Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Rejab Cooking Diary.

 Salam Rejab! Alhamdulillah:) I ve been very busy..with so many things to do and settle:) Hot season has kicked in..puasa can be challenging in this weather,need to drink lots&lots of water after buka. I ve been cooking for my buka puasa, just some simple lauks but it made my tummy and everbody's else happy. Above is "Fried Rebung with daging"- I used rebung cina in a packet from a supermarket.It's a quick lauk,very fast to cook in the evening -pound some dried chillies,onion and garlic,fry until the nice aroma comes out,add in the beef,stir until brown,finally, add in the thinly sliced rebung,and some salt,fry until really cook and dry.Serve hot with a plate of steam rice,a soup and cucumber..yummeh:)

Yesterday i cooked sambal sotong bersantan and tumis labu air:) 

This is the thing that i cooked but i didn't eat;) Lamb Chop! Since the papa loves it, walaupun tak makan kambing i do cook once in a while, i just bought the marinated lamb chop from the supermarket,throw it in the oven, boiled some potatoes and made a potato salad.

The usual puasa dessert- bubur cha cha chaaaa..add some bananas for sweet aroma.

Dessert for last night..heaven..chocolate fondant from the local bakery..it has chocolate lava inside ..you ll love it if you are a die heart fan of chocolate.

Anyway penat pun Chef suka hati...why?

Well she has recieved her 70 pieces beautiful Port Meirion ladies from UK:)

Now she can;t wait to go holiday..holiday ehhh? Supposed to be work isn't it?..hee hee who said you can't mix business with pleasure;) That's the picture of the little apartment we booked in Paris, it's a 5 mins walk to Eiffel Tower.

Selamat Berpuasa to those yang berpuasa today:):)


  1. I definately agreed with you,who said we can't mix business with pleasure kan.Myself selalu juga ikut my husband fly here and there.Since I just entitle to pay 10% only for tix and free accommodation. Memang it;s really pleasures for me ...hehheheheh.

  2. Salam Zu..
    selamat berpuasa.. wah cantiknya set portmeirion tu. patutlah chef nampak lebih semangat. bestnye nak ke paris. hopefully dpt sampai jugak ke sana one day :)

  3. salam kak zu..
    wah, bestnye dpt pegi holiday even kena keje jgak.. lg best tia mia pun ada sekali =)

  4. lapar jadinya... aiseh menggoda betul la... especially gambo yang first tu! :)
    saya pun selalu juga cari peluang nak mix business and pleasure, especially bila ada peluang kerja di luar negara... alang2 dah sampai tu, harus gunakan waktu tu sebaik mungkin, kan?

    all the best kak zu... and selamat berpuasa di bulan rejab juga. ;P

  5. kak zu,,
    laparrrr tgk lauk pauk kak zu.menggodaaaaa you,heheh

  6. re: kami dah balik holiday dah.. ke hong kong saja this year.. the photo from plane was actually gold coast.. tahun depan klau ada rezki boleh jalan2 lagi.. i bet the twins mesti tak sabar tunggu July..!! selamat berpuasa ya! :))

  7. Salam Kak Zu, kat mana beli set apron utk anak tu? Bagi tau ye. Nak beli utk anak gak. TQ-Ash Zahrah

  8. love the foodie..time2 posa nie selalu jer hilang idea nak masak apa..and that apartment interior is very nice biarpun simple..and lovee the portmeirion collection too :-)

  9. Salam Kak zu, boleh tau dekat mana Kak Zue beli chocolate cake yang sgt heaven tu? Thank you

  10. 5 mins walk to eiffel tower...bestnyerr..enjoy yr holiday nanti MTM n dont forget to share it with us ya..:))

  11. Aslmkm Azu..
    Bila tengok masakam u buat I terguling2.
    I lvoe kampung food..but I dont make a habit to cook lauk kampung kat rumah only on occasion...takut gemuk..lagi pun perut cepat berangin.
    Tapi bila makan kat luar..huss semangat tak nampak org sebelah.

  12. tak sabar nak tunggu gambar-gambar kat Paris pulak..

  13. kakak.. so cantik la ur port meirion pinggan.. i like it very very very much


  14. sedap2nyer yang maa tia-mia masak.. pelik2 dan rare pulak tu :)
    kita main ulang tayang resepi sama je hehe.. tu pun nsb baik pndai masak... :)
    kak zue msh berpuasa? alhmdulillah, zte dh abis qada puasa... selamat mgQADA dan berpuasa sunat bulan rejab yer :)

    heeeee bestnyer, dekat eiffel tower tu !!

  15. that's a nice looking apartment u got there....cant wait to see photos from your trip :)

  16. dear..do you mind sharing where did you buy the portmeirion no border tu?..sgt cantek =)
