pandai belit belit..senang rupanya...haa now i duk collect shawl dah..dah addicted..:) :) now dah berbalik pd bawal dan shawl lah..dah tknak awning2..hubby said tudung keras..hihi
    thanks for your tutorial..senang rupanya..kihkih
