Sunday, April 1, 2012

3 Days Romancing The Beach.

Salam and Hollaaaa everbody:):) We are back:):)

We had a wonderful time at the beach! Well it's is just Port Dickson but the two water babies loved it:):) As always Thistle won their hearts:)

As for the mama, she has two things to say,apart from the fantabulous time with her family :

1) Pssttttt..pstttt..PD shop tak berapa pandai masak asam pedas...heee...heee..she saw one big billboard jual asampedas and after so many round of having hotel foods she decided to go there.But so kecewa..doesnt look like or taste like adam podeh meehhhh:(:( so hari ni sampai jer KD she stopped at pasar segar for pari and she shall masak the meletop adam pedas: tonight):) 

2) The mama sakit belakang as the Hotel unfortunately invested in hard pillows,they are really hard:(:( lucky the two girls since small jenis tidur tak pakai bantal. Apart from that we have good time even the buffet spread is simpler from before and maintenance not so good,that's the problem with Malaysian hotels. Apa pun tu tak stop us from having fun:)

Thanks to commentors and i have recipe for sambal ikan bilis petai tempoyak below ye..i tak kan keciwakan potai lovers...heee...heee:);)

Lets see some pictures taken by iPhone..hmm camera rosak lagi..kena beli jugak akhirnya nanti:):)

On the way to Pd..who's that under the blanket??

ha..haaa my cutie pie was under the blanket:):)

Once we reached PD we stopped at our favorite place for lunch..Tanjung Tuan Beach ajer lah yang ada proper open cafe by the beach.

Datang sini since the girls were two years old,always serve by the same waiter..dia dari bangladesh..Tia Mia pulak always love to....

collect putik kelapa...penuh satu meja;):)

Among favorite,kelapa yang manis dan lemak..always good here;)

Steam siakap in soy sauce..the girls love it:)

We reached Thistle at 3.00pm..after mandi in tub etc..asked the girls to take a rest first.

Lepas tu..we pun pergi beach..yeayyyyy...

Opps..siapa yang having more fun here? bagi lah peluang kan:):)

He..hee..siapa punya kaki boleh cecah tree floating yoga namanya;)

It was a bliss to take a nap under the tree.

Tia Mia love my pink top..asyik jealous..they kan suka semua pink:)

A picture taken by Tia Khadeja;)

And i have some artsy pictures below:):)

Okay now lets have some serious dip;)

So nice to swim in the warm water..

They love it very very much;);)

Both are natural with water..Tia said she's a mermaid and forbids me from calling her Tia;):)

Mama tukang pantau and ambik gambar ajer lah:):) 

After dah kecut semua..balik bilik lapar..i dah pre order room service earlier..sementara tunggu tu the two bantai makan twisties;)

Homemade lasagna with salad for papa and the girls.

Yeayyy the food is finally here.

Enjoying their tomato soup.

After good night sleep..not so good for mama sebab banal kerns:):)we bangun for another day at PD.

Usual morning view at Thistle.

We had good breakfast at the hotel restaurant.

Tadaaaa...ballerina ready for swimming:)

Mama ready with her book and chips;)

My cutie pies.

Hitting the beach.

The tide was quite strong and we had monitor them closely.

They had so much fun on the beach.

Their sandcastles.


After dip in the sea we headed to the swimming pool.

The doting father feeding banana split to the cold girl:)

After the dip we went out for lunch..waktu ni lah carik adam podeh yang akhirnya keciwa tu:)

After disappointing asam podeh..we balik hotel and hit the beach again until late evening.

It was just beautiful when the sun set down.

Night time;we had dinner at the hotel.

Tia enjoying her shanghai soup.

They ate a lot of soup and steam fish.

We had lazy night by the pool before we head back to the hotel room:)...The third day tak larat nak ambik gambo dah;):) all in all we had so much fun..Alhamdulillah;)

Pada peminat petai tegar,here is the recipe:

Goreng segenggam ikan bilis sampai garing,angkat ketepikan dulu. Tumbuk 3 ulas bawang merah,3 ulas bawang putih,sedikit kunyit dan cilipadi ikut kepedasan yang suka. Tumis bahan tumbuk sampai wangi,masukkan segenggam petai sampai layu dan tambah garam dan asam keping, masukkan 3 sudu besar tempoyak masam, kacau cepat2 dan masauk ikan bilis,gaul sampai likat dan angkat.

Sangat sedap makan dengan nasi panas:) selamat mencuba;):)


  1. Salam Zu,
    seronoknya cuti2.. best tgk kafe tepi pantai tu very nice. buai bawah pokok tu reminds me of my childhood. naik buai mcm ni terus terjun dlm laut.. bestnyaa

  2. thanks mamatiamia..! harus cube recipe tuh..

  3. azu...sambal tempoyak and potai mmg always the best....air liur dah meleleh...abis diet mcm ni...bertambah montel badan...

  4. Salam Zu..bestnya dapat bercuti...kak sham tak berkesempatan lagi..sibuk sangat...dalam banyak2 gambar, kak sham ternampak minyak yuyi cap limau...hehehe..keperluan utama bagi anak2...dan ibunya juga....ok sampai jumpa lagi zu dan 2 sicomel Tia dan Mia

  5. part yg akhir ni... baca sambil slurpppp.........

  6. Syoknya brcuti....tak sabar nk brcuti jg ni..:)
    Asam pedas yg dimasak sendiri jgk yg best kan? I selalu jg frust bila mkn kat luar dpt food yg rasanye kureng...mcm i ni laksa kedah lah...ada je yg tak kena..hehe trpaksa punggah periuk masak sendiri.. :)

  7. hey !! we thinking of goin PD this weekend too... bring the lil girl and play by the beach..
    very nice artsy pics thr ..hehe..

    yum yum petai my favret too...

  8. Dear Zu,

    Seronok sekali sekala short break mcm ni.Dapat juga tukar2 angin orang kata.

    Zu, if you ada kelapangan I nak minta resepi lasagna you.I remember you pernah masak dan post gambar disini tapi tak ada resepi disertakan.Thanks in advance ya.
