Thursday, January 1, 2015

I always love Lavender@Lyndoch Lavender Farm-Barossa Valley.

To Tia Mia- Can you smell the lavender? It's awesome- Alhamdulillah;)

Note- Pada Nur yg bertanya baju yg sesuai utk anak berumur 3 dan 6 tahun utk cuaca sejuk di German-  cuaca yg paling sejuk kita org pernah experience adalah di Geneva around 2 degrees kadang2, of course yg paling sejuk di Mont Blanc - 0. Utk cuaca sejuk belikan lah anak2 thermal ( undergarment dari material yg khas utk panaskan badan)- boleh beli di kedai baju sejuk atau di Mark&Spencer pun ada or Uniqlo pun ada. dah tu belikan or pinjam cardigan dari wool- trench coat kalis cuaca, muffler dan gloves yg sesuai (leather) pun sgt penting,beli sock wool dan boots- budak2 kalau too cold nanti dia tak nak keluar rumah. Barang2 winter semuanya mahal- kalau ada family atau friend yg ada barang2 ni boleh pinjam saja-have fun in Germany- doa semuanya di permudahkan-(by the way gambar akak tu bukan kat German- tapi di Adelaide, Australia- Hahndorf tu ada lah perkampungan German di situ- sebab tu summer- kalau Germany now- brrrrrrr sejuknya)

3rd day we made a trip to the lavender farm di Lyndoch- Barossa Valley.

I always love Lavender- so sebelum dtg Adelaide memang dah google mana ada Lavender farm. 

Sampai ajer kat tepi the farm nak park kereta- bau dah semerbak- so sedap!

Cuma masa ni bunga belum lah byk sangat- baru bermula musim but cukup lah utk memenuhi hajat.

The setting was so nice that i berangan it is Lavender farm in southern farnce:)

Awesome view.

The farm girl;)

Lavender ni penuh dgn bees- sebab tu pendebungaan sekata dengan quantity yg banyak and actually kita tak boleh masuk tengah2 batas ni- ada lorong tepi di sedia kan- tapi masa ni owner tak ada dan kita tak tahu so bergasak lah pi celah2 ni walaupun penuh bees!

It was so beautiful there.

The beautiful lavender- kalau full blooms lagi lah cantik agaknya.

Me and lavender

They have cafe at the terrace and you can relax or order food for experience.

The shop at the farm sells all lavender based products and it was home made.

It was a bit pricey- sebab lavender pun memang mahal dan tengok caranya pun bukan senang nak dapat minyak lavender tu. We bought few soaps and lavender oil.

Masa ni nak Christmas- so mana2 kedai pun cantik di hias.

Berangan .

All lavender colours around!

We feel like in a different era here.

These two had a wonderful time cahsing birds and butterflies here.

We ordered food for experience.

Semuanya vegetarian, except cheese dan berasaskan lavender:) Semua sangat sedap- the tomato relish,the home made lavender bread, the goat cheese tak berbau:)

The lavender ice cream:) wangi ice cream masuk perut.

The delicious scones.


I ordered lavender tea too.

New experience for the girls- they can eat salad well kalau tak ada food lain:)

Nice food and ambience.

Under the huge tree.

Farm time.

On the way back we stopped at the road side to look at World famous Barossa Valley. I love this SUV- so cantik and compact.

Barossa valley famous for Grape farm- beribu hectar penuh dgn grapes- sini lah dia org produce wines.

Masa ni baru bermula musim- few months lagi baru grapes besar.

The grapes.

Few months will turn into big juicy ones.

Town2 kecik yg di lalui masa nak balik sangat cantik.

Classic building.

Beautiful Hotel

Good bye Lyndoch- we have your smell in our house now:)



  1. love lavender smell..

    suka tgk all the pictures taken..

  2. Selamat tahun baru sis...
    Cantiknya lavender...
    Seronok tengok gelagat Tia & Mia ^_^

  3. Canteknya gambar-gambar mama mia and tia..
    Camera apa ye?

  4. Masa baca entry ni tertanya tanya sis pakai kamera apa. Tengok2 Halmatul Sadiah dah tanya soalan guna kamera apa. Hehe..Pls share sis guna kamera apa?

  5. happy new year kak zu ...
    wahhh kak zu end the year dgn pengalaman yg best lg , great !

    memory yg manis akan terpahat selamanya ...
