Tuesday, June 25, 2013

My Old Pareo:)

Mula2 Alhamdulillah syukur tak terhingga sampai keluar airmata petang ni hujan:)

I worried too much i guess,reading about the danger of haze in the newspaper made me feel sad and jumpy- i think about uwan and the girls- as manusia memang lah kesabaran kurang kadang2:) petang ni rasa sayu melihat keluar tingkap office semua kelabu macam berakhirnya zaman, teringat uwan di rumah abang di Rembau,teringat anak2- memang mengangkat tangan menadah  meminta rahmat Allah Swt menurunkan hujan. Alhamdulillah balik rumah sedang menyiapkan juadah nak berbuka berdentum dentam guruh kuatnya- menitis lah jugak airmata melihat rahmat dan kebesaran Nya dan sedikit sedih dengan ketidaksabaran di dalam hati.

Secondly thank you so much for the sweet wishes,doas, cyber hugs and kisses for Tia and Mia.I have told them,showed the pictures that some of you have sent:);) The two asked - " Mama why these people so nice to us? They must be nice too, right mama?" - Kasih di beri,Kasih diterima, Kasih di balas okay:):)

I dont have much to share this week, no food pictures too (puasa kan malas lah nak snap gambar). But i  have bought 3 new items related to 'isu semasa" :):)

Due to my big worry about haze i went to the Mall and bought a Humidifier;) Banyak nya choice sampai tak tahu mana nak pilih, Cik Katak,Cik B, Cik Donald tu semua dah jumpa:):) I bought one that  produces mist and priced at RM179.

Doctor  said must drink lot of water and fruit juice so i went to buy Fruit Juicer too:) I bought Panasonic commercial use Juicer priced at RM189- so good i tell you, boleh masuk banyak fruit sekali- i boleh letak 5 carrots,5 apples and 5 oranges and it has big space for the fiber. It was a good buy walaupun bukan lah Breville ke apa:);) I letak on the kitchen counter supaya boleh guna everyday kalau simpan kat cabinet sure jadi gajah putih.

Without any plan and after buying the juicer and humidifier i bought this portable sewing machine too- Bukanlah Global tapi brand from  Korea called Shimono and priced at RM199. I memang tak pernah jahit pakai mesin seumur hidup, dari dulu i sentiasa rasa my otak bahagian menjahit,menyulam memang kurang berfungsi sikit or my sister put it bluntly "cacat..Cisssss! Therefore i ve been meaning to overcome my "kecacatan" for long- my mother used to sew night gown for me when i was small- i always remember the fun sitting at her back waiting for her to finish my kotak2 baju tidur:)

So balik jer bawak mesin jahit i can't wait to start my first project:) But tak ada kain nak di potong buat baju pulak- i carik2 dalam my wardrobe..ahaaaaa i dah ada idea! 

Without further delay i cut my old pareo into two:)

I then started with my project- but this machine a bit hopeless, asyik tercabut ajar,dah tu ringan pulak,i pulak kasar kudukkkk kudukkkk kudukkk tak henti nak menyiapkan Kaftan- terus bengong sikit machine ni:) ha ha orang first time pegang machine kan- macam first time drive kereta- i felt so good after that- sewing machine is not an atom bomb or whatsoever after all- it is quite friendly if you know how to use it:)- rasa macam nak beli mesin proper lepas i habis buat project semalam:)

So ini lah hasilnya anak ku walaupun your mama tak pernah pegang sewing machine seumur hidup,masa muda2 dulu kain terbukak pun pakai stapler jer but your mama dah overcome her ridiculous fright! The proper Tailor might laugh looking at my Kaftan but i am so damn proud of it..and you better be proud too girls:)

Two proud girls wearing her proud mom Kaftans- actually they memang proud :masa the papa balik office  tak sabar2 they tunggu and cakap " papa, mama made us this dress- she used the new machine to make it you know!":):) Tapi i dah terbuat lubang besar so kenalah bubuh brooch;) Huishhh tak senang rupanya nak menjahit sakit pinggang i semalam:) Salute to all Tailors:)

The Humidifier - Goal brand,quite good,the mist  is really nice....

Until ada orang hantar doll dia spa kat atas benda ni:) Sebab i tak pernah pakai Humidifier ni walaupun i rasa kebanyakan rumah ada- i rasa it is really good  sebab sebelum ni kalau  malam2 kat bilik pasang air cond i rasa kulit muka i tight kalau tak letak moisturiser but since yesterday rasa lembut dan moist kulit muka...kahhh kahhh tu baru dua hari pakai tu;) 

Yesterday with the new kaftan proudly tailored by me the girls blew the candles for don't know how many times already he he..buatlah jugak sebab yesterday 24/6 was the actual birthday- bukan susah pun beli 2 slice cake Secret Recipe jer, pun  boleh jadi dessert mama after bukak puasa;)

This morning i went to office at 7.30 am! Awal gila lah to me:) and i wore the new corporate shirt- tapi bukanlah i sendiri yang jahit- nama tailor tu Giveinchy( not the real Givenchy) ka apa tah,datang ukur kat opis;);) and tanya- ' mau fit ka tada mau fit?" I cakap mau yang kalau makan tada payah tahan nafas punya:);)

Awal sebab nak menunggu dan meraikan VIPs datang nak launch a workshop- pagi2 tu they menjamu selera kat Cafe office- i pulak bertarung dengan perasaan- is it proper to puasa while meraikan orang? semua orang makan,kita duduk jer tengok- but i bertekad to puasa dari semalam In Sha Allah membawak ke Ramadhan - So Alhamdulillah tak ada lah masalah dan semua tetamu pun lelaki-dia tak heran pun lah kita tak makan- sedap ajer selera dia orang:)

Alhamdulillah sekali lagi- dapat berbuka puasa dalam cuaca sejuk petang ini dengan kuah rojak power dari Beserah- hujan lebat yang penuh makna- Terima Kasih Allah dan Terima Kasih semua.


p.s Miss Cloudy yang tanya why use Expedia- kalau kita dah last mins nak book hotel macam hari ni pukul 6.00 kita nak book tapi nak pergi esok most of the popular hotel mesti lah fully booked.Expedia is overseas website- normally hotel akan allocate few rooms to this website atas nama kerjasama- sebab dia website oversea dan kadang2 tak di gunakan until last minutes adalah kosong:) Kalau lah hotel tu kosong boleh book terus buat apalah akak susah2 nak book through website jauh2:);)

To those staying in Kuantan- we shall be back and In sha Allah panjang umur boleh bertemu di TC!


  1. haha saya pon tak pandai menjahit kak tapi bila tengok senangnya akak menjahit, harus terliur sama nak beli mesin jahit tu

  2. salam
    lama dah tak comment kat sini..tapi tetap x pernah miss ur entry.wah bestnya mama tiamia dah pandai menjahit ya. yg tak tahan tu kain koyak boleh stapler...hehe.sebijik mcm saya yg x suka menjahit.butang tercabut pun hubby yg tolong jahitkan.

    p/s tumpang happy tgk ur twins dah besar...rindunya kat arwah my daughters :(

  3. Assalam Zu...lama dah tak komen2 nih, tgk uwan makin sihat, anak2 dara dah makin besar...alhamdulillah...

  4. saya pun sedang berjinak-jinak nak menjahit semula hehehe...

  5. Akak, u r gojes, beautiful n soft women....sy sgt2 suke ngn blog akak...tgk life akak.... since i jupe blog nie, almost 10 to 15 times i hit ur blog...xsabar nk bce n nk tgk pic entry akak seterusnya..

  6. MamaTiaMia=creative!

    ps: bab rojak tu yang meruntum perasaan

  7. hahahaha...tergelak baca bila pakai stapler untuk cantum kain yg koyak...saya pun buat benda yang sama...hahahahaha....

  8. Tahniah zu...coz berjaya menghasilkan dua helai baju utk wiwin u tu....♥♡♥

  9. zaila, tak lah awesome sangat mesin kecik tu setakat boleh lar ajer:)

  10. umimiqdad he he ada jugak gang stapler kain ye- Al fatihah for your daughters in sha Allah dia di tempat indah:)

  11. Izzah, terima kasih.

    Kniedaz nak raya2 afdal lah berjinak dengan mesin kan.

  12. Nana Kohar- terima kasih banyak dik:)

  13. Yong- he he tak balik mesia ke this year?

    IbuAdaMina- ha ha sama lah kita stapler kain:)

    DuraZul- thanks:)

  14. kakzu, thanx for the explanation! baru ku tahuu :)

  15. hai kak zu... miss u... lama x drop by... eppy belated besday tuk tia & mia..

    selamat menyambut ranadhan.... :)

  16. salam...hi2 ida pun x pandai jahit yu...tapi boleh mencubakan...
