Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thank You.

Salam Jumaat All:)
I ll be answering some of your queries at the end of this entry.

This is Uwan's breakfast plate this morning.Nowadays Uwan likes to eat egg and ikan bilis goreng very much,whenever possible i ll add the two in the menu.I can't thank Allah Swt enough for the chance given to me-to have Uwan at my breakfast table again and for me to cook breakfast for her. I remember few months back when Uwan was in the ICU battling for her life i was crying in the kitchen when i saw my kitchen table was so empty. Thank You Allah.Syukur Allah. So nikmat to see your loved ones at the table eating the food you cook,sometimes we don't really sit,think and appreciate the 'nikmat' given by Allah Swt,upon losing it only we realise how simple thing means so much.As for Uwan upon seeing my nasi goreng belacan with ikan bilis and telur rebus; she smiles and stretchs her arm to pick the ikan bilis:):) May i always remember to enjoy every moment and every minutes:):)

Alhamdulillah my niece Ikin and her husband dapat melaksanakan impian mereka:)

Congrats from Maksu and the entire house!! Ikin and Din now are Sateori Mexican Grill Owner.

They had theirr soft launch last Saturday,we couldn't make it due to some last minutes tasks but  we sent our Doas, may the business prosper and brings happiness to everybody.The Place is at Laman Seri Shah Alam,do visit this place and see how this two young people run their restaurant:):)

The ambience looks cosy, the interior all designed by Ikin herself and she worked hand in hand with my contractor (cewahhh i got contractor..heee...heee) Alvin. I think Alvin has done a good job:):)

That's my brother@pashik in the white kopiah, he must be really proud too:):) What are you ordering Pashik? Sup kambing ka?

A brief about SaTeori Mexican grill, it's a franchise from Mexico and the speciality is young goat meat. The goat is bred in Trengganu and fed with organic foods. So it is a healthy option for goat meat lovers:):)Apart from steak they have young goat soup to go with either rice or garlic bread. For non goat meat lover like me dont worry they many other menus:):) I can't give much review as i have yet to taste and look at the shop, will give more reviews later.

Ikin has some personal momentos to be put up on the wall..

Like this meaningful picture.. it was taken in Paris when she and her husband had breakfast at one of the local cafe and this little bird came and join them:):)

Finally Thank You Allah,Alhamdulillah Ikin and Din..lots and lots of loves from us and we doa only the best for both of you..moga sentiasa diberkati oleh Nya dan beroleh kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat.

Salam Umiyummi,amy,nyza,sham,potpetmama,Laila,Annhuzi,Fara,mummy miqhael,Maryam,Artlover,cinnamonworld of colours,fiezachommel,Mama Amana&Arief,srm,Ita edwan,shinnaz,anon, syarida,susumanis.Terimakasih melawat dan meninggalkan jejak:):)

Dear Maryam- The Lavender Bakery Shop is at the ground floor,middle wing,One Utama Shopping Centre,Bandar Utama,

Dear Fara- yeap you cannot find the kindy online as Teacher Claire is running and keeping it at small scale only.Will email you the phone number.


  1. congrats to Ikin and her husband, pray for her success in the food business. Insyallah will drop by when my next visit to my close friend Spa at laman seri also :-)

  2. you nampak sweet sgt dengan tudung putih tu...

  3. akak, you look so beautiful lah akak... and i can see how beautiful ur heart from by looking at ur beautiful face

  4. azu..salam tahniah utk ikin & din..and enjoy ur weekend...

  5. apasal nik puan zuraidah senyum sumbing?

  6. zu; my doa to Ikin n hubby too; muga bisnes baru tu berjalan baik n hope that dapat peluang ke sana juga...

  7. Wah bestnya uwan still boleh makan ikan bilis...I pun dah tak boleh makan ikan bilis...kurang gigi...heheheheh

  8. Glad to hear about ur mom dh brselera mkn mcm biasa..:)
    Cngrats to ur niece n her hubby too..klau i sanpai ke SA insyaAllah alan cr resto dia tu :)
    hve a lovely wekend to you

  9. wow..kena pegi test ni kat restoren Ikin, dekat jer dgn rumah..

    Kalau sebut nama akak leh dpt discount ker? Hahaha

  10. Congrats Ikin and Din,
    suatu hari nanti Insyaallah kakpinat akan cari juga tempat ni

  11. Salam mamatiamia.Tahniah buat Ikin dan Din...moga restoren berjalan lancar.kemas dalaman restorennya.
    tengok sarapan Uwan..ada ikan bilis,telur..salad...sedapnya...

  12. Salam..
    Congratulations for the newly open Restoran to Ikin and Hb..
    Zu, you look marvelous with that scarf!!

  13. Owh...sukanya ada yg buka restoran...
    Bkn senang tu nak pnh hndle financial 2restoran serentak...nk fengsan...
    Tahniah pd mereka~~

    Akak sgt bertuah dberi kesempatan ibu yg panjang berharap juga dpt mjaga ibu dan abah sy nnt inshaallah.
    U r very sweet kak zu~~

    -dian adeela-

  14. salam kak zue,
    wah uwan dh makin berselera makan,alhamdulillah..

    congrats to ikin n hubby. kak,kat mane rest. tu?

    anyway, you looked syomell in polka dot too,hihi

  15. congrats ikin! i sure wana come and visit. shah alam? but i'll come quietly hehe shy nak reveal myself ;D
    ok la i try brave myself and ask maksu show me way to your restaurant cos i dono how to go to shah alam :)
    InsyaAllah we wish u success and i am personally confident both of u will succeed, given your strong will and ur great mentor, maksu, ur parents and uwan. i wish i'm staying there and i'll ask u favour to hire my children work there.
    and we are goat meat lover! what more trengganu bred organically! well done, dear!
    eh boleh kan bual dengan ikin kat tempat maksu ni :D
    i excited suka tengok anak muda start bisnes.
    so sweet azu, u made ur mum smiles. i just listened to maher zain's number one for me, I'd like to put a smile on your face every day :)
    Alhamdulillah a very touching, meaningful experience that is forever etched in memory, reminding us to syukur, to enjoy, appreciate every moment every minute.

  16. Sungguh ketara dark circle dibawah mata Azu.Kesihatan diri mesti jaga juga ya "hugs"

  17. kakzue, nak tanya ni. Hobo longchamp kakzue kaler ape ya?

  18. Dah try Mexican Grill semalam :). Chevon mexican grill....awesome. Siapa yang tak makan kambing macam hubby I pun kata sedap. Tahniah to e-kin & hubby. Tapi semalam tak dapat jumpa dia, dia tak datang kedai kot. Surrounding sangat sesuai untuk bawak anak saya yang sangat hyper, boleh berlari sana sini. Kudos!!

  19. sedapnya sarapan uwan...i yang tengok ni terliur!

    u dah bertudung. sooo sweet! i like ur new look...insyaAllah keep it up k! :-)

  20. congrats to Ikin and her husband, pray for her success in the food business. Insyallah will drop by when my next visit to my close friend Spa at laman seri also :-)

  21. sedap makan situ, tapi tadi pergi kedainya dah tutup.. sedih sangat :(

    tak dapat nak makan sirloin yang sedap kat situ dah :(
