Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Among the most beautiful:):)


Hope all of you have a wonderful start for 2013:)

It was a tiring morning for me today thus i made this entry to revive my mood:):) Alhamdulillah 2013 starts good, masih diberkati Allah Swt dengan semua2 kebaikan plus rezeki untuk di kongsi bersama-sama.Sometimes you always wonder where to find extra money etc to pay for this and that,if possible don't sigh and complaint replace it with doa quietly in your prayers..In Sha Allah it will be heard and it will be fulfilled.

Cerita pagi ni: This year dah nak kena renew Heni punya passport plus the permit, the renewal of passport requires few new terms including that the maid must have a bank account in her own name.Since Heni tak pernah ada buku saving kenalah bawak pergi bank this morning,seawal pagi bangun goreng nasik,kejutkan uwan,pack breakfast the girls,siapkan dia orang and sent to papa's car with hugs and kisses.Check Uwan pulak, bagi dia supplement etc then bawak Heni to bank,sampai awal belum lah bukak bank,so took her to Kopitiam,bank dah bukak tunggu giliran,sampai giliran dah bagi semua dokumen etc suddenly they said i cannot do it since the majikan in Heni;s passport is my husband, my husband got to come and there's no two ways about it.I said yesterday when i called to inquire the procedure why didn't you say so..don't you have  an alternative? what if my husband is away for a month? don't you consider Authorization letter etc etc? So budak tu masuk pi mengadap manager,bla bla..then he cakap okay,surat kuasa and copy of IC can be accepted..bawak lah Heni masuk kereta pi office,suruh tunggu naik office buat surat etc,drive balik pi bank..sampai orang dah macam semut..kenalah tunggu..punya lama menunggu sampai kena pi isik duit kat machine parking lagi..aduhhh penatnya..dari keluar subuh pukul 11.40 baru lah habis kat bank.Dah tu i had to drive fast to buy nasi for uwan,pagi tadi keluar ingat cepatlah habis,cuma ada nasi goreng dan lauk kat rumah,nasi tak lah letak lagi..so berlari lah pergi beli nasi takut kang balik baru nak masak nasik uwan lapar pulak..dah tu drive balik rumah hantar heni..tengok uwan..elok relax ajer dia depan tv mengulang makan nasi goreng,ulam petai lagi  dan langsat..he he ...then drive pergi office..by the time i sampai office i was totally exhausted.. i sent emotional email to husband sharing my 'kepenatan' with him- he replied back " papa sorry,next week after board meeting will take day off to help" ..then i feel guilty..kesian pulak dia..i know for a fact bila nak board meeting he is always busy otherwise he never fail to help..masalah nya setahun berpuluh lah board meeting papa..:);)

So di awal tahun yang kecoh macam2 ni..saya sangat merindukan nak buat benda2 yang simple macam dulu2:) Balik petang bawak anak2 round2 naik kereta pergi park atau isi minyak sekali pun.Dah tu instead of buat cake yang proper masuk dapur goreng cekodok atau duduk didepan rumah dengan baju kerja masih belum bukak minum teh dan potong buah dengan Uwan.

Last two days i came back and saw this view:) I love it:)

"Mama we want to keep the garden clean so that you ll be happy" Tengok you yang buat mama happy nothing else:)

Dah lama tak buat kueh2 yang macam ni for breakafst..so pagi semalam saya buat cucur udang.

Petang pulang dan menunaikan hasrat...I took the girls to the Shell station,we went to 711 bought chocolate and we went to Speedy video to buy few VCDs...balik saya potong buah utk uwan di halaman.

Saya hanya beli lauk petang semalam..tidak mengikut routine dan discpline mesti memasak..

So happy to see them happy:)

sekejap ajer dah besar tahun 2014 dah nak masuk Darjah 1..kena mencari masa dengan yang kecik dan yang berumur sebaik mungkin.

Malam menunaikan hasrat lagi..after dinner i buat Jem Jem Jem Phoot Phoot Phoot

Jemphoot Pisang..no elegant cake just a simple old time jemput pisang.

The problem the two girls tak minat but uwan sangat suka;):) biarlah sesekali buat yang uwan sangat suka:)

sangat sedap menghirup hot cocolate dengan milk froth sambil menyuap jemput2:)

Santapan mata;

Mosque in Germany-One of the 40 most beautiful mosque in the World .

Awesome Porch.

Delicious kitchen

Gorgeous deck.

Penat hari ni hilang,,bila the papa sent me sms during lunch today " papa can pick the girls from kindy and we go lunch together" he he so my husband brought me these curly murly dessert.Thank You to All Darlings:)

Dear Umiyumi- ha ha tak tau lah bila nak siap wet kitchen tu Umi,secoet tapi lambat, Anis Rafie- thanks dear, Salmi- wahhh banayknya persamaan kita,i like semua tu,the asam pedas,the white kekwa the ulam,the goreng cempedak:) , Kniedaz- macam yg i cakap before tak perlu guna recipe bundt cake pun,apa2 pun boleh, mamasyaza- harap2 dah membaking, Cacah- selamat tahun baru to you too, Shilamuin- sedapkan,wah twins pandai makan masak lemak ni:), Yong- thanks,selamat tahun baru to you too, Anon- thanks for your sharing your idea,currently i have clothes hanger mounted to the wall at the upper level, cannot be seen in the picture but my maid still use the unfixed one because much faster than have to stand on the step to hang the clothes-she is not that tall unfortunately;):) yup that's the transformer, Mazni- why dont you? come back fast for asam pedas dear;):), The Singing Pilot- nak land kepalterebang kat mano kat KD ni nak datang??..he he



  1. salam akak..yg serbuk kat jemmmpott pisang tue gula perang ker...semoga akak n famili bahagia sentiasa...best baca blog akak...salam perkenalan:)

  2. salam kak...

    saya pun harini melanggar undang2 sbb tak masak...Asik mengodek laman dari pukul 8 pagi..tau2 dah pukul 11 anak dah nak balik tadika dah...
    Syok berkebun sbb cuaca dah okay sikit...alhamdulillah
    santapan mata tu memang tak boleh tahannnnnnnnnnn....

    La kosan eh cengkodok yo...beriyo se maco tulisan eh tu wakakakaka

  3. Salam perkenalan. Saya hari2 menjengok blog akak. suka boleh memberi inspirasi dan semangat pada saya untuk jadi seperti awak... sentiasa rajin setiap hari. dan happy selalu disamping familly tercinta.. mesti awak suka senyum kan.. apa rasia awak sentiasa aktif tak rasa penat... teringin nak jadi macam awak.. nie tidak bila balik kerja da penat.. makan tidur aje.. ok jumpa lagi..

  4. sedapnya jemput pisang tu... balik ni nak buat jugak... penat kak zu ke sana sini berjangkit tau sampai sini bila baca post ni... kak zu ni, balik rehat elok2 ye... :) *hugs*

  5. salam kak zu....ank2 dara dh besar...dh leh harap sapu garden...nampak sedap pula jemput tu...mcm nk buat lah...hehehe

  6. salam kak..

    sy baca blog akak..akak asal dr kuala pilah kan..
    huhu..sebenarnya nak tanya jalan ni..
    route mana plg dekat klu nak pegi kuala pilah ni dr kl...
    if possible..blh guide tk..since nk pegi kolej matrikulasi ns kt kuala pilah..tq


  7. jem jem jem phot..jempot pisang yang sodap..balik ni nak buat la...nak le etak baking soda n baking powder,,kasik kebabom...

  8. sesekali makan jemput-jemput pisang pun sedap...hehe


  9. Sejuk mama tengok tiamia.
    good girls.

  10. tia and mia, both of you grow so fast ..kejap jer dah masuk 6 tahun this year..hugs to both of you beautiful girls :-) and moga uwan sihat2 selalu :-)

  11. tq zu, terhibur hati yang sedang berduka ni... kak susu manis

  12. Puas dok pikior apa ke benda nama akak sebut "jem jem jem phot phot phot" tu..bila skroll ke bwh, laaaaaaaaaa..jemput2 pisang rupanya!! Ha ha ha..

  13. Akak, why abg azam so sweet? Will I get a sweet wife? Hahaha

  14. Salam perkenalan..mcm kenal jer, pilah kat mana..seronok baca blog zue..

  15. Salam perkenalan..mcm kenal jer, pilah kat mana..seronok baca blog zue..

  16. Yumyum!!! Jempoot2 banana...i loooiikeee!! Hehehe

    Umi Triple S.Y.A.

  17. ya lah papa so sweet, always giving mama emotional support. mama's little helpers, so sweet wana make mama happy by cleaning the sweet garden. like this sure mama can smile so sweetly and all the penat lelah will just evaporate away. mama tell sweet stories tu jadinya satu rumah jadi sweet, esp now dah selalu mem baking :)
    so sweet jemput pisang, my no.1 fav! best ni makan at pangkin bawah pokok rambutan depan rumah kampung nyaman :)

  18. Salam Kak Zu,
    Lamanya tak chit chat ngan Kak Zu disini.Even without fail mesti baca blog Kak Zu, tapi tak sempat nak mengomel.Blog sendiri pun tak ber update sangat.Busy sungguh....

    Sedapnya jemput pisang kan?Walaupun rupanya buruk (buruk la...hitam)tapi rasanya sedap...Kirim salam Uwan dan hug and kisses for Tia and Mia

  19. jemput pisang tu org penang penang panggil coqkodok... seronok kan if you have and make time for simple things in our lives.

    Enjoying your blog, kalau boss I tau dok bukak blog akak every morning, mesti menanah telinga kena berleter.


  20. salam Kak Zu.
    Amboiii... mukadimah yg sungguh pjg kali nih. terasa sy akan kepenatan dan kesibukan kak zu. tp semua penat tu akan hilang bila tgk org2 tersayang kan kak zu? Haiihh.. tgk cekodok pisang tuh dah buek sey lapa nih kak.. mano sey nak carik blk kojo nih.. hehehe

  21. Hello MamaTiaMia....
    Happy New Year 2013 to u & family.
    I love the jemput2 pisang! Simple yet delish.
    Oh ya ur mum same age with my uwan kek Rombau!

  22. Jem jem phot phot tu favourate satu rumah I. Mr Hubby tak makan nasik dah kalau dapat jemput2 pisang. My boys semua hantu jemput pisang...

  23. salam zue.. tergelak i baca yr blog yg dah lama i gak masuk sebok.. what a hectic day for u but lucky everything under control.. u go gal!
    tergelak lagi bila baca abt papa board meetings yg ada sepanjang masa tu ekekekeke.. sedap tgk yr cekodok pisang mcm nakkkk.. citer cempedak i tak terliur sgt sbb dah few days in a row dok beli kat ada gerai satu belakang office ni yg sagt sedap n manis..

    so tu jer la yg i nak sebok this time around.. take care :-)

  24. jem phooot pisang tu memang sedap dimkn panas2

  25. jemput2..thinking of eating it this morning...hoho..lame x singgah blog ni....
