Sunday, January 16, 2011

Roast Chicken and Foggy/Snowy day:)

We had good homecooked foods on Saturday and Sunday morning,one of it is this yummylicious roast,potato and carrot..we ate with nandos sauce and mayo..very yummy.Sunday papa took us to play snow at Genting,TiaMia had a great time,since we cannot take photos inside,there's no photos in the snowland.They have photographer inside there but it is a bit expensive and since this is our second time so we just enjoy playing there,we bought hot milo and fishballs and had fun in the snowland.It was very foggy at genting on Sunday,we lurveee the cold weather:)Enjoy our roast chicken pictures and some photos at genting.

 Roast Chicken,Potato and carrot in the making.

 Very nice cripsy outside nut succulent inside oregano,pesto and olive oil roast chicken.

 Roast Potato is Tia's favourite,Mia loves the cripsy chicken.

 Very nice while it is still hot,dip into nandos sauce..yummehhh..

 If roast is not enaough we have nice sandwich from bakers Cottage here;)

 Sila makan;)

 Sunday we went to Snowland Genting..we brought our own gumboots.

 The girls love the snowland,sampai nak makan2 snow kat luar,kat dalam tak boleh ambik gambar.

 Dah berair hidung baru keluar:)

 Here and below semua our gedik2 photos enjoy:)


  1. fuhhh..sedapnye itu cikenn..;) i xleh mkn ciken lg buat sementara ni sbb still bf..nnt bb alergy la plak hukk..

  2. ye ke aqish..sian lah..tak per sabo;)

  3. tia and mia dah pandai posing sekarang..and nice boots :-)..

  4. posing sakan tiga beranak ni tengok aksi si comel berdua tu..hehe termasuklah ibunya hehe...nampak mcm sejuk sangat di genting sangat...

  5. hi salmi..memang suka posing sakan sekarang;)

    salam shamsida- ha,haaa..macam tu lah kalau anak and emak keluar;)

  6. hi Polish twins- thank you very much,will visit yr blog soon;)

  7. Azu!!!!!!!!!!
    Sedapnye chicken u... Makan panas2 pulak tu... Ish.. sungguh tergoda...

    Mama & the twin sungguh bergumbira...
