Saturday, December 22, 2012

Vintage Coconut Cake in Nordicware Bundt Pan.


Huhuu sistas pandai bonar somo ehh..tahu apo cenekel dgn tocholait,osahhh impress ese:) Kalau cuba satu lae " Nak moyang koporit tak boleh terpicho abih dilutap ehh" paham ko? Ha ha:):) Tahniah yang tahu,jgn makan lado banyak bonar kato uwan nanti mencirit susah nak berak:):) and i like kisah nostalgia Elena pasal torcholait:):)

Ehem..ehem now lets clear our throat,wash our hands and come to the kitchen for exciting baking series:)

Today i bought one recipe book from Times Book Store while waiting for Tia Mia to finish their piano class.The book was in the plastic wrap so i couldn't browse the content but i can feel it's a good book.Last book from Popular Book Store sold at RM19.90 was hopeless,that's the last recipe i made i.e mocha bundt cake tak seperti di harap kan. I paid RM89.90 for this book lets hope it produces good result.

I love the book.Penuh dengan vintage recipe.i.e "so me" i suka simple,traditional and vintage cake. Dan semua orang dalam rumah pun sama,buat chocolate cake mesti tak habis,especially yang ada toppings but simple butter cake will be loved by everybody. So balik i tak sabar nak cuba the recipe to see whether the investment is worth:) I chose "Coconut Cake" as first try.

I used my Nordicware Bundt Pan, cantik kan the swirls,came out easily,no fuss,i biar sejuk about 10 mins under the fan but make sure you bake until tepi2 dia pull away from the mould. Jadi bundt pan ni boleh guna any type of cakes pun but mesti lah solid cake,kalau yang lembik2 like moist chocolate cake i doubt it will work.

Recipe ni tak guna sugar , just condensed milk dan tak payah nak pukul butter separate dulu ke apa,just beat you eggs lightly dah tu put everything )flour,butter,condensed milk,beaten eggs,coconut flakes and baking powder in a bowl and beat until pale a bit) The cake is really nice and sedap..yang berminat try to zoom the recipe page i letak kat atas ya.

Perfect cake,no air bubble or anything but don't forget to grease your mould with lots of butter.

Recipe from the book requires buttercream on top then drizzle the coconut flakes tapi since many of us tak suka the cream i just drizzle sweetened coconut flakes on top.I used "Bakers" sweetened coconut flakes from Village Grocers,really nice:)

I am very happy with the result.

This cake is moist & soft but firm,i like the texture,i think any cakes using syrup or condensed milk in it will have this effect.

One slice is  not enough:) As I am writing this my two girls are at the kitchen eating the cake again.

Truly recommended,i hope sistas will try it because i really want you to rasa the nice taste..the recipe is definitely for a keep.

I sangat excited reading the book apart from all the good tips given ; there's many good recipes inside.

I sangat2 suka English Madelines,the french ones tak berapa and susah cari kedai yang jual English Madelines ni. Masa i belajar kat U lagi ada satu orang kat Kuala Pilah yang pandai buat English Madelines ni,bila ada pasar tani dia buat dalam 10 bijik and jual and uwan surely beli and keep for me:) Actually I suka apa yang ada kelapa kering pun macam chocolate "The Bounty" memang i suka.

And banyak lagi cake2 yang i suka macam basic lemon cake ni kat dalam the book.

Will give this a try too next time.

I went to Wilton to find mould for madelines tapi tak ada and i end up buying these mini flute moulds.

Ada sales kat wilton so this RM106.00 moulds after 30% discount tinggal RM70 plus:)

Some of the collections:) he he orang collect handbags i collect cake moulds.

Today's picture lunch at Full House..we had olio and roast chicken..well boleh lah nothing outstanding,the girls said my roast chicken is the best muahaaa haa..they very good at beli my cakes pun they said "your cake is the best delicious" 

Okay lah...night night All.See you in the next entry.


  1. Salam.. Wah Kak Zu dah tayang kek la... perghh cantik benar hasilnya.. Nak sepotong boleh tak?? Pandai Tia dan Mia ambil hati akak...

    Nur tahu jawapan sebab tanya kakak ipar yang asal dari Linggi (kebetulan dia balik kg bercuti). Kalau tak, tak tau maksud perkataan2 tu... ;)

  2. Nakkkkkkkkkkkk. Dh tatau nk comment ape dh

  3. Cantikkkk
    Nak tryyyyy nantiiii
    Rasa mcm nak capai je sepotong kek tu

  4. Its look Syedapnya kak zuuuuu!! bila dah bnyk mould,berkotan beli buku resepi, maka makin mnjd2 la sawan membaking tu nnt...untunggggg seisi rumah!

    Kita sama2 wat koleksi moult la kak..akk jd pengerusi club.

    Ha ha ha..

  5. Azu makna nya : memang jahat betul.xboleh leka habis dimakan nya.selalu nya arwah mak ckp mcm tu bila marah kan monyet yg dtg curi pisang yg mula menguning di keliling rumah akak pd thn 70an.sekarang rumah dah tak ada.dan semuanya tinggal kenangan

    Tapi bila melihat uwan.rindu kpd mak seakan terubat ....uwan yg amat bertuah kerana diusia sebegini dijaga dgn baik dan kasih sayang.

  6. Kak Zu, ni maksud ayat akak tu..
    "Kan main jahat, tak boleh ilang sokojap habis di curik ehh,,"

  7. salam kak zu....mcm nk try jer kek tu sbb my hubby pun tak suke cake yg ada krim...kalau plain jer...laju dia mkn...mmg menarik la kak zu kek tu...inside my magic bos bhn2 semua ada except...condensed milk...will try it later... :)

  8. salam kak zu....mcm nk try jer kek tu sbb my hubby pun tak suke cake yg ada krim...kalau plain jer...laju dia mkn...mmg menarik la kak zu kek tu...inside my magic bos bhn2 semua ada except...condensed milk...will try it later... :)

  9. nampak cantik sgt bentuk kek tu dan sudah semestinya sedap

  10. nampak cantik sgt bentuk kek tu dan sudah semestinya sedap

  11. salaam azu, your coconut cakes looks so yummy :-)..I am going to get the book also hikss..nampak sedap2 jer resepi dia..:-)..wilton ada sale??..wallahh..plan to get that belle bundt pan too kalau ada less 30% sebab kat online tengok dia jual mahal juga :-)

  12. Salam Zu,
    wahh dah rasmi bundt pan nordic ware tu ya? cantiknya kek.. ni yg buat rasa berkobar2 nak beli jugak pan mcm tu. umi pun suka kek kalau letak coconut ni rasa jauh lebih sedap :)

  13. rasa nak gelak je baca ayat tu....hahahahah 'osah maghah eh tu...'

  14. as salam. good day to you and your family zue..

    sedapnya kek and i love chocolate Bounty too..

