Wednesday, March 7, 2012

For The Rest of My Life.

From us "The Little Women" - Happy Women's Day to All Women out there may you be in Malaysia,Sg,Aberdeen,NZ,Australia,UK,Egypt.Cairo, etc,etc:)

SubhanAllah you are strong - you are a mother, a wife, a sister, a friend, a partner, a nurse,a cook, a driver, an advisor- Nobody can be as strong as you!

Alhamdulillah you are special - You ve been hurt,you ve been neglected, yet you  stand tall, yet you smile, yet you hug, yet you give nothing but loves!

Allahuakbar you are beautiful - Dont look in the mirror to find your beauty,look into your heart, look into your soul,look into you parents's eyes,look into your children face..the beauty is there,never far away!

SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah,Allahuakbar - You can be in these three Kalimahs if you try,if you embrace.

 Thankfull to Allah SWT for the rest of my Life:):)

From the desk of : Mama,Tia Khadeja and Mia Ayesha plus Uwan:):)


  1. alhamdulillah,,glad we born as a woman :-)

  2. Salam MamaTiaMia,
    Happy Women's Day to you.
    You're looking sweet as ever!

  3. Salam to mamatiamia, tia and mia, uwan..Happy woman's day..may Allah blessed all of you :-)

  4. Happy WOMAN'S Day to YOU too n terlupa ucapan yang sama untuk UWAN also.Tia n Mia kanak2 lagi kan kan tapi nak Tanya Tia n Mia dah sihat ke belum sebab gambar yang dgn mama tu mcm kat entrance hospital tropicana je

  5. Alhamdulillah untuk semua yg terbaik dari Allah utk kita.. salam buat mama, tia, mia dan uwan juga..

  6. Happy Women's day to azu, twins dan uwan :). Please send my kiss and hugs to Ikin. Lama tak dengar cerita dia. Dekat blog dia pun sunyi je. Ikin ok ke..sihat? Tak lupa jugak buat kak ayan. Rasa macam dekat je dengan your family walaupun tak pernah jumpa.

    lots lots lots of love.

    Silent Sister.

  7. Happy women's day u n all of us..
    Take care...tia dh sihat ke..cpt2 sihat n blh buat rantai bnyk2 n mkn cookies sebalang u both

  8. Happy Women's Day to you too! I'm a Malaysian living permanenly in England, I love following your blog, genuine and down to earth…keep writing!

  9. Happy Women's Day 2u sweet lady...

  10. salam azu...happy woman's day 2 u too...yeah we're the greatest woman of the world...

  11. yes women are special. creation begin's in the womb and it is named rahim. women are special, they were actually created emotionally strong that is why they can go thru great pain in bringing up their children. they are the best nurturers.
    yes, may our beauty stems from the heart, which surely is everlasting.
    yes. we are strong, special and beautiful. a good reminder to us, women and helps us to stay syukur.

  12. Assalam...

    Happy Women's Day 2u too dear ....

    I know you are very strong women, strong wife for your husband, strong daughter for your lovely mom, strong mummy for your kids....

    Whoever we is...women, or mummy, or wife...we are human..See what's in front of our eyes, evaluate what is in front of our eyes, do not need to see what happened behind us. That let God manage...

    This is our Prophet order.... Kitakan sometimes too want to go beyond time, want to know how our future, will we happy in the future if pasagan stay the way and so, or we want tgok kdg2 what is behind us, but all that is matter that not in our power.

    'Take care of God, and God will take care of us :)..(pesanan tuk diri sendiri juga!..

    Anyway dear, happy to your pic, alhamdulillah that anak2 dah baik demam...

    See u again, Insyaallah..
    -Silent Reader-

  13. like cik anon statement..
    n thanks mama..
    u shine my day..inspire me alot..

  14. happy woman day...salam kak zu...hii...dah lama rasernya tak bertanya kabar..alhamdulillah uwan pun dh bertambah i buzy ngan study..tu yg xsempat nk jengok kt sini..:)..

    salam bt uwan n tiamia..
