Sunday, June 3, 2012

Short trip to The Hill.


We just arrived from Colmar Tropicale,Bukit Tinggi and mama is terribly tired.Tired because of the activities and also kena urut di La Lavende..kena uli macam tepung:) But we had a good time walaupun one night stay ajer, hope Uwan enjoy her holiday too,she is currently at paktih house in N9,maklang sent her on Saturday and supposed to be back at our house tomorrow:)

I need a big rest tonight,so i just uploaded all these pictures before i go down and fix  a simple dinner for tonight.So enjoy the pictures ,they are pretty much the same if you ve been there:) This is the 3rd trip for the girls and the 6th  for us....not much but a good place to unwind with good magazine and book plus my girls love to play bubbles there.

It was an unplanned trip,since Uwan was away i just redeemed my reward points with Agoda on Thursday,lucky there's still one bedroom suite left.

I love their room and bed.

The girls love it was big and we had a good sleep.

The very french feel.

The study table with the signature table lamp.

The spacious kitchenette

The bathroom with french tiles.

The dressing table with somebody inside:)

The view.Colmar is a french village in Alsace,France..i googled and it shows that it will take you 2 1/2 train rides from Paris to reach there.

After we freshen up we went down to jalan2.

Favourite activity here since small is to play bubbles.

Bubbles bubbles everywhere.

happy girls.

Bubble in my face:)

The usual view.

La Blason,place to have buffet breakfast.

The French windows.

Time to go in now.

Colmar at night.

The Tower by our bedroom.

Night ingat nak relax2..the girls nak tengok show,asked the papa to go but nak heret me jugak...

The girls love the dancing very much and they regret it tak sempat naik pentas to join the dancers for closing.

The next morning,after breakfast,the girls went with papa to to swim,mama went for uli2 at La Lavende.

After swim,we watched the show and Tia took like hundred pictures with my phone.

Picture by Tia,this dancer is very beautiful,she looks like Julia Roberts.

Finally tercapai hajat nak naik pentas.

Gelek adik gelek.

Groovy groovy.

Yeayyy big clap for 2 of you for being brave ;):)

After pengsan makan jom balik.

Okay peeps got to go down and cook now..maybe i cook kari udang with terung tonight after eating too much pasta and pizza. 

See ya..thanks for the comments below..Philahdelphia will be next time;);) very soon:)


  1. Salam Zu,
    rindu tgk colmar. kalau boring2 pun mmg selalu ke situ :)

  2. nice..alhamdulillah..happiness is in t air for MTM n loved one at colmar.. :))

  3. bestnya dapat rehat sambil di uli2...membetulkan urat2 yg tersimpul...besttt.

  4. Salam Kak Zu,
    Colmare Tropicale is also one of my favourite kan?

  5. hi mama tia&mia,

    Table lamp, cantik ;)

  6. sgt cozy dan happening tmbh2 dgn si twin tia-mia :).. kakzue buat percutian to colmar nmpk alive. most of kwn2 zte yang pergi colmar, baliknya dgn feedback kata mereka ''boring kt sana'' ... terus kita yg pernah mrancang nak ke sana, tk jadi hehehe...
