Sunday, April 15, 2012

Let's Pirouttee and Eat!!

Salam All:) Thanks for good words for ikin and also me:) And heap of thanks to those who have visited the place.They are not running in full yet,still training some staffs... etc etc well it is not easy to run a restaurant isn't it?:):)
 And i really smile to some of the comments:):) Thank you for your kind concerns..Heee..hee i always have dark circles under my eyes:):):) with it now and i dont really notice it:);) and one sis asked the colour of my hobo Longchamp..why??wink wink..anyway it's dark brown:);) ikin bought for me during her trip to Paris:):) and i ve been using it since i dont have that many handbags:):) So sis if you want to give me another one..ohhh please i welcome it very much:):):)

Hopefully semua orang had a good weekend..ours were "carca marba":);) fulled with flavours&colours:):)

Friday was closed with beautiful cuppies fom Bijoux for the girls and i bought something bright and red for Ikin's shop too..Yaribaaa Yaribaaaa:))

Saturday.. the girls getting ready to Pirouttee!!!

They love going to their class so we just left them there and went to the nearest Khalifah Bistro while waiting for session to finish.

After Ballet was Music mama papa had to lepak somemore while waiting for another one hour to finsh:) We went to Times bookshop and read some books.

I always love travelling i managed to browse 2,3 copies while i was there.

" Boto an cormin mato dulu haa..kang kok tak nampak nak makan: LOL ..hee..hee Sunday we took Uwan to Mamak for roti canai. I offered to send Heni to go Giant if she wants to jalan2..but she tak she stayed at home while we went out with Uwan.

After breakfast we went to the nursery to by some flowers:) Look at Alhamdulillah,she looks good isn't it and she was wearing her new sandals from Giant..bling bling lagi:):)

The two girls rambang mata..dua orang ni not only excited masuk Toys R Us masuk beli bunga pun sama..they love flowers and gardening.And Tia had her eyes set on this white petunias.

After Nursery we went to pasar tani..nobody want to come mama quickly went down to hunt for fresh tulang.

This is how i cook my sup tulang, i dont like it to be spicy etc etc..i like the natural flavour of the fresh after washing it realy really well i placed it in a pot, add a lot of big onions,garlic, ginger and some crushed pepper.Boil it for few hours until it really soft and tender.

While the sup tulang left to boil for few hours for special dinner with Pashik (it was his birthday yesterday), i prepared asam pedas ikan jenahak for lunch.

I cooked this lauk kampung for uwan too..gulai terung belanda with terung biasa.Sedap kata Uwan.

This is my small cooking place at the back,i hardly cook inside except for baking.One day when i have more space i will make an outdoor cooking place as nice as i could..nicer than a Spa!!!! haaa..haaa.

Until the "Spa Kitchen" comes i just feel satisfied with this bright teeny weeny space:);)

Tadaaaaa.. my MBG asam pedas..what is MBG? Money Back Guarantee..heee..heee..i dont have high self esteem in all areas but i surely do have an extreme one in cooking..yeapp my asam podeh lah yang tersodap..kihhh..kihhh.

After we had a good lunch, we went out to transfer the flower we bought into old pots and this is a special pot for pashik.Tia Mia went green by buying pashik two pots of roses for his birthday:):)

And i bought this gorgeous morning glory..last time when i still have my pergola in the garden i used to plant this around the pergola, when they crawled to the top and the roof fulled with blooms it was the most beautiful sight that you can see in the morning.I bought two pots yesterday,one was planted near the wall so that it can crawl up while this one is hanged upon request from Mia Ayesha:):)

This is the white petunia we brought back,priced at RM10.00 only.

Uwan had a good time watching us do the gardening.

While this girl dia lah yang beriya-iya menolong transfer the flower sana sini..

Once we were done with garding the rain came, it was a perfect time.

Evening,after my sup was really soft, i added lots of greenery into smelled very nice.

In our family ..bila ada sup tulang tak boleh spoil dengan banyak lauk i prepared egg salad to go with it.

Plus sambal kicap limau and ikan pekasam goreng.

As for cake for him as he had celebrated earlier at kak ikin's restaurant.. so Tia and Mia with my help prepared him this Ribena Jelly:):)

Happy Birthday Pashik..potong Jelly nya potong Jelly nya:);)

We had a very good dinner last night,everybody enjoyed the sup tulang very much:);) I was so happy and look at the two "big lady bosses" they sat at the biggest chairs:):)

Good time with the people you loved:):) We are all geared up for Monday!!!!

Bye bye:)


  1. nanti tia and mia jadi white swan!! weeeeee. uwan nampak berisi sikit. makan lalu eh?

  2. seronok tgk uwan sihat.. semoga terus diberikan kesihatan yg baik hendaknya.. alamak.. i dah terbau2 sup tulanglah.. for sure MBG juga tu..

  3. seronok tgk uwan sihat.. semoga terus diberikan kesihatan yg baik hendaknya.. alamak.. i dah terbau2 sup tulanglah.. for sure MBG juga tu..

  4. fuhhhh sedapnay asam pedas i like...

  5. suka tgk uwan semakin sihat... Alhamdulillah...
    Potai tetap ada tuh...

  6. Love uwan... sihat sokmo2 deh.

  7. Kecur air liur tengok asam pedas you.Cepat2 call maid dirumah suruh siap kan bahan2.Nampaknya Asam pedas Ikan Pari juadah untuk I berbuka puasa hari ni mungkin tambah telur asin dan stir fry kailan "wink"
    Share-share la resepi asam pedas you.Mine letak buah keras dan sedikit belacan.

    Anyway last weekend I buat lasagna from Zu punya resepi ,Alhamdullilah menjadi dan sedap sangat.Thanks yer.

  8. uiiii sodap amek ese nampak lauk uwan tu ha.Ghaso nak yo terobang balik kampung poie pokan ahad moli lauk2 kampung niha...Uwan,kungsi mo se buley lauk tu?

    Akak pegi beli petunia kat trafic light tu ke? Saya pun selalu kesitu kalau beli petunia.Smlm beli petunia yg kaler pink pucat sbb porch furniture kaler putih.Petunia Putih dah ada.So far pengalaman saya tanam petunia yg kaler light pink dgn putih tahan lama.Yg kaler dark2 slalu tak tahan sgt..tak taula kot2 tgn saya tak ghasi.
    Roses saya selalu beli online.Kedai lot 57 tu mahal gak rege dia..
    Saya ada baca entry baking class akak...saya pun rindu jugak baking klass tu especially bila time balik bwk mcm2 jenis kek.Baru habiskan decorating class kat situ gak...okla not bad but saya rindu lagi baking class.I saw ur pictures in ICCA page too.. salam mo uwan.Hidup kolopilah ....sebut betul222 bukan kolopir yoo...kang kok kono siku ngan uwan hahahahah

  9. uiihh sodap eh sup tulang fresh2 tu..makan dengan sambal kicap tu haa...tak sodar dah habis semangkuk kan...

    uwan dah nampak sihat mcm dulu,,,moga uwan diberikan kesihatan yg berpanjangan...

    banyaknye bunga umah kak zue skg...sonok tgk,,,blossoms blossoms tu...

  10. daer kakak,

    nak buat confession sikit ni. FYI my house mmg tak ada not even 1 pot of flower pun, & me really not into gardening. since following your blog abt couple of months ago, terus ada passion into gardening.

    at the moment, sudah ada collection of bunga raya, jasmine & few unknown types (dah lupa nama)

    just nak minta kakzue share apa lg types of flowers yg low maintenance & boleh expose to sunlight? sbb my porch pendek shj & yet mmg tak ada pokok besar pun.

    kalau pegi nursery mmg rambang mata & taktau nak pilih apa. sgt excited skang ni, both my kids mmg appreciate on what i'm doing..its really fun! tolong bagi suggestion ya kak..thanks!!


  11. waaa byklah nak komen ni, cuppies tu mmg comel sgt, tia mia the really cute ballerinas, uwan yg anggun dgn kain batik.. waa makanan pun sedap2.. pinggan dan cawan pun cantik2 hehehe oh ya tuan rumah sekali tgk mcm org arab lah ya habibi :)

  12. office i sejuk arini, bile i tgk sup tulang.. aduhnye nikmatnye la kalau dapat mkn sup panas2 + tambah cili kicap byk2. Zue, i nak tanye abou the caterer for your kenduri aritu. Ada contact no? I tengah carik caterer for small kenduri in May/June. Lookign forward to hear from you yea. Tq zaRina, mummy of Aina & Aini

  13. Assalam are u? Bila tgk gamba2 u and entri2 u byk menandakan keadaan yg positive! Alhamdulillah..
    Lama dah i tak komen kat sini..tapi sebenarnya hari2 i masuk blog u dear...terpanggil nak komen sbb tgk Uwan, sgt2 teruja bila tgk Uwan boleh buat itu ini tanpa bantuan org..sgt kagum dgn ketabahan dan kesabarannya!
    Tgk anak2 pun ceria + sihat, u sefamily dapat 'berjimba' sana sini..sungguh indah kan hidup!
    Akhir sekali...nak jugak komen tentang tuan tanah blog ni...hihi...makin hari makin cantik! Senyum sgt2 menawan...Tgk u dgn hubby tunggu the twins, cam org bercinta keluar datung jer...padahal dah 2 anak!
    Anyway, all the best dear...semoga dipermudahkan segala oleh Allah s.w.t...see u again...Assalam

    -Silent Reader-

  14. Ur blog senyap je...busy ya zu?...haii rindu plak nk tahu cerita u all anak branak..:)
    Harap semua sihat ya? :)

  15. Sepi. Je ni nape?banyak kerja kat opis kot.nak cite sikit tadi pi pasal mlm kat rumah kita ikan pernah pegi ke?
