Friday, December 21, 2012

Chili String- Traditional way to get rid of flies.

Salam! Happy weekend and happy holidays!

I will answer queries at the end of this entry:) Wahh so seronok long weekend and holiday kan:):) We can spend time with our loved ones or just relax and unwind. I love to spend time at my kitchen but lately during this rainy season my kitchen kena attack quite badly with flies..and i hate to see flies roaming around in my kitchen:(

So i telah buat something and I am sharing it with you all and of course my Tia and Mia.

Yesterday i went to the "Red Shop" at Ikano (shop selling araomatheraphy candles and benda2 sembahyang china) and asked for things that can get rid of flies.The shop owner told me that this lemongrass candle can get rid of flies. I bought and it's quite expensive  i.e RM30 for 6 candles.

I went to the next shop to compare the price ( dah beli baru nak compare kan...he he) and was told by the chinese lady to hang dried chili in the kitchen- she said that's the traditional way to get rid of flies.

In some countries like Mexico they love to hang chilies in their kitchen:)

Some turn chilies into beautiful decoration and gift like this pretty chili wreath:)

And this gorgeous chili garland.

So today i buat project sikit,lunch time i went to Daiso and bought this RM5 jut string.

I bought few other RM5 things i.e clothes peg with hook and plastic grapes.

Balik tadi since Ustazah Jamie tak jadi datang ajar Iqraq sebab jalan jam dan banjir, while teman the other half makan i pun buat lah project chili:) I cut the jut string,tied grapes in the middle,hook the chili to the peg's hook and clip it to the string.

Tadaaaa my Chili String..i am quite satisfied with the outcome.

Boleh jadi kitchen decoration and buat lalat bersin achuuu achuuuu non stop hopefully until they lose their nose and feel scared to come again..he he;)

Hepppp girl- that is not the real grapes okay;) Sorry if i made you drool over it;);) 

Orang tua2 zaman dulu so pandai buat peribahasa- kata2 dan makna sangat bertepatan- kudos to them - "Kecil2 cili padi"- "Siapa makan chili dia terasa pedasnya" Tepat dan jitu:):)

Before i go to sleep and dream of the Handsome Chili Prince from Espanol i would like to say salam to : Nur -Nba,Ida,Haliza Ghazalli,Umiyumi,Elena,Rozz,Ramadhan,Anon,susumanis,Shazliza,Lagenda Mahsuri,Yong,Ann Huzi,Norhuda,Zuhriyanie, Sham(seremban),Filla-Kasihs,Kniedaz,Yatie,Ash,herlyna,Kak Pinat,Sarah,HanisAzla,ibunurin,Akmar AT,Kak Kasih redha,pelangi petang,Cacah,Fatimah,Eey,Rozana Muaz,lasufi, shilamuin,Greetingsfrom england,shahid,Zulfadly,Nor azlina.

Yang bertanya saya booked through website mana,i used Agoda,the price before tax was RM429 but bila dah tax etc kena lah jugak more than that and price Agoda or any other website bila dah semakin dekat festive season (Christmas) akan jadi lebih mahal.So rasanya RM460 tu is the right price.

Thanks pada yang memberikan kata2 yang baik,doa2 yang indah:) In shaa Allah kata2 yang baik dan doa2 yang indah juga buat semua.In sha Allah juga pada yang berkirim salam pada yang kecik dan yang senior akan di sampaikan:)

Finally; end your worries,increase your faith, bring sincerity in your heart,share your happiness with others,love more,hate less- In shaa Allah we ll have a more peaceful mind;):)

Psttt- "senereh' tu makna dia 'yang okay sikit" or senonoh, dan siapa tahu "cenekel" dan "tocholait"..he he meneka tepat boleh dapat hadiah chili tau:):)



  1. serious sis? hang dried chillies to shoo away flies? never heard of dat thing before. hu hu hu.
    tapi kalau kita gantung cili tu, kena rajin tukar tak? takut nanti dia berbubuk aite?
    neway, sgt rajin la sis buat semua tu.. even cuma 'small project' to you, kita still malas nak buat. hi hi

  2. Salam Zu
    Kalau ada lalat sekor pun kat rumah dah rasa semacam je kan.
    Suami akak ada beli semacam racket...guna beteri...unk bunuh lalat.

  3. "cenekel" = pengelat/main tipu "tocholait"= lampu picit/touchlight

    ok..kalau betul nak hadiah cili sebakul..

  4. Wah rajinnya akak gantung cili.. Tq for the tips.. Tak pun ada satu cara lagi akak beli pelekat lalat yang ada gam atas dia.. Mati terus lalat tu sebab melekat pada gam..

  5. Salaam azu, hiks me dengan lalat memang selalu berperang..sakit mata tengok dia berterbangan kat dapur, sampai ke living room dia ada..tak tau pulak guna dried chilies is one of the traditional way..biasa me guna spray yang water based jer, tapi still lalat nie susah nak standby dengan towel memang kena lepuk2 baru mati lalat bil memang terror bunuh lalat..guna tangan jer :-)

  6. tocholait.. arwah uwan saya selalu sebut tocholait.. hehe.. bila tgk gambar uwan (ur mother) mesti terigtkan arwah uwan saya. meninggal lama dah waktu umur dia 82++.. asal eh oghang ghombau ;)
    cuba kak zu teka ayat nih plak "tak terpikcho den".. :) :)

  7. Salam sis, ada jugak Petua nk halau lalat guna daun Kari.
    Cuba la ye.

  8. Salam to U n family too. Thank for the petua. Nak try pakai tali rafia ha hs

  9. hi kak azu..setahu sy, gantungkan cili kering tu biasanya utk halaukan kelkatu jep. Tatau la plak blh halau lalat. Nnt blh cuba tips kak zu nnt

    Cenekel tu x pasti but kalo tocholait tu tahu la. Torch light kan??

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. ceneke la tu nak bogi chili koghing yo buek adiah...

    Memaghin jamban nun la punyo jauh....kok nk bxxxxk memalam kono beduo.Soghang masuk soghang tukang pogang tocholait.Lopeh tu asik lah buek soal jawab 'dah ko lum?...dah ko lum?' sampai yg dalam tu nak melabur amanah saham pun tak sonang jadi eh hahahahaha

  12. Cenekel-pengelat, tocholait-torchlight.. Betul ke Kak Zu?

  13. Akak u shud supply chili kering to indon. Mmg xde jual

  14. Saya expert bunuh lalat ...hehehe


  15. rumah saya pun byk lalat.sbb saya sker tanam pokok2 then letak tanah baja.will give a tryla.letak cili kering.hehe.tq
