Sweet& Merry when we are together..Love ya Tia Khadeja & Mia Ayesha..and papa too:)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
We had so much activities during weekend..woishhhh..everybody was and stilled tired but we are happy. Come,jom peek into our weekend activities.
Saturday 7.30 am we went to the Park not far from our house..the girls jumpa dead centipede..sibuk "dead centipede,dead centipede"...
Girls warmed up with swing,swing first..
Yeyyy..seronoknya mamaa..Tia suka
Okay..racket time..dush,dush here and there...
Wah Tia serve la cepat..Mia jaga2..
Alaa..baru sikit dah rest ni..minum jer yang lebih..
Mama pun take five lah..rest kojap..dah dush,dush badminton dengan papa..
Ha..haaa..dasat betul gambar mama papa snap macam desperate sangat exercise ni ha..dah tu papa ketawa..nakal la papa..
Tak pe la..yang penting we happy..mama..girl duduk makan lagi la..
"Adus,sun sun Mr Golden sun lah mama..panas"
Okay lah..panas jom kita balik ..we go to the next destination pulak..where girls?
Yeap we went IKEA..the girls sibuk test chair..mama papa nak beli small breakfast table for our breakfast nook at the new house..
"Mia what do you think?..i dont really like this chair la.."
Lunch time..mama took the girls to Ikano steamboat..first time bawak the girls steamboat..nak see whether they can behave or not..
They doing quite okay..Mia suka jugak steamboat..not bad tapi takut at the steamy pot...
Tia pun takut the hot and steamy pot..and Tia tak berapa suka steamboat kalau pasta laju jer..ni a bit slow..dia complaint pedas la..macam2 padahal mana ada cili..
Papa lah yang enjoy makan banyak..sedap kan papa..
Sunday 8.30am we went Shah Alam lake,papa nak singgah PKNS Kompleks nak tengok pameran hartanah pulak..
Tia happy ni...
Okay we brisk walk jer la..no need jogging..maintain lah..
Mia the cowgirl..beriya jalan ..
We got our small breakfast table,plus two chairs and a bench..now we have a breakfast nook..we can make it cosy there..we can put green potted plant outside the window and papa will put a wooden rack outside the kitchen untuk mama tanam potted spices like basil,curry leave,kaffir lime..nanti nak masak senang la...there goes our weekend busy,tired but fulled with happy times (of course drama nangis kena pinch and all that..sebab nakal kan!!)
tia mia...pandai ke main badminton tuh....ke jerit2 jer lebih..hahahah..xper la kan...bukan nk bawak main beriya...janji semua hepi kan...
ReplyDeleteazu...nogori monang tuh..tak gaduh ngan papa tiamia ker..kita tak ikuti perkembangan pon tp org sibuk dok ngusik kita ckp hobin jang hobin...ingatkan apo la...
ha..haa.. idida,kito pun samo tak la minat bola,tapi malam tu memang kita asik sakitkan hati papa tia mia,dia pulak bola sepak tempatan ni langsung tak ambik pot dan yang best dio jawab "i lahir kat los angeles'..ha..haa..kelate murtad mamat tu..yo lah dah makan tempoyak banyak..kah.kah.
ReplyDelete**hobin jang hobin...heheheh....den suko...ns monang. tak sabar rasanya nak balik kampung...torkonang kampung terus...hobin jang hobin
ReplyDeletewah...happynya weekwnd...beshnya.Kak Ikin tak best sangat weeknd. kena buat keje. Cute la budak2 tu pakai baju I love zara. Kemain lagi exercise ni. Kali ni, mama pun banyak posing2. Hehe. Breakfast nook tu cozy betul la. Tak sabar rasanya nak duduk situ sambil makan nasik lemak sambal tumis arwah omok.Hihi. Syedapnyaaaa...
ikin..memang kita hobin org kelantan..tergolek-golek,terbakar-bakar..ha..haa..mintak maap yo org kelantan..
ReplyDeletenanti kita makan nasik lemak sambal kuah dan bawang banyak cam arwah omok tu okay..
Hi Tiamia, I love Zara too...;-) Good to see u guys had so much fun!. :-)
ReplyDeleteThe 'back to school' T tu sungguh kiut! esp on them!
ReplyDeleteMain badminton sakan ye... Excited betul. Mesti seronok melayan ekrenah 2 si tenit2 ni. Bila makin besar, makin byk akal.. esp bila 2 akal bergabung tenaga... Jadi 2 akal yg sangat besar!!!
hahaha dan dan yo papa tia mia...hobin kang :p
ReplyDelete:)) kelakar tul lak bila sobut hobin byk2
jgn mare k
Wah morning, my fav time lah.tp malangnye abah ghazi n ghazi bukan morning person..anyway, looks like tia n mia sgt enjoy beraktiviti di pagi hari ehe..mama pn sama hahahaha.. anyway..acik suke shirt tia n mia! sangat sukeee :)
ReplyDeletegee,hopefully you have fun there..i tak boleh tinggal komen kat fp you lagi lah..entah kenapa tah..asyik cakap 'comments not allowed jer"
ReplyDeleteidida..ha,ha..tak po kita hobin hobin la sikit..nakal bonar orang2 tu bakar stadium lak kan..
linda, nanti mai la join tia mia jogging pagi2 okay..rindu lah kat budak ghazi yang sungguh encem and behave tu..
suka tengok tia n mia..cumels sgt!suke bace ur belog..memberi inspirasi tau..mcm mana nak jadi mama, jadi wife, sediakan makanan 4 ur kids..suka sgt!!paling penting suka sangat rumah baru!!!cantik..:)
ReplyDeleteSeronoknya Tia Mia main di park....Tia Mia suka main badminton.. praktis betul2..boleh jadi beregu wanita negara nanti...hi.hi.
ReplyDeleteTia Mia kalau pergi park ok tak masa nak balik...anak2 akak kalau pergi park susah tul nak ajak balik....tak puas main kata mrk.
thanx for update on the pizza...
ReplyDeletewil try and let u know...
hahahaha..tah jadi ke x ..hehe..
sofea..happy pizzaying..he..he..show me the foto ya.
ReplyDeleteVery fun indeed! kiut betul tia mia ni kan.. Azu.. i suka their tshirt aweks with red hair wearing the spec tu.. comey tul looks cheeky je.. suit with them. memang best bawak anak2 jalan2 taman kan.. the shah alam lake.. it used to be our fav hang out place dulu masa dok shah alam.. best peaceful kan..
ReplyDeletere : I sent irfan to IIUM Montessori.. Seri Putra branch.. so far..ok.. environment ok sillibus pun ok.. based on his progress, alhamdulillah i suka.. u can check out here http://iiummontessori.edu.my/
btw, Azu tak hantar dah derang at pre school yang dekat TTDI tu?