Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Queen of The Kitchen & The Carpenter:)

Salam All.

I wish tomorrow is still a school holiday, it such a bliss to go to work without jam:) Sorry pada yang mintak recipe ya,belum berkesempatan lagi, i am so tired,ha ha mana nya tak pernah tak penat weekend ya:) Will try to attend to it when have time.

We had a small project this weekend-let see what we had been up to:):)

Saturday we went to Pusat Kusta Nursery at Sungai Buluh- my perennial banyak yang dah mati,Heni pun sibuk " Puan kembang banyak yang mati tak berganti"

It is really worth to come here, there's so many choices and it was cheap.The petunia in a big pot which will cost you RM25 at the nursery along jalan sungai buluh will cost you RM8 only here- tak ke kelabu mata tu:) My girls had fun here, ada ice cream man lagi:)

So i pun mengangkut banyak jugak balik especially yang 4 pots for RM10 tu:)

After lunch i heret my husband to the wood supply shop,ada satu garden bench and table yg dah reput- beli kat ikea memang tak tahan. I tak pernah test skills my husband dalam carpentry ni, my arwah father dulu memang pandai and i rajin tengok,i can make some simple stuffs- i know screws,nails,saw,hammer quite well:) First i tricked my husband into going to the shop on the pretext of buying a few woods to replace the rotten table,tapi bila sampai i lured him into buying whole set of wood to make a new table!  He he dont worry mister we will do it together:)

Petang i dah sibuk ajak dia start project:) Dia cakap 'esok lah,dah nak hujan ni" I cakap ' it's okay we do it under the shade" he he.

Yang dua orang ni sibuklah gardening- sangat suka nak tukar pokok bunga into bigger pots.

For tea-I made Apam pisang in ramekins for the hardworking people.

No doubts the blooms can bring peace and harmony to your surrounding.

Malam buat lah lauk kegemaran The Carpenter, kari jantung pisang istimewa.

Prawn with baby kailan in Oyster sauce is the girls's favourite.

Kesibukan nak makan malam:) The Chairlady tak duduk lagi ni,sibuk menjenguk rambutan:)

No matter how tired the girls still get their bedtime story session from me:)

Sunday after Pasar Tani- The Carpenter pun start menyambung project.

Me- The Queen of The Kitchen dah start beli barang2 kering for Ramadhan:):) Kena letak semua dalam glass jar kalau tak Heni letak sana sini dalam fridge,tak jumpa,nanti belum habis dah beli lagi.

Proses menukar apron,hanging towel pun bermula.

Tia when she saw the tea towel that reads -.....The Queen of The Kitchen,dia sibuk tanya 'Mama where is your crown?"

So dia pun sibuklah membuat crown for me.

I googled photos for her so that she can follow it:)

For the hardworking King i made hime a special lunch:)

Laksa lemak with telur lembut and sambal belacan :)

Huishhhh kerja keras betul..sampai tak berhenti-henti maklumlah ini first project:)

Since tak masuk2 i served him lunch outside)

Tadaaaa...finally..i can't believe my eyes! ha ha..macam lah buat kereta ye..anywhere i appreciate his effort very much- the table looks awesome to me:)

Since dia dah penat- i too over the work by giving the final touch i.e painting it.

There! Our 'home-made garden table":)

It looks good and sturdy too and blends well with the existing furnitures.

Dah dapat cat i pun touched up semua benda2 kat garden termasuklah cubby house Tia Mia:)

It was a good weekend- we managed to make a garden table:) All flowers were transferred into their pots and we had fun with all the work.

I feel happy:)

And The Queen of The Kitchen is sleepy now:)...Night night everybody, hope Monday will be nice to us;)

Ta taaaaa:);)



  1. Salam mamatiamia..

    Sukanya akak tengok garden u...cantik, penuh warna-warni seperti kehidupan keluarga u jugak....ceria dan penuh kegembiraan..

    Wah! Jantung pisang masak kari...mesti sedap. Tak pernah tahu pon jantung pisang boleh masak kari. Bolehlah cuba masak :))

  2. Congrats to the King for an awesome job with the table. Memang Nampak mcm pro yg buat.
    Congrats to the Queen for making me meleleh air liur with her food :-).

  3. Salam kak zu.. rindu nya... hehe.. kak zu, berapa minit nak rebus telur bagi jadi cam telur kak zu buat tu?? hehe...

  4. 1. walaikumsalam Rozz,Tk.Memang sedap jantung pisang masak kari Rozz,bubuh ikan bilis banyak2, or boleh campur udang memang ngam:)

    2. Dear Min(LG) ha ha King kena paksa dalam rela you,now that i know he can do it, boleh buat reban ayam:)

    3.Walaikumsalam Twins Mom, mcm2 version ada yang cakap 2 mins etc, but i sedang jer nampak dah boil kira jari 10,tutup api, biarkan dalam periuk sambil buat2 kerja lain, dah tu bubuh air sejuk nak kupas pun senang:)

  5. Salam Zu,
    Sukanya tengok meja baru, pokok bunga baru dan makanan sedap2.. dan last sekali queen yg dah sleepy tu hehe tetiba teringat kartun the little princess pulak. :)

  6. walaikumsalam Umi:) ha ha kena paksa tu umi- meja dah reput ikea punya tak tahan kena hujan:) dah tu bukan org kelantan yg ingat nak makan laksa lemak tapi saya:) Tia lah buat crown utk mama the Queen of the Kitchen nya:)

  7. sooo sweet weekend stories :-))

    * kari jantung pisang mengancam, nice garden, hardworking king & queen. What a wonderful & lovely weekend :-)

  8. itu pusat kusta haaaa ..kalu jalan terus sblum masuk simpang dia haaa...sulah boleh pigi rumah saya woooo..tapi itu cinawannnn lagi bulummmmm ada kasi tumbuh lorrrr hahahha
    yg seronok kat sini...suasana dia sejuk dan redup je kan kak.Park keta pastu kita jalannnnn je smpi hujung.Zinia kat sini worth beli sbb kat KD sana 3 rm 10..kat sini 4 rm10

  9. ini pusat kusta haaa kalu jalan telus pigi kuala selangott sana haaa sudah mulih smpaiiii saya punya rumah wooo tapi itu cinawan haaaa lagiiiii bulum kasi tumbuh lorrr...

    kat sini syok sbb redupppppp je spjg nursery pastu zinia 4 bag baru rm 10...kat bawah 3 bag je

  10. Hi lady lavender,tq,memang sedap kari jantung pisang kalau suka:)

    Hi Elena, patut lah akak terbau-bau pabloba hari tu;) nanti kalau cenawan dah tumbuh tolong lah pungut yo:) betul tu memang sedap redup jer ala2 cameron gitu patut lah boleh duduk dapur lama2 masak pabloba tak panas rupo eh:)

  11. tak pernah masak kari jantung pisang..selalu masak lemak cili padi sweet la berkebun bersama..

  12. Wah...
    Carpenter with Professional Skills..
    Kitchen Queen saje tau, kasi Yong meleleh ;-)

  13. Hi K niedaz selalu ni saya pun selalu masak lemak cilipadi but hari tu masak kari dengan udang sedap betul:)

    Dear Yong, ha ha Queen jadi mandur ajer tau:)

  14. Slalu nyer kt rumah I...jantung pisang ni cecah budu jer..sbb hubby org ganu...kalu masak kari pon sodaaap..zu punyer blog kali ni colourful betul laaa...♥♡♥♡♥

  15. Assalamu Alaykum Kak Zu,

    Thank you for being the first guest at my "home" spreading your warmth, hugs and love. Maafkan Ika for the long silence and thank you for your lovely compliments. :)

    I see you've had a wonderful weekend with loved ones. So nice to see the girls growing up and to see Uwan in good health Alhamdulillah. I grow hungry at the sight of all those delicious dishes you've cooked and smile at the beauty of your flowers.

    Take care and have a blessed week ahead Kak Zu.

    Lots of love from Sunderland :D

  16. Assalamu Alaykum Kak Zu,

    Thank you for being the first guest at my "home" spreading your warmth, hugs and love. Maafkan Ika for the long silence and thank you for your lovely compliments. :)

    I see you've had a wonderful weekend with loved ones. So nice to see the girls growing up and to see Uwan in good health Alhamdulillah. I grow hungry at the sight of all those delicious dishes you've cooked and smile at the beauty of your flowers.

    Take care and have a blessed week ahead Kak Zu.

    Lots of love from Sunderland :D

  17. Ya ALLAH semuanye cantek indah berseri2...suke semuanye...hai kak zu salam baru lg dalam dunia blog..harap kak zu dan semua dapat singgah blog ayu

  18. Hi Dura Zul, memang sedap pun kalau rebus cicah budu or any sambal kan.

    Walaikumsalam Syakirah,
    Happy to hear that you are doing fine in Sunderland:)Hope you will enjoy your time there.Must be really nice to spend time with your mama there ya:) take care and lots of hugs from here;)

    Salam perkenalan Ayu Yahya-tks- in sha allah;);)

  19. Hai Azuuu..puas kan bila dapat buat sendiri, Alhamdulillah, my King pun berjaya jugak menyiapkan table utk our mini taman , completre with the bench semua...tak kisah sangat how it look like, janji homemade, memang puasss hehehe..cuma in my house recently, the Queen dah banyak duk kena getkan stamina balik utk berhempas pulas di dapur after very long rehat aka malas, menjelang puasa ni kena power..sebab kita semua one family kalau puasa, WAJIb kena masak ..never ke pasar ramadhan like other, so Queen laaa kena get ready hahaha

  20. adeh, masuk blog akak tengah malam..terus rasa lapar:)

  21. k zu, boleh tak share kat mana nursery pusat kusta tu? saya selalu pegi yg byk2 near to hospital that the one? x sabar nk tgk apa pulak yg k zu masak wiken ni..hehe

  22. Hi Idaaa memanglah puas bila buat sendiri- so excited nak puasa kan:)

    Zaila-hope yuou had a great weekend .

    Faza- tempat tu atas lagi dari hospitak selayang-towards the kampung and end:)

  23. salam,
    suka tengok decoration dan susun atur rumah mamatia..sangatlah suwitttt...:)perabot perabot putih, dan wet kitchen dan laundry area mamatia memang best..

    boleh mamatia syare cara mengecat meja putih yg papatia buat tu? jenis cat? harga? then tools yg diperlukan..

    berminat nk mengecat meja dan kerusi kat rumah saya jadikan putih..

    terima kasih..

  24. and your garden tooo...nice. tak luas but brilliantly used. my laman is spacious...tapi i tak reti. sad kan?
