Monday, October 22, 2012

My Food Book.


Everybody is asleep now but i can't go to sleep yet;) How to go to sleep after a plate of keropok lekor! Yup that's selera puasa,macam2 nak makan hari malam:)

Sitting infront of the computer now i want to share the little 'project' that i have started today:) When uwan was young she was a great cook and baker actually,semua cake cantik dan sedap,semua biskut perfect,lauk2 are all delicious.Unfortunately many of those great recipes couldn't be use now as nobody write it down and Uwan pulak dah lupa.

I am not a great Cook or Baker but i have few recipes which i have tested and proven to be good.I want my girls to have these recipes ;but i dont want to give it to them in a form of "perfect" fine,bounded book,i want them to have my Scrapbook- My Food Book- Whatever mama thinks good and nice mama will write down in the book for you:)

I used plain index book, i covered with nice paper (tablerunner) i bought from London long long time ago.Punya lah lama i think nearly 10 years ago sampai paper ni pun dah jadi lembut dan nipis;)

I printed photo of my Redvelvet and draw some pictures on the cover;)

Inside; i letak recipe yang i dah cuba and proven good.I printed the photo of the baked cake plus their photos;) Oneday when i am old and when they look at this book they will remember the fun we had together in the kitchen.

We always have fun in the kitchen girls;)

I letak fun and sweet caption on each picture;)

It will be useful to me too..tak lah terteleng-teleng kepala tengok laptop kat dapur bila nak baking;)

I am so happy that both really appreciate the book:) Tia read the book as "My Phone Book":):) but she can read the last part perfectly " From Mama with Love"

To those asking about my online purchase, I am going to do some favour for Jovian Mandagie tonight:) FOC reviews. I bought from Zalora-actually i dah bergaduh besar dengan Zalora,i sent lenghty email to them macam submission before the Supreme Court Judge. I gave them the scenarios,effect,implication etc2.Ini sebab i marah dia tak letak notice on pigskin lining products,failed to deliver good on time and failed to notify good which is out of stock.I thought they never care but the management took it seriously; a mat salleh guy called and emailed me,apologize,they sent me free vouchers,invited me and my friends to JM runaway show etc etc. So i berdamai with them and bakar my pocket some more;)

Terpesona tengok gambar yang model pakai, i ordered these two,Jameela black and this blue yang i tak ingat nama:) Whether the material is good? Yup the material is okay,the fabric is light and not hot.The workmanship is okay it is slightly better than your ordinary tailor but they are not perfect walaupun Jm is a big name,i think one of the reason is big production..terlampau banyak demand,semua org nak JM..banyak lagi yg kecewa kat luar tak dapat the Aidil Adha Collection.. The outstanding thing about JM is the cutting- he's very good in this area..the cutting macam he has measured you body,as if the dress is tailor made for you.It fits you perfectly and compliment your shape.

No matter how nice the baju is..i cannot get this effect..tak tahu lah you all:) Tengok gambar ni sangat lah cantik kan..lampai melampai;):)

I rasa model ni tak makan bebulan-bulan atau pun tak real sebab Barbie ajer yang ada badan macam ni..tangan pun besar chopsticks ajer.

Ini lah yang terbaik i Barbie effect like in the picture;) I am wearing M size,so ada lah ruang lebih2 sikit nak bagi budget bila makan banyak nanti;) Hmm tapi tak lah berputus asa jugak..nanti bila treadmills dah baik hari rabu ni i akan bangun pukul 4.30 pagi dah tu i akan beli platform 10 inchi..ha haaa..setakat ni okay ajer lah sebab Hb tengok and bila tanya "okay tak pa?" -"uhhhhhh okayyyy sangatttt"..itu kata dia..hee hee;) dia memang cepat jer cakap okay..malas layan i:);)

Whether my cake stand is crofton? No it's not Crofton, i am not familiar  with  Crofton Cake stand:)

Actually it's a multipuporse cake stand..boleh buat macam2:)

Boleh jadi punch bowl,salad bowl,pie plate or food cover. It is priced at RM65.oo and suitable for everyday use because it's made from good quality plastic. I tak boleh pakai my heavy glass cake stand for daily use sebab Tia Mia bukak berpuluh plastic is the best choice..but plastic pun nak lah yang cantik dan elegant:);).

That's all for tonight- tak banyak gambar food sebab orang puasa mana ingat nak ambik gambar.Ni keropok lekor goreng after berbuka so sempat lah snap gambar.Sangat sedap kenyal dan panas:)

To yang bertanya apa paste saya letak kat atas gambar gulai ikan tu..itu kunyit hidup dan cilipadi tumbuk.Masakan original masak lemak cilipadi N9 sangat simple,semuanya berasaskan cilipadi dan kunyit di tumbuk halus..itu saja,cuma kalau ayam tambah lah serai,kalau ikan tak payah,yang penting cara masak,kepekatan santan,ada gulai perlu pekat ada yg tak...ada yang perlu pecah minyak ada yang perlu kuah licin.

Janji nak borak2 dgn semua org tapi sgt penat lepas makan malam ni,jadi hanya Salam ikhlas dapat saya hulur buat mamasyaza,Ramadhan(nak tumbuh misai),Anon,haliqdiaz(inshAllah shall visit soon),Rose (tq),Kniedaz, AnnHuzi, Eny,Liza,Ida( uwan makan lah jugak), Susumanis(happy anniversary sis),Kak kasih redha (boli ajo lah)Umiyumi (seronoknya dengar anggur berbuah lebat),Shila Muin(cuba lah masak sekali dulu,kena try few times),Rozy superfly,Kak Nur Paris (sure kak nur,special for you all nanti),Elena(thanks sis),mamadnd(nanti i try mee rebus),NurNba( cuba lah masak dgn tumbuk cilipadi dan kunyit tu Nur lama2 nanti mesti sedap;):)LG (ha ha golek gelantang gemok jugak jawabnya),Maryam Jordan (itu kunyit hidup lah Maryam:),Suraya harris (moga berjaya dalam presentation hari tu)Mrs FHM,Umirayyan(terima kasih),saniah(thanks),twinsmom(thanks),Mummy Miqhael(ishh macam retis pulak ni:),Nyza,Zuriyanie ( ha ha raya mana?),ida syarida,Kakpeanutbutter;),eyqaaman(tq),meilya dwiyanti( helloo),Ada the baker:)



  1. JM nampak cantik on you kak..I don't think I can afford one now..Maybe i'll get my tailor to make the similar one like JM's... hihihi...

  2. so sweet their food book! brilliant idea! hmmm i must try la tapi i must begin with first rajin kan diri di dapur :D
    RV as the cover, Really Very gorgeous!
    cake stand tu plastic? wow i sangat suka. mula i ingat macam biasa kaca, tak lah i minat. multipurpose lagi. harga pun ok. nak kena suruh kawan i tu cari kan :D
    ada tips tak nak goreng keropok lekor. malu kan goreng keropok pun tak pandai. i goreng tak jadi macam u punya, tak sedap. kenapa eh? i dah try different api conditions pun tak jadi.
    hai macamana ni nak buat yang susah like RV...
    stat your cooking class as soon as i move there ok ;)
    model tu tak real!
    betul la mama memang REALly ok sangat!!!
    bagus kan u submit complain 'before supreme court judge' baru kelam kabut. servis will improve thanks to mama tia mia :)

  3. Salam, kat mane beli multi purpose cake stand.. ? Thanks & hv a nice day.. Slmt berpuasa...

  4. Ah selaluuu saja ada ide kakak yang menjadi inspirasi aku... bagusnya tu bikin buku resep sendiri yaa....

    baju kakak cantik laaah tuuu....

  5. Salam Sis,
    Minat juga dengan multi purpose cake stand tu..kalau plastik okla..sebab di rumah saya pun ada twins girls dan two boys yang sangat rajin makan sekarang ni..hehe..

  6. sama gak cam akak, akak pun ada buku resipi tapi kecik aje, utk bahan rujukan.

  7. Nak buat buku skrap cooking jugak la...mesti seronok..ada gambar2 foodie and family..cake stand plastik kak azu beli di mana ye?


  8. salam kenal,

    hv been ur silent reader for quite some time....saja nak mencelah hr ni :D

    mesti Tia Mia seronok belek ur Food Book bila diorang besar nnti n it will be one of the precious treasure forever

  9. Salam Kenal Kak
    Dah lama jadi silent reader just kali ni baru nak komen. I really love you idea on the food book tu. Kalau di Aussie, they all buat as a scrapbook. Nanti If I balik Malaysia, I will bring something to cantikkan lagi your food book tu yer.
    Mahalnya multi purpose cake stand tu kak, mana beli. Di Adelaide ni hanya dalam AUD15-30 aje.

  10. salam zu kat mane beli stan cake tu saya memg dah lama cari tempat letak kek tu so blh bagitahu kat mane zue beli....tq zu


  11. mak nita dulu pun ade buku resepi..seronok bace buku resepi mak...ape yang die rase die masak sedap and menjadi die jot down the resepi... haaahaa thinking of to make another food book too..for my own ref and for anak cucu nanti... :))

    sgt suke baju2 JM yang kak zue beli..nampak in real lagi cantik..ala kak zue, the model pict tu dah edited..die kocikkan longan sume lah...tu nampak mcam model tu tak makan bebulan2..:)

  12. azu..tu dia lawyer dah bercakap...baru zalora tau.. thanx to u sebab after this mesti zalora upgrade their punya book tak nak commersialkan ke??aku jadi pembeli pertama..nice baju tu..ari tu ingat nak ode jugak tapi belum sampai hajat lagi..raya balik pilah ke??

  13. adoii terjatuh cinta dgn multi-purpose cake stand tu pulak... everytime come here mesti terjatuh cinta hehehe
    mee too ada buku resepi mcm personal reference je lah nak wariskan kat anak belum ada rezeki hehehe

  14. hi dear,
    u mmg creative love the book!
    btw we have same taste of jovian design baju i have both just the same like u hihihihi :)

  15. love your cook book idea ... maybe, i'll make one nanti for my one and only daughter's reference ... he heheh ... love reading your blog too ! ...

  16. Haaaahhhh???? Ada pigskin????
    Kalau kita mgamuk kaw2 mcm tu...baru le diaorg nak buat baik2 dan kasi gift mcm2.?..bagus lah zu buat mcm tu at least diaorg sedar.

    Buku masakan tu cantik dsn kreatif

  17. Nk register sbg anak angkat bleh? Nak buku tuuuuu

  18. Salam Zu..
    wahh sgt bagus idea buku masakan tu. mesti Tia Mia akan buat rujukan di masa depan sambil tunjukkan kat anak cucu: ni la nenek Zu buat dgn penuh kasih sayang..hehe..
    cantiklah baju JM tu sgt menawan bila Zu memakainya. :)

  19. nice cake stand kak zue. beli di mana tu ? romantika ada jual tp mahal sikit and kaca.

  20. Salam Kak Zu.. Idea akak buat Food book tu memang brilliant..♥ Kalau jual pun sure followers blog ni sanggup beli.. Boleh jadi panduan Tia dan Mia bila besar nanti.. Hope anak2 Kak Zu akan rajin masak ibu dan nenek dia.. Suruh mereka tulis blog juga tau.. hehe

    Kak Zu nampak cantik dengan baju JM tu.. ♥ Member kata mahal.. Nur bab2 beli online ni mmg susah sikit. Bagus akak komplen pjg lebar, barulah servis diorg mantap dan jaga sensitiviti org Islam. Tq Kak Zu sebab sudi bagi tunjuk ajar masak lemak.. InsyaAllah nanti Nur cuba. Kakak ipar Nur orang Linggi N9. Nanti bila dia balik raya hj ni bolehlah menuntut ilmu masakan N9 dgn dia. Ramai betul yg berkenab dgn cake stand tu.. Kalau kaca, susah sikit nak handle.. Ok kak..really love your blog..♥ Tulis pjg2 lagi ye.. Kami sudi membaca..Take care sis..

  21. Kak,

    Br teringat nk ckp...
    Kat Wilton mmg x byk choice tuk cuppies.Cuba akak pegi kat City bakers bawah tu seblum Padang Kota tu..situ banyak skit coraknya.

    Resepi saya sume pakat buh lam bakul ateh poti sojuk....kikikiki.Akak punya stail sama mcm kakak saya tapi
    dahsyatnya buku tu dah bertahun2 masih ada lagi.Saya rasa lebih 20 tahun...ala yg time dulu2 yg resepi dia biskut kacang tanah la..kuih siput la...heheheheheh!

  22. As-salam.
    Zu, sekurang-kurangnya Zu masih size S or M, heheheh...
    Gud idea of scrap book

    Kak Mazlizah

  23. salam kak zu.
    Wahh.. ahkak sorang ni mmg kreatif ler. cantik scrapbook tuh. nnt leh pinjam. hehehe.. btw dress tuh mmg so cantik ler. tp utk org2 yg kecik molek cam kak zu jer kot. huhuhu...

    *raya nih sy blk soting.
    Selamat menyambut hari raya korban kak zu. ado buek korban lombu x thn nih?:)))

  24. salam mama tia mia...

    nak tamya lah...mcm kat madinah ni kunyit hidup jarang jumpa dan santan cuma ada yg serbuk. ada tips tak nak masak lomak cili api tu bg sedap? slalu buat kdg2 jadi kdg2 x... tapi ttp habis heheheh...

  25. Salam sis...U look great in dat Jovian baju kurung!!!

  26. salam mtm, tqvm for t wishes ya, pe kata mtm buat vlog gak beside buku tu, leh tgk action jugak..hehe

  27. suke tengok the `phone book` Zue tu he he...Betul kata Zue masak nie kena try banyak kali, tapi part masak lemak mmg I surrender tak mcm org nogori punya kick dia lain..BTW thanks

  28. Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.

  29. Hello. And Bye. Thank you very much.
