Sunday, April 28, 2013

Kitchen Business back as usual!


How i miss cooking and sitting doing nothing in my garden:) 4 days seems like 4 weeks- that's how a woman feels when they are away from their family:) Yong asked how's Tia Mia? They miss me very much Yong:( I saw them at the airport and they just ran and hugged me tight,non stop telling me how much they missed me at night:(

Terima Kasih Mayonniz- that means much to me:):) Thanks Halizza Ghazali and everybody else,those giving some insight on Sri Lanka(kekunang&flying fish):) Sri Langka lambat lagi- next year but i will remember the crab:):) Manado will be next month..hmmm how to leave the girls again- first time ni maybe they tak expect lagi yang 4 days will be long but next trip mesti they dah tahu:) But like many other women, mama has to work and for that we try our best to manage the situation okay:) And yang tanya hotel- i stayed at Grand Mercure Fortune Bangkok- hotel is connected to shopping mall- it was a very long mall-endless,sampai tak larat nak jalan,tapi tak ada outlet clothes or core brands- mostly eating shops,kedai gadgets and one Tesco but across the road there's a big Mall across the road named Rama something with anchor tenants like Robinson, Miss Selfridge,Top Market etc. And to Fadly ha ha ayah mesti risau bersebab tak bagi pi Siam tu:) To Flying Fish thanks so much, hopefully can bump into you when i fly to Sri Langka and to the The Singing Pilot- so true-orang kita ni bengkeng tak bersebab kenkadang:( To ida, Qashmere,Nastyna,nyza,fazaDura Zul,herlyna jom kita manja2 kan diri. And to Zaila of course lah camera trick,camera setting dan segala benda yang pandai menipu2 tu dik,akak manalah rupa semenarik tu tanpa all the tricks *wink*wink*:):) 

All in all- I miss my kitchen very much:):) And i ve been cooking few meals for people at home since i got back:)

Saturday evening i cooked kuay teow goreng for everybody.

I cooked kuey teow kegemaran orang2 kat rumah.

I ve been trying few recipe for kuey teow basah selalu tak kena kat tekak- this is my own olahan yang i rasa sangat kena with tekak even the girls,uwan pun sangat suka. My recipe (for one packet kuey teow)- a spoonful of paste "Prawn noodles" brand Tean, 2 spoonful oyster sauce, 1 spoonful cooking caramel (kicap pekat hitam yang tegak botol pun tak tumpah tu), kalau nak pedas tambah satu sudu cilikering yg dah blend. Tumis bawang putih merah, masuk udang,sawi,tomato, gaul2, masuk paste udang,then oyster sauce,caramel gaul sampai semua wangi, tambah air sikit, masuk kuew teow yang halus, balik2 cepat, kaup ketepi dan pecahkan telur, kacau kejap and angkat-makan dengan cili jeruk sangat sedap:)

Not only i miss cooking i miss my kitchen too:) dapat tukar table cloth pun satu kepuasan:)

And i miss seeing the girls playing in the garden:)

And jambu yang budak dua orang tu tanam with their papa dah pun berbuah:) So happy the two tengok buah merah macam strawberry- jenis ni memang kegemaran budak2 walaupun masam sikit tapi sedap makan dengan kicap gula:) and rajin berbuah- dah pun banyak putik lain yang keluar walaupun pokoknya tak sampai sekaki tinggi dari tanah:)

Ini kepuasan yang tak mahal namanya duduk tanpa buat apa2 tapi rasa sangat happy:)

Dinner i baked Rosemary Chicken with potatoes and gulai for uwan.

Sunday morning i cooked nasi lemak - extra pandan dan serai utk bau menusuk kalbu;)

Sangat sedap makan nasi lemak simple tapi yang wangi dengan halia,pandan,serai dan sambal sotong kering,bilis halus kuantan dan telur rebus omega yang kuningnya cantik:)

Lunch; we took Uwan to Awana Genting for buffet.

Uwan with her dessert.

My plate- buttered rice with beef goulash,roast chicken,chickpea curry,mango pickles and kuah rassam- sedappppp:):)

We stopped at the new Bee farm centre- cantik jugak tempatnya ada bees, butterflies,insects- kegemaran the girls lay tapi i tak masuk tunggu kat luar dengan uwan:)

Ada tempat duduk yang quite cosy:)

Mama and Mia:)

Amboi sorang ni relax habis:)

Ice cream time.

Hmm how time flies- both will be in primary school next year- hopefully their readiness test which the two sat on saturday will turn out okay:) both will be in different classes- i thought of requesting for them to be put in the same class- but they were okay with it- i met one of their future teacher and asked whether twins should be put in a same class- she said depends pada twins tu- ada yg tak boleh berpisah langsung- it's good if they can be independent,sat their own standard without comparing themselves too much with their twin. I will see how it goes next year as at now- both seems okay with separate class. They sat for the readiness test from 9.00am - 11.00am for 3 papers- English,Math and BM- they came out okay- tak complaint pulak tak dapat satu class:)

That's how we end our weekend:) Hope everybody had a good weekend too:)

Tataaa....until next time:)



  1. mhon share resepi ayam dgn potatoes tu. teringin nk mkn.

  2. Hahaha..kalau dah namanya pompuan, mak2 plak, musti rindukan dapur sendiri kan kak zu..

    Tgk lapik meja bertukar baju pun hapi! Hihihi..

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  5. Salam mama tia mia,
    Amboiii kuetiaw tuu menawan kalbu sungguh laaa..

  6. meleleh ailio ni tengok kue yeow tuuuu

  7. Tia Mia same age dengan my daughter Amira. Mcmanalah diorang nanti nak masuk primary school. :P Rasa risau je kan...

  8. mana mana pergi , makan best2 pun , mesti at the end of the day..kita will miss our own kitchen, betullah Azu, dapat tukar tablecloth pun satu kepuasan kan , i dapat ubah2 bunga buh sana sini dalam rumah tu, belek, pandang sampai teleng2 kepala, then senyum puas sendiri, hb pun kadang2 pelik tengok..then duduk kat depan rumah, tengok pokok2 hijau , rasa tenang jer...budak2 tu bising depan rumah, main masak2 , main gaduh2..still rasa aman ...

  9. Salam Zu,
    sedaplah tengok masakan Zu. berbaloi sabar tunggu Zu balik dr mkn tomyam kat bangkok hehehe

  10. Memang "tersiksa" jiwa raga bila kena tinggalkan anak-anak. That's how I felt whenever I went outstation before. Time i keje dulu, every month without fail memang kena sekurang-kurangnya 1 week outstation (kadang-kadang lebih sekali sebulan). Penah tinggalkan baby yg still menyusu badan. I hate that feeling! Now, i dah jd full time housewife. No more that miserable guilt feeling :-)

  11. lawanye table clothes beli di mana? tell me tell me plsss.....

  12. lawanye table clothes beli di mana? tell me tell me plsss.....

  13. salam ziarah
    nice pic and comeyy sgt ur daughter :)

  14. salam kakak, sukalah blog nie.. best... accidentally terjumpa dan terus melekat... neways, suddenly fall in love english concept for house... boleh bagi tips tak kak camner nak start decorating english style nie...

  15. salam... saya pun ad kembar.. kami dah nak masuk 22 tahun :) dari darjah satu smpailah tngkatan 5 kami tak pernah berpisah..kelas pn sama :) bila nak masuk matrikulasi, kami dpt tmpat lain2.. mula2 risau jgk sbb tak biasa alhamdulillah..we survived.. dan sebenarnya bila berjauhan ni, mmbuatkan kami lagi rapat.. hari2 update each other.
    alhamdulillah.. tq Allah 4 giving me the best twin sister in the world..
    may tia n mia be good daughters too :)

  16. Seronoknya tengok Zu n family getting together...saya sangat suka tengok laman Zu...tapi rumah saya takde laman :(

  17. Hi MamaTiaMia,

    Meleleh Yong tengok kueteow basah tu
    kat sini kueteow takder kalau teringin kena pakai yg kering punya..
    wahh miss charkuewteow.. extra udang please ;-)

  18. salam,
    ni kali kedua i tny. pasal cake stand you. beli kat mana? i dah cari tak jumpa. and harga nya berapa?tq

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