Monday, May 21, 2012


Salam.(Thanks so much for all the good comments below,sisters from far and near,please accept my hug hug:);)

Yesterday while i was about to perform my Zohor prayer in my room at the office, a colleague dashed in!..she just can't wait.LOL. I was startled and asked her" Kenapa Lin?".A bit worried because she's a HR,GM..takutlah ada  apa benda yang urgent kann..She said I saw you posted your "Bokitta' in your got it already!..let me see,let me see!! there are few of us in the office including my niece are crazy about Bokitta Hijab from Lebanon:) The funny thing we are crazy over the online photos..tak cuba lagi pun..except my niece lah dia dah ada satu:):)

And that Bokitta story didn't end there..nak Maghrib..called berbunyi-bunyi..tak jawab takut apa2 urgent..jawab samalah jugak "ehh azu aku tengok Bokitta..bla..blaa give the website please etc etc".Apart from Bokitta, Office (applicable to ladies only) now di landa online shopping addiction,tiap minggu or hari ada ajer abang posto datang menghantar package followed by sengih2 on muka budak2 office.Just now bila big  HR boss sengih2 tengok i..hmmm tau dah what's on her online,port merion online,pots and pans online...and the list can go on and on and on:);)

Back to Bokitta..many asked me to show to them bila dah pakai..nak buat contoh etc please bear with me ..this entry has many pictures of is like too much fb friends please see it here as i am not going to post on FB:):)

This is "Bitter Chocolate".The material is 100% from cotton.Bokitta it is a 'pin less" hijab..tak payah pakai pin..dia dah siap ..seolah2 you yang lilit2 tu..they provide matching inner as well.But i used my own inner from Najjah as i like Najjah soft cotton.

Because it's cotton..i think you need to iron for the first use..nampak awning tu tak kemas sangat kan.Also Bokitta ni tak berapa panjang kat depan dia..tak labuh lah..but you can cover with additional shawl. Useful if you are in a rush..but i am a traditional girl..i still like pounding my chillies and onions to make curry rather than buying 'Berahim' once in a while boleh lah..i masih suka melilit sendiri can adjust the tightness,length etc etc.

This one is 'Leaves on Yellow"..again i was using my own 'inner' theirs from the same material. Anybody interested you may go to "Veil Art", an agent in Malaysia,the nice girl by the name of Jumiatun will entertain you.

And i bought two telekung online for my emak and me..i gave to my emak yesterday,she was delighted,  said she will wear it for for me..biasalah can't wait..Maghrib pakai dah. The material is nice,good quality cotton with embroidery  and kain pun ada tempat ikat plus i suka the shape around the face..ikut muka..sedap and kemas..they are from "Telekung online"..they send by post laju..satu hari pun sampai.

"Roses are red,voilets are blue, mine is purple,uwan's one is blue:)..Ryhmes? hee..heee tak langsung.

Anyway orang yang ada telekung voilet ni pagi tadi breakfast kat luar..nampak senyum2 suka menengok bunga:):) Asyik lah tanya bila nak puasa? kesian..when you are old there's so many that you miss..pergi surau dengan kawan2 bawak juadah,bersiap basuh langsir,jahit baju..buat kueh bahulu.

Pagi tadi makan nasi goreng kampung with telur mata lembu and drummet,dengan secawan of uwan's favourite breakfast.

Lastly this traditional mama yang suka tumbuk cili dari guna instant rempah from Berahim masih prefer her own belit2 tudung.So far my favourite is shawl from Najjah and loop shawl from ZARA.Semalam tengok Youtube Yuna membelit  IamJetfuel scarf with a collegue..kita orang cakap 'ye,ye,ye senang,senang,.." pagi cubalah dengan loop shawl ZARA ni..menjadi half ajer..yeap saya tak payah pakai pin..kat tepi tapi sebab leher terbukak kena tarik ketepi pakai satu pin..hmmm nak kena cuba lagi sampai berjaya.heee..heee;):)

Quick reply to some queries-
1.  yeap boleh pakai ayam pencen nak buat rendang N9,rebus ayam pencen tu dulu sampai lembut,kalau ada air kelapa pun bagus rebus guna air kelapa sebab buang bau ayam pencen tu and cepat lembut..kalau dah lembut and buat rendang..rasanya sangat 'umphhhhh' sama ajar macam ayam kampung.Sebab ayam kampung ni sedap isi dia kenyal kan..ayam kampung berlari sana sini so muscle keras..ayam daging isi lembik..muscle tak ayam pencen sama lerr muscle dah keras:);)

2. Where did i buy the white daybed swing? - I bought from one small furniture shop kat tepi jalan kampung kayu ara yang nak pergi bandar utama tu..tiap pagi keluar NKVE toll,shortcut kat Esso nak pi office nampak the white garden set at this shop called "Nadihah Furniture".

3.Apa software i guna kat Mac to edit picture-i guna iphoto punya editing ajer..the basic 'brightness,warm,cool tone ajer".

To; Artlover- hope your rendang dah menjadi;), LG-thank you so much dear,appreciate very much, Susumanis-Alhamdulillah sister, Kasihredha-Thank you sis, Aishah jamrek-thanks so much, Farrah- i ve answered yr question, Mummy Miqhael- you re most welcome, Hanis Azla- Selamat menunaikan umrah,alhamdulillah, Shamsida- selamat merendang ayam pencen, Aisyah rafael- Thank you so much sis,may you be blessed always, Salmi..salam salmi yang looking at yr artworks and cooking:), Shamsuhada- rondang nogori lagi sodap wehhh,Ummi- terimkasih banyak2,thanks so much,hug2 to iman damia, Kak Mazlizah- Alahmdulillah,moga kita dapat beramal selalu, Ila@bella@Nabila- Tahniah- Alahmdulillah,moga jadi isteri yang disayangi selalu..belajar lah masak sikit2..nothing beats the cooking from the wife's hands:):) Hadsha- thanks so much,bunga tu kalau berbaja tahan dalam 2,3 bulan and after that kena tukar:) and finally to Ann Huzi-hug hug from us:);)


  1. cam minah lebanon le kak zue.. sweet jek..

    weekend ni nak merendang ayam pencen..makan dgn nasi lemak...uishhh sdpnye!!

  2. Salam Kak Azu,
    Tadi saya baca utusan malaysia ada artikel pasal bokita ni. Terus teringat your previous entry :)..Bila saya tengok website Bokitta, terpikir jugak yg manalah you beli. Tetiba you show it in this entry...Wah! macam ada instinct la...

  3. azu, u so muda remaja, nanti jangan panggil i makcik ye ;)
    sedapnya tengok uwan makan dan minum di meja yang diwarnai bunga mekar wangi :)

  4. salam kak azu... cantik telekung..hehehe..anyway i'm ur silent reader... waghih jugak nih.. saya org kota, n9...dah lama baca kisah2 kak azu..kisah uwan jugak..uwan mengingatkan saya to arwah my uwan...miss her.. luckily i still have my mom...anyway, salam kenal yer sis.. boleh tau apa FB kak azu? actually berkenan nak beli telekung tu...ada blog ke tokey yg jual telekung tu?

  5. Salam Kak Zu,
    Cantiknya hijab Bokitta ni.How much range arga dia ek?
    Fieza pun beli tetekung cotton emroidery ni.My friend jual.Shes now fighting wth cancer.So, dia bisnes kecil-kecilan untuk tampung perbelanjaan since dia bercuti unpaid.
    Fieza harap can help her,by tolong dia beli dan promote the telekung to my friends.

  6. Err...kalau nak buat sambal tumus i blend cili kering so kira traditional ke? Kalau ikut my mum dulu dulu dia guna batu giling tp bila dah mampu belu blender je..:) i pulak mmg tak reti guna batu giling ..pes brahim mmg tak prnh kata tak sedap sgt :) org kata laaa heee
    Suka tgk ur mum dah sihat dan makin cergas..Alhamdulillah...:)

  7. Azu pernah gi kedai Kapas yg sebelah najjah tuu?dia Ada Shawl baru yg mcm azu suka harga pun okay kalau x slap satu helai rm69.

  8. Azu pernah gi kedai Kapas yg sebelah najjah tuu?dia Ada Shawl baru yg mcm azu suka harga pun okay kalau x slap satu helai rm69.

  9. hai zue.. lama tak kacau komen2 kat blog zue kan.. amboi3x.. kemain posing2 sakan dalam toilet pun jadik he3x.. sebbaik sweet so dimaafkan ok.. i penah nak pakai lilit2 camtu time nak kuar pastu bukak balik sbb rasa mcm 'orang sakit leher' jer... my daughter marah i ckp i ntah apa2..
    kem salam kat azam eh, kalau dia ingat la..

  10. Salam Zu...nice tudung you've got there :) org yg pakai nya pun cantik :)) ni i nak tanya pasal telekung tu, you beli online jugak ke? kalau yes boleh tak bagi i dia punya website, i nak beli jugak lah utk puasa and raya nanti :)

    p.s. kirim salam kat uwan :)

  11. kakzu, nak tanya.. apa type of flowers yg ada kat garden akak? saya baru start off gardening 2 months back & baru ada a few pots. mintak tolong suggest blooming flowers yang sentiasa akan bloom & low maintenance..

    btw, nk add as friends @fb boleh?



  12. salam kak zu..
    thanks for the wishes.. ;-)
    alhamdulillah saya ada memasak untuk suami and my mak mertua pon selalu share resepi. by the way sempena ramadhan tahun ni berniat nak bagi telekung for both mothers!! still searching the best and affordable price. have a great day kak zu!! kirim salam pada uwan sayang.

  13. Aslmkm Azu..
    Honestly speaking I would prefer your lilit scarf. It looks better on you..sweet and young.
    Rendang, belum sempat hb tak berapa sihat..tak nak dia makan heavy sgt.

  14. Comel...

    kak zu,sy beli terung pipit..tjumpa kat mydin terus grab sb teringat uwan suka. nk try msk sambal bilis n taruk terung pipit n msk asm.pedas mcm akak msk yg mengancam jiwa nurani. Msk gulai lmk.cili api pucuk ubi n letak terung pipit pn org ckp sedap...
    Xsabar nk g masak tghari ni.

    Tgk kak zu bg hadiah telekung kat uwan,sy pn teringin juga la nk hadiahkn utk ma dan mak mertua saya... kak zu ni byk bg inspirasi kat saya personally. thank u so much. -dianadeela-


  16. As salam.. dear,

    Nak tanya.. tudung voila bokitta tu u beli mcm mana ya..kat bokitta online ke? payment guna credit card ke..? saya nak sangat beli tudung ni.. lepas tgk u pakai lg la x sabo nak beli.. thank u ya.. :)

  17. Saya baru beli 2 bokitta td. 1 voila maxi. 1 lagi chic. Dua2 labuh.
    Kalau sis nak labuh lagi, beli chic maxi.

    Salam perkenalan.
    Jemput siggah rmh saya ye

  18. Salam,

    Kami sedang membuat Year End Warehouse Sale. Sila layari untuk melihat koleksi bokitta dan telekung berbatu rhinestones pada harga yang menarik. Beli lebih 2pcs, dapat extra discount..Jom ramai-ramai visit

    Terima Kasih
