Sweet& Merry when we are together..Love ya Tia Khadeja & Mia Ayesha..and papa too:)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A for Apple,B for Bird and P for Pizza yey...
Finding time to do many things is not easy..anyhow as mama papa we have got to squeeze time for everything. Yesterday,balik rumah petang..wahh suka hati..maklang came during lunch time,she went to pasar segar,bought big prawns and she cooked very nice "udang masak lemak cili padi with pucuk peraga", she called mama at office and told that for dinner dah ada lauk she tinggalkan..thank you maklang...so last nite mama came back hanya grill chicken wing and salmon,add fresh veges..dah sedia dinner.You both eat banyak betul salmon,after dah settle everything mama took out Sichida punya exercise..Sichida have supplied us with home exercise that can last for two weeks.One thing good about this Shichida school if we really follow their method,we don't really need to buy extra material because they have provided enough.You both pulak memang tak sabar2 last nite nak do the drawing etc..keep saying " nak do doodle,nak do doodle.." maklang lah yang introduce "doodle,doodle things" ni..very easy to draw for toddlers,ye lah maklang dulu pernah buat kursus montessori plus all those knowledge she learnt from "NURI" which she had practised on Amir. Mama snapped few pictures of you drawing and activities last nite mesti fun tengok dah besar nanti.
Siapa punya tangan nomok dah ready nak draw ni?
Cant wait to start..waiting for papa to finish his maghrib prayer..
Haa..inilah style terbaru bila nak pose..suka hati betul.
So we start with writing,citing and singing the A,B,C...mama prefers to teach them A,B,C using free hand writing so that next time when they see the alphabets they can recognise it in whatever style and shape.
After that Tia and Mia will learn to write the letter...and then read it out loud.
Practise some more girls..
After we have warmed up with writing A,B,C..we start the Shichida exercise,they are brain development exercise,they learn how to write straight line from one dot to another, draw an object,maze,puzzle etc.
One of the exercise by Shichida- drawing same object in different style..
Writing numbers..Shichida writes first,mama writes second and the girls will write on the third row..
Ni lah ..doodles,doodles yang maklang ajar..free hand drawing non stop circles..but girls extra creative after that they will "colour..colour..colour" they said.
Nah satu hasil seni Leonardo D Vincci.. Tia called it " Brown,Brown"..
Hasil seni Miss Mia,she called it "amon,orange,orange".
This is one of their favourite,learning about face expression...Mr Smile..
As a reward, morning breakfast mama prepared " Mozarella cheese pizza with pesto and Dry Chicken Hailam noodles"
Wahh so sedap mama punya hailam this morning..he..heee...kena puji diri sendiri..Tia makan tak berhenti, continue bawak depan Tv sambil tengok "Tots Tv".
Nganga lah besar mana pun Tia..this morning they ate noodles,pizza,yoghurt and fresh choco milk.
Knowledge sharing for today : ada orang tanya, Olive Oil macam mana yang sesuai untuk cooking sebab bukan semua yang sesuai untuk kepanasan yang tinggi, the extra virgin olive oil and most on the shop rack sesuai untuk salad dan kepanasan yang tak tinggi. Yang sesuai untuk baking,frying or roasting ,salah satunya adalah brand "Filippo Berio" from Italy, it is stated on the bottle for "frying,roasting and baking".
Ann, the girls really can eat,if you can see how they eat the salmon..my goodness..they are like hungry baby bird..nganga jer mulut..
ReplyDeleteWah bestnya lukis lukisss.style terkini betul..nganga luas luas. Terliur la dengar lauk alang ha. Shedapnyeee. Hari ni petang, lepas kerja singgah rumah dia, ada order cupcake dengan ayan.
ReplyDeletebest tgk activity Tia Mia nih.. i'm sure they had fun while dong these.. Play more. Learn more! I pun suka buat the art activities ngan Irfan.. now more to water2 colors lah... coz dia pun dah pandai kemas and lap balik bila dah guna.. so mama tak takut umah sepah2 ngan water color lagik.. hehhe..
ReplyDeleteThe pizza looks very yummy! Last week.. Irfan and friends make pizza at my friend's house.. such a fun and enjoyable one.. they did themselves the dough and topping semua.. mula2 gabra gak takut keras kan.. hehhe.. tapi last2 alhamdulillah.. all daddies pun approve..hehhe.. nanti bila Tia Mia dah besar sket best lah u Azu ada org leh tolong kat dapur.. :-)
zubye,irfan dah besar bestlah dah boleh dengar kata..nak watercolour bagi tu..tia mia ni susah sikit lagi kena pantau..kalau tak..hmm ber colour colour lah dinding semua..mesti syok irfan buat pizza kan.
ReplyDeletewow ...pizza looks awesome !!!
ReplyDeletepost up the recipe la..would lov to try ... !!
maybe should open cafe la...
TiaMia 's Cafe :)
semua yg mamatiamia masak mmg looks yummy.
ReplyDeletetia mia, ur mama always so thoughtful, ada segmen knowledge sharing, dis a valuable lesson fr ur mama, jgn lokek ilmu, sampaikan, kongsi2 jadi ramai yg manafaat. pahala insyaAllah.
quality time, teaching n learning together.. tia mia soon u'l read ur mama's sweet stories and write ur own sweet stories too.
sofea,nanti rajin i post the recipe okay.
ReplyDeleteann, a small knowledge if we share it will become big.. in my office those went for course or seminar is required to share their knowledge through a "knowledge sharing session" its an opportunity to brush up many skills too.
wah besnye to see that ur gals still sit in their high chair. hArith refused to sit in his high chair, he demands to sit on the normal chair...konon2 dah adult. sanggup hidung same level dgn meja asalkn dpt duduk same chair like us. Bile suruh duduk high chair, he will point to uZAir...hahah, konon die dh besar, that's meant for babies only. Bcoz of that, athirAh pun dah joined skali refused to be in high chair.
ReplyDeleteoh btw, saw the cot in one of the photos,do ur gal still sleep in their cot too?
p/s: come lah join contest in my blog, mayb ur gals could be the lucky winner =)
Besarnya mulut Tia&Mia... Bab makan laju ye kan? Seronok tengok both of them makan. Mama pun semangat nak masak!
ReplyDeleteTerliur nye tengok ur hailam!!!!
*Kelakar tia&mia said 'leleh'.. when come to the sad smiley face.. hehehee...