Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Good Time with Lots of Loves@Cameron.

Salam:) Final episode of our good time with lots of love@Cameron. To those going to Cameron soon enjoy your time there;) Magic comes in many forms and it starts with happy heart:):) So go find the magic and love:):)- you will not see the traffic jam as something bothering you but you ll appreciate the view along the way and moment in the car:);)

Will answer queries from the previous post along the way:) 

Macam duduk mana2 hotel,buffet breakfast is one of the agenda that we look forward too:):) The third day in Cameron,papa attended meeting and 4 of us were left in the we took our time to malas2 at the cafe:) My plan was to just relax in the hotel with Uwan and the kids,makan pun kat hotel lah sebab not easy to park car at the outside restaurant,nak lintas jalan nak bawak senior citizen and the two rascals;):)

After our breakfast,papa dah pergi meeting, i kepit tangan Uwan bawah ketiak,pegang dua2 orang kenits and crossed the road to go the park across Century Pines:) To those tak pernah duduk CP,it's a nice place for family sebab ada big park with facilities across the hotel.

Bunga2 pun banyak yang blossoming at the park/garden.

After the two had enough at the park,we went back to CP and let the girls roam around in the garden picking pines cones,wild plants etc.

Happy girl- Tia in polka dots raincoat.

After dah puas main2 we went back hotel and jumped into the bed,tengok cartoon,bercerita,makan chips,asam etc.

11.30 am i took Uwan and the girls to the cafe at the Hotel to eat lunch,maklumlah sejuk2 cepat lapar kan but they only serve lunch at 1.00! Alamak,we can't wait:( So i baca Bismillah,bawak semua orang masuk kereta and drove them to the Banana Leaf Restaurant (ha ha craving tak habis lagi) Adventure nak bawak senior citizen,the two girls dari tempat parking nak lintas jalan yang super duper busy,penuh lorry lalu non stop, dah tu nak naik resturant tu kena panjat tangga tinggi. Alhamdulillah i kepit tangan Uwan,held the two girls's hands berdiri tepi jalan nak lintas,Tia pandai angkat tangan suruh kereta berhenti..we pun melintas dengan selamat dan sampai lah kat Restaurant Pujaan:);)

Pada yang tanya pergi yang hujung ke? Yang sebelum ni yes we went to yang hujung but yang 3rd day ni kita orang pergi yang tengah,banyak lagi sayur2 dia..dah alang2 susah nak lintas jalan i pun order sepinggan besar udang,ayam,ikan,masala tea and it costed us RM29 only..sangat berbaloi Uwan pun makan sampai kenyang.

After dah makan we went back hotel..rehat and petang keluar for dinner.I love this view kat Century Pines,the window with planters box.Untuk yang tanya berapa harga Duplex Suite,the price is RM420 inclusive of breakfast and it can accomodate 3 adult 2 children or 4 adult one children or maximum of 6 but has to request for extra bed .Murah ajo sila lah ajak suami masing2:) kalau tak ramai boleh berlari suami isteri atas bawah dalam duplex tu:)

With the star lights along the corridor,the foggy evening looked magical.Yup Ann we are lucky,CH not so far from KL and we enjoy the ride:) Try Duplex Suite next time around..nothing grand and fancy but just nice and cosy.

Night time we bundled up everybody in the car to see cameron at night and tapau satay.So budak2 ni pakai pyjama ajer lah.But bila dah parked kereta the papa said the place is good and weather is nice,so ajak turun makan. Haaa ambik you sejukkkk was really cold,no different from evening in Paris during spring muahaaa:) So i belikan the girls shawl from nearby stall it was priced at RM15 for 2,or RM20 for 3,gila2 mat salleh membeli sebab nice and very cheap.

Tia siap berbungkus:) Finally baru start makan satay dan tak tahan sejuk,we tapau all food bawak balik hotel:)

Beautiful morning in Tanah Rata..boleh dengar azan setiap waktu dari masjid Tanah Rata.Nice feeling dengar Azan tempat yang ala2 Europe:)

Our breakfast on the last day in CP.Boleh tahan jugak breakfast kat sini,dah banyak improvement from the last time..due to sejuk every morning i bedal nothing but two bowls of porridge with condiments.he he:) Uwan will have her nasi as usual and papa and the girls always go for western..macam2 tekak:)

He he ni my husband yang tak berbakat ambik gambar..dia main snap ajer,tak sempat kita nak bagi angle tak nak nampak dagu nomok ke apa..he he.

Mulut kita senget macam mana pun dia terus snap..tak der nak tunggu2 punya..bila kita bising dia cakap 'ehh candid lah nice":):)

Ni gambar yang paling 'senereh" dia ambik, sapa orang N9?Zuhriyanie ke sapa lagi..anda ada faham the word "senereh" he he...

So baik kita ambik sendiri boleh posing guna beauty mode..he he..anyway tudung Bokitta is my favourite bila travel..tak ada mood nak cucuk2 pin,so i bawak 2,hitam dan brown sampai lunyai pakai tu ajer..senang sarung dan tarik ketepi ketengah:)

After check out papa pun drove us to Bharat Tea Plantation for usual pictures snapping and mouth watering scones:) punyo Uwan yang meredah celah2 pokok teh tu?

Hindustani pose:)

The beautiful Tea Plantation- i just can't have enough of pictures snapping here:)

Magical moment.


Team Sisters.

Beautiful shot.

Farm girls;)

Happy Uwan:)

My 90 year old omak berdiri tegak - Fashion facts - mengepit handbag pemberian menantu dari Frankfurt,dengan fashionable jubah, black tudung from Najjah,inner cardi from Zara and outer cardi from Nyon,Switzerland...Muahaaaa..i suka pesen2 kan Uwan kalau berjalan.Love you Uwan:):) Alhamdulillah dengan kesempatan diberi Allah Swt,masa budak2 dulu  macam2 keinginan nak di beri pada emak tapi tiada dia sudah lanjut usia saya diberi peluang berbuat setakat yang mampu.

Then....Tea and Scones time! I always suka scones at CH kalau tak makan kat Ye Olde Smoke House pun kat Bharat ni dah good sedappp:)

Warm scones with cream,butter and homemade strawberry..saya haruslah belajar membuat selepas ini.

Lelap mata..sambil makan..hmmmmm

Dua orang ni baru belajar makan scones..tapi nampak they suka plain scones..tapi enjoy menyapu butter dan cream.

Special time- he he i balas balik..dia mulut muncung suap scones i pun snap..tapi dia bukan kisah pun..he he...okay jom kita balik:)

And it's always nice to be back home..rumah yang bersih,lantai yang nyaman..Thanks to Heni:) menyambut kita..apa di makan pun terasa sedap..penat, i bought lauk2 dari "Hassan Ayam Kampung" kat KD..balik terus boleh ngap..sayur penuh sekereta simpan dulu:)

Pada yang berminat nak pi steamboat tu..nama kedai tu  "Restoran Ferm Nyonya",alamat Persiaran Camelia 4,Tanah Rata.Landmark,dia sederet dengan Maybank dan security firm dan malam2 ahad ada tapak pasar malam dekat situ.Tapi sila datang awal sebab sangat lah popular,sentiasa penuh weekend. 

Yang sedap kat sini..semuanya fresh, the sayur lah especially,if you like watercrest..pengsan2 makan sebab dia bagi sebalun;)

To Sarah mommy Idraki yang tanya my camera- i guna Olympus model iHs.

The vibrant colours tu i guna mode "Magic" this mode bagi effect yang sangat vibrant dan bertepatan lah dengan "Magic".If i dont use "Magic" i edit some of the pictures kat my Mac.Sarah we gonna miss Iman and Idraki too..but we shall keep in touch okay and i am glad to hear that Nina gonna transit Iman kat Claire's after school:) Hope to see idraki in the future too:)

To rest going to CH..enjoy your time there! dont be bothered by the wet weather,the jam etc,etc..see the magical behind it..he he..tak habis2 dengan magic i kan..tu lah suka tengok David Copperfields sangat.Selamat memetik strawberry di Rezeki ke kak pinat,saya tak beli pulak jam dan cokelat dia time lah:) To Ramadhan..ha ha nanti awak pergi Opah bagi lah petik sebanyak mana suka:)

Ta taaaa.



  1. the best part in this blog is bila you mentioned you suka pesen2kan uwan...hehehheee...sooo funny and sweet at the same time, barang2 yg uwam pakai semua import overseas punya, don't play2 kan hehhe..i dah jatuh cinta dgn mak you @ uwan....she reminds me of my late nenek....


  2. hehe..bila baca dan tengok gambar2 sis & family di sana terus lupa pasal jam..macam nak pi sana juga...lama sebenarnya tak ke CH ...thanks for the infos on makan-makan places.. ^_^

  3. aaaaa.. comel nya la the girls.. auntie pilla kim salam muah muah!!

  4. azu..aku tak percaya pd mode beauty kt ur Olympus tu sbb aku kenal u, kulit u memang cantik semenjak kita belajar dulu.. hehehe.. alhamdulillah...syukur, kita masih diberi peluang utk membahagiakan dan memberikan apa yg mampu utk org tua kita seperti yg kita angan2kan dulu.. azu, tgk ur n3 mcm tgk dokumentary pasal CH tapi bagus nanti kalau ke CH dah tahu mana nak dituju..thanx.. gambar yg u ambik sumo eh 'senereh'..

  5. salam kak Zu.Sweet betul sy tgk kak zu ni taw. Bila sy tgk 'uwan' yg dah berumur 90 thn nih, teringat sy kat pakcik husben ygn berumur 70 thn tp nmpk lebih tua dr 'uwan'. apa rahsia uwan yg msh kuat bertenaga ni yer. so wonder lah...
    kalau x silap, senegheh tu senonoh kan? agak yoo lahh.. kalau silap, tlg boto kan yoo.. hehehe:)


    - NORHUDA -

  7. hahaha thanks papa yang kurang bakat aim angle dapatlah we see mama's candid mode. betul la tetap natural beauty la mama :)

    best kalau dapat gambar mama kepit tangan uwan with tia mia, angkat tangan nak stop traffic :)

    ooh dapat tengok kulit udang je, mesti sedap ni.

    yes we going to aim that nice cosy duplex. budak kecik2 tu sure suka turun naik tangga dalam rumah. hehe rumah sini turun naik tangga untuk ke rumah dah things of the past! guna lifts je :D

    yeah uwan sihat kuat boleh meredah ladang teh!

  8. Masha Allah,

    Melihatkan Uwan membayangkan betapa kuatnya dia.
    semoga Allah memberi kekuatan utk Uwan..
    MamaTiaMia, ur hijab so cute & simple. love it ;-)

  9. seronoknya bla tgk senyuman uwan yg gembira

  10. Salam kak, this is the 1st time saya leave comment here. Bila akak tulis melintas jalan, kepit tgn uwan n bawak the twins jugak, siap tia pandai angkat tgn stopkan kereta lagi, bergenang air mata saya. When u said selamat melintas I automatically said "Alhamdulillah", hehe.. dunno y maybe i boleh imagine keadaan waktu tu kot, saya tersenyum sendiri bila tgk gambar the twins n uwan makan banyak, being far from my family semuanya di KL saya jer mencari rezeki di Perlis(bukan Paris :P) make me wish Allah will grant my doa one day I can go back to KL and take care of my beloved too.. Till then kirim salam sayang to uwan n the twins :) - Shaz

  11. uwan model of the CH posting lah..hehe, klaka la pica candid tu, org laki ramai cam tu tp kalau i gan hub , i pulak yg terbalik x reti mik gambar cantik cantik, gambar yg u amik seme mashaAllah zu, cantik bagat, dah banyak baca blog org g CH tapi yours mmg the kababaooom..sapa x penah g mesti teruja nak g, tqvm, me looking frwd nk g soon :)

  12. i really love reading your blog. sweet stories indeed.

  13. Uwan fashionable. Bleh bwk ke bkt bintang. Nnt uwan rambang mata kat h&m

  14. Salam mamatiamia..

    Suka tengok gambo-gambo u, ceria dan happening..

    Tetiba rase nak pegi CH...minta-minta dapat pujuk en. suami...hurmmmm

    Take care ya..

  15. dah senereh dah gambar tu kak...

    hihihii lamo tak cakap bahaso ni...

  16. Salam Zu,
    rinduuuu dkt CH la.. kelakar tgk pose yg candid2 tu hahaha.. tak sempat nak kontrol ayulah kan.
    sedapnya scones tu. last time umi mkn dkt KHM pun sedap juga.. hmm ni yg tiba2 teringin pulak nk mkn scones :p

  17. Assalammualaikum...
    Seronoknye tengok ur holidays with ur love ones...sweet n lovely!

  18. waaa, i dah terlepas 2,3 entry, terus marathon baca..rupanya Azu pergi CH, seronok kan bila kat sana, hilang segala stress di tengah kota ni, me n hb baru balik dr Bangkok, we spend time berdua kat sana, tapi hiruk pikuk kat sana, fuuuh, cuma seronok la bila time shopping kat balik, baru nak update my blog n sempat bw semua blog kawan2, n i miss ur blog sangat2...n happy bila bukak, banyak pic uwan inside...bergaya betul uwan dengan handbag n cardi nyer....u r so blessed Azu sebab still ada uwan disisi....

  19. Cantik Wan posing dengan handbagnya tu.. Percutian yang sangat bermakna sebab akak menggembirakan semua insan2 yg paling akak sayang.. Suka sangat tengok semua gambar dalam entri ni.. Moga lepas ni dapat bercuti CH pulak.. tq sis sebab bagi info2 tu.. Nak pujuk husband pulak ni.. hehe

    Nur suka pose candid tu, ok je.. Biasa la.. Kalau suruh orang lelaki ambil.. Nak tanya.. "senereh" tu apa kak? Saya orang Johor, tak tau.. Kirimkan salam Nur pada Uwan.. Take care sis.

  20. ohla tuan blog sangat cantik kulit mulusss pulusss ;p
