Friday, January 14, 2011

Helloooooo..jom jom:)

Wahhh it is already 14/11/11..lamanya tak update blog:( he..hee..sibuk macam2 lah,Alhamdulillah Tiamia already back to the same kindy they like it there;);)and i had all kind of stories..but as a start for year 2011 i begin it with food,food and food..what to do i like cooking..nanti ada masa cerita macam2 lagi..wuishhhh banyak cerita..yang suka,yang duka,yang berdarah..yang parah*wink*wink*

 First tukang masak would like to wish Happy New Year (alamak lambatnyerr) to all friends,yang datang singgah..may 2011 brings us lots and lots of loves:):)

 Then lets bake..first New Year bake Bread pudding..

 Macam2 cara orang buat bread pudding..i don't like it to be too mushy..mine is just nice with lil bit crispy on top;)
 Serve it while it still hot..semua orang suka ni..especially papa;)

 Bathe it with generous milk and vanilla sauce..memang yummyyyyyyehhh..

 Morning favourite kat rumah is my Hailam with fat prawns:)

 Another favourite in the morning is Cantonese fried chilli..tiamia love it..

 This is uwan's favourite..kampung style pengat..with mee sangggul,tepung mata ikan and banana..

 My oldtime favourite asam pedas ikan merah with terung..

 Another everybody's favourite my pulut kuning with kampung style sambal and boiled egg.

 Tia Mia oil kuey tiow soup with fish cake..

 Here some "Back To School" pictures..the girls with Teacher Claire:)

 Mia is very happy to see Mrs Lee..

 Latest picture of Tia Mia..both ikut mama to office after friday school but first singgah at waffle kiosk,ikano..

 Showing their glass paint result..activity kat mama's office.
 Mama's photo snapped by Tia at office.

 Another one by Tia.

Until the next entry..may our days and time in 2011 be sweet as these macaroons (Macaroons from a shop at OU,RM3.00 each..the choc fudge is very nice..but all of it are a bit too sweet to my liking..i likeeee pedas)


  1. owhh! baru tau rupanya mee sanggul boleh masuk dalam pengat pisang erk..nak try lah..

  2. Happy New Year to Mamatiamia too :-)..Me pun ada beli macaroons nie tapi kat times bookshop, bangsar..cheaper dari OU dalam RM2.00 per piece tak silap..but agree with mamatiamia lah..yang pedas2 lagi sodap :-)

  3. Happy New Year MamaTiaMia dear, good to see you back. Dah lama you senyap menyepi.I pun teruja tengok pengat letak mee sanggul, menarik sangat! Asam Pedas pun memang my favorite, sedapnyaa kalau mak mentua takde kat depan mata mau I hirup macam sup hehehe.Good to see TIaMIa are happily back in Kindi.Such a cutie. Betul for me too, Macaroons tu are just too sweet for my taste but so pretty for hi tea decorations lah pulak hehe. Kita kena letak sambal tumis tengah2 baru boleh makan banyak2!! Ok dear I hope January are treating your well so far and take care dear!

  4. Happy New Year too..sedap je tgk bread pudding tu..bleh minta resepi x??hehe

  5. hi pinabate..yeap orang tua2 suka mee sanggul tu buat pengat,sedap kalau suka,macam cendul:)

  6. Salmi,yeap memang betul..yang podeh2 ajo yang sodap..he..hee happy new year ye.

  7. Hi lah lama tak berapa active kat sini tapi melawat jugak fasha punya blog tu;)..betul fasaha lidah kita ni nak samabl tumis ajo:)

  8. Hi Merah baldu,.happy new year to you too..i punya bread pudding ni dah olah ikut kegemaran sendiri unlike kat kedai punya yang soft and tebal i buat nipis sikit and tak cripsy kat luar sikit baru budak2 tu suka..guna bekas yang nipis pun cepat masak dalam 2 minit siap2 dah boleh makan.Kalau nak try my recipe sanang ajer,i guna gardenia bread,butter,freshmilk,evaporated milk,sugar,vanilla essence,telur and raisin.Cairkan butter,campur semua bahan and pukul (sukatan ikut lah lebih kurang yer),dah tu i koyak2 roti taruk dalam oven dish and tabur raisin,curah kan bahan pukul,susun roti and raisin,masuk lagi kuah,bila dah tenggelam semua,masuk dalam oven bakar kuat about 200,then kecikkan api sikit,dah nampak kuning keluarkan..sauce pulak i guna evaporated milk,campur fresh milk sikit and vanilla,no sugar sebab suka manis2 ajer,dah campur bila dah potong bread pudding boleh siramkan kat atas.selamat mencuba yer:)

  9. ehemm..itu bread pudding leh share resepi x..dh lama nak cari resepi ala2 u buat tu..look soooo delicious!! ;)

  10. Aqish tu saya dah jawap kat comment tu ha;)

  11. Which lovely has daughters for you...;))

  12. MamaTiaMia,
    Menikam kalbunyer i tengok gambar pengat pisang & the asam pedas ikan merah. both are my favorite!
    and the hot mama look gorgeous in pink baju kurung! :P
