Sunday, November 17, 2013

Food Story-inside and outside My Kitchen..


Feeling cosy and nice while writing this entry:)- I'm sitting on the bed in between the two girls- one is already down-sweet dream girl while the other one is putting her head all over my body:):)

This week as usual i took my time to enjoy the weekend as i know the two days will fly in no time. To Kniedaz yang tanya Kimchi tu rasa apa- yupp more a less like kobis jeruk but rasa dia distinctive sikit with the chili and to Hanis yang tanya mana beli the gals house (cubby house)- it was custome made by  my friend- he's an artist;);) If interested i can pass his contact number.

Friday - the girls from office gave me a treat- Alhamdulillah:)

We had Mieng Kham as appetizer at Absolute Thai- i suka this appetizer- to those yang tak pernah rasa ini daun kaduk- disapu dengan sauce yang dibuat dari udang kering yang tumbuk halus dengan belacan,chili,gula kabung, fish sos dan bila nak makan taburkan kelapa rendang,limau lipis di hiris, halia,udang kering,kacang goreng,bawang dan cili padi- sedapppp:):)

Petang i had meeting meeting until late evening,while driving back home was thinking about what to cook- first decided to just make fish and chips- since Uwan was at Maklang's house we can make do without rice. But bila balik tengok Heni simpan Tartar Sauce dalam freezer- Aiyaaa i cant eat Fish&Chips without Tartar Sauce! So i made pizza instead.

I made two type of pizzas using the frozen pizza base- the girls like the plain pizza- just sauce and cheese- frozen pizza base ni selalunya kering and not as nice as the one you made yourself- so nak avoid keing drizzle banyak sikit olive oil in the pan- i even drizzle kat atas dough pun.

The hungry tummies were waiting for the pizza.

The one with macam2 for mama&papa.

Just Cheese for Tia Mia.

Saturday morning bila Tartar Sauce dah cair- i pun buatlah Fish&Chips:):) I masak guna Magic pan- hanya letak 1 spoon of olive oil- chips jadi lagi gebu and sedap and not oily.

Heavy breakfast before we went and fetch Uwan.

But the mama lepaskan gian jugak nak makan maggie he he yum yum:);)

We went to Pashik's house as  Maklang brought Uwan there- we had good lunch at Pashik's- Udang galah goreng kunyit by mashik and i brought gulai telur itik and ikan bilis goreng lada hitam.

Finally Uwan pun balik rumah..yeayyy we miss Uwan.

Hujan and uwan at home i made one of her favourite- sup tulang with cilikicap limau.

Sedap menghirup sup malam2 yang sejuk.

And kalau buat sup daging seperiuk tak payah buat lauk lain nanti tak ada yang nak makan- ulam timun cukup:)

Dessert pun isteimewa buat uwan- ubi rebus dengan gula anau Kuala Pilah dan kelapa- sedap betul gulanya:)

The wonderful Sunday night for the girls- watching Barbie in bed:)

Sunday we let uwan rest at home and went out to buy groceries- we had lunch at Teppanyaki and we odered red ruby for dessert rom the Thai shop.

Evening's view while waiting for Tea- cosy and lovely in uwan's room.

While they were resting i prepared dessert for dinner- this time buat Cream Cracker Cheese 

I tukar the recipe yang ambik dari website ikut selera - as i don't like it to be too sweet i tak bubuh sugar dalam cheese- i hanya buat the cheese with butter di tambah dua sudu Essence Coffee.Then i tak letak susu pekat in between crackers tapi tukar dengan Honey.

I tumbuk cornflakes dan tabur atas cream cheese.

Selepas selang seli dengan biskut ( crackers pun i tak rendam lama dalam milk sebab tak suka dia jadi lembut sangat) i taburkan serbuk koko.

Sejukkan dalam fridge then boleh lah potong:)

Yummm lemak ber krim.

Our early dinner was my sedap mee udang- sorry he he i always rasa my mee udang paling sodap- perasan sikit kih kih:)

i used Udang Galah for my Mee Udang.

But the girls nak mee kicap- so i made a different sauce for them- tak pedas:)-i buatkan gravy asing then gaul dengan mee- sedap rasanya dari di masak sekali.

Tadi keluar beli groceries ada beli few things utk buat project menyimpan tepung dan gula- nanti dah jadi baru tunjuk..he he excited buat project kecik2 ni;)

That's it- bubyeeee and sweet dreams peeps!



  1. yes please... boleh pass the contact for the cubby house tu, tapi nak lah tahu juga the cost sebelum tanya dia..

    my email address is jazakallah!

    btw i learnt a lot from you on the way you treat your maid and mum. thank you. May Allah gives the best for you and family...

  2. salam banyaknya udang minggu ni....but the ubi rebus tu memg terbaikk lah...mane nak cari ubu rebus kat kl ni huahuahua...

  3. salam nak tanya resepi mee udang boleh? sedapnyeee kecur air liur kat sini...

  4. cream cracker cheeseeeeee... i like....! :D

  5. salam...dah lama baca blog u tapi segan nak menegur.. suka tengok semua masakan u..rumah Uwan yang cantik dan udara yang nyaman...kalau boleh nak ada kampung macam tu jugakkk.

  6. Assalamualaikum...
    Kecur air liur tgok mee udang n cream cracker cheese.. Sedapnye..
    Semalam Nur makan di Kedai Kak Ikin, Gangnam.. Mama Tia & Mia boleh sampaikan pesanan Nur utk Kak Ikin? Makanan Korea kt Gangnam sedap n kena dengan "tekak melayu" nur ni.. Tq Mama Tia & Mia
