Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I just want to sit on the grass and do nothing!


Thanks for visiting:) Not much story to tell or spicy things to gossip today, so i decided to answer some of your questions:)

To those asking about the new cereal dispenser in my kitchen, i bought from Iwannagohome at One Utama.It was priced at RM89.90 and available in two colours i.e red and white,the double one as in the above picture is cool too isn't it?

This bowl with separate milk and cereal section is cool too kan? I love the idea..kalau nak menyuap Tia Mia sementara nak menanti dia borak tu tak lah soggy the cereal;):) tapi ni tak tau nak beli mana:)

Huishh this one surely the boys will love it..you can shoot your hotdogs! But i think Tia Mia will enjoy it too:):)

This one is simple but very practical:) Shamsuhada..jom beli2 gadget;):) (by the way..Shamsinar yang nak pi Mekah bukan Rufa)

And to those yang suka tengok TV tak bergerak..tengok Nur Kasih lah,Adam dan Hawa lah dan macam2 lagi yang i sendiri tak tau..this is the gadget for you! Dok lah tengok Tv berapa lama pun tapi boleh kupas kentang sekilo,kopek pisang seguni..he he but pastikan jangan lah lama sangat kalau tak bangun nanti macam orang lepas bersunat...haaa haaa;):)

Before i forgot ; i bought my covered frying pan (the one i used to grill the lamb chops) online, it was priced at hundred over if i am not mistaken..just google happy pan;)

And yang mintak i share pasal fees nak panggil ustazah ngaji tu.Alhamdulillah i dapat panggil ustazah yang a friend kenal...takut jugak kalau first time dan tak kenal ustazah tu kan..sebab nak belajar ni biarlah kedua-dua pihak selesa.So terima kasih Gee,Alhamdulillah jauh dari rumah pun ustazah tu setuju datang..orang Kolo Pilah pulak asalnya lagi lah ese suka:) Bayaran dia sangat berpatutan RM40 sejam,tak kira lah berapa ramai pun.Rancangan saya adalah mula2 nak start weekend dulu,sejam dengan Tia Mia dan sejam with the mama:) ustazah ni pun mengajar menulis jawi jugak sebab dia cakap Iqrak kadang2 budak2 tak kenal huruf sebab bunyi macam aeiou ajer kan.

Ada jugak yang tanya macam mana nak bagi anak cepat membaca? Well Tia Mia pun tak lah cepat sangat membaca,biasa ajer,ada orang anak 3 tahun pun dah pandai.. but Alhamdulillah.I didn't pressure or really bermatian nak mengajar..sebab i pun bukan lah rajin sangat;) Cuma i sent to teacher yang  i trust, provide them with good foundation such as good books,good envoirenment and encouragement. I know some good parent really sit down with their kids and teach them flashcard etc etc..myself not that good..but i make sure i ll read book to them( if possible every night)..sambil baca sambil tunjuk perkataan tu..dah tu cerita lah kat dia orang betapa seronoknya kalau dapat membaca..i cakap dalam buku banyak magic..so many interesting things and if they can read they can 'travel' anywhere they like,they can go Paris,London including kampung batu Belah Batu Bertangkup!..nak tunggu mama papa bacakan not all the time i cakap.The biggest credit should go to Teacher Claire actually..yang penting jugak pilih buku yang betul..buku2 cerita yang menarik,kena keep up with the new age..walaupun cerita mcm cinderella,snow white to bagus but cerita2 yang mencabar dan menarik minda sangat berkesan. Like the book in the picture entitled " Upsy down town- it is really awesome, Tia Mia laughed with glitters in their eyes when they read : In upsy downtown, the sheeps sleep in the tree,the cows hang off the branches..".I and papa read to them once or twice after that they can read on their own already.And most important you have to compliment them always,when she said 'mama i ve read upsy downtown already" i said ' wahh Tia/Mia you are very good, i didn't know that you are that good..i am so happy darling..come sit next to me, you want to read to your mama now?"  ha ha macam tu ler...kena memuji memanjang ajo.

Ada jugak yang tanya macam mana i buat bee hoon singapore..my version i tumbuk,udang kering,bawang putih merah,few black and white pepper and sedikit halia..dah tu tumis sampai wangi,masuk bahan,masuk bee hoon..masuk telur..jadi ler:) ;)

Ishh puasa2 ni..sebut jer food terus teringat nak makan..hmmm nyaman kalau dapat telan mangga manis lemak merdu;) ehh nak cerita,semalam Tia Mia mama tanya makan apa kat school dia cakap "something 'summer'..i cakap apa yang something summer? they said ' i can't remember but teacher said something summer and it was rolled in cabbage,prawn,salad inside and mayonnaise to dip in" Ha ha gelak nak pengsan mama...SPRING ROLL rupanya...they tak ingat spring but ingat summer..haaa haa

A good new; There will be two new young and handsome chefs in my family soon! These two budak kembar (my cucu sedara) have enrolled in culinary institute;)  Syabas Hakim and Hanif Wansu sukaaa;);)

Asyik nak makan jer kan..camana nak kurus cam Kate ni..ishh Kate why your kaki so long??? pi urut suruh masseurs tarik kaki lima enam jam kat Thai Odyseyy pun tak jadi ni:):)

Whatever it is my true feeling these past few days is to stay at home,bake,tengok tv,buat gardening..it seems that i have to apply more leave..not to go anywhere but  just to stay at home..buat milo kat uwan petang2 and baring2 on the grass baca buku cerita kat Tia Mia. Ha ha i should be careful for what i wish kan..Si Heni kan nak balik bulan November ni for 1 week..well kisah sinetron yang mau membunuh diri itu berkesudahan dengan penikahan pada 25 November ini..so i kena lah ambik cuti seminggu duduk rumah..hmm this time i will enjoy every minutes of it..I promise i will not get upset with any mess..i will not turn into werewolf when i see papers everywhere..hee hee...

Salam again and thank you very much pada yang mendoakan-Cinnamon Artlover,my dear Annhuzi,Liza,..and to everybody else; mamasya, herlyna,ibuamsyar,nyza,ramadhan,nur raihana,aida78,mummy miqhael,anon, as rhymes, susumanis,Ita4es,nooreen,eey,niza noordin,nur-nba,suria amanda..and last but not least Kak Nur Ganuuuuuu:):).May all of you have a barakah and happy day..lets go buy gajet dapur!


  1. I love buying gadgets too!!! :-). I love going to kitchen shops here, tak beli pun takpe, asal kan singgah :-). Jom kita shopping ramai2, hehehe.
    Sampai dah penuh the shed tu dengan big containers of kitchen stuff, pening kepala hubby I, hehehe.
    I just nak share with your readers about teaching kids how to read about my experience, hope you dont mind. Dulu with my second daughter,I used this book titled 'Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons' by Siegfried Engelmann, Phyllis Haddox, Elaine Brunner.
    For us, it was a very good book memang berbaloi beli. I then gave that book to a friend for her daughter and she loves it too.
    hope this helps.

  2. Wah excited betul Nur tengok gajet2 tu. Thanks kak for the info. Turun KL nanti sure Nur singgah One Utama..

    Bagusnya anak2 dah belajar mengaji dan menulis jawi.. Didikan yang baik memang bermula dari kecil lagi.. Moga Tia dan Mia dipermudahkan belajar dan terang hati.. Suka tengok wajah2 riang mereka.. They are so adorable.. Teringat kat anak2 saudara.. tak sabar nak jumpa mereka masa cuti raya haji nanti.

    Cucu sedara akak pon kembar juga ke.. Wah.. bertambah chef Melayu kat Malaysia ni.. Kate memang cantik. Saya pon minat dia juga..

    Tq kak.. entri2 yg akan tulis, semakin hari semakin best. Kalau boleh hari2 nak baca entri kat blog akak ni. Addicted hehe.. :)

    Do take care.. Thanks for sharing all the lovely story..

  3. a good move to join culinary course. did dat for 4 months. had the time of my life, but only to enroll it if ur passionate on it. its industrial based learning n its a hard labour, even the periuk berat gila kot. tp best la!!

  4. Orang yg suka masak mestilah suka gajet2t tu sebab dia mcm toys utk kita .chopping board tu bestla ada jual kat mana?tak lengkap hariku kalau tak dpt baca blog youuuuu.terima kasih untuk empunya blog.salam

  5. kak, i'm one of your silent reader.. :)

    owh kak.. that gadget is to die for.. if sy bank in ke akak then kirim beli utk saya can? Saya in Temerloh, Pahang and sad to say that the canggihest gadget for kitchen I came across would be tupperwares and the flips that u cook your meats..:) let me know yer kak..:) muahhss u hev such an adorable kids and family.. macam manalah kak melayan karenah mereka ya? coz' I hev 2 kids that make me spinning all day long.. hehehehe take care sis..

  6. zu, sangat cantik lah cereal dispenser tu...nanti i nak tengok kat nz ni ada tak macam tu, anak bujang i mmg every morning makan cereal je so this will be a good buy :))) yg the thing utk kupas kentang tu, mmg nampak praktikal tapi tak blh i imagine kalau lama pakai benda tu, mesti lepas tu jalan terkengkang2 hehehehhee...


  7. semuga pernikahan anak Heni selamat dan jodoh mereka diberkati.
    sure mama tia mia and uwan will enjoy that 1 week of baking, tv and gardening :)

    i tengok kaki mama long jugak like kate :)

    handsomenya cucu twins wansu. i pun pernah berangan my son jadi chef.

    hahaha summer roll :D

    the way you teach them to read is the best. what's important is the enjoyment, to fall in love with the world of books. the good feeling of sharing books with parents, siblings and friends. when we love books, we will enjoy reading and we'll get lots of adventure. we play the important role of choosing good interesting books to capture their interest. and they'll pick up our enthusiasm. puji banyak2. sapa tak suka dipuji, sure terangkat semangat :)

    i know u doa a lot too. that's why tia mia's learning journey di berkati dengan rezeki mendapat guru, ustazah yang baik.

  8. bestnya OU! i nak kirim lah kawan i belikan cereal dispenser tu!

  9. after reading your blog & LG's, my "desire" to cook/bake menjadi2. cold storage subang parade is my best friend now..hahaha! & now nak cari baking tins, spatula, pots etc. Motivated betul. thanks :-)
    -Niza Noordin-

  10. kak zue, takde ker resepi choc cake akak yang sinful tu ? hehe

  11. azu..hensemnya cucu awak...nanti kalau buka kelas memasak, jgn lupe jemput diorg jadi chef ya..sure ramai yg mendaftar..hihihi...
    kalau ctt shamsinar, send my regards to her..moga dia selamat pergi & selamat kembali..teringat waktu duduk sewa rumah dia dulu...

  12. Dear MamaTiaMia,
    Salam perkenalan.

    U got a nice blog. Tq for sharing a lot the infos ...May I link ur blog with mine?


  13. salam,

    saya duduk kota damansara jugak..berminat dgn ustazah yg ajar mengaji kt rumah tu...bleh tak nk mintak contact no ustazah tu..:)

  14. salam zu
    bila zu sebut ttg adam & hawa... akak tengok heroin dia tu, sesekali akak tgok ada iras zu le...time dia senyum...tp lebih cantik zu lagi.

    Hari tu sewaktu akak di Karlovy vary , akak jumpa pizza mama mia...terus ingat zu. Nanti akak upload gambar di next entry akak.

    cantik le bekas cereal tu.

  15. salam mtm..nice nice lovely lovely, come lote bdk tia mia pakai telekung, rajin rajin doakan mama papa n uwan n aunties seme k..hehe
