Monday, June 17, 2013


Salam, hope everybody had a good weekend.

I have replied to some queries at the previous at the comments column, too busy lately-  have to revert in replying to comments macam dulu2:)
I have different jobscopes under the new department now, meeting new people,attending alot of meetings and conferences. I have to do many presentation, building rapport with relevant authorities etc but i like it. It has been so long sitting,drafting contract, dealing with problems etc - i kinda feel refresh with the new change. The new team is great too, i can  get along well:)Alhamdulillah.

We had a busy weekend- First of all SYUKUR tak terhingga kepada Allah Swt we are given precious time with our beloved mother/Uwan- Uwan turned 90 on 16/6/2013! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMAK/UWAN- nothing on this world can repay for what you have done for us- you are the starting point,you are the pillar, you are the reason for us to be here on this world.

16/6 was also a Father's Day- people said we love our father everyday- that is so true but it is also nice to give them present and celebration on this special day - it will not make our love less to him and will not make the rest of the year less special- what is important is in your heart;);)

We had a small gathering with anak2 Uwan yang available on Sunday night at my house- it was simple and sweet:)

To make it a little meriah and the girls can tumpang happy- i gantung2 lah balloons around the house:)

The girls were happy to see the balloons- their birthday will be next week on 24/6- May to August is a busy month for us - 25/5 my anniversay, 16/6 Uwan birthday/Father's Day, 24/6 TiaMia's Birthday,29/7 my birthday, 31/8 papa's birthday..he he...cakes all the way from May up to August!

I set up makan2 event outside the house, the weather was quite good on Saturday.

The simple set up was done then  time to check the food- the food was simple too, i made some of uwan's favourite,the rest were potluck from the Maklang,Kak Ikin etc.

I roasted two Sakura Chickens- one was spicy buffalo ranch chicken and the other one was non pedas oyster sauce with honey and dark soy.The gemuks chicken took nearly 2 hours to cook but it was cooked to perfection and tasted really good.

Maklang brought gulai tangkis with ikan baung sungai.

I cooked gulai udang galah harimau with sweet rebung and terung telunjuk.

I made sambal ikan bilis petai too.

It is always nice to sembahyang ber imamkan Pashik- duduk ramai2 tunggu Maghrib- sangat seronok:)

Alhamdulillah Syukur Allah atas nikmat,peluang dan kebahagiaan yang diberi.

Everything is ready.

Big basket (nearly 6 kgs) from Pashik to Uwan.

And it was for Tia Mia too- Thank You Pashik!

I love to do gathering outside the house at night- i like to look at the glowing lights and candles in the night.

Also it reminds me of Hari Raya.

The happy girl:)

Alhamdulillah and Thank You girls kerana bersabar menunggu doa yang panjang- doa buat yang telah tiada dan syukur tak terhingga ke pada Allah swt, moga semua nya diberkati dapat bertemu Ramadhan, diberi kesihatan yang baik utk beribadah dan terus dapat menikmati bahagia.Amin.

Cakes from Secret recipe- The white one was Tiramisu from us to uwan and papa while the carrot cake and brownies were from Kak Ikin.

Terima kasih Emak, tak terbalas oleh kami budi mu- ampunkan lah dosa2 kami samada yang kami sedari atau tidak sedari dan Ya Allah kasihi lah ibu kami sebagaimana dia telah mengasihi kami semasa masih kecil.Amin.

Yeay uwan, sila ambik tempat.

Tia Mia tumpang lah cake Uwan dulu ye;)

It was a good night anak2 dan cucu2, menantu etc di sekeliling Uwan.

Then makan time- so syok makan dalam gelap bawah lilin:);)

Good bonding time.

The true candlelight dinner;)

Macam2 lauk ada termasuk lah sup tulang, bee hoon goreng etc.

Uwan is also enjoying her birthday dinner yang di masak anak2;)

Then present time- Tia Mia tak sabar2 nak bagi because 3 of us( behind papa's back )went to buy present for papa:)

Papa got one gergaji (saw) ha ha from us..lupa nak snap gambar dah bukak:)- Now papa boleh buat banyak tables and chairs lagi.

Uwan pulak dapat benda yang orang perempuan walaupun dah tua masih suka- i didn't buy her the real gold- cukup lah ada sikit- these set is accesories jewellery to make her happy and pakai hari2;) Tia Mia made special butterfly card for Uwan- butterfly is their favourite:)

And papa has kapok guitar from us- yeayyyy papa can now belt us some songs:)

Very meaningful to see happiness on people's face- especially the one you love- he's a special man,husband and father and we love him very much:)

Special pose of Uwan and pashik- My emak looks very beautiful in my Kaftan isn't she? Can believe she's already 90:) Syukur ya Allah.

The two beautiful people;)

dapat hadiah dari cucu jugak;)

Uwan happily looking at the big basket full with fruits:)

Tia Mia have present from kak Ikin- sweet kurung for raya- tks kak ikin:)

Okay guys bring us some good songs please;)

Me, uwan and kak yan;)

He he cheeky pose with uwan.
Well that's the story:)- It was a tiring but happy weekend- semalam mengecat rumah dengan husband nak patah pinggang penat:)

last night i keluarkan pack pecal beli dari Manado hari tu, suruh heni rebus sayur2..adohhh sedap banget kuah pecak ni..kalau tau hari tu mesti i beli berpack-pack,just tambah air.

I am, not a great fan of Pecal or gado2 but this one is definitely to my liking- sangat sedap- pedas, manis,rasa belacan semua cukup..rasa nak terbang manado beli banyak2 lagi lah;)
Okay lah..itu cerita kami:) ta taaaa.


  1. such a happy family sis.. suke tengok wan , tia ,mia and u.. hehe dish semua nampak sedap sangat.. may always have a bless..amiinn ^_^

  2. As.salam zu,

    selamat ulangtahun buat uwan. semoga diberkati Allah dunia & akhirat. utk zu & asben hepi belated anniversary..semoga kasih sayang kalian kekal hingga ke akhir hayat bersama mia & tia tercinta..

    actually ur anniversary same with my birthday :D

    - firuz -

  3. Selamat ulang tahun buat Uwan, semoga Uwan diberikan kesihatan dan kebahagian di samping anak-cucu...mesti Uwan seronok anak-anak dan cucu-cucu ada di sisi..

    Nampak menyelerakan pecal tu ^_^

  4. Assalamualaikum :)

    Happy birthday to your mother/uwan.. semoga sentiasa dalam keRedhaan Nya..


  5. Salam Zu,
    Hepi besday buat Uwan semoga pjg umur, sihat sejahtera selalu dan tenang & gembira di samping anak2, cucu semua..
    Tak tahan terliur tengok makanan sedap2.. rindunya kemeriahan mcm ni di samping keluarga

  6. barakallah! such a happy family u have:)

    happy birthday buat Uwan & happy advance birthday for the girlssss:))

  7. Dear Pilot Lover,

    Dear Pija (happy belated birthday to you)

    Dear K.niedaz,

    Dear Miss S,

    Dear UmiYumi,

    Dear Zaila,

    On behalf of Uwan,thank you very much,balik nanti i akan sampaikan the doas and wishes- dia selalunya senyum angkat tangan dan doa kan you all balik:):)

  8. Slmt ulangtahun buat Uwan.
    moga sentiasa sihat sejahtera bersama anak cucu tersayang.
    nampak sedap pecal tu....

  9. gulai tangkis with ikan baung sungai- salah satu masakan kampung kegemaran saya.sape yg pandai masak masakan macamni saya kira memang chef terbaik....

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Alhamdulillah, syukur ya Allah, dipanjangkan umur uwan, diberi kesihatan yang baik, berkat kebaikan hatinya..diberikan lewat usia yang menggembirakan untuknya...bersyukur uwan diberikan jugak anak2, menantu yang berhati mulia semuanya Azu....salam sayang dan kasih utk uwan....

  12. Dear ismarizan- tu my sister yg masak memang sedap:)

    Dear Ida- thank you very much utk kata2 yang baik dan doa ye.

  13. Alhamdulillah.... Selamat ulang tahun buat Uwan. Semoga dikurniakan kesihatan dan panjang umur hendaknya :)

  14. Selamat Hari Ulangtahun Kelahiran buat uwan...sejuk jer hati tgk uwan ni...♥♡♥

  15. Happy birthday uwannnn
    Cantiknya baju kurung Tia Dan mia yang kak ikin beli..
    Bestnya kuah pecal Tu, tinggal Tambah air je ye.
    Lepas ni lebih Byk Meja dan kerusi le boleh buat ...dah ada gergaji baru :)

  16. moga uwan sihat selalu, kirim salam uwan kak.

  17. Wah!...such lovely family. Happy birthday to Uwan. Walaupun dh 90 yrs old tapi nampak still strong. Don't know if we can even make it to 60....syukur alhamdulillah!

  18. Happy Birthday Uwan. Semoga diberi kesihatan dan dirahmati Allah s.w.t selalu....
    Family gathering is always the best occassion :)

  19. dear Lynne Haris, tq- so true:)

    Dear Haliza- tq- Alhamdulillah,may all of us be blessed with good health too:)

    Zulfadly- tq akak dah sampaikan- dia cakap terimo kasih yo.

    Kak Kasih redha- tq- kak ikin beli kat mall yang baru kat rumah dia tu apa nama dia tak,suka details kat leher senang ajer kuah pecal tu.

    Dear Dura Zul- terima kasih byk2.

    Dear sarah- Thank you very much.

  20. To Maria who has difficulty in understanding my simple story- so sorry about that:(not up to your standard it seems.

  21. love your stories, love your cooking. keep on writing. there will always "Maria" everywhere in this world.

  22. love your stories, love your cooking. keep on writing. there will always "Maria" everywhere in this world.

  23. love your stories, love your food. keep on writing. there will always be a "maria" wherever we go. ;o)

  24. love your stories, love your cooking. keep on writing. there will always "Maria" everywhere in this world.

  25. Untuk Uwan,
    Selamat Ulang Tahun
    Semoga Allah Panjangkan Umur & Dimurahkan SegalaNya.

    ps: MamaTiaMia = waduh2 bikin yong lapor wehh

  26. Slm,

    Happy belated birthday uwan..semoga dlm lindungan Allah swt selau..


  27. Sanah Helwah buat uwan. Moga ALlah memberikan kesihatan buat uwan selalu.

  28. Happy birthday Uwan! Seronok baca entry ni. Happy story. Semoga keluarga kak Zue akan terus happy macamni. Mudah-mudahan mak saya pun panjang umur macam Uwan.

  29. Happy belated birthday uwan....nothing can beat if the one that u love still healty at the age of 90....alhamdulillah, is really bonus fm Allah.

  30. dear Nizs- terima kasih ya.

    Dear salmi- thanks a lot for the wish:)

    Dear dhr- terimakasih dan in sha allah,moga mak dhr pun diberkati dgn umur dan kesihatan.

    Dear Herlyna- tq and so true ka:);)

  31. uwann ... hepy belated besdayy ...
    kak zu smpai kan ye ;-)
    semoga uwan more sihat n can perform ibadah .. nak pose dh neh ... huhu ..

    alahai santek la baju tia mia kak ekin beli tu ... hiks .. ~~

  32. Dear Eda- terima kasih byk2 inshaallah akan disampaikan;)

  33. suka tengok deco your house....
