Monday, November 25, 2013

Lace,Dinner &Friendship.


Lama tak menjengok blog;) sebelum lupa yang berminat pasal cubby house tu ni number tukang buat tu- Pokya (Zakaria Shariff- based in Shah Alam) 019 3233383- i cant quote the price as the price given to me was just tolong kawan- i bayar duit material only but he told me the range is between RM1500 and above depending on the design etc, Pokya ambik projek buat taman,gazeebo and even interior design for the house- he's an artist used to work with the Production company to design set.

Yang tanya resipi mee udang- so sorry lambat lah dapat menjawabnya- ada 2 cara:  nak cepat- beli kat supermarket the ready made paste brand "Tean- Prawn noodles" ini memang sedap- as good as the homemade- i like their curry noodles paste too- you can only find this brand in big supermarket like Village Grocer,Bangsar Cold Storage and kadang2 Aeon Bandar Utama pun ada. But if i  ada masa i kadang2 buat my own kuah- berbaloi walaupun a bit leceh tapi memang sedap- you kena rebus udang, keluarkan dan ambik isi- ketepikan air udang, isi udang blend dengan sedikit udang kering,belacan,cili kering,bawang merah putih- tumis bahan blend sampai wangi dan pecah minyak,masukkan air rebusan udang adan Nampla (fish sauce) biar mendidih- sudah sediakan lah mee yang di celur dan celur sekejap semua bahan- ternasuk udang besar,kangkung,fish cake dan tahu (kalau suka)- selamat mencuba.

Last week was busy,busy, busy mana ada masa tak busy ye tak? especially when i work kat 2 tempat- new office in Bangsar and old office in Bandar Utama- pagi meeting Bangsar,lunch fetch budak kat TTDI- terus sambung kerja kat BU- badan macam atas angin saja;)

The girls are growing fast- next year which is going to be in a month  and few more days to be exact- they will be in Standard One- i dont know whether i should be happy,worried or excited- i think semua nya lah;) So masa2 terakhir di kindy i try to find time with them bila jemput lunch time if sempat we berhenti kat mana2 and had lunch together- they love it very much- very meaningful when your daughters hold your hands bila jalan and said- ' mama we love having lunch with you!" ayaya i feel like  duduk rumah only;):) but life has to go on;):)

Sometimes we had ABC at the nearby Aeon before i send them back:)

last week first time introduce hot plate noodles ni kat Tia- she loves it- pandai pulak makan tu;)

Saturday- they were super duper excited and they had everything ready to welcome their old freind;)

Beli marshmallow, muffins etc utk kawan masa mula2 masuk kat kindy dulu- the girl now dah in standard one- so bila cuti sekolah ni dapat lah jumpa:)

I made bolognese pasta for lunch- so i had 3 daughters and 2 maids on saturday- Iman's mummy left her maid with us to attend to her daughter;):)

Happy faces;);) 

Since feeling2 Diva sebab ada dua maid kat rumah i pun pergi keluar dengan husband ke mall on Saturday.Fish head noodles- my favourite now dah jadi my hb's favourite pulak;)

Sunday the girls were excited to follow us to Gala Dinner.

This is going to be their first function at night at the hotel:)

Function will be at night after Maghrib and sementara tu mama buat lah kerastangan dulu- menjahit lace yang di beli 3 tahun dulu dari Swan Valley,Western Australia.

Dah di jahitkan pada curtain rod mula2 di gantung rendah ala2 cafe style kat sini- but my girl pandai pulak komplen, she said " why the curtain is so low mama? it is not nice at all!" huh pandai you;)

So i gantung lah tinggi macam ni;)

Yeayyy that's nice mama she said;)

Malam we went to the dinner- Mia Ayesha in her full lace gown:)

Us- mama tak suka style tudung macam ni tapi dah beli scarf ni last year in paris masa bertugas- ni lah masalah travel bila masuk boutique tak banyak duit pun impulse membeli tu tak boleh control- bila tengok balik rasa 'how could i spend that much on a piece of scarf?"- So kena lah pakai- since pendek tak lah boleh belit2 tu;)

Told my friend si Ita- to justify it i must put the label infront for everybody to see- ha haa..parah lah ;)

The girls and their papa;)

Father and daughter.

I like this Royale Bintang- small boutique hotel- kalau kat overseas banyak yang macam ni.

Ni musim gila kan lace- malam ni i membongkar jumpa these two pieces- i bought from French Village last year- yeayyy happy;)

Boleh di gantung- tapi sayang, rasanya nak frame kan- cantik kan;)

That's all for tonight- we look foward to bring Uwan and heni bercuti ke tepi pantai this Thursday- macam tu lah tiap tahun mesti ada percutian utk yang muda dan tua- uwan now boleh jalan slow2 mata pun dah kurang sikit so kena plan betul2 bila nak bawak dia jalan2- kalau last year dia boleh naik Cameron etc- this year dah very slow- macam tu lah orang tua- if you have old parents dont wait long, enjoy everytime that you can with them- masa berlalu bagai kilat keluar air mata darah pun tak dapat di cari yang telah lenyap- uzur,umur yang lanjut sekali datang tak dapat di tarik balik- dulu2 masa bujang i used to jalan2 dua orang naik genting dengan uwan- drive,park kereta and naik cable car, we pergi makan kat hotel after that drive down balik- kadang2 rindu lah zaman2 uwan boleh enjoy semuanya- naik boat pisang di PD pun boleh-sekarang bersyukur sebanyak nya kepada Allah masih diberi peluang menyayangi dia- di beri peluang menjaga dia exactly macam mana dia jaga kita masa kecik- pagi i mandikan dia air panas- sikat  rambut,pilih baju dan pakaikan,sediakan breakfast di halaman- walaupun dia masih boleh buat semua tu, tapi dah slow sekarang, - dulu masa i pregnant uwan di dapur menumbuk membuat gulai bagai- 7 tahun  bagai sekelip mata- Jangan langsung tunggu untuk menyanyangi dan berbakti pada ibu bapa kita- itu lah gambaran kita di masa tua- telah diberi Allah cermin besar buat pedoman- Moga semua ibu bapa kita diberkati.Amin.



  1. Oh my terliuq tgk hot plate noodles tu! Is tht the noodles with mushrooms and black pepper? Yum yum favourite!

  2. MashaAllah.. comelnya anak beranak nih!

  3. today after so long reading your blog, i am moved to leave a comment here. Kak, pls dont stop writing and inspiring us. Your writings make me want to do the same exact way for my mum. I am still young and so is my mother. But as you always say, dont wait long right. Because all mothers deserve that kind of treatment after theyve done so much for us. thanks so much Kak. How i wish to settle down and live a life like you.Pray for me :)

    1. Dear nafisah.ssya pun doa yang sama dan kakzu nefrr fails to motivate me untuk layan ibu denan baik😚

  4. Salam..its nice to read your entry pagi2 ni..macam ada orang dtg bg motivasi n so show me exactly how to live life to the fullest while sacrifice so many things to people around you..sacrifice tu yg membuatkan hidup akk kelihatan bahagia.

    May Allah bless u always sis..same like nafisah said..u really inspire us =)

    keep on writing.. =)

    BTW,langsir lace tu..mcm lg cun klau rendah mama as always..mesti ikut ckp penasihat kenits itu =)

  5. 1. Cutenyer the twins, yg makin cute tu the pearl necklace.
    2. Terharu baca n3 about how u take care yr mum.
    Take care & keep writing.
    Kak Hana

  6. your last paragraph touch my heart. thank you for the reminder! semoga Allah memberkati usaha menjaga uwan.

    ps - i'm a mommy of twin too, turning 7 y.o next year, boys. and i still have my grandma whom i fondly call uwan, hailed from rantau, negeri sembilan. she's (i think) 90++ already, kurus macam your mother. masih sihat, alhamdulillah. (panjang pulak intro saya)

  7. salam sis... im your silent reader.. love so much reading all your entries...ternampak tia suka makan hot plate... sis bole buat sendiri... i ada buat entry resepi sizzling mee - hot plate..

    boleh la jenguk2 ye...

    ok keep on writting...

  8. memang sis tak pernah menghampakan saya, especially tang menulis tentang berbuat baik kepada ibu..terharu snagat!

    saya pun tanam dalam hati nak balas jasa mak, nak jaga dia nanti walaupun sekarang mak msih di kampung tp saya berdoa pd Allah satu hari nanti bila dia sudah tak larat saya juga ada kekuatan dan kesabaran untuk menjaganya seperti dia jaga kita suatu masa dahulu

    thanks sis, keep on blogging

  9. As salam zue,

    I wish to be like u but my mum dah lama tiada when i was 21..memang sedih xdpt nk menjaganya if she still alive tentu umur dia mcm ur mum, but i still hv MIL insyaallah i'll love and care her like my own mum. Ur writing always inspire me. Semuga u seklrga dirahmati Allah..aminn.


  10. cute la ur tu nampak sedap la...:)

  11. Salam dear sister,
    I always love to read when you write about your lovely mommy.

    Selalu buat I terfikir about my parents.Cherish the families!

    May Allah swt bless u always sister.
