Monday, October 15, 2012

Pulut makes you smile!


Did you have smile on you face this morning? Sincerely? It's Monday,it's raining and it's cold:) Didn't you feel like curling up longer  under the warm blanket? We surely did kan:):) How we wish it is still Saturday!

Have Pulut! And it makes you smile:) Cute kan "My Pulut Face" I cooked pulut on Sunday..since i have small people in the house the food  needs to be fun too:)

I used rubber mould from Aino Shop (Aino is at OU and the mould is priced at RM19.90) to make this shape:) The girls loved it.

You can have lots of funs with simple pulut kampung like this:) I rendam the pulut for one night,the next day kukus,i masak santan pekat with salt,bila pulut dah masak,i letak dalam dulung ratakan dan mixed well with the santan dengan tepuk2 dan balik2:) Pulut lemak dan masin2 sikit..sedap makan macam tu ajer..Uwan suka,the girls pun suka:)The best part masa kita tepuk2 tu Uwan and the girls dok cubit2 makan tak sabar;)

This Sunday was a busy day for me.Pukul 6.00 pagi ada orang terbongkok2 kat dalam bilik kissing me and the girls yang masih berselimut:) Yeap Mr Sherlock Holmes..cooked a hotdog and made his own toast..why so rajin? sebab after subuh  dashed for golf:):) Myselft after dah masak pulut,feed the girls berkejar-kejar masak gulai pucuk paku dengan ikan bilis,gulai ikan merah dengan tomato..dah letak nasi semua by 10.45 panggil the girls naik atas,mandi and siap for piano class.Heni pulak as usual always in "her own world" yang obsess mengemas,she mengelap,mengilat tak habis2..malas lah i nak cakap cakap mana yang patut di dulu i just buat semua sendiri.

Lucky our house is near to the Piano class, 10.45 am masuk bilik air,siap pakai baju etc 11.10, at 11.30 sampai kat piano class.Dah hantar the girls to the class,kiss2 etc..i went to the soya kiosk and ordered myself a big glass of homemade cincau soya..hmm i missed Mr Sherlock Holmes's  company actually:);) We always sent the girls together; but i decided to just enjoy my time and i don't mind him having fun with his friends once a while;):) Evening Maklang and Kak Ayan came to our house, we had good sisterly,motherly session at my little garden,eating pulut with sambal and lots and lots of fruits brought by maklang:) I was so tired and i didn't snap any pictures.While my hb dozed off in the room sebab penat main golf,we girls had good time gossiping etc etc..maklang stayed until dinner and after Maghrib we continued story2 in Uwan's room again:):)

Sebelum lupa to those yang tanya mana nak beli beef strips and other Halal premium products by Fama under Prima brand? Surprise to find it at ICCA/Wilton Dataran Sunway..i pergi cari poppyseeds situ jengah dalam big fridge dia at the back of the shop and found some prima products.

And yang tanya what type of bread yang i guna dalam picture ni..this is Ciabatta  from The Bakers.And this smoked beef boleh diguna dalam masakan jugak..macam goreng rebung i kat dlm the previous entry and yang tanya rebung fresh ke? yup i used rebung fresh and not from the can.I ve tried masak lemak cili padi using the smoked beef and i got a delicious 'gulai daging salai";);) So boleh di pelbagaikan;)

To thos easking about the this cupcakes recipe.I shall share it here and to those telling me about they are not good at baking etc..don't worry..di you know that i had 'baking scare' before this? Did you notice before this i hardly post any entry on baking? i always show my cooking:) For no reason i rasa i tak boleh bake..dulu2 i pernah bake sekali failed,then i rasa i memang hopeless lah baking ni,..lepas tu i rasa i need to do something about it since Tia Mia love baking ad eating the cakes..i pun enrolled dlm ICCA/Wilton..after dah dapat sijil i tak bake sebiji cake pun. recently i rasa i want to bake and i rasa i want to abke cake yang bukan macam recipe Wilton or any professional receipes.I want to bake simple,classic less frills cakes..yang macam my mom buat dulu2..simple tapi bau dia sedap penuh satu rumah.

I pun start buat sponge cake tu..the result was quite good..suka hati,then i buat the chocolate cake,the marble..and I am so happy to find out that i rupanya tak lah buta baking hee hee:);)

Bila nak buat cuppies ni i googled few recipes..i tak nak cup cake yang berat dan mampat dan tak suka jugak yang terlampau ringan macam sponge cake and kering..i love the 'the light but moist" type...he he tak berapa pandai tapi cerewet kan. I googled a few and found this recipe yang tak guna butter from "The Glorious Treats" .The owner called it "The Perfect Vanilla Cupcakes" sebab dia cakp dia dah bake banyak cuppies..this is the best kalau ikut betul by right tak lah naik tinggi macam i tu..just elok ajer dalam cup..i letak too much actually..patut dapat 15 cups i dapat 10 ajer;) But the taste was really nice,the texture was good and smell was divine.

1 1/4 cup cakes flour/ or just any flour
1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 salt
2 eggs
3/4 cup castor/granulated sugar ( i reduced to 1/2 only)
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract ( you can buy liquid one from wilton- dont use vanilla essence from Star etc brand-will not have same flavour)
1/ 2 cup oil ( canola or olive)
1/2 butter milk or if you dont have it can use milk with 1 spoon of lemon juice but set aside for 5 mins after mixing to let the acid works in the milk.

Mix your flour,baking soda and baking powder with whisk and set aside.In a separate bowl add the eggs and beat for 10-20 seconds,add suagr and beat another 30 seconds.Add vanilla extract and oild and beat for few seconds.
Slow the mixer and add 1/2 flour mixed and half milk(with lemon) or butter milk,beat for a very few second.add the rest of the flour,the milk and beat for 1  or 2 second. Pre heat your oven to 170 degress- pour batter in cup,make sure for half cup only as it will rise quite high,bake until golden brown on the top.
This cuppies is nice to go with cream cheese topping which i shall try in the next baking;);)

To Salmi,thanks for the compliment- you re a great baker surely you recognize the texture and colour which will determine the taste of the cake;);)

And to Ada The baker i used milk with lemon juice:);)

Before i end my entry would like to share this beautiful cup lid which i found at the Salon last few weeks..cantik kan..tutup cawan kat rumah selalu pecah..this one is made from rubber and the crystal like handle made it looks great;) Ada yang tahu boleh beli kat mana macam ni?

Finally- I huff and I puff and i blow your nose down! he he the glorious Durian panckes..creamy and notty;):) Like a wolf i gobbled down  these in a few yummy;):)

To ibuamsyar,Ann Huzi (tak turun celebrate birthday zarina ke?:);), mamasyaza,cikbungamawar,aswani (welcome back to m'sia),ida,Mazni dearie, herlyna,kak kasih redha (apa beli kat jalan hari tu?), Artlovercinnamonworldsof colours,Ramadhan ( haa ha rindu rumah ke atau omak?:), illa,ida2929,niza noordin dan nurul kuantan dan Eey;) -.have a great day and Salam:)


  1. azu..thanx sbb beri resipi cuppies tu tapi...bila nak buat ni????

  2. Kak, get the cup lid at Daiso for RM 5 each.. I also couldn't resist the other day..hehe..BTW, I'm Suraya-Ayan's friend. surayadrama is no longer available.. Cannot handle being judge by strangers anymore.. =/

  3. kak zu,sy pun buta baking.first time buat tak jadi.bole baling kat dinding takpun buang dlm tong sampah dgn kecewanya..tapi bila buat byk kali lama2 jadi jugak.sedap jugak.yg penting jgn putus asa.heheh
    **nak buat red velvet cake,my favourite tapi tak terbuat jugak.belum yakin..hihi

  4. Salam mamatiamia,
    wah menarik pulut tu, corak mcm tu bukan shj budak2 suka, yg dewasa pon tentu suka jugak kan.

    Actually kan kak Zue, rasanya kadang2 kita rasa kita x mampu buat sesuatu sebab kita terlalu aim pada kesempurnaan. Well mungkin tidak pada org lain, tp itulah saya dahulu. So in the end selalu rasa tension tak pasal-pasal...hihihi...

    So mcm juga baking, kalau sekali buat, x berapa jadi or rupanya x berapa cantik, x apa, sebab x tentu lg rasanya jg x sedap. Mungkin pada 1st attempt itu x cantik tp rasanya ok. Tapi itulah biasanya physical yg lebih orang utamakan...

    Eh sorry ya kakZue terbebel pula di sini..just to let u know that I love reading ur story ....

  5. Shila-muin:salam zue, I ni pun buts baking.wanna try the one rrcomended by you. Tqvm for sharing resepi cuppy tu.

  6. Nak sambal bwg. In need of sambal bwg. Lapar sambal bwg!!

  7. salam from england (12c today, sejuk!), lovely post as ever zu, love all the yummy food! will try out your version of cupcake soon, have a nice evening with family! :)

  8. haha mentang lah dah jadi kawan FB, tahu eh birthday dia. mine u tak tahu kan ;)

    guess what, this year, shame on me, entah kenapa terlupa. i think sebab i dah terlebih jumpa her dis year :D

    hehe she asyik je terserempak u shopping at OU :)

  9. pulut makan dengan sambal bilis, mmg sedapppp sgtt, sehingga menjilat jari. akak pun baru beli durian crepe ni 10ketul rm20, sedapppp sgttt, cepat aje habis, anak2 akak skali hadap aje

  10. Nak sambal bwg jugakkk...sebijik mcm azu kasi Kat Mr pilot tu..hihi

    Pulut sambal ikan bilis pastu letak bawang byk2 sungguh sedap...Kat rumah Akak ni semua suka.

    Akak pun suka kek yg moist :)

  11. pulut is my favs..any kind of recipe yang ada pulut, kalau buat pulut with sambal bilis, me suka juga buat daging goreng yang letak only garam dan kunyit..tambah bawang besar banyak2..and air kopi mesti ada :-)

  12. ASkum K.zu,

    How are you and all at home? I hope and pray all of you feel good K.zu,I love to eat pulut tapi saya tak boleh makan sebab perut bermasalah tapi cara k.zu masak buat terliur pulak.....sedih sedih sungguh sedih.....anyway still will eat it kalau terpandang...kekeke anyway really enjoy to ready how u spent ur wonderful moment with those u love much.....may Allah swt stick the smile in ur lips forever k.zu...insyAllah....take care and hv a wonderful nite with all ur love ones.....bye Good Nite

    Rose Penang

  13. Salam kak zu. Sodap nyer lak aii pulut tuh. Tp sey x leh mkn byk2, nnt angin pun marii.. Tp biasa ler kenduri kt kg mesti ada menu nih kan.
    Sy pun x pandai baking2 nih. Buat puding roti pun fail. Sobsob.. Kak zu, ok ker kalu guna microwave oven utk buat kek? Sy tgk ramai yg guna oven biasa jer sbb dlm resepi diorg ada mention api atas bwh etc. Poning acik.. Huhuhu..

  14. Kak zu,
    Sgt soooooka Itu durian pancakes..
    Akak beli Kt ikano kat dkt depan uncle lim's tu Kan...sgt soookaa....hahahaha
    Sedap gile....rasa nk beli sume..Pastu nk mkn pun syg2..Sbb takut habiss..hehehe

  15. thanx for the recipe.will try very2soon :-) -niza noordin-

  16. salam kak zue. tq for sharing. anyway, vanilla essence yang ada star brand saja. will try it soon. kalau terjumpa wilton brand barulah exactly rasa sama kan.happy baking kak zue. i wonder if u'll make tiramisu cake ;).

  17. kak zu.hehe.lama x komen kat sini kan. ala lid tu beli kat Daiso je. mcm2 pilihan.hehe...

    dulu fariha pon rajin bake. tp yg basic jela.hehe. sbb org2 tua kat rumah suka marble cake je. yg fancy2 x mkn pon. tp kat kl ni xde oven.hahaha...sian betul

  18. Owh! Love sambal ikan bilis & bawang jugak..
    Durian crepe... soo tempting *drooling*, huhuhuuu.

  19. menggiurkan sungguh pulut sambal bilis tu...lama tak mengukus pulut ni

  20. Resepi akak saya dah save dan masuk list mesti dicuba. Pulut tu nampak so delicious... Ada mata dgn mulut (sambal bilis.. pergh mengancam)... Nur dah lama tak baking.. last buat kek hati raya lepas.. Oven kat rmh ni dah berhabuk.. hehe

  21. Resepi akak saya dah save dan masuk list mesti dicuba. Pulut tu nampak so delicious... Ada mata dgn mulut (sambal bilis.. pergh mengancam)... Nur dah lama tak baking.. last buat kek hati raya lepas.. Oven kat rmh ni dah berhabuk.. hehe

  22. Pulut oh pulut kenapa kalau makan perut asyik meragam n berangin je.. But i luv pulut..

  23. baru berangan nk wat cake...sekali tgk ade resepi menarik..tgk bhn mcm ade except vanilla tu..hopefully bile try jd elok n bkn seblknye..huhuhu
