Saturday, March 17, 2012

Doa Selamat

Alhamdulillah:) We had our Doa Selamat for Uwan, my sister in law and Ikin.The weather was good and   we have fulled house:) Alhamdulillah:)

Tia,Mia were excited,Uwan too:) Our house is not big but we created space for everybody:) We have some pictures to share:) Salmi,Mamasya,Muna Mahdzar Fadaq,Ann Huzi,Sister in Sg,Leeza's Touch and E na,Thanks for the doas ya:)

Flower for buffet table.

Fresh table bouquet arranged by Kak Ikin herself:):)

No rain,we had sunny and warm day and night:)

Gotong royong among us started since morning.

The rajin unpaid workers:)

Happy mood:)

Tables ready:)

Waiting for food.

Our garden can accommodate 5 tables:) 

Santai session..uwan looks good:)


Cuppies by my sister (maklang)

The yummy blueberries:)

The tester:)

Hard Talk:)

Uwan enjoying herself at the verandah.

The girls and Papa.

Mama and the girls.

Us again:)

and again:)

and again and again;)

huishhh and again..heee..hee;)

Rearranged sofa to create space in the middle.

Dessert table.

The kampung ulam.

The Pecal.

The Floor Manager:)

Sate for tea:)

Before Maghrib.

Waiting for Imam:) Sis in Law,Intan and Ikin.


The girls tak muat saf:)

But that didn't stop them from praying:)..Mama "cuti" so jadi photographer.

Alhamdulillah..sian dua orang jer kat corner ni:)

I love you ya:)

Happy to see Teacher Claire and her daughters;) Teacher brought them magic mirror with comb:)


Familiar faces from office.Thank You for coming ladies:)

A special friend:) Kenal her since Tia Mia were 4 months through fotopages:) She stayed in Manchester before..we became cyberfriends:) Now she's back for good:) Sweet Ita has twins too:) that's why we clicked in the first place:) Thank You for coming Ita and 4Es:)

Lauk kampung- gulai daging salai,sambal tumis petai,sup ayam and ulams:)

Ita's twins-cute Elin&Erin:)



  1. assalam azu,

    alhamdullilah segalanya berjalan lancar... loves the table deco plus the kampung ulam yg mengancam... meleleh air liur kite... aehehe


  2. bestnya! uwan nampak berisi dan happy !!

  3. salam MTM, lama x tinggal jejak tapi baca tetap baca..hehe. alhamdulillah semuanya cantik dan selamat dan ceria, semoga kekal selamanya..amin

  4. the kakak twins dah pakai specs!
    yes i used to visit 4es fotopages too, lovely photos!
    Alhamdulillah. everyone looks well and good. the best picture is of course, uwan! looks very strong!
    next of course mama and tia mia!
    and then the food and decorations!
    it is really nice to invite teacher claire and family. she played a great role in taking care of tia mia real well while mama was taking care of uwan. it is good to let them join in our occasion and feel the love and joy of our celebration.


  5. so cozy kenduri
    with delly foods..
    all in happy faces..
    very nice kakak..

  6. Salam Zu, tumpang seronok tengok kenduri. mmg sedap tgk makanan dan sejuk mata memandang hiasan dan bunga2an, dan tambah2 seronok tgk Uwan yg dah sihat. Alhamdulillah :)

  7. Alhamdulillah..semuga diberkati Allah.

  8. Enjoy yr entry..nice family and crowds and the food look delish!!

  9. Salam zu...Alhamdulillah semua brjln the table deco..the yummy food..dlm gambar pun dh nmpk sedap :)
    Alhamdulillah uwan pun dh brtmbah sihat..syukran syukran :)

  10. Salam Azu,
    Thanks for inviting us.
    Alhamdulillah tengok Uwan dah sihat boleh bercakap & senyum :)

    Tak sempat nak ambil gambar dgn TiaMia... Bad mood day huh? Kalau tak, boleh ambil gambar 4 of them together. hehee..

    Makanan sedap2 belaka. Luv the daging salai ;)

    Hope to see u again.

    Take care sis!

  11. comel nye kenduri ni.aduii..geram..hehe.tiamia sgt cute lah kan. mcm mama die..haha. muke dorg mcm mix. eh.. kak zu n hubby mmg bukan malaysia truly asia ke??? haahahaha

  12. ulams are making me meleleh air liur hehehhee...ulam2 tu semua my favourites...nasib baik tak mengandung dan mengidam, kalau tak mana i nak cari semua tu kat NZ ni heheee...apa pun, alhamdulillah semua berjalan lancar dan uwan semakin sihat dah happy, sangat2 alhamdulillah :)

    kisses to the girls

  13. azu...kenduri doa selamat tapi decoration mcm nak sambut menantu.....hepi tgk uwan & tiamia sihat..congratz utk ikin jugak tapi tak boleh tahan tgk mknan...meleleh air liur..vase merah utk bunga buffet table cantik sgt..beli kt mana?...harus nak kena carik juga tu..see u again...

  14. Alhamdulillah.. semuanya dah berjalan dengan lancar.. nampak kemas dan cantik sgt deco2 utk kenduri.. suka sgt tengok..

  15. seronoknya....buat kenduri untuk uwan...apa2 pun selamat untuk semua...semua cantik belaka.

  16. Zu my kitchen's diary to blog maklang ke?cantiknya cupcakes yang dia buat masa kenduri doa selamat tu.betulah kenduri doa selamat you tu memang macam orang kenduri sambut menantu.anyway alright sebab nak buat kenduri sambut menantu lambat lagi sebab anak Dara pun baru masuk tadika he he

  17. so sweet and luvly dovey decorations for the celebration..really suke and inspired.

    semuanya masak sendiri ke kak zue?

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