Wednesday, May 1, 2013

One Day in May is The best day!


Don't we love off day:) Especially when it is in the middle of the week- macam kerja until Tuesday then cuti, esok already  Thursday and we can look forward to Friday heh heh:)

Last night i cooked Gulai ikan merah masak lemak cilipadi with petai for Uwan, i buat pekat2 sikit-bak kata Uwan kuah boleh colek:)

Labour Day morning i baked Mince Meat with brown sauce Flaky Pastries. I used "Kawan" brand frozen pastry.

It took like 1/2 hour to bake- biar jadi brown before switching off the oven.

Pretty looking Pastries:)

Flaky and puffy:)

Nice to eat while it's still hot- if anybody is interested; recipe for the filling- i fried some dice onions in olive oil,add mince meat, let it turn brown, add some cooking cream(fresh milk will do if you dont have cooking cream), add in two spoonfull brown sauce( boleh buat sendiri but i used the powdered form brown sauce i bought from FAMA),add some black pepper and let it simmer until thicken.

Lunch- Heni went out to Giant to celebrate Labour Day, dah dapat gaji kan plus i gave her some extra money because she worked during weekend. I pulak masak lunch gulai kari jantung pisang with chicken, goreng ayam kunyit for the girls- sedap betul,lama tak makan jantung pisang masak kari:) I guna rempah gulai daging adabi campur  rempah gulai nasi dagang yang my friend bought from Kelantan.

ha ha pasai apa muka Uwan macam tu? Actually Uwan tengah cerita kisah ngeri kat kampung sambil menahan nak pi toilet,Uwan ada cermin mata baru- wahh bergaya Uwan, the new glasses much better and looks good on her too.

Pada reader yang cakap 'dah dua kali tanya mana beli cake stand ni?" sorry ;):) i didn't realize it- actually i have answered few times in the old entries:):) I ve bought the cake stand tu kat level 1 Sunway Giza, kat tengah2 tu dulu during Christmas ada orang jual barang2 kaca etc, it was plastic but the stand dah pecah now because plastic tak tahan heat, i pulak type tak tunggu cake sejuk,terus letak, so tinggal lah cover dia ajar, jadi i bought the glass stand from Aino One Utama for RM18 or 20 plus i tak ingat and i guna cover plastic lama and glass stand yang baru. Kalau minat yang plastic you can try to find it at Living Quarters The Curve,while the glass ones you can find anywhere either at Ikea, Parkson or any home furnishing shops.

Yang suka my tablecloth pulak, i bought from Bristish Homes sebelum kedai tu tutup:) unfortunately they tak ada business lagi dah) Now i remember one reader yang cakap dia ada tablecloth yang sama dengan i i,e the olive, lavender etc:);)I love tablecloth and i can't help but to buy  wherever i see it:)

While my maid when out for shopping at Giant today,we didn't go far, after collecting Uwan's glasses, we went to the newly open hardware shop near our house. The Hardware shop turned out to be like The RM10 shops- so many knicks knacks inside and i end up buying few cushions for the verandah chair.

I bought multicoloured cushions to give the 'farmhouse effect".

Happy lah dapat cushion murah:)

The girls bought RM12 Globe- they were so happy- their first Globe:)

Apa lagi beli hari ni? he he beli pisang,rumah ni peminat pisang,kejap habis and Chikonan mangoes;)

Heni balik late evening and she bought the girsl Walls Grande- she always beli brand yang elok for the girls- Hopefully both of you remember and always syukur; while some children was abused or not treated well by their maids, you have a good one- loving you like her own children:)

Not only Heni- jiran heni yang baru datang dari Indonesia and working in Klang pun, sometimes bila Heni jumpa dia weekend dia selalu belikan Tia Mia cake from "Kings Bakery"- kesian ,bukan sebijik but sampai 2 or 3 biji, she has small children in Indonesia and dia teringat anak2 dia:(:(

That's all for tonite- hopefully we have a great Thursday tomorrow:)

Thank You Ain for sharing your experience with your twins- i appreciate it very much- hopefully Tia Mia can be like you and twin sister too:)
 To Cik Chinta (Tahniah nak dapat baby yer)- ala kesiannya- senang ajer buat nya- kalau you tak larat buat rempah sendiri juat beli Mc Cormick Rosemary mixed dalam packet ada jual kat Cold storage or village Grocer- bersihkan one whole chicken,kering kan- campur Mc Cormick herbs tu dengan air sikit dan lumur seluruh badan ayam termasuk bawah2 kulit dia sekali,lumur jugak olive oil, masukkan dalam plastic besar dan marinate dalam fridge for at least 1 hour,the longer the better, dah tu masukkan dalam Happy pan or oven yang dah di panaskan, kalau oven kena bungkus ayam dgn aluminium foil, bila dah masak sikit bukak foil supaya ayam jadi garing sikit, boleh masukkan kentang keliling kalau suka. If you cannot find the mix kat kedai, sediakan 10 bijik bawang putih,5 bijik bawang merah,masukkan dalam blender,tamabh, 3 sudu besar olive oil, lemon juice dar satu lemon, lada sulah, garam, rosemary leaves, blend semua hingga hancur- boleh lah sapu pada ayam after that.

Pada yang tanya macam mana nak decorate rumah englisg style, get some good Homes magazine macam British Homes, Home&Garden yang ada jual kat kedai, boleh start with one room first macam kitchen or living room, letak satu feature furniture with English style macam sofa or kat kitchen you boleh paint your cabinet white or cream or yellow, then letak small2 decorative items with the same theme- selamat berdekorasi:)

And salam to Lagenda Mahsuri,Mrs Fhm,Zaila, Rina,IdaUmi,Unaizah,Sue hashim,MuisAnon,Kniedaz,Yong,afiqah.



  1. Sangatlah sedap semua mknn itu..telan air liur mlm2 ni..

  2. tq bg resepi tu. Nk try buat nt. Tp, mst lps bsalin br ble mkn sdp tu. Ha8.

  3. alhamdulillah you dpt maid yg baik :)

    your masak lemak ada petai tu buat air terliur sungguh, dah la i puasa ni eheheee...


  4. kak Zu, as usual impressed with ur deco style n cooking expertise...

    need ur advise and idea on home deco, can share me your email address? mine is

    harap2 dapat berdiskusi dengan akak before raya project kick off..:)

    thanks kak

  5. Lemak cili padi untuk uwan tu memang menawan kalbu la Zu...
    Alhamdulillah dapat maid yang baik macam Heni...orang lain belum tentu dapat sebegitu

  6. sy suka sgt bace blog akak. adorable twins, beauty n cozy home, cute uwan..=)..May Allah bless your family.

  7. saya everytime masuk blog akak mesti akan teruja tengok rumah akak yang lawa tu, dan2 terus semangat nak kemas rumah:))

    keep on blogging kak!


    mamatiamia nak smpaikan video utube ni kat tia mia..have a nice weekend:)

    -shah alam

  9. Salam dear, I'm new to your blog, but have been enjoying myself reading and looking at the lovely photos!

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  11. Been reading your blog for quite sometime already. .and I always believe if you spread your goodness to your loved will always come back to you in many folds and in many ways..

    Stay inspired by your mom and keep on inspiring others...

  12. heh....lamanya tak baca blog.asik pening dengan red velvet jeeee lately pastu plak dah jumpa akak kat fb kan..kikikiki.Gulai potai yg menawan...cushion murah yg cantik..sume pun cantik2.Saya puun rindu nak main kemas2 rumah...dah 3 bulan tak alih furniture nih kikikiki.Saya ingat lagi BRitish Home kat KD tu...asal lunch time je gi cuci mata belinya idok pun.Blog saya pun dh bersawang...asik tetangguh2 nak update...

  13. salam,
    tq for the info on the cake stand. tak ade la mahal sangat. dalam kemampuan lagila he he...sebab saya tengok kat kitchen shop di shah alam, yang arkrilik punya harganya sampai hu...again tq. nanti, bila2 saya ke kl, saya akan cuba cari kat tempat yang kak zu cakap tu...

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Assalam...ruang dapur puan kan yg masuk dlm majalah DAPUR Mei-Jun...TAHNIAH..Simple tp cantik..

  16. Assalamualaikum....ruang dapur puan kan yg masuk dalam MAJALAH DAPUR Mei-Jun...simple tp sangat menarik...TAHNIAH! I like...
