Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Colours of My Life.

Salam All:) Hmmm masih penat tau..kenduri tak besar mana tapi penat sama ajer:) Alhamdulillah dah selesai, some said like terima menantu:) well i rasa kesyukuran perlu di raikan sebaik mungkin lebih indah maknanya:) Lagi pun jarang meraikan ibu dalam majlis yang di hias indah,kalau anak2 ada birthday party,cake cantik,doorgift indah,kita sendiri ada anniversary, ibu kita pulak jarang kita menghias rumah seindah mungkin khas buatnya.Ada sedikit rezki biarlah 3 wanita itu saya beri yang indah2:):) To my friend Sham yang tanya mana beli vase merah tu..haa..haa jangan terperanjat saya beli sangat murah di KK Homes after 50% discount jadi RM6.75 saja:):)Thanks pada semua yang datang,yang mendoakan,meninggalkan kata2 yang baik di entry bawah.Sorry pada Julie2 yang jauh di perantauan,tengok ulam2 :) To Artlovers of course boleh panggil saya "Zu"..some of my friend call me "Azu" my arwah father kalau panggil my name penuh2 "ZURAIDAH!!!!" maknanya nak kena marah tak baca buku:):) To all commentors di mesia,Sg,overseas and all thanks singgah di entry bawah:):)Tak berapa larat nak type semua nama malam ni..mata pun layu ajer dah:):) 

Kepenatan berlanjutan di office..dah berapa hari tapau ajer waktu lunch..tapi selera tak larat nak makan di Cafe bawah..so berjalan lah ke GJ..nikmatnya dapat membenam gigi dalam Danish pastry ni sambil menghirup Chai Tea Latte...heee...heee..teringat nak makan Cinnamon stick dari Lavender sebenarnya tapi tak larat nak berjalan ke situ:)

Thank You to Ita 4Es..for this lovely Tie Rack scarf..my anak dara has modeled it beautifully:)

Ohh Tia mama loves your big brown eyes:)

But it can be sepet too..sometimes:):)

Colours of my Life:)

Somebody asked me from the older entry..how to be positive? Well..it is not that difficult  to be positive..look deep into yourself..find peace within you..with peace comes happiness..happiness will produce positive vibes:):) Don't try too hard to become someone that you re not supposed to be..accept flaws,accept less,accept fate with open heart..Most important be syukur with small things..if wishes is granted  be thankful,if not; its an avenue for more doas,to improve and get closer to Allah Swt..Finally it is not hard to be positive:)..We just thank Allah Swt for all the things that we have..and dont have:):)

After anak2 dah gayakan..mama is nothing dah..hee...heee..Noor fariha tanya both me and husband bukan "Malaysia truly Asia ke?" ha..haa of course we are:):) cuma makanan jer tak truly Asian:);)

It's  a hot night tonight..but still positive and thankful for having syrup and nachos on my table:) Salam:)


  1. Love everything about you kak zue. Im trying be positive as i can. :-) really nice following your writing n gigih baca dari entry awal. Hehe.

  2. Love everything about you kak zue. Im trying be positive as i can. :-) really nice following your writing n gigih baca dari entry awal. Hehe.

  3. Love everything about you kak zue. Im trying be positive as i can. :-) really nice following your writing n gigih baca dari entry awal. Hehe.

  4. Love everything about you kak zue. Im trying be positive as i can. :-) really nice following your writing n gigih baca dari entry awal. Hehe.

  5. Amboi syoknye mkn nachos..hehe. Ala....saja je tny tu.. Mano lah tau kuk nogori colup ko..hehe.. Kak zu! Gi beli eye cream.. Da ada eye bag dah tu..nnt x cntik.......x tauuuuuu

  6. Amboi syoknye mkn nachos..hehe. Ala....saja je tny tu.. Mano lah tau kuk nogori colup ko..hehe.. Kak zu! Gi beli eye cream.. Da ada eye bag dah tu..nnt x cntik.......x tauuuuuu

  7. azu...betul, it is not hard to be positive...itulah yg selalu aku amalkan...sometimes nak sgt jadi mcm seseorg yg rasanya begitu sempurna di mata kita..tapi bila fikir balik...this is me..tak perlu jadi org lain..bila down...cepat2 ingat Allah & think positive bahawa setiap yg berlaku ada hikmahnya..hati akan jadi tenteram... nak cari jugak vase tu kat KK Homes..he..he..he..

  8. Salam Kak Zu,
    Reading your blog keep my motivation at the highest level .Teringin sangat nak pergi rumah Kak Zu.Last Sunday,had tea at Subaidah.Teringat Kak Zu as your house just around the corner.

    Life is always up and down.It's us yang kena keep the motivation level high so that tak terbuai...tu lah...tapi kadang-kadang frustrated tu kan derail our path.Kena be positive selalu kan?
    Thank you Kak Zu for the motivation and inspiration!


  9. so colourfull and nice.. umur semakin meningkat ni mmg kena lebih selalu positif.. terima kasih kerana berkongsi tips tu..

  10. cantik model tudung berdua tu dan tentu tudung nya juga sangat cantik. sesuai buat azu yang terserlah aura positifnya.
    ya to be able to feel syukur for everything is easy yet often hard to remember.

  11. Love everything about you kak zue. Im trying be positive as i can. :-) really nice following your writing n gigih baca dari entry awal. Hehe.
