Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Dreamy Red Velvet:)

"Christmas comes early?":):) That's what my friend Ita said when she saw my RV at my FB:):)

I went to Wilton last week to get few things and the shop didn't have much choice for cuppies; so i bought these green polka dots.The bright red and green cup do gives the Christmas's feel accidentally:) Anyway i finally baked RV this evening):) I browsed several recipes including Martha Stewart,Joyofbaking and few others:) I do agree with Elena,Wilton has nice recipe for RV but i misplaced the recipe book:):)

I used the recipe from ,anybody interested can visit this website and it gives step by step recipe:):) I am a bit lazy to write it down here as it is quite elaborate especially the method .But should anybody find the website is not clear i can write the way I bake it in the next entry.For a first timer baking RV (except at Wilton class) i would say it's a good result,the cake is soft and moist and there no problem in baking it.The creamcheese is nice too and i reduced sugar in  cake and also the topping.

The bright red and green look nice in my new cake stand and cover *wink* wink* Yup i bought new stand/cover because the old one has broken, Heni said the "black cat" knocked it and fell to the least i have a reason to buy a new one.

I couldn't find the new nozzles set i bought to do the piping for topping,therefore i just smeared the creamcheese on top:) Next time i promise to make the nicest creamcheese swirl in the whole world! Plus a rasberry on top!

The topping might not look pretty but the taste is good:):)

Overall i am happy with my RV and next time it will be better than Martha Stewart or Nigella's one!

Talking about the bright red RV- This is my ultimate RV..that's the right colour for RV and you both are as delicious as RV:):)

And it is so dreamy to look at the above picture that i went on to look at more pictures and immerse into deeper dream...

My mind travels travels to a farmhouse under the blue sky with green and yellow meadow:)

I wish i could have tea at this beautiful tearoom by the vineyard again:).

With these big and small RVs.

 The TeaRoom has a very nice carrot cake..i am inspired to bake a  carrot cake soon.

At the moment,this is waht i need- red cheeks and big appetite!

And a dreamy house surrounded by blooms:);) Hmm how sweet thing like RV can bring you to a super sweet dream:);)

To all readers, i will attend to all your comments soon..i ve read all; right from Indonesia (mielya) to Singapore and semua Mrs Z,take care..InshAllah everything will be all right:) Cuma di malam yang dingin ini saya capek bangat..terasa mau terus bermimpi saja. Saya harap anda semua pun mimpikan yang indah..minda kita satu2 yang tak boleh diperintah oleh keadaan.

Salam :)P/s terima kasih bagi yang berkirim salam pada Uwan;) InshAllah saya sampaikan.


  1. bru bajet nk jd the first commentor. semperna sambutan ari raye korban ini, elokla akak berjaga mlm, bersengkang mata, bake RV, n courier to Jkt keesokan harinye. ahahha

  2. yummy rv u hv there! is the cake stand a crofton cake stand?

  3. assalamualaikum and hye sis..i love to read your blog..I always pray when I get married, I'll have a very delightful and pleasant family like you..I'm from legal background too but I think its very tiring when joining private firm..need to work 24/7..:( pray that I can settle down just like you..spend more time with family..hihi..btw if sis nak tengok hijab style or any attractive online shop (sbb I slalu review stuffs yg I visit my blog..

    salam sayang dkt tia n mia..;)

  4. askum K.zu,

    Ur's RV Super duper....yahooo
    u r successful made it happy for it and tia mia dresses look RV too.

    Take care & Hv wonderful monday there K.zu...


  5. Salam,

    Wah..sangat sedap nampaknya
    Selalu teringin nak cuba buat RV tapi tak buat2 lagi

  6. ur RV sure looks yummy!
    mintak sikit :)

  7. that red velvets with the crumbles on top soooooo classicccc la mama tia mia ;)

  8. Kak Zu.....leleh2 tgk RV tu...kena carik ni hehe


  9. mesti sedap...dah lama tak bake this one....i do bake RV but i dont really fancy RV actually betulla..christmasss sangattt Azu...hijau, merah n snowy...Uwan suka tak kek ni??

  10. yummehhhh mtm, nowc nk g cari RV for my annivesary celebration tonite :-)

  11. Black cat yg pecahkan...sayangggnya
    Sedapnya rv tu...
    Akak ni suka mkn Tp malas nak buat

  12. Like dan love the RVs especially the twin RV.. muahss.. haa tu swan valley dah memanggil2 Zu dtg tu.. tadi pegi rumah Kak Mynn tengok pokok anggur dia dah lebat berbuah. summer nanti mesti buah dah besar2 :D

  13. Salam zue, my twin suke sgt masak lemak nampaknya kena tnya rahsia masak lemak yg sedap dr.U ni.

  14. Zu i nak tanya material baju yg zu order baru2 ni okay ?takut juga nak order sbb first time beli baju online.terima kasih

  15. Salam Zu,nanti knur balik you must bake this cake ya...nampak sangat yummy...yum yum...and with raspberry on top ya...
    Ada ke black cat kat rumah tu..hehe..Tapi takpelah,dah pecah nak buat mcmana...Betul mcm you ckp,ada excuse utk beli lagi..And beli a few more..knur memang 'kalah' dgn cakestand and cake tier ni..Tinggal sini baru brp bulan dah 3 knur angkut...hmmm...
    Oklah..TQ Zu...and salam to Uwan,your darling hubby and Tia Mia ya..

  16. wow!!! your RV really looks so yummy licious ok! and now i feel craving the eat the RV hahahaha

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