Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Beautiful Hahndorf

Hahndorf is a  beautiful German settlement town in Adelaide Hills. The town is like a dreamy place with cafes and pretty shops lining the road. You can just sit at the cafe sipping the nice coffee and walk along the road peeking into each shops. You will never get bored- if i had more time, i would love to stay overnight in one of the small hotel under the tree- do nothing but just watch the christmas lights at night and sip the delicious coffee. 


  1. Salam kak, boleh bagi tips pakaian ntuk suhu -4 ke 9 darjah celcius? Sy akan ke german.. tapi tidak mengetahui pakaian yg tepat untuk anak berusia setahun dan 6tahun.. tq kak..

  2. cantik betul tempat ni kak! your outfit & the girls pun cantik :)

  3. subhanAllah cantik2nye bunga tu besar2 pulak tu... rambut tia n mia cantik sangat! love it! ;) happy new year

  4. so lovely
    mmg sgt best sip a thick and nice aroma coffee under the tree gtu .
    pastu read a book .
    alahaiiii bestnyeee ...
