Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lemongrass Lemonade.


Busy week for me-non stop paper work, research and all.Many things to be prepared and settled before going outstation next week- leaving the two behind:( This will be my first time flying without the three of them. I only left them once,after that wherever I go they will follow.Hopefully the two will be fine as the papa already applied for leave to jaga them- Pergi 4 hari 3 malam pun rasa macam lama sangat he he..amazing how a mother feels when they have children ;without the children's presence nothing is exciting- i will skip the sightseeing after the last day of conference. So be good girls,nanti ada masa and rezki we fly together again:)

Mamak came to the rescue once a while during busy morning!

During the busy days i really miss some of the old timers in the office- kakak2 yang dah pencen- last time i used to go and see them to unwind when i had a rough day:) so seronok berborak-borak,ketawa memang boleh menghilangkan stress:) Alhamdulillah masih lah ada sepotong dua lagi di office yang sama league dan kepala boleh cerita baking,anak kucing,anak sendiri, anak tekak :)

Semalam balik petang really panas, sedang potong2 sayur kat belakang tak tahan rasanya berhenti kejap buat thirst quencher nni..huishhhh nyamannyaaaaaa.....

Berminat mencuba senang saja- keluarkan pitcher or big glass,isi 1/2 pitcher/glass with 7ups, squeeze half lemon untuk dapat juice,tuang dalam 7ups-penuhkan dengan ketul ice, ambik sebatang serai(lemongrass) basuh, ketuk sedikit di hujung masuk dalam pitcher dan kacau2- wallaaaaaaa..lelap2 mata minum,kalau ada mint leaf pecah2 dan masukkan lagi wallaaaaaa:)

My simple dinner yesterday- sup fucuk with suun,soft tofu and cabbage.

Gulai labu manis dan halus with serai for Uwan.

When we have soup or gulai lemak  one of the best kawan for it is goreng sardine:);) My favourite way of goreng sardine- i tumbuk cili padi with lots of garlic and small onion, tumis hingga wangi dan garing sikit, masukkan isi sardin yang dah dibelah dua (untuk sardin yang besar)- goreng sikit biar sardin garing,dah tu baru masukkan kuah sardin,garam dan asam keping,goreng lagi hingga sikit kuah dan garing- huishhhh memang kaw;)

Habis masak badan berpeluh macam lari beratus meter- memang sangat hangat semalam,naik atas dan mandi air sejuk- sangat syukur ada air dikurniakan Allah Swt- salah satu nikmat yang kadang2 lupa bertapa besar fungsinya dalam hidup.Kelegaan yang amat sangat bila dicurahkan seluruh tubuh:)

Nikmat2 lain kurniaan Allah Swt seperti tempat tidur, cahaya, memberi ketenangan yang sangat tak ternilai dalam hidup- cuba dibayangkan jika tidak mempunyai nikmat ini- black out seminit pun telah huru hara hidup kita.

Ahemmm nak tunjuk saya dah pakai my boots with long skirt- untuk Sham yang tanya juah murah ke dari Malaysia- ada yang sales ada yang tidak,mana yang sales tu macam dapat 50%- mana yang tak tu,still worth sebab most of the design tak ada kat Malaysia. And for information also sandal bling bling Tia Mia tu the soles is not leather- just vinyl- tukang beli pun kawan muslim yang bertanggungjawab:) Thanks atas ingatan, kadang2 memang ada yang terlepas pandangkan, especillay kalau kita beli kasut online.

Me and Tia@our white bench.

The girls dah start bising2 nak kena tinggalkan:( Rasa nak bawak saja but nothing much in Bangkok for children I think, furthermore I ll be fully occupied with my conference and meeting anyway- It seems that i have to go and look for many many Pollypocket Dolls in Bangkok for them as compensation:) What else to buy in Bangkok? I ll be staying at the Central Bangkok- I never been to Bangkok before- I imagine that it's going to be so crowded and busy and i feel scared to take taxi from the Airport- i booked hotel transport to pick me up from airport.:) I ve been to London alone but i risau nak pi Bangkok sorang2..he he.. but i have to get use to travel to Asian Countries alone this year- it's going to be more trips- dah tu tempat yang pelik2 pulak- like North Sulawesi tak pernah cross my mind- that's going to be next in May:):)

Okay lah time to go off..Ta Ta.Ta and have a nice weekend everybody!



  1. Air tu nmpk cam sedap betul la kak zu!! Nam menaip menyebut nama pun x reti..Hihihi

    Kita, mak2 ni, kemana2 pun kalo boleh nak heret anak2 kan kak. Rasa mcm xde indahnya tmpat tu kalo xde anak2. Apapun, slamat pergi dan selamat kembali yeh

    Gonna miss u. Eh. Jgn lupa update blog nnt tau!

  2. Wauuuu sardin tu...Sungguh mgoda kalbu ...apalagi Kalau mkn dgn masak lemak labu tu...terangkat!!

  3. Hi Kak Zu,

    Yes, Bangkok is crowded, but its a haven for shopping. You can buy loads of stuff, from Chatuchak Weekend market (open only on sundays) , else can go to pratunam market (anytime) or silom nite bazaar. It's fine to bring kids there, especially if they are just staying indoors in the hotel most of the time. Got a aquarium world there. You can shop for clothes for kids, shop for sorella/triumph bra (its cheaper there), accessories at markets. household items.


  4. Hi Kak,

    been reading ur blog for a while but now baru rasa nak komen.
    Bangkok lebih kurang dengan kl actually. with the jam and everything. but they cant really converse in english so, u'll be expecting duck-chicken conversation. anyhow, for hotel staff they're used to foreigners, so boleh la sikit2.

    I went there for work thus staff there help a lot in term of communication and all. We manage to request them for sightseeing at this one mall. cant recall the name thou =(
    the market we went to is like times square with lots of shops. i think u'll find a great deal of baju2, accessories and toys for the girls =)
    we also went to night market. lotsa baju2 there but i think the supermarket is better, convenient and tak se-crowded night market.

    nevertheless, careful je dekat tempat orang. have a safe journey~

  5. public transport kat Bangkok, especially train sangat reliable...
    Bangkok memang busy, have a great outstation? hehee
    take care and hugs, happy weekend kak zu. :*

  6. Salam Kak Zu,
    Bet me, you will love Bangkok as much as I do. Don't forget to go to MBK (Siam Silk in MBK sell good quality of Thai Silk.If you are Thai Silk lover like me!), Chatucak Market (weekend only)and lots more...Have fun in Bangkok!

  7. Hi there, I love your blog so much! with two adorable kids, there's so many things to tell right? I'm still a student and a future doctor InsyaAllah. I know, my life will be so hectic one day but still, my priority will be my future family. I love reading all your posts as it keep encourage me on becoming a lovely wife and mother. Thanks to you. :)

  8. bangkok best kak, tp kalo perempuan sorunk2, memang bahaya, kalau ada kawan ok, pergi ke chatuchak market, market paling besar, sure sesat, ada muslim food sana, macam nasi ayam, tapi sedap sgt!!!! bersih jugak, lagi satu kalau naik bot kat sungai chao praya, ada masjid dekat area situ, belakang masjid ada rumah muslim jual makanan goreng, paling sedap pernah saya makan, tp susah nak cari, heheh, i love bangkok so much, sebab murah + makan, hehe, tp akak ada conference, mesti busy nanti.

  9. Minggu depan pun saya terpaksa tinggalkan si kembar 4 hari sbb outstation juga...first time...mesti rindu giler kat diorang

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  11. salam Zu,

    akak baru g Bangkok bulan Dec last year...for conference as well....memula b4 pegi mmg takut, mcm2 last, ajak hubby temankan....tapi bila kat sana....I felt much safer being there compared being in KL....susah nak cari immigrants kat sana....mmg local people semuanya, except for tourists, and they are very polite...alhamdulillah, terasa sangat selamat w/pun bukan di bumi sendiri....hotel pny customer svc mmg tiptop...and Bangkok kota yang sangat sangat bersihhhhh...akak naik tuktuk, naik cab....very reliable....just that tuktuk sometimes suka cekik darah dgn tourists...prefer cab....tapi kene negotiate the fare before naik....or nak senang, suruh on kan meter teksi b4 naik

    chatuchak is a must...foot massage mmg awesome...akak try berkali2, very worthy....body massage x sempat nak try but heard that should be great too....pratunam pun best.....

    makanan halal a bit hard kalau nak makan makanan ala melayu boleh cari restoran fareeda fatorni or mek yah, tak jauh dari BTS (tren) Ratchathewi....klu nak halal Indian food, leh g Taj Mahal restoran or other halal restorans area opposite Indra semua kat area Central Bangkok
