Sunday, October 7, 2012

"Amboi cincin cheq brapa carat ni cheq?"

Salam;) Hope all of you had a good weekend:) and esok Monday!!! Ayaya:)

Before I start with cerita ceriti, first of all Alhamdulillah and tahniah to Liza, mesti lah akak ingat:) Liza mintak doakan dulu and akak said 'kita sama2 doa" May your pregnancy di permudahkan Allah Sbt,sangat seronok kan:) And to the rest which have posted some questions so sorry if i miss it;( I was actually quite busy these past few weeks, i read all comments but missed some questions maybe.Anyway to sis yang tanya mana Aminah resort tu..dekat kampung parit after ampang tinggi, bukan resort betul,,we called resort to get the feeling only:),to Ann Huzi, i dah tanya Pashik about the painting,Pashik happy ada org apperciate his painting but he can't really paint or draw now as that one yang you suka tu pun  took  him 3 or 4 years to finish..he he lebih lama dari buat rumah tau Ann..Pashik is a perfectionist furthermore now dia byk lah activity tajwid,tadarus plus kena bawak mashik jogging,brisk walking in the evening sebab mashik tak berapa sihat.Pada yang tanya kedai periuk kat kuala pilah tu,it is exactly next to kedai rojak kat pasar yang nak naik bukit tu..kalau you nampak tak ada tutup lah tu.

Minggu ni macam2 lah buat:) but before i forgot..sorry kacau2 you all in the last entry ya....i am honoured ramai jugak yg berminat nak register, i received the same response at FB..hmm doakan i dapat buat rumah idaman ye..ada dapur luas at the backyard with chicken coops and kolam kangkung;):)

Friday after office i went to Muhibbah near penchala link to meet my old friend from Uni yang nak pergi Mekah..Alhamdulillah.This lady was my laandlord during my final year,she anak orang berada,final year tak boleh duduk kolej bapak dia pun belikan satu apartment,me and my friend pun menumpang lah menyewa situ:) But she very humble and pandai berhemah..sepatutnya kita 3 orang lah kat Muhibbah tu nak makan,tunggu punya tunggu..sampai pukul berapa tah another friend yang nak datang tu..sesat sampai ke sg buluh and mana2 tah...

Kesian dia..she ended up at Curve we asked her to park her car at Burger King next to Petronas and two of us packed the food we have ordered baru makan separuh  and we drove to Burger King to meet her.Ini lah istimewanya bestfriend,they all ni pun walau tak jumpa selalu but if i am in need or any of my family member masuk hospital,sakit etc they will the first to attend to it.So we makan onion rings lah pulak walaupun dalam kereta my friend ada steam siakap,kerapu pucuk paku etc etc.

Seronok sungguh kalau dah lama tak jumpa..and this is the first time i keluar malam without my hb after 5 yrs gave birth to the girls:) seronok2 cerita pun asyik teringat rumah jugak:):)

And i love this picture..see how kepoh my friend checking my anniversary ring..he he she said "Amboi cincin cheq brapa carat ni cheq?" ha ha...these two are simple people despite their status..sorang duduk rumah berpuluh juta pemberian arwah father dia di Damansara height,sorang lagi ni hold big and important post in government but  still perangai loklak,merendah diri..pakai baju kurung cotton..actually we still sama macam we dulu2 makan di dining hall,share maggi di college,nangis2 nak exam etc.All in all we had a very wonderful outing..must do it again soon:):).

Saturday..i cooked Nasi Dagang again he..he this time tambah improved,nasi lagi lemak ber krim kesukaan ramai;)

Saturday morning memang jarang breakfast kat luar sebab nanti nak pergi piano class dan uwan kena spend time with her in the morning lama2 sikit.

After piano class we went to see kak ikin at her stall in Mont Kiara Solaris,she received very good response on her black and white photos.Ada orang tawarkan contract for her to take photos for Petronas.tapi kak ikin tak boleh handle lagi.All those pictures yang dia jual tu she and hubby took went they visit Paris last setiap gambar ada cerita:):) Pada yang tanya next week ada lagi tak..flea market ni kadang2 once a month only depends on the organizer bukan macam kat Curve yang ada everyweek.

Today pulak we,uwan,my sister and later pashik went to Lake garden for breakfast.

The girls had fun running between the trees,they always love park.

Cakkk..ada yg nampak kita orang ke? kenapa tak tegur?:):)

The girls with Kak yan.

Beautiful green art.

Bonding time.

We saw many interesting things;)

Cakkkkk...who's taller?

Bukanlah exercise sangat pun makan macam2,gossip macam2..he he but it was fun:):)

Sweet picture of pashik and Uwan:) Pashik nak bawak balik daun kering tu nak buat art work..kalau buang isi daun tu tinggalkan rangka bagi yang creative macam2 boleh buat termasuk menulis huruf khat atasnya;)

We went back home and after lunch i was so tired but the girls sibuk tuntut janji nak buat chocolate cake;) so bangun lah buat sebijik:)

Before that nak tunjuk my new gadget in the kitchen,..cereal kan macam kat hotel and the girls love it..tengok tu kejap jer koko crunch dah nak habis..and the container is air tight.

While waiting for cake to cook i buat bee hoon singapore for tea.

Then cake siap with glaze and chocolate shavings.

Walaupun naik tinggi skit kat atas tapi tetap sinful;)

Dah makan banyak nak exercise my treadmills rosak pulak..dah lama rosak ni nasib baik masih ada nama dlm record fitness concept so technician will come this week to fix.

jadi exercise basuh kereta ajer lah yer:)

Cewahhh uwan sonyum ajo lopeh makan bee hoon dan cake;)

Night time another gadget came out..dah beli berbulan ni..i memang kitchen gadget freak..handphone tak tukar biarlah..tapi tiap minggu or bulan ada ajer benda utk dapur.

Result...tadaaa a gorgeous lamb chop sangat easy nak masak..flip flap..dua2 belah pun masak cantik;)

Malam ni keluarkan petit music boxes we bought from Paris..melayan kenangan..sedap music dia,ada lagu i love paris,ler mer..tapi kena pusing lah:)

This girl dah boleh baca buku cerita sendiri..suka dia,,adik dah tergolek tidur:) Alhamdulillah dah dapat and confirm ustazah untuk mengajar Iqraq di rumah..mama pun kena belajar sekali lah nampaknya..okay lah everybody..gud night and sleep tight..Ta Taaaa;):)


  1. Aslmkum Mamatiamia.seronok tengok xtvt hujung minggu mamatiamia sekeluaga yg penuh ceria bersama teman2 dan famili.....suka tengok kws lake garden..esp kat beautiful green art tu, menghijau nyamannya...

  2. hehehe saya nampak, tapi nmpk the girls jer.....malu lak nak tegur kut. Bestkan...tmpt tu, for jog or others xtvt wiv family.

  3. Salam MTM..lama x komen kt sini..berkenan pulak dgn cereal dispenser tu..beli kt mana dan brp harga.tq

  4. Kak zue,
    Sgt sukeeeee cereal dispenser tu...gojezzzz hehehe

  5. La mer! My fav song. Ade dlm ipod cheh xpayah nk poyo. I'm so into kitchen appliances n stuffs. Most of ppl my age will spend hours at low yat browsin thru gadget but I'll rather be in a kitchen appliance shop n let the wild imaginations run on its own. Nk kitchenaid, pisau zwiling ke victorinox, industrial-esque food processor, cast iron pan n pot, nvr ending story la gamaknye

  6. salam kak zu..suka tgk laman rumah kak zu..saya pun bercita2 nak jadikan porch rumah tempat untuk melepak ambil angin petang..walaupun rumah saya bukan konsep english tapi sy amik inspirasi drp umh akak..akan diusahakan secara pelan2..rumahku syurgaku kan kak :)

  7. salam zu....lama dah x singgah blog zu..sbb terlalu bz....waaaa sedapnya makan kat retoran muhibah sg.pencala ni...lma x g makan....


  8. owh..ade gejet baru..suke la tiamia dgn cereal dispenser tu kan...

    masak lamb dlm pemanggang tu bape lame ye kak zue....

    suke nengok uwan yang makin hari makin sihat dan happyyy jek...kem salam uwan yo..

  9. malulah kakak nak tegur... :)

  10. salam mamatiamia :)
    hi sy As Rhymes..been ur silent reader setelah bbrp lama...keep on posting n spreading +ve vibes ya!

    nk tnye, hope sudi share kadar yuran mengaji iqra n kekerapan ustaz/ah dtg dlm sminggu...actually sedang mcari2 utk diri dan hubby tp masih belum ketemu...

  11. lake garden pun mcm park kat paris bila mtm amik gambo, tia ke mia yang kalau bergambar kaki ada style tu..hihi, gadget grill lambchop tu beli kt mana ya mtm, tq..susumanis

  12. Byknye cerita... hehee...
    besaqnya cincin cheq tuuu..... ;)
    Kiut je baca ur story Azu.

    Bagusnye TiaMia dah pandai baca buku.... Well done!

  13. salam kak,
    cereal dsipenser tu akak beli katner?? sy berminat ler nak beli 1

  14. Salam Sis,

    Love it all... your story, your makan2 & of course your kitchen gadget.

  15. love your receipes! -niza noordin-

  16. Cantik cincin akak ... :) Seronok tengok aktiviti akak sekeluarga.. Gajet baru tu akak beli kat mana ek? Sangat useful...

    Kalau Nur jumpa akak sure Nur tegur..but kita dok nun jauh kat JB.. Suka baca entri2 akak.. :D

  17. Cantik cincin akak ... :) Seronok tengok aktiviti akak sekeluarga.. Gajet baru tu akak beli kat mana ek? Sangat useful...

    Kalau Nur jumpa akak sure Nur tegur..but kita dok nun jauh kat JB.. Suka baca entri2 akak.. :D

  18. Zu,seronok tgk Uwan senyummm...manis...

  19. azu..sapa yg nak ke mekah? rufa or sham? suka tgk the petit music boxes..bila tgk u punya kitchen gadget tu..teringin pulak nak menambah dan menyemakkan brg2 kt dapur..

  20. so nice the big book! wah they can read on their own already! well done tia mia!

    sonyum uwan yang damai di taman indah mama :)

    beehoon singapore yang cantik pasti sedap.

    memang kreatif lah pashik dan ikin juga mengikut. daun kering pun boleh jadi art work! ada gene kreatif in your family, your brothers, sisters, nieces and tia mia too will follow.
    thanks for asking. I understand memang nak hasilkan artwork secantik itu takes years. hehe i ambek aje gambar painting tu dari sini buat inspirasi :)
    nak beli lah photos ikin. my next mission nak sampai her restoren!

    Amin. Ramai yang doakan rumah idaman u siap cepat and reserve a place for me and my good fren to attend your classes :)

    kawan2 yang dah lama kenal dari zaman sekolah dan masih maintain adalah terbaik. Just like me and my BU fren. Cuma kita jauh lah sangat.

  21. Aslmkm Azu..
    Wah, anything to do with food suker!
    Azu, I salute you laa..masak semua nya yg remeh temeh belaka..nasi dagang tu bukan senang nak buat.
    All the best...kita doa banyak2 so that you get what you wish for *dapur besar* Nanti I pun nak register jadi member sembang2...I dtg bawak cake sebiji, alright!

  22. Salam Kak Zu,

    Berbunga2 hati ni bila akak reply komen saya hehe...thanks again, really appreciate it. AMIN untuk segala doa ya. Hopefully soon akak akan dapat rumah idaman akak. Masa tu kami semua nak datang for house warming ya. Jangan lupa jemput :)

  23. Akak, still jugak nak suggest...hu3. Disebabkan pasar kutu (flea market) tu x tentu biler. Aper kata akak jual online thru ur blog/mudah...cadangan jer tau, terpulang pada akak yer :)
