Friday, March 9, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Salam Jumaah:) And thank you very much to those visiting my blog,kawan2 malaysia,SG,silent readers,anons and especially to those who have left  their comments for the first time. Salam persaudaraan buat sweet Mazninoor in England,thank you for sharing the beautiful Cotswold beautiful..teringat our trip to "Bourton on the Water' in Moreton in Marsh dulu2, and salam buat gorgeous MunaFadaq..i always 'envy' your beautiful house and food:):) your are better than Martha Stewart dear:)

Thank You,Thank You to kawan2 yang lain,berkongsi tips menjaga anak sakit,mendoakan Tia Mia and Uwan,dan memberi semangat wanita berkobar. Seriously i am not that strong, badan sakit bila tak tidur,mood tak baik bila penat hee..hee..Alhamdulillah setakat ni me and husband masih sokong menyokong, dia tak pandai saikologi,bila anak sakit depan2 budak tu dia cakap 'ubat bontot dah taruk?" rasa nak piat telinga dia,sebab Tia Mia terus cembeng,tapi pukul 2 pagi ke,3 pagi ke bila dua orang tu nak susu he will bingkas from tidur and turun buat susu,bila budak muntah dia lah tukang lap dan bersihkan..pagi2 he will offer to go buy breakfast (but he knows for sure that i will turn it down..tu rajin offer tu..kihh...kihh) thank you for that,mulut tak pandai saikologi tak pe boleh piat telinga yang penting keikhlasan membantu tu:):)

Rasanya nak jawab semua comments bila ada masa nanti, etc.My special doa to Acik Idida,kesian caca kena Rotavirus ..Tia Mia pernah kena dulu, so kesian budak2 bila kena ni..take care Acik..kami doakan caca cepat baik ya.

As for myself today i have to take EL, Tia Mia's fever is up and down,Doctor said nothing to worry about,they are viral fever,medicines won't help much,the body would have to fight for it and eventually it will settle down. Whatever it is kena lah berjaga malam kalau anak2 dah demam,serious ke tak ke...kalau badan dah panas tu kita tetap tak senang hati.All in all dah 5 hari lah myself tak boleh tidur..doa pada hari penghulu segala hari ni minta di permudahkan lah semuanya.Amin.

Tak senang hati nak tinggalkan pada maid ajer,sometimes makan ubat pun tersasar,miss their meal etc..hari ni bertekad nak menjaga they sebaik mungkin..pagi lagi dah mintak they promise,with doa we must fight the germs,cannot let them win..told them they cannot be too manja2,too lemah2 as mama is also a human, if they tak kuat mama might fall sick too...Alhamdulillah they worried about me,when i say  that Mia came and massage my back,when i feed them they tak adalah ngok ngek nook ngek lagi.

So these are some pictures of what we ve been doing today:)

After bath and breakfast i buckled everybody up in my we go to Pasar Segar..we have a mission:):)

Sian budak2 demam..semalam kat hospital baik..tu lah gambar nampak happy tu..last night and today ada temperature balik.

This is my favorite pasar segar..the Original one near our house..the owner is a middle aged chinese lady,she spent her 15 years in Sydney...she likes to talk and i like to layan:):)

Semua buah,ikan,sayur etc segar dan cantik2 kat sini..harga Ya Rabbi,Ya Rabbi sikit but puas hati..spending money for something yang elok.

Tadaaa...this is our mission..nak cari ketam..I am gonna feed everybody with Crab Soup today..they said good to help bring down the temperature.

Very cantik and fresh kan..mostly male crab sebab tu cantik..yang banyak isi ketam betina sebenarnya kadang2 telur pun penuh:) 

Look at these beautiful big paper fresh!

Ikan pun meruntun jiwa jugak..tengok semua nak beli:)

Nicely arranged canned food.

You can have your Mc Cormick supply here plus the Olive Oil and pasta too.

And they are selling fruit like strawberry,cherry,blackcurrant,avocado,promeganade and few other exotic fruits.

The Most Exotic..not from pasar segar tapi dari tepi jalan kat sini:) This is miss kerdas:):) busuk tapi nyamannnnn:):) moga Uwan sedap selera..happy dia jumpa benda ni asyik belek2 dalam kereta;)

Balik rumah,mama mission memasak..tak nak bagi 2 org ni asyik tidur suruh lah dia org main masak2 kat belakang.Senang kita masak dia pun dekat dengan kita.

I bought terung belanda from the roadside stall too..ada yang tak kenal ke?

Okay crab soup readyyyy.

Ni pun exotic ..kegemaran orang kampung..buat untuk uwan..gulai cilipadi terung belanda dengan cendawan kukur(kulat susu).

Hari tu ada yang tanya cara nak buat sambal sodap kan..amatlah mudah..basuh segenggam bilis mentah,bawang,cilipadi ikut rasa,sedikit garam dan limau.

Tumbuk garam dan cilipadi hingga lumat,masukkan ikan bilis tumbuk pecah2 jangan hancur,macam tu jugak bawang,keluarkan dan perahkan asam limau kat atas dia.

Then sediakan seperiuk nasi panas:):) 

Masa kecik dulu i panggil ni taik kucing..dekat pun tak nak..:):)

Dah masak,dah bagi semua makan..keluar ke depan rumah pulak tengok2 bunga nak nak di baja.

Bunga pun macam orang lelaki and budak kecik..kena belai2 baru lah berbunga..macam yang ni..masa sibuk hari tu dia tak dah kena belai2 keluar balik:)

Saya pulak dah 3 hari berturut-turut pakai tudung and inner sama..budak2 tak sihat lah punya pasal.Pergi Al Rawsha on Wednesday pakai ni,,semalam pi hospital after that office sambar tudung tepi almari yg sama:) Ada yg tanya apa eyeliner saya pakai..malu lah nak cakap:) He..hee..nothing glamour,sebab saya allergy with most eyeliner yang dari brand ternama..yang boleh Maybelline ajer:) Itu pun tak pakai tiap hari..macam dalam gambar ni tak lah ber eye liner..sebab tak berapa rajin orangnya:):)

Hari ni pi pasar pakai tudung sama lagi..ohhhh tidakkk kata tudung,saya sudah masammmm..kihh..kihh..

Okay lah..masa untuk bersantai..budak2 pun dah tidur ni..this is my favorite currently..Danish Cheese Pastry from the sedap bread shop called "Lavender" semua sedap kat kedai French ni;):)

After makanan yang menggemukkan baru ingat nak makan fruit..kihhh..kihhh..Salam Jumaah Ladies:):)i


  1. get well soon Tia Mia..
    and Happy holidays too..
    semoga cepat elok then leh main2 during school hols...

  2. semoga tia mia cepat sembuh.. my mom pun suka kerdas.. klu sekali sekala jumpa mmg dok belek mcm uwan juga.. he..he..

  3. as'salamualaikum zu yang rupawan - bukan memuji, tapi kenyataan zu makin jelita semenjak berhijrah, alhamdulillah. uwan sungguh bertuah memiliki anak perempuan seperti zu kerana tidak semua punya kesabaran seperti zu, masya Allah. alangkah malang nasib ibu yang ditinggalkan di hotel murah. sedih dan hiba hingga mengalir air mata bila baca berita ibu tersebut. salam ukhwa dari kakak di sg, semuga tia mia cepat sembuh, ameen.

  4. love ur post kak zu!...suka bila tgk rumah akak,,nyamannye rasa...
    miss tia mia strong! x sihat pun bole masak2 lagi :D..salam jumaah buat uwan too..:)

  5. Salam Zu,
    mahalnya buah2 tu.. tp ketam tu nampak best sgt la. next week kat sini ada Mandurah Crabfest tp mungkin tak pegi kot. dekat2 rumah pun ada event yg menarik jugak ni.

  6. Salam.

    Thanks a lot for your time for this entry. I love to read your blog. :)

    Wow, Pasar Segar yg betul-betul jual brg2 segar. Uwan pun nampak sihat. Alhamdulillah. :)

    I had miscarriage at 5 weeks in October 2011, hari ni i sarapan nasi lemak, sambal udang berterung belanda, noon time I sejuk kaki tangan. Tapi sedap terung belanda ni. :)

    Nice garden, drooling sambal, beautiful you, adorable twins, and delicious crab soup, hoping to hear that the crab soup really helps to bring the temperature down. InshaAllah. :)

    P/s: Keep on posting Sister, hari2 pun tak apa. Hehehe. :)

    Love ;
    Maryam Siddra.

  7. zu, pasar segar nih area mana exactly dekat rumah u tuh...and thensambal bilis tuh mmg tak payah masak erk?

    anyway here wishing uwan n tia mia the best pink of health...

  8. Salam Jumaah utk ladies jer kerk.. hahhahahaa

    Seronok tgk semua orang happy terutamanya dak ticik ngan uwan happy..

  9. salam to you too…thanx for mentioning me in your blog, if you miss england visit my blog from time to time, will update you! will make your sambal ikan bilis soon, nampak sedap sangat…thanx for sharing the recipe! Take care.

  10. salam to you too…thanx for mentioning me in your blog, if you miss england visit my blog from time to time, will update you! will make your sambal ikan bilis soon, nampak sedap sangat…thanx for sharing the recipe! Take care.

  11. Speedy recovery girls! Wahh..uwan da boleh makan gulai lomak cili api... Sambal sodap tu kami panggil sambal gesek. Haiihhh...rindula kt my mak kat kolo pilah tu!

  12. Aslmkum mamatiamia.alahai sian tiamia tak sihat...moga cepat semboh dan ceria kembali. buah kerdas...lama tak mkn...bau dia mmg power...hi..hi..
    terung belanda...akak panggil terung pipit...mmg sedap gulai lemak....moga uwan selera mkn. rebus cicah sambal...atau masak dg sambal ikan bilispun sedap...

  13. Salam kak ,Kalau tak pakai eyeliner mesti Akak pakai eyeshadow sebab dekat eyelids tu ya.Its from Bobbi Brown Kak?Beautiful😊

  14. Assalam azu,

    Salam hujung minggu yea... masak apa cuti cuti nie? amboiii segarnya ketam bunga tu... sedap mkn ratah ratah! dah lama x mkn sambal terung pipit tu terliur lak... eh yg taik kucing tu buah kerdas ek? selalunya kite jumpe kerdas yg dah sbiji biji tu... ooo baru tahu rupanya buah kerdas nie serangkai mcm asam jawa gaks... thanks for the knowledge... my mum cukup suke mkn kerdas ni ubat cuci pewot katanya ahehehe...

    alahai ciannya the twins demam... kena byk minum plain water n bole try tuam ngan air asam jawa dikepala... insyaallah surut panasnya, comel la the twins main masak masak... anak kite yg sebaya tiamia pun suke main masak2... agak2nya kalau besar nnti rajin x diaorg nnti ke dapur... akekeke

    happy weekend


  15. Get well soon Tia and Mia. Patut le kindy senyap sepi je. Have a great weekend!

  16. Assalamualaikum ya Habibaty..

    You are so lovely Sis. I love you more, more and more even we never meet in real life.

    Your stories are so insipired me to become a good daughter, mum and wife. I'm so touched with your every single word. MasyaAllah. :)

    As mostly people said, if we touched with someone's word, that means, its berkat. MasyaAllah MasyaAllah. :)

    May Allah bless you and family.

    p/s: Get well soon TiaMia plus Uwan.

    Your follower, Hani

  17. Dear Zu
    With due respect, allow me to point out the meaning of 'loath' = hate/dislike. You cant possibly not like Muna's house, can you?

    I suppose you didnt do it on purpose, did you?


  18. Kak zu! Iron lady ni! Gws tiamia... Wah,uwan pun makin makin bertambah baik.ALHAMDULILLAH. Take care k.zu!

  19. salam kak zu... hopefully TiaMia will recover soon.

    nak tanye, bunga2 tu beli kt nursery mne? country rose for RM5/pot tu murah lah. And also, apa nama bunga kuning in your rectangle pot tu? sangat cantik :)

  20. terung belanda? memang tak pernah nampak dan tau ada such a terung. tak rupa terung.
    bestnya ur pasar segar! geram i tengok.

  21. As Salam...

    This is the first time i read ur blog and i found that we live in the same area... and yup i like go to that shop... very convenience, price ok lah and brg2 mentah dia segar... lagi satu tempat dia bersih... i suka.. ;)

  22. AsSalam Zue

    i tried buat your sambal ni last night.. memang bertambah la nasik my son and i .. we berdua je yang conquer mangkuk sambal tu.. thanks ya.

