Sunday, June 23, 2013

Birthday get away at Hyatt Regency Resort,Telok Chempedak,Kuantan.

Salam and thank you for all wishes and doas;)

We went to Kuantan-it was a last minute changed of plan after PD was hit by a bad haze.Now we are already back from Kuantan- Alhamdulillah, biar pun berjerebu in KL but it is still home sweet home;) We had a wonderful time at Hyatt,the staff was wonderful,the food was good and the beach was awesome.A few have asked me to give reviews about Hyatt, so i am going to share some stories and pictures here.

We departed early in morning with hotdog from Shell station to fill tummy for second breakfast.

The girls were excited as they had been asking "what is the surprise for my birthday? is it the double-decker,is it the kittens,is it this? is it that?..." :):)

It was a 250 km journey and we had to entertain ourselves:) and snapping self photos was one of it:)

and we stopped at R&R for ikan patin- the papa loves it:) i dont eat ikan patin- i tak makan ikan tak ada sisik sikit2 tu boleh lah:) according to papa it was so good tak ada bau lumpur:)

Sebab excited journey yang jauh pun jadi cepat- in no time we reached Kuantan town:) There's a new 5 star hotel i.e The Zenith which received good reviews at Trip advisor.

It was a 250 km drive to bring you this beautiful birthday present:)

Beach outside the window with awesome view- we booked King Seaview (which turned out to be twin because the rooms were fully booked) through Expedia from a website in Italy called Venere,it costed us RM545 plus tax, without breakfast and chargeable wifi. That's the best deal that you can get when you book less than 24 hrs before going:);) If you manage to get the ground floor for Seaview you can run directly to the sea from your room- however less privacy as there will be noises from the pool and people walking outside your door.

The room at Hyatt was not impeccable, it was a bit worn and aged but  normal for a building situated that near to the beach. The new wing has better rooms, if you book early you can choose to stay either at the Club seaview or suite and it will cost you RM600 above.

But we have no complaint- the bed and pillow were very comfortable, room was not as big as Shang in Sydney but enough for us.

The most important the staff at Hyatt No1- they earned 10/10 rating from us- they are well trained and very nice to you- sedia melayan apa saja yang kita nak which is quite rare in Malaysia:)

Without delay after dah settle few things we went down to let the girls enjoy their birthday present.The weather was good on Saturday no haze yet.

There were many mat salleh during our stay- i think like 3/4 of people there were them.

The girls enjoyed themselves very much as they love swimming in the sea:)

We are glad that they love their birthday present:)

The water was clean with slightly strong waves.

A clear warm water- very nice to just sit in the water and let the wave carry you:)

After the 3 hrs dip in the ocean we went to the swimming pool which looked like a pool in LA:)

The girls made a new friend;)

After dah kecut seluruh badan and tangan macam raisin we went up and i ve ordered pre dinner- the carbonara was so good that the girls finished it until the last string:)

I ve booked dinner at Coals on the beach for us and arranged a surprise cake- Hyatt provides you free birthday cake if you inform them during check in:)

Tia had flower from the room service vase in her hair.

Mia with her baby breath;)

After Maghrib we went down for dinner.

My girl is not a baby anymore:(

The happy birthday girls.

The small black forest cake with handmade chocolate.

But the girls malu pulak bila ada orang serenade song kat situ- it was a nice malay group- makcik dan pakcik nyanyi lagu and for diners and terus nyanyi kan dia orang happy birthday song:)

The bbq seafood was quite pricey here but ada rasa lah- this seafood mixed costed RM90 tapi ada lobster.

Mine was grilled portobello and shitake mushroom and it costed me RM45.

When you order one main course you ll have limited access to the salad bar- the salad bar was good macam2  ada including cold pastas and beef cuts- next time kena order one main course ajer and hit the salad bar after that:)

The birthday girls dah makan carbonara pun lapar lagi- Mia had pizza from the kids menu and Tia ordered chicken chop- semua food boleh tahan sedapnya. Untuk panduan pizza for kids cost you Rm11.00 only while chicken chop was RM14.00.

After dinner we ronda2 around the resort.

and the girls were so happy dapat lollipop- actually lollipop came with the chicken chop order but they so nice tengok ada sorang lagi tak dapat they pun bawak kan satu lagi.

Hyatt at night.

Balik bilik tengok ada satu box menanti and tadaaaa dalam ada cute cake;) They dah terbagi kita orang 2 cake- rezki lah jawabnya:)

After a good night sleep we woke up to this wonderful view.

So cute sorang birthday girl having her milo at the balcony:)

So gorgeous the view kan:)

Pfuhhh termenung secara gangster lagi:)

After berendam dlm bathtub we  went to look for the famous Halal Hoi Yin curry noodles- semua orang cakap kena makan ni:) so kita pun carik.

The old shop was next to the Thai Spa.

Shop yang lama ni sentiasa penuh berderet orang tunggu luar nak tapau- we were lucky to have a table- operating hours 7.00 - 12.00 only.

lama lah jugak kena menunggu finally sampai lah mee kari yang pemes ini:)

Rasanya memang sedap, kuah tak berminyak sangat dan tak terlalu pekat- not too hot,ada sambal asing,bahan2 pulak semua fresh.

For a hungry tummy on holiday this is heaven..slurpppp you can finish til the last drop.kalau tak nak makan kat sini there's many choice sekeliling- KFC.MC D,Burger King, kopitiam and they even have tutti fruitti:)

But tak lah bermakna you tak boleh buat kat rumah- i selalunya buat mee curry guna "Tean" ready made paste- rasa nya tak jauh lari dari ni or i rasa nicer actually:):)

After buying few things at the nearby souvenir shop we pun ke pantai lagi.

By this time haze was quite bad.

The girls had their last bonding with the sea.

After the last dip in the swimming pool we went to look for ikan bilis,masin etc utk stok puasa.

Walaupun orang cakap pergi Tanjung Lumpur etc but i like this place yang my husband always bawak whenever we pass kuantan- it was a buruk shop in Beserah- not far from dewan serbaguna beserah, nampak buruk tapi dalam ada proper cold room and they jual export quality bahan2 dari laut.

Ikan bilis, ikan kering,udang memang semua cantik kat sini,segar sebab duduk dalam cold room.

By the time balik kat Karak- haze dah teruk:( so scary mengenang kan future kalau alam sekitar buruk macam ni:(

Balik ke KL yang berjerebu teruk KLCC pun dah tak nampak- but we still happy at home sweet home- singgah Ayamas beli golden roast, buat nasi ayam guna ready made bahan terus lah dapat makan nasi ayam for dinner.

Alhamdulillah at home sweet home- Uwan tak ada berjalan ke rumah paktih di rembau,harap2 rembau tak teruk sangat jerebunya.

Itu lah cerita weekend- esok is the real birthday actually- and we already have cake from the hotel nak bawak to kindy tomorrow- teacher said all of you have to stay indoor okay.

night,night all- love you Tia Mia:)


  1. salam kakzu... laaa dtg kuantan ke, nyesal tak g tc td, mana tau terserempak..hehe... anyway, sy nk tnya psl kakzu booking hyatt tu thru expedia? sy ni tak biasa .. napa kakzu tak call hyatt n book terus? lagi murah thru expedia ke camne?

  2. Waah ke TC rupanya birthday girls..kalau tau auntie g jenguk hehehe maklumla boleh kata every week i balik sana menjenguk rumah and my parents di cherating

  3. Aslmkm Azu.. Nice birthday treat for the girls.
    Here, wishing them "Happy Birthday, may they get all the best things in life and Jannah!"

  4. Salam mamatiamia,

    Sweet birthday present for the girls.

    ''Happy Birthday Tia & Mia'' dan ''Happy belated Birthday uwan''

    Akak tumpang rasa bahagia tengok keluarga bahagia Azu..semoga berkekalan hingga ke Jannah.

  5. Happy birthday Tia & Mia...semoga jadi anak yang solehah dan membahagiakan ibu bapa macam mama Tia&Mia buat kat Uwan... ^_^

  6. To Tia and Mia, Happy Besday to both of you. Auntie doakan yang terbaik to both of you semoga menjadi anak yang soleh, taat kepada perintah allah dan ibu bapa dan berjaya didunia dan akhirat..ameen..tengok gambar2 yang mama tia dan mia upload, reminds auntie about our happy moments there too when kakak about your age..time does flies very fast..tetiba auntie miss la nak pergi hayat pulak :-)..take care girls and azu juga :-)

  7. Happy Birthday to Tia & Mia....

  8. Happy Birthday Tia Mia!!! Idraki loved this place. He totally loved the swimming pool but too bad time kita pegi dulu the ombak was too kuat.

    Another round lak we dpt visit the secluded beach and he totally climbed up the tallest rock and slid down the rock haha.. nasib baik pakai jeans and jeans!

    Your daughters are growing up to be such lovely beautiful girls. :)

  9. Happy bithday to wiwin Tia Mia..♥♡♥

  10. Happy Birthday to wiwin Tia Mia..♥♡♥

  11. Happy bithday to wiwin Tia Mia..♥♡♥

  12. hepi besday nyer mkn ikan patin ...yum yum

  13. hepi besday gilrs...sedapnyer ikan patin...yum yum

  14. Happy Birthday TIA MIA..

    ps: sedapnya mee curry :-)
