Sunday, June 24, 2012

Special sunday:)

Salam mamalisa,kasihredha,LG,umiyumi,Annhuzi, herlyna,Aunty Alyah,Ummi,Umimiqdad,Saniah,Salmi,Nbi Sepah Puteri,qaseh johanna,shamsuhada,greetingsfromengland,Aisyah Rafael,Ovencomel,Zila,Ibunurin,Anon,HanisAzla.Terimakasih utk doa dan kata2 yang baik.

Buat Anon yang simpati TiaMia tak ada rakan sebaya datang meraikan..terimakasih atlas keprihatinan yang sangat  tak berbelah bagi ya..but Alhamdulillah we are happy and syukur:) We don't focus on the things that we don't have but we look at the things we have..for that we syukur..bila syukur hati pun happy..menerima seribu macam kegembiraan diberi Allah Swt dan bukan melihat satu,dua perkara yang tak ada.We didn't have bouncy castles,we didn't have clown,we didn't have the same age kids singing birthday song.we didn't have happening music,we didn't have many many things but we have the most precious from Allah Swt- we have life,we have family,we have love,we have food,we have shelter,we have well wishes,we have doas..Subhanallah tiada apa yang tidak cukup diberi Allah Swt. 

Our doa biarlah hati sentiasa senang,biarlah perasaan sentiasa bersyukur..itu tak terbeli dengan apa jenis wang ringgit jugak.Doa lagi biarlah hati sentiasa bersih....melihat keliling dan tumpang gembira dengan kegembiraan orang..sangat senang nak gembira sebenarnya..tumpang gembira melihat kebun LG dan masakannya di Perth,tumpang bersyukur membaca pengalaman hidup Umiyumi di bumi Australia, Happy melihat hasil kraftangan Salmi yang sangat tinggi standardnya, suka melihat masakan dan halaman kasihredha, terharu membaca tulisan Annhuzi yang ikhlas, Menitik airliur melihat keindahan bumi England dari blog greetingsfromengland..terharu jugak dilawati kawan lama Shamsuhada..dan kalau nak disebut lagi memang banyak..kesemua blog kawan2 yang meninggalkan komen2 disini..are just awesome..everybody been blessed by Allah Swt..i just the see the beauty in their lifes..i see "the more" in them, i didn't see "the less" as i feel honoured and special been allowed to  look into somebody's kitchen,into somebody's living room,into somebody's share the picture of the  their loved ones, to feel the happiness of the special event in their share the  saddest share the happiest  moment. 

I am not writing in my blog for money,not writing to be famous..not forcing people to read..I am writing for my own come i feel honored, this is my 'home',this is 'my life'..i welcome you.i accept your salam ,i treasure your doa:);) 

I like looking at Tia playing the white grand piano..tak mampu beli pun cutup lah dapat main2:) 

Sunday we went to Lake Garden and we took Uwan with us,It is a special one as the last time uwan came here was before her operation,when she was sicked i look at her picture here and i felt very sad.

These are the present for the two from mama papa- all Dora things- ada kawan ke Gold Cost and belikan these for Tiamia..banyak segala benda Dora and the two sangat happy..tak habis2 ucap terimakasih:)

They had so much fun playing together:) Alhamdulillah you have each other..when i was small my big sister already finished her school and worked in the city..i was alone at kampung..still i got the sweetest memories..still i syukur tak terhingga for the life i had..if people ask'anything you want to change during your childhood?"..Nope..i just want to bersyukur more.:)

What are you thinking there papa? Want to get bouncy castles for Tia and Mia for her next birthday? Want to throw the most happening party for them? No need papa..i just love the way we celebrated yesterday..we sembahyang berimam together..we doa, we hold hands,we kissed and hugged our kids;) That means the world to me:) Insyallah tomorrow Tia Mia gonna have a blast with her friends at school:):)

My best picture of the day:) Tia Mia may not be surrounded by rakan sebaya but surrounded by elderly people.Some people might think it is a pity..kesian birthday pun bersama orang2 tua.. I don't feel kesian for them at all..i sujud syukur to Allah girls are just 5 but she got to spend time with her Uwan who is already 89! Our umur tak tahu lagi..oneday when we are old..really really old..we will appreciate it if we can become part of our grandchildren there for them,give and receive love:)

Uwan you are the best companion to Tia and Mia! I never have any regret or difficulty in adjusting things around me to include you as part of our life:) All of us love you..Tia Mia so bless to have birthday at 6 stars hotel can equal our little celebration..celebration that comes from heart..that comes from syukur.

The two had fun at the garden;)

He always here to welcome us:)

Comot lady tidur bawah pokok..bangun tudung serabai? Comot pun comot lah,masa kecik tak pernah celebrate birthday,tak pernah ada cake..tak ada rakan sebaya sentiasa..Alhamdulillah diberi Allah Swt kehidupan,kesihatan,keluarga..moga dia terus dapat petunjuk dan hidayah.Sorry she's a bit emotional today since this is her children birthday and she shared this special moment with everybody out there...terlebih terkurang biarlah dia saja yang menentukannya...ohh she is so over protective terhadap orang2 tua..her mom..don't mess up with her with it comes to Uwan or her children! esok dia pun kan tua;) dengar dia membebel today..this is her blog and she can bebel2 sampai malam.

Sunday evening..the girls continue to play with Dora:)

Main2 gaduh..papa lah tukang pujuk:)

The comot lady pulak teringin nak makan beef curry yang sedap..since her niece now halaluya makan kat Penang.

So she masak beef curry lagi sedap dari line clear.

Kalau ada beefcurry sedap makan with nasi lembek sikit dan timun sejuk:)

We love Salmon!Happy eating girls and syukur untuk hari yang baik today:)

Pisang emas dibawa belayar masak sebijik di atas peti,hati yang bersih tak dapat dibayar,hati yang kelam membawa mati.

P.s yang bertanya ikan sepat tu fresh ke kering? yang kering:) Kalau yg fresh sedap gulai..tapi mana nak dapat?;):)


  1. smeoga Tia Mia membesar menjadi anak yg solehah, ameen :)))) my son's birthday is on 3rd July, kita pun mmg jenis tak buat birthday party celebration kat dia, he is going to be 9 alhamdulillah, kita cuma invive his 2 best friends utk sleep over dan movies night at our place, tu je :)))) you are right Zu, yg penting anak2 kita tahu we are always there for them and they are loved by us no matter what, inshaAllah...

    Yatie :)

  2. Salam kak zu.. setuju sangat.. kita mmg kena lebih bersyukur dgn apa yg kita ada dari mengeluh dan berduka cita dgn apa yg kita takde.. sweetnya all the dora things tu.. comel mcm tia mia juga..

  3. Salam Kak Zue,

    happy belated birthday to TiaMia :)
    Kak Zue, just don't bother with that anonymous's comment.
    Keep up the positive aura you have within you and thanks for spreading the vibes to us your reader :)


  4. Assalamualaikum Kak Zu,
    Ya betul tu, seorang kawan saya pernah mengingatkan "Untuk rasa gembira kita perlu bersyukur, bukan hanya apabila gembira, baru nak bersyukur".

    Sukalah tengok set Dora tuh. Nak cari jugaklah di sini. Memang tengah berfikir nak beli apa for my nieces for shipping home.

  5. Our doa biarlah hati sentiasa senang,biarlah perasaan sentiasa bersyukur..itu tak terbeli dengan apa jenis wang tiz qoutes very much, tqvm MTM n happy belated birthday to yr tia mia ya, priceless gift to all of us being human..lot of loves n prayers, u got both MTM, alhamdulillah kan...

  6. Kak zue,

    entry nie emosi cikit kan. Tapi betul la pa yg kak zue bgtau.yg penting masa kita bersama anak2 dulu, sambut dgn family je dh ckup asalkan anak2 happy.

    tiap kali ada entry baru mseti baca, kalu hubby da kt sebelah, mesti sy kena tegur xde masak2 yg special mcm dlm gmbr kak, skrg masih dlm proses belajar pelbgai resepi utk family...

    jgn bhenti tulis entry yg mberi sy inspirasi k..

  7. Salam Zu,
    sedapnya kari daging tu.. umi pun selalu import rempah kari dan penang dan juga rempah2 mak siti. timun tu nampak sedap mkn dgn sambal belacan terangkat habis. kat sini tak ada pisang emas. mungkin sbb dah dibawa belayar kot hehe..

    samalah dulu kecik2 tak pernah celebrate besday, tak ada kek. hadiah pun tak ada. tp hidup mmg sentiasa ceria, Alhamdulillah. Tia Mia sangat bertuah dpt membesar dgn penuh kasihsayang dan ada Uwan di depan mata. just like me when I was small.. pegi mana2 dgn tok (my grandma), tidur dgn tok, mkn masakan tok, dan paling manja dgn tok. tak ada pengalaman yg lebih berharga dari itu :)

  8. happy belated birthday tia mia :). betul ckp akak, kita kena sentiasa bersyukur dgn apa yg kita ada. dengan bersyukur buat hati kita lagi gembira & postif. lagipun kan tia mia still celebrate kat school dgn kwn2. tak ada yg kurang pun.

  9. Zu...jangan dilayan emosi sangat ya,think positive supaya aura positive you boleh dipanjang-panjangkan kepada reader you yg lain.

    Happy Belated Birthday to both Princess.

    Take care and " hugs "

  10. tak tahan tgk gmbr "main2 gaduh" tu. mmg typical action. muka sorang tgk nangis lagi sorang muka buat donno. hahaha What a happy life kak zu when we do focus on what we have and eel syukur rather than feel tak cukup segala.

  11. waaaa sedapnya kari lagi sedap dari line clear kat pulau pinang tu .....

  12. pisang emas! i like! hehe i focus on my favret things !
    yang merajuk akak ke adik?
    main2 gaduh lepas tu main lagi, macam kat rumah ni.
    baru warna warni kan.

    truly, tia mia is getting the best of experience, the best of lessons, the most beautiful of illustrations, the sweetest of memories,
    that is, seeing mama lovingly takes good care of her dear mum.
    azu, i ni yang tak punya blog menumpang syok sendiri kat sini haha ;)
    beauty in the hearts not all people can see, kan.. ;)
    yang melihat pada zahir, rugi lah tak dapat nikmat the real, deep, lasting, meanings of happiness :)
    we never had celebrations, presents in our younger days yet we had fond memories of our childhood.
    and today my children never had parties except for in house celebration with a small cake and small presents from the mum only. abang akak pun belum pandai nak belikan adek2 hadiah :D
    my son wanted a party to invite frens like his schoolmate but i said sorry, that's not our family's style.

    betul, betul, betul! uwan the best companion to Tia and Mia. more precious than gold!
    beauty surrounded with hearts and blings!
    we can never say enough syukur
    kan azu.
    tia mia pun dah pandai
    and cannot stop saying thanks :)

    kawan tia mia di sini pun loves all things dora!

  13. Lama auntie tak jenguk sini..
    Dan baru dapat tengok Tia Mia semula tru FB :-)

    This is a lovable entry. It bring tears to my eyes.. May Allah bless us all with more happiness insyaAllah. Amin.

    To the girls, you are the apples of mama's eyes.. stay cute and be good as always.

    Auntie Zubye.

  14. Hidup ni tak semua yang kita nak Allah akan memang kena selalu bersyukur dengan apa yg ada.
    Akak setuju 100% dgn apa yg zu tulis diatas...yg penting minda mesti selalu positive :)
    no dengki2...kan :)

    Part gaduh2 tu biasa la kan...pastu baik balik...baru meriah suasana. Kalau dah besar nanti dah x gaduh2 dah :)

  15. bab2 birthday ni is all a personal choice, tak leh nak terikut2 this themes and trends and what people say. as long the kids enjoy it and they are happy with what they hv is all tt matters end of day so why beat ourselves up about it. i bet they will remember this very personal special birthday with just their parents, Uwan and family more than all the more elaborate so called fashionable birthdays they are going to hv in years to come, im sure :)

  16. alhamdulillah...saya suka baca kisah tia n mia...saya pun ad saudara kembar n kami pun kembar seiras... we are 21..^^ moga satu hari nnti saya pn dikurniakan anak kembar... moga tia mia jadi anak yg solehah buat mama n papa..hepy bday tia n mia..

  17. k so happy to see tia mia simple besday celebration..k zu selalu selitkan semayang berjemaah dan bersyukur segmen..unsur2 agama tak pernah dilupakan..i like it so much..and that makes you differ..k zu, i never celebrate my son besday..cuma beli sebiji kek dan potong2 bg kengkawan opis makan..itu cara saya..dan cara k zu begitu utk meraikan your tia mia..and we are happy with that..kan?

  18. salam, hope not too late to wish your pretty twins 'happy birthday'! good to see you had a nice birthday weekend with family tersayang…thats the main thing really. you can have a full scale bday bash, or a small getogether tanda kesyukuran, many strict muslim families i know here choose not to celebrate at all. whatever suits you and makes you happy really. love the food, the fuschia pink dresses/dora prezies and most of all your lovely words! with love from england...

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Salam Zu,

    Im ur Silent Reader for quite some time..we have so much in common , nama sama, n i have twin girl yours..but mine..baru 2 yo.
    Happy to read ur blog..n seem like ur entry today, u sedikit tersentuh with the comment.Hope u tak masuk kepala hehehe, maybe niat dia baik.

    Salam kenal.

  21. Emo sikit tak pa janji hati tak? Anyway i ni 3 anak tak prnah celebrate party dgn kwn2 pun...dgn kami je dan kdg2 mak2 dan pak2 sedara dtg dgn ank2 msg2...kiranya kwn2 anak2 i geng cousin je...takpe anak akan dpt wishes dr kwn2 kat sklh nnt..

    .bila dh besar remaja nnt akan ada kwn2 baik yg pakat berbelanja pulak...
    I tgk anak2 happy je takde komplen pun..:)
    Takyah ambil hati ya dgn komen cik anon tu :)
    Moga Allah berikan hidayah pd dia..mgkn dia jenis suka berparty besar2 kot..but for me birthday ni private dan sepatutnya sambut dgn parents n ahli keluarga...sbb takde mereka maka takde lah thankful to Allah n thankful to them :)

  22. as salam

    Hmm...I used to go lake garden with my parent. Both of them on wheel chair, they can walk but we prefer to let them sit on wheel chair. Zue, u lucky coz uwan still can walk, but somehow their condition never stop us from any holiday,window shopping ant xtvt. The most important, I wanna to see their smile when I wake up everyday....i guess u too.
    Tia mia....insyallah u'll treat ur mum like how ur mum treat uwan.

    Ikan sepat idup...meh sini pasar tani taman melawati ada

  23. Aslmkm Azu...
    I hope it's not too late for me to wish those two darlings A Happy Belated Birthday! Wish all the best things in life for them.

    Azu, do what you think is best for them..Mother knows best..

  24. I pun setuju 100% dgn what you wrote. You said it really well :-).
    There will always be people who are much wealthier, happier, luckier than us every time. But at the same time, there will be people who are poorer, sicker and not so lucky compared to us.
    So, memang kita sepatutnya sentiasa bersyukur dengan apa yg Allah dah bagi kat kita kan instead of thinking about what we dont have all the time.
    My girls pun takde sedara mara sepupu sepapat kat sini, we are all alone in terms of family. Takde family to celebrate birthdays with, takde family kenduri kendara.
    But we are happy with just the four of us because we choose to be happy instead of being depressed and sad.
    From all your photos, I think Tia Mia do not lack anything. They always seem very happy because they are surrounded by your love :-).

  25. assalammualaikum kak zu..
    hehehe..da 5 thn tia mia...lansing & jelita now.kejap je masa berlalu, owh..betul la kak zu..x apa xde sedara sebaya asalkan tia mia dapat merasa kan kasih syg semua org..itu da lebih dr cukup..kasih syg lebih penting..umur x menjadi masalah.. ceria je tia mia masa besday dia.. hug & kiss utk tia mia.. hepi belated besday..moga menjadi anak yg solehah & diberikan kesihatan yg baik.

  26. Happy Belated Birthday buat Tia dan Mia.. Semoga mereka berdua membesar menjadi anak yang solehah, bijak dan secantik ibunya (luaran dan dalaman).

    Setiap tulisan akak dalam blog ni penuh pengajaran.. Akak seorang yang positif dan Nur suka melihat cara akak berfikir..

    Dah terlalu banyak nikmat yg Allah kurniakan pada kita semua dan hendaklah kita sentiasa bersyukur..

    Berblog juga boleh memberi peluang pada kita untuk mengubah cara kita berfikir dan bertindak.. Sesungguhnya apa yang kita lalui dalam hidup ni, sangat berharga.. Melihat insan tersayang gembira, ia sangatlah bermakna.

    Suka kata akak ni.. "We have life,we have family,we have love,we have food,we have shelter,we have well wishes,we have doas".
