Monday, April 15, 2013

Take 5 @ Kampung Bicester!


Do you like shoes? I like shoes too but i tak lah mampu beli Laboutin, Ferragamo or even Melissa pun:) I love pit black shoes, i can't run from either black or dark brown:) For so many years i always buy black and most of my shoes are of the same cut or design:) So boring lipstick; which i think i can only wear pale pink or like my handbags which i only carry black or brown- so conservative:) I can't wear dark red lipstick as i feel like my face is burning and red dress will make me look darker:);) 

One of my favourite brand for shoes is Clarks- I love the suede range,especially the black ones as it is really black and it looks good against my not so fair skin:) 

Hari ni my friend bawak balik hasil tangkapan dia kat Bicester Village;) I pun sangat happy pi collect my hasil tumpangan- tapi rupanya tak lah dapat 5 pasang yang i kirim cuma dapat 3 and another 2 pairs for Tia Mia from Mark and Spencer. 

So this entry is entry tak bermanafaat actually just sharing my little happiness- every woman deserves a little happiness once a while otherwise she'll burn down her kitchen kih kih:)

The first Miss Black- I really love this one,so comfortable and stable;)

This is the second one- i love the design,it is comfortable too:)

I bought one ankle boot and it's suede too:)

I love all three- another 2 yang tak dapat are black ankle boot and black sandal:)

Gorgeous sandal for Tia Mia from M&S.

Another bling bling for the girls.

The sandal are 2 sizes bigger than the girls's actual size, so kena lah simpan dulu tunggu kaki panjang sikit lagi:)

Then i pun tak sabar lah nak try kat office*wink*wink*

I am wearing size 5 and this one fit nicely.

Uhhhh i loveeeee this one too:)

The nice boots- not so high not so low- will look good with long skirt i think.

Clarks with cushion soft is always comfortable;)

And untuk buktikan yang i memang beli kasut yang hampir serupa setiap masa- This is another Clarks shoes yang i pakai hari ni and beli kat Malaysia- hampir sama ajer dengan the new one kan..kih kih;);)

And sebab i berangan banyak hari ni i malas nak masak:);) also sesekali is okay to malas masak kan:) 

Lunch time me and few girls went and ate at Just Thai- we ordered Mieng Kham  twice! so sedap macam makan siren;)

Balik petang berkobar-kobar bukan nak masak tapi memasang angan tak nak masak- unfortunately semua kedai jahat hari ni- i went to my usual sup daging stall tak bukak same goes with another favourite balik letak sebelah angan2 dulu and masak lah yang ringkas2;)

Goreng kangkung with ikan bilis,cilipadi and loads of garlic.

Kari ikan bawal cermin with terung bulat. Tapi berbaloi lah masak hb balik dari outstation penat dan lapar terus ke dapur tanya " kita dah boleh makan ke?" kesian- fish curry is one of his favourite;):)

Dinner tonight yang confirm tak ada kat Kampung Bicester:);) Sirap ice untuk malam yang terlalu panas-Alhamdulillah boleh sambung berangan balik tonight:);)

Note: 1.Yang bertanya pasar malam yang i pergi- I went to Pasar malam Seksyen 8- tak banyak barang basah sangat pun;(.

2. Rina Mazlan- yup Tia Mia masih tidur in the same room but not same bed- maybe if they have their own room they can start to sleep on their own:) Will look into creating their space soon:)

3. Thanks and welcome to new followers;):)

May we have a good day tomorrow- In Sha Allah:)


  1. Salam Zu,
    Cantik2 la kasut tu. Sama la dgn umi kalau selesa dgn satu brand/design mmg stick dgn yg tu aje..
    Isk tgh2 malam ni laparlah tengok kari ikan dan sayur kangkung tu.. huhuhu..nasib baik sini ada jual kangkung :D

  2. assalamualaikum.cantiklah kasut yg ada lubang2 tu sy suka! =)

  3. HAhaha I can only laugh about ur shoes and handbags colelction... because we are the same. Everytime ushar2 kasut or bag, mesti I akan ambil belek the likes color and design, sampai my hubby cakap buat apa nak beli baru kalau sama jer semuanya. Well, I wonder too.

  4. kak zue!

    I love all your shoes!!! (terus jengah website Clark's)!


  5. Samala kita pakai size 5...saya pun kalau beli kasut kaler hitam atau cream je..hehehe...

  6. love your shoes!
    another thai restaurant u may try is at puchong. memang sedap. a bit pedas but nasi grg cina, nasi goreng ketam tak pedas..sesuai utk tia mia n uwan :-)
    Restoran Alisara - 03-80624205

    -niza noordin-

  7. salam kak zu... :)

    saya pun suka kasut dan bag...tapi nak warna warni hehee ;)

    mieng kam (betul tak eja dia tu) kat kelate kami panggil "colek daun kaduk" hehe memang best!

  8. Love your wedges!! looks so comfy.
    Anyway thanks for your advise about Pasar Malam.This saturday night boleh pergi tengok2.

  9. Salaam Mamatiamia,

    Nice shoes. Look so comfy. I love shoes....just can't have enough ;))


  10. Salam kak zu..

    Subhanallah.. mmg cantik kasut2 baru kak zu tu.. sebab i pun suka jenis kasut2 yang macam tu.. nak pinjam boleh? he..he.. punyalah cantik sampai rasa nak pinjam sekejap..

  11. Salam Kak Zue,

    All d 3 suedes sangat cantik.. :)

    Cuma sandal bling2 utk tia mia tu, sori sgt2.. Kat lapik dalam sandal tu, sy mcm terpandang 3 dots.. Maaf andai pandangan saya salah.. Cuma minta Kak Zue perhatikan semula untuk kepastian..

    Salam Sayang untuk semua.. :)

  12. salam kak Zue.

    I like all your shoes. I pun selesa dengan Clarks.

  13. salam zu! your friend has returned from bicester outlet i's amazing how visitors from malaysia all flock there even on their shortest best friend datang kejap hari tu pun singgah. i have lived here for 17 years but never been there! been to other outlets though...and the one where i live ada hush you i'm quite conservative (40plus trademark)...and I love blacks and browns just like you! your shoes will last long and they are most clarks and hush puppies! enjoy them! love the curry!

  14. Salam Azu,
    akak tumpang seronok dapat kasut baru....

  15. Wah...kasut baru, really like the boot n pretty sure will be nice with long skirt.....

  16. Hi MamaTiaMia,

    wahhh best - stock!
    Kat sini kalau nak beli memang tunggu Sale, worth it.
    Pastu yang best bukan kasut stock lama, sometimes new arrival pun dapat 10%..

  17. Salam Kak Zu
    Cantik kasut Kak Zu tu. I pun tengah mencari kasut-kasut yang sesuai untuk dibawa balik from Adelaide ni, maklumlah tak lama lagi nak masuk kerja juga.

  18. nak google benda lain ter bump blog akak. terus baca and baca and baca.

    seriously memang best. Akak orang negeri ker coz me to comes from Kuala Pilah, Kampung parit.

    nice to know u sis.

  19. Mmg mcm tu...bile dah suke 1 design tu..ssh nk tukar..clarks yg dijual dkt situ mmg buat org jd rambang mate....sadly last 2 years pegi..xbyk kasut yg muat..tgk my sis n mom pakat borong jelaa...

  20. azu... cantiknya.... kasut awak.. byk beza tak harga di sana dgn kt m'sia? kalau worth nanti boleh kirim kt kawan kalau dia ke sana..
    tapi apa yg pasti.. cucur udang geragau tu tak ada kat kg. bicester...nyam..nyam best sgt...
