Saturday, October 13, 2012

Doctor Buttercup;)

Salam All:) Hopefully all children and the mama/papa are in good health:) And to Kak Pinat dan yang lain2 ada anak tengah ambik PMR di doakan yang terbaik ya.Thanks singgah semua:)

We went to TMC today to get booster shot for Tia Mia..hampir terlupa dah:) The Hepatitis B is due for 5 yr old while MMR and Polio need to be taken between 4 - 6 yr. Pada Sis yang nampak ke? I memang taak perasan sesiapa;):).dah tu sibuk..budak 2 orang ni bising betul kat hospital;)

So,this is what happen if you are not sick but need to be in the hopsital..berseronok di Hospital.

Alhamdulillah..dua2 orang tak menangis..happy ajer:) The Pead Dr Priya pun sangat lah lemah lembut sampai kadang2 tak dengar suara:) Semua kena periksa budak dua orang term of height both are considered very tall for their age,they are at the top range..while weight,Tia is doing just fine but Mia is at lower kena makan banyak sikit:) They banyak makan actually but because they re too active they turn the food into energy too fast;) but ovearll the dr said they doing just fine.Moga Allah sbt kurniakan kesihatan yang baik berpanjangan.

After the injection we went to treat the girls at Bubba Gump;)

I bought these cute earphones for the girls..Hello Kitty earphones RM10 each:)

Lepas tu pi MPH and bought this paper.

Tia Mia buat banyak artwork kat school so i decided to hang a few..sebab malas ke Ikea nak beli frame,i pun buat 'frame' sendiri.

Ni lah hasik dia,,menraik jugak kan..boleh di gantung di mana-mana.

Eevening i surfed few websites to get good cupcakes recipe and finally ended up with this.Sounds nice and looks good too,no butter needed for this recipe but you need milk,lemon juice,some salt and soda bicarbonat plus good vanilla extract. Ok set jom cuba after dinner.

Daah lama jugak tak tunjuk lauk2 kan..asyik tunjuk baking jer these few petang ni i masak smoked beef strips with rebung.Sangat sedap just tumbuk cilipadi with kunyit,bawang putih dan merah,tumis sampai wangi,masukkan beef then rebung,goreng sampai kering:)

Dinner at our petite table in the kitchen:)

After dinner.. i sibuk nak buat cuppies,ni lah activity dua beranak ni.The papa siap boleh practice golf lagi.,,.Sunday subuh2 dia dah nak bergumbira dgn kayu golf dia;)

Macam2 scenario dia orang ni;)

Hb sibuk lah menanya i ingat lagi tak golf balls yang i beli kat dia 7 or 8 years ago..masa tu tak der anak lagi..first time pi overseas tanpa hb:) Sebab rasa bersalah tinggalkan dia masa pi meeting F1 kat London i pi beli barang2 golf banyak2..sampai kena beli luggage kat kedai tu;):)

Cerita kat dapur pulak..bersiap sedia nak buat cuppies after dinner.

Tapi isi terbanyak pulak,so melempah lah sikit.

Anyway the recipe sangat nice..the cuppies are really nice.

Sprinkle some chocolate shaves for the girls.

This recipe has a result of soft and light cuppies.

There..tak sabar,panas lagi dah keluarkan..sangat wangi and nice..hb said nicer than the ones bought from shop..wahhh..sukaaa;);) He ate 3:)

Uwan ate 3 too..sangat happy sayaaa;);)

Berbaloi lah membuat sebab banyak orang makan..selamat malam semua..ngantuk tak leh citer..tak dapat nak cakap apa lagi dah;;);) Tapi sambil lelap2 mata ni sempat cakap kat Tia Mia- 'do you like pulut?" mama will cook pulut tomorrow..he he what a conversation before going to sleep;);)Macam duduk kat kampung ajer and bukan kat KL kan;);)


  1. Mak2 sebelum tido mesti dah pikir siap2 kan menu esok harinya

  2. ye lah macam duk kat kampung. bestnya! looking forward to kampung pictures again for aidul adha :)

  3. ya i pun tengok the girls very tall! but mia dont look lighter than tia. Alhamdulilah they are active healthy girls.

  4. dah lama akak tak buat sesi membaking kat umah, sejak cuba nak kuruskan badan ni, org lain pun terpaksa berdiet...hehehehe

  5. wah! suka datang singgah sini sebab entri menariks...especially about the foods :)

  6. salam akak, baru berjinak2 baca your blog, rajinnya akak memasak, btw we all baru balik after a few years merantau, siap mintak cuti setahun tak mau memasak kat husband! hehehe but now rasa bosannya mkn luar eventough baru sebln! nak kena masak balik semula, yg simple dan fresh dr dapur kita jgk yg sedap :)

  7. Alamk...ida pun this week baking 2 batch of muffin...since the twin enjoy sangat...rinduuuunyer kat uwan...baru nampak dalam ni..tersengih dah kenyang makan cuppies dad kalau ke rumah ida...the whole week is puding week laa...uwan tak cerewet kan...sonok tengok dia...

  8. salam zu, those cupcakes look truly yummy… i love baking cupcakes too…especially for tea on sundays! :)

  9. as salam zue...sedapkan muffin, my fav too. I rajin gak buat tapi tak selalu...yg jual tu tak sesedap mana pun...the best hot fm oven

  10. sedapnya cupcakes tu :)
    without butter ye..
    rebung tu pun nampak sedap sangat.

    Kena injection pun x nangis ...hebat..hebat TIa & Mia !!

  11. Aslmkm Azu..
    Baking on weekend berbaloi, everyone in the house. And the best time to enjoy having it with our love ones.

  12. I want the muffin recipe sis..

  13. assalamualaikum wbt kak zu...

    apo2 yg kak zu msk... tgk gmbr kt sini nmpk sodap.... goreng rebung tu... rebung fresh @ dlm tin tu..? cuppies tu serasa smpai kat saya ni bau aromanya.... tekstur nmpk cantik jer... hehehe...

  14. Assalamualaikum...can i have the recipe? (cuppies) :-) thanx!
    -niza noodin-

  15. assalamualaikum kak sue...

    meleleh liuq tgk cuppies akak..

    nak full recipe n steps pls kak..

    tq..luv u

    nurul kuantan

  16. salaam mamatiamia, thats cuppies looks looking at the textures..and whats more if it has lemon all time favs :-)

  17. I wish I also can bake every weekend with the kids...

  18. ker kak zue guna recipe ini ?
    akak buat buttermilk or guna yogurt jer ?

  19. Salam zue, my twin minat pulut. Klu pulut kuning dgn rendang tuk mmg favourite diaorg le
