Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Gentle Rain.


Dear Tia and Mia-

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has said ' Rajab is a great month of Allah (SWT), un matched by any other month in the respect and significant (accended to it) war with fidels during this month is prohibited, Verily, Rajab is Allah's month, Sha'aban my month and ramadhan the month of my Ummah;
-Whoever fasts a day in the month of rajab will be granted reward of Ridwan (an angel in Heaven); the wrath of allah (SWT) shall be distanced and door of Hell shall be closed.
- Fast for 2 days in Rajab as if fasting for 2 thousand years.
- Fast for 3 days in Rajab as if fasting for 3 thousand years.
-Fast for 7 days in Rajab all 7 gates of (Hell) Jahanam will be locked to make sure he/she stays out.
-Fast for 8 days in Rajab 8 gates of Paradise will be opened for him/her,so he or she can enter by which gate she/he chooses.

Ask forgiveness and turn repentant to Allah (SWT) as much as you can because mercy drops from the Heaven like a gentle rain in the month of Rajab (also known as "As'-abb-pouring out,full of love and kindness)

SubhanAllah Tia and Mia, this Rajab is a very special Rajab for mama:) First syukur to Allah SWT,i still alive to breath,raise and love you and we still have Uwan with us.You know how old is she now? She is going to turn 90 this 15/6/2012 not far from your birth date; 24/6/2007. Allah SWT has given us Uwan's love until now,mama feels like sitting in a gentle rain-loved and blessed.

Ya Allah  Thank You so much for whatever you have given us.Please bless us and may we live to see Ramadhan and the rest.Amin.Welcome the month of Allah!

Thank You and Thank You- When Uwan was so sick in hospital few months back,she told me that she can feel it that she is 'going' already - she said " jangan menangis, emak kan dah tua,mestilah emak akan mati jugak,bacalah Yasin dan ajarlah emak mengucap bila sampai masa".My heart was crushed, i held her hands and told her " Emak,memang yang hidup akan mati,bukan yang tua sahaja,yang muda jugak bila sampai masa.Tetapi sekiranya umur kita panjang, diizinkan Allah maka kita mintalah supaya kita sihat,diberi peluang bersama anak2 lagi..takkan emak tak nak balik rumah azu lagi? Emak kan suka duduk di luar menengok Tia Mia main?Emak kuatlah semangat,emak doa lah kuat2..Insyallah kita boleh baik  rumah".As i was saying this i pressed my hands so hard behind my back to stop my tears from falling down. Then my emak said " Kalau di beri Allah umur yang panjang mesti lah emak nak balik rumah kau,mak suka duduk kat situ,suka duduk di atas buaian di luar,tengok bunga dan Tia Mia". Ya Allah..that was the moment i shall remember forever; at that time i feel like i am the "mother' and she is my 'baby'- i need to fulfilll her wish,she wishes to be back in my home..I prayed so hard to Allah SWT- to give us the chance. Tia and Mia mama is sharing with you this story as one day when mama be old mama might not remember this moment anymore-it is a special moment between a Daughter, a Mother and their pray to Allah SWT their Creator,it was not a pray for more money,wealth but a pray to be together,to share love and kindness.

The above was picture of uwan on Sunday morning..everyday  before or after breakfast she will sit on the swing in my garden:) Alhamdulillah Azu dah bawak emak balik rumah dengan izin Allah.

I received a personal mesage from one the reader this morning ,she said " Kadang2 kalo saya rasa macam tak best atau rasa nak perbaiki diri..saya suka jengah page akak..thanks kak zu..sebab izinkan saya jadi kawan virtual akak..sedikit sebanyak..akak motivate saya dan membuat saya berani mencuba/buat sesuatu..moga kehidupan kita seharian diberkati selalu kak zu.." MasyAllah,Alhamdulillah saya pun sedang belajar..bak kata Uwan mencari ilmu sepanjang kita hidup.Cuma saya memang suka bercerita yang 'baik2'..sejak kecil di tanam cerita2 tersebut dari Uwan..rasanya tak pernah ingat cerita2 yang tak baik darinya.Tell your children good stories since they are small,they might seem like not listening to it  but it will go into their heads and be stored there..based on experience; when there are times like you feel doing something bad you will remember of whatever you mom/dad said and stored in your head,as young unmatured person you might still commit the offence but you won't go far,you ll come back and you "berhijrah' one day.

Pictures in this entry are from my Iphone:) To those asking about my new Olympus,it is not the coolest or expensive model.It was released a month ago and  called "OLYMPUS VH-510". I can't remember the exact price but it was about RM799 or less after discount,with additional accesories like screen protector ,tripod etc it costs me RM900 plus..well still under RM1K..and that was my budget;);) And please note that i have edited some photos on my Mac Air was so cool to edit pictures from Mac some is not really 'raw' from Olympus but they are good enough.When i have time i will snap the picture of the camera it is hiding in my closet because Heni tends to 'hide' many gadget in our house;)

I am doing some makeover to my garden now and i am loving it:);) Our new parasol will arrive soon and i hope it will give 'holiday' ambience to my garden. I always have blooms in my garden apart from me being passionate about perenial, i know my emak and the whole family love it.We like to sit in the garden and do our activities.Yesterday my husband helped me touching up the old garden sets with new white all old items look like new! Thanks Papa:);) I am thinking about building a cubby house for the girls will be too expensive to buy Little Tikes cubby house,it can fetch up to RM4K! i am scouting around and it will be our next project:) Good thing about gardening it teaches the children many many wonders and give calmness to elderly...nothing give you satisfaction more than sharing beautiful things with people you loved ..especially yang melahirkan dan membesarkan..that is the best fertilizer to your garden!

Alhamdulillah my Bokitta hijabs have arrived! Happy,happy..cant wait to try tomorrow:)

And the two telekungs i ve ordered for myself and Uwan to sambut Ramadhan have arrived too! Time flies so fast 'Ramadhan is coming!!!" Alhamdulillah Ya Allah!

Talking about how time flies so fast..i received this invitation this morning:):) Anak Dato' M.Nasir pun nak kahwin:):) Terima kasih atas undangan..kenal him lama dulu:);) Dia selalu kacau2 me with funny questions sebab i lawyer..once before Bob Lokman 'berhijrah' lagi, he asked Bob to call me on my mobile and pretend to be a layman having problem with orang nak tarik kereta..hee..hee.He even posed me with 'deep' question like "kenapa manusia di lahirkan jahat? ..they are sensitive question that if you are not 'matured' enough you will jump.But i gave him a 'deep answer' too:):)

Sempena berpuasa..i am giving my recipe to those asking about rendang ayam kampung Negeri Sembilan.Very easy maa..1,2,3 only:) But this one is without chili at all! Why? Because Tia Mia pun dah pandai makan my rendang..they said " i like to eat yellow chicken like you made in kampung during raya!" alolo sian anak mama nak makan rendang heee..heee.

1 ekor ayam kampung,salai kat atas api sampai masak di luar.
cilipadi,seinci kunyit,5 batang serai, sedikit halia,lengkuas,bawang merah dan putih,santan dan asam keping.
Ayam yang dah salai potong dan cuci,toskan, Tumbuk cili dengan kunyit dan garam dah hancur masuk bahan lain tumbuk hingga pecah termasuk lah serai. Masuk ayam dan bahan tumbuk dalam dalam kuali,kacau sampai air kering dan bau wangi keluar, masukkan santan pekat dari 2 bijik kelapa or 2 kotak santan.kacau,masukkan garam secukup rasa dan sekeping asam, biar sampai kering dan pekat,bila dah pekat boleh masukkan macam daun puding atau terung pipit.

Selamat mencuba dan sangat sedap makan masa panas2 dengan nasi panas2 dan timun sejuk2:):)



  1. Aslmkm Azu..
    Baru je comment tiba2 dah ada entri baru..nanti nak try Rendang Nogori you..

  2. Assalam Mama Tia Mia,
    Tell Uwan that she doesn't look a day above 70! I am so amazed that she is going to be 90 in June, MasyaAllah!
    You are one lucky daughter to be able to look after your Mum in her old age and cater for all her needs. May Allah bless you in so many ways for doing this for Uwan.

  3. Alhamdulillah...masyaAllah...u really touched many hearts with yr writing sista, may be u should compile it and buat buku hadiah to Tia mia bila dia org da akil baligh kan..hehe

  4. Terharunya baca..mengalir air mata ni...cerita antara ibu, anak dan Allah. Semoga uwan sihat selalu.

  5. i just love every single words dalam blog akak..semuanya sederhana dan positif :)

  6. i just love every single words dalam blog akak..semuanya sederhana dan positif :)

  7. kak zu edit gambar dalam Macbook pakai software apa?

  8. thanks respi rendang sedap kak zue tu...

  9. semoga uwan terus mendapat keberkatan umur hendaknya.. cerita ibu & anak dan cerita nak dan ibu dari kak zu sentiasa menjadi motivasi utk saya menjadi anak dan ibu yg lebih baik.. thanks yer.. may Allah blessed u & ur family.. insyaAllah..

  10. Salam Zu...terharu baca entry Zu ni..Kak sham baru jer melawat ibu kak sham dikampung...dia tak sihat... Betul tu Zu...apabila ibu kita sakit, kita mulai risau, sedangkan mereka kuat dan tabah...Kita sebagai anak tetap mendoakan yang terbaik untuk mereka...Dan satu lagi..kak sham nak pi pasarler..nak cari ayam pencen..nak try resepi Zu ni hehe. Boleh kot kalau pakai ayam pencen kan Zu...

  11. salam kak zu...setiap kali baca entry kat zu pasal hubungan uwan dan kak zu..i'll touched...k zu..terima kasih byk2..dulu saya tgh down pasal something which relates to 'kpg' matter..Tuhan temukan saya dgn blog so happy with the spirit that you provide me thru your touched you k zu..

  12. azu..what a wonderful tazkirah for TiaMia..u also as a motivator utk sesiapa yg membaca blog MTM ini..aku juga rasa mcm diberi semangat setiap kali membaca tulisan u..
    heh! azu..u buat rendang tak pakai kerisik ya..dah lama duduk melaka.. nak buat rendang n9 pun kdg2 terlupa.. tapi masak lomak cili api tak ponah lupo....

  13. salaam mamatiamia :-)..

    lama tak tinggal jejak kat sini:-)..uwan walaupun dah nak masuk 90 tahun nampak sihat..alhamdulillah..tia & mia pun kejap her dah 5 tahun :-)
    lovee the garden and the flowers L-)..those rabbit apa khabar yea?.

  14. oopss tertinggal lak komen lagi satu, mohd ilham tu me rasa quite young jugak kan..early 20's..alhamdulillah dah sampai jodoh dia..

  15. Assalam...

    I love u kak zu...uwan, tia n mia...
    Nama mia pn dekat dgn nama anak sulung saya, iman damia.
    stju sgt dgn komen2 yg lain. mmg akak byk bg motivasi pd pembaca. semoga Allah bg keampunan kpd kak,uwan,tia mia dan mjadikan akak seorg yg terus berjasa mmberikan semangat pd pbaca. moga terus berada dlm rahmat Allah.
    uwan,semoga panjang umur sb kak zu selalu buat kami gembira dan bt kami brasa syg pd ibu kami. bila kak zu cerita uwan happy, besar sgt makna kgembiraan seorg ibu pd anaknya. no wonder if kak zu selalu murah rezeki...
    Semoga kak zu terus dpt berbakti pd uwan dlm jgka masa yg lm... love love love

  16. Zu, tarikh lahir akak sama dgn ibumu, Uwan. Syukur alhamdullillah sbb mak Zu masih sihat dan nampak muda dari usia. Amalan takkan membuat kita lupa... - Kak Mazlizah

  17. salam kak zu..
    Alahmdulillah Uwan semakin sihat dan ceria harapnye. Sebak masa baca part Uwan cakapa masa sakit tu. Alhamdulillah Allah masih beri peluang kepada ka zu dan keluarga untuk berbakti kepada Uwan. Saya juga seperti pembaca yang lain rasa sangat motivated bila baca entry2 dalam blog kak zu. Yela umur masih muda.. cepat panas..kadang terlanjur bicara dengan ibu bapa.. my bad :-(
    But now i am learning from you sis. By the way i am married now. Almost a month. ;-) My mother in law orang nogori. so blog kak zu jugakla sebagai sumber resepi. hehe. senang n simple je bila resepi kak zu. tengah try n error gak masak nogori. keep writing good thing and inspiring others sis. love u.

  18. Alhamdulillah. Nikmat usia dalam kesihatan, kebahgiaan bersama anak2 dan cucu2.
    Wah u kenal M Nasir! Gurau senda dan discuss deep questions lagi. Bestnya. His son dah nak married. So fast the children grow.

  19. Salam sis... Saye silent reader tp nak komen gak.... Seriius uwan tu dah 90? Mmg kuat semangatla.... Basicly org yg kuat semangat/ hidup dlm persekitaran yg happy/ tanpa tekanan, boleh hidup lama n sihat wal afiat....

    Lg 1, nak tanyekan, biasenye bunga2 tu boleh hidup berape lama? Serius cantiknye ur garden... :)

    Psttt :- inilah satu2 nye blog yg saya bace penuh dgn warna warni, bahasa yg baik, tak menunjuk2 and all...tenang aje.... :)
