Saturday, June 23, 2012

24/6/12- We are 5 and we need tickets to go anywhere!

First Alhamdulillah to Allah Swt:) Rasa macam semalam tidur tepi bilik air air muntah 24 jam,rasa semalam berdebar menunggu perut kena belah,rasa semalam duduk memeluk lutut atas OT table yang sejuk utk di cucuk epidural di tulang belakang..dan rasa semalam jugak kebahagiaan datang ..Alhamdulillah membuka mata hari ni masih bahagia:):) Yeayyy both are 5 on 24/6..and no more free entrance to anywhere!! ahaaaa tickets are needed girls you are big girl already..may both of you be blessed by Allah Swt always..that's doa from mama and papa:)

No big celebration, no catering..just my kitchen catering for us:):)

I went into kitchen at 5.00pm and started to throw things into oven,cut and diced and cooked some simple dishes;) By 6.30pm I was done, chicken and beef already in the oven with slow fire.

This is our RM6.90 decoration,bought the balloons at party shop,asked Heni to blow and i decorated the outdoor a bit to give some party feel for the girls:)

The girls were sleeping upstairs and i had ample time to place the balloons at several places:)

Everything is ready now..the girls came down and they were so happy and thank me many many times;):)

We picked the cake from nearby shop:) and to the commentor "ovencomel" thank you very much for the info..i dah visit your blog,semua cake nampak cantik:) InsyAllah one day:)

The girls so happy with her castles:) This one is for school party,if we cut at home it will go wasted..besar tak habis nanti:) so we had two cakes..for cutting at night i bought a small red velvet:) Monday they can go to school with this cake...Teacher Claire already made a piƱata as requested by them:)

The two are so happy with the ballerina dress. I bought online from Australia,it took the dress 4 weeks before they reach here...harga dress tak mahal tapi menunggu dgn shipping cost lah:)

Gaya lah girls this is your birthday;)

Ishhh gaya lagi:)

The girls and pashik:) selain us pashik and kak ikin came with their presents:)

Alhamdulillah..mama is so happy sayang:)

So yang ini tengok ajer lah dulu ya:)

Haaa..yang ini kita potong..blow the candles and make a wish girls:) 

Okay makan time...semua orang pun dah santai2 tunggu food.

Tia cakap sedap sangat ni:);)

My coleslaw..papa said better than Dave Deli..hee..hee

My super hot..hitam legam black pepper beef:)

My fruit cocktails in evaporated milk.

For nasi lover..don't worry ada jugak lauk okay.

Goreng sepat bercili tempoyak.

The nice red velvet.

Meriah time.

Tia loves the chicken so much:)

Ha..haaa anakdara siapa makan buruk sangat ni?:)

Adoiii sedap bonar ko? nanti mama buat lagi ya.

Eat girls..

Present time..thank you kak ikin:)

Kak ikin bought a summer hat.

And these beautiful dresses are from Pakcik..Thank You pakcik! You will have your present from mama papa tomorrow morning okay:) sleep tight..esok pagi kita makan nasi goreng special.Mama and Papa love you very very much:)

To those yang wished Tia Mia or been reading our blog since they debot2..thanks so much.Good night and salam..the organizer is too tired:)..


  1. happy birthday both darling tia sweet both of you :-)

    ya Allah laparlaaaaa tgk the birthday food, bebunyi bunyi perut i...share the chick recipe plssssss hehehehe

  2. Happy Birthday Tia and Mia.Kesian tak ada saudara sebaya umur dia orang untuk enjoy the celebration

  3. happy birthday tia dan mia
    part tidur tepi bilik air sebab muntah tu yang best tu...hihi
    pssttt akak pun sama :))

    Kalau akak kat sana mlm tu (berangan) ikan sepat pedas goreng tempoyak tu yang akak serbu dulu :))

  4. Happy birthday Tia and Mia.
    May your lives be always blessed and surrounded by people you love.
    Sangat seronok tengok Tia Mia pakai the ballerina dresses tu, so so comel!

  5. Hepi Besday Tia dan Mia. wah cantiknya pakai baju ballerina tu. jauh tu baju dtg dr sini :)

  6. happy birthday dear tia, mia!
    simple yet special celebration.
    soon it will be your turn to organise a party for your sweet mama :)
    enjoy your party at school.
    so charming of teacher claire
    to prepare a pinata specially for tiamia.
    so pretty the castle cake
    for princesses tia and mia.
    mama mesti tersenyum gembira bila tia mia thank mama many many times

  7. happy birthday girls... my doa to u all the best,ur mama dishes look tempting especially ikan sepat plus tempoyak....

  8. happy birthday tia mia.. semoga dirahmati allah selalu ;)

    aunty Alyah

  9. Happy birthday tia mia~~
    Moga membesar jd anak yg solehah...
    Jaga mama mcm mama jaga uwan tau,jg papa juga...

    Sejukkan katil besi tu kak zue. saya 2tahun bturut perut ditoreh...alhamdulillah. suka ada anak rapat. btau hb nak twin for last,hihi...hb garu kepala.

    smoga keluarga kak zue terus dimurahkan rzk dan terus bkongsi cerita kpd pembaca tegar ni

  10. salam...
    happy 5th birthday tia mia.semoga menjadi anak solehah yg membahagiakan mama papa dan uwan.

    suka sangat baca blog kak zu bila
    teringat kat arwah anak saya yg sebaya diaorang...selalu membayangkan kalau anak saya masih ada mesti dah besar macam ni..

  11. Assalamualaikum...
    Selamat hati lahir..tiamia..sapa yg lahir dulu aunty dh lupa la..ada baca dulu..mklum la dh tua2 ni..pelupa dah ni ;)
    Moga mmbesar mnjadi anak yg solehah...murah rezki..dan diberkati Allah sepanjang masa...jgn lupa mama dan papa a good daughter mcm your mama ok :)

  12. happy besday dear tia and mia, both look dah besar and slim in the ballerina dress..autie doakan moga menjadi anak yang soleh, taat kepada perintah allah dan rasul, sentiasa mendengar kata papa & mama, sayangi dan sentiasa mendoakan papa dan mama yer..:-)

  13. Happy 5th birthday to Tia Khadeja n Mia Ayesya (x sure betul tak combination Nama depa ni n ejaan jugak)moga gembira n sihat selalu.Dah besar pun budak twins ni

  14. Happy 5th birthday Tia n Mia...nice ballerina dress n castle cake..bertuah Tia Mia ada mama yg rajin masak n btul2 caring kat korang..dah besar nnt jgn lupa balas jasa mama papa yea..

  15. May Allah swt bless tia mia on yr BIRTHDAY n always :))

  16. Askum kak zue,

    Happy birthday to tia mia. Walaupun dah terlambat.Moga tiamia jadi anak solehah spt yg kak zue impikan.

    Cantik dress tue.....

  17. Happy b'day tia & mia. Setuju dgn zu, Syukur dgn apa yg kita ada, hargai apa yang kita ada sebab tak semua yg kita ada akan ada selamanya. kerna yang kekal ada hanyalah DIA...

  18. Salam Kak Zu....the Red Velvet cake looks soooooo gooodddd....mana nak order tu? Please share, thanks!

  19. Tia Mia punya jacket present from Pakcik tu sama macam Hannah punya.. beli kat Jusco Cheras Selatan ..boleh join pakai sama-sama.. hihihi
