Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Story of The Real King and Queen:)

First of All;Bismillahirahmanirrahim- Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku,lindungi manusia2,setiap mahluk penghuni alam,tempat berpijak dan berlindung,sesungguh nya hanya Engkau Yang Maha Berkuasa,Pengasih dan Penyanyang.Amin Ya Rabbul alamin-In relation to earthquake in Acheh and Thailand and Tsunami alert.

Bright and Sunny Days due to interesting stories around me:):)

Story 1- "Heni nanti kita boleh pergi beli barang2 peribadi Heni di Carrefour" - Tapi Puan di Carrefour enggak banyak jualan yang gitu Puan di NIKEA yang banyak pilihan dan murah2 Puan"- "NIKEA?? Apa NIKEA? IKEA ke? " - " ehh iya Puan IKEA,silap pulak Heni , Ibukkk yang selalu lalu di depan rumah ini yang bilang sama Heni di IKEA banyak jualan baju dalam,seluar dalam and tudung2 Puan"- "Heni IKEA itu jual perabut,katil tidur,pinggan mangkuk, tak tahu lah kalau ibukk Heni tu tak kenal antara tea towel dengan seluar dalam, di GIANT yang lebih banyak pilihan"- "ohhh iya Puan silap Heni bukan NIKEA,GIANT Puan". Hmmm can you imagine IKEA selling RM9.90 for 3 bra????

Story 2-Today is the The Installation Day of our King:) I however have the 'real story' of 'The Real King and Queen'- On this Installation Day the King went out to play golf with his buddies at the Prestigious Club .While the Queen of Heart took her 89 year old mom, 40 something maid and her 2 hyper 5 year old to the hypermarket to buy the their teeny weeny yellow polka dots thingy:) The 40 something maid was so excited that the Queen of Heart had to drag her out with her hand fulled with XXL teeny weeny polka dots thingy:):) The 89 year old was equally excited that she tried not less than 5 pairs of sandals until she decided on the fairest one which turned out to be her own which she was wearing from home.LOL.The Queen of Heart with her trolley filled with detergent,fresh milk, 4 types of cereal,big packet of rice etc,etc hovered the excited entourage to the KFC for early royal meal at 11.30 am. Upon reaching home the Queen of Heart cooked a special Installation Day lunch namely sup fucuk with suun and petola,goring sardines bercilipadi,goring air lala berkunyit dan serai dan ulam kerdas! All in all the Queen of Heart had a very good Installation Day but she was not sure about the King as there was heavy shower in the morning and golfers might have to take the rain cheque! (the term use by golfers if there is heavy rain and they have to stop playing):)

Salam All, some pictures below from The Queen of Heart:):)

Tuesday i had this very nice 'toss yourself' Ceaser Salad from Cinnamon@One World Hotel.I basically put everything inside including he anchovies,whole garlic, beef flakes etc etc:):)

and also this very nice 'Virgin Colada"- pineapple,coconut cream and apple:):)

After nearly 3 weeks holding my craving for Lavender bread i finally made my trip to the shop:):)

Everything is good feel like a Parisian once you sink you teeth into the piece;) My pick was "cream caramel stick,peach and blue berry pastries:):) the winner is the cream caramel stick,do give a try if you go to the shop:)

Anyway the 'King' didn't win any Golf trophy today,he brought back this instead;):)

The Queen of Heart soothing suun sup:)

Her meletop sardines.

and this gold nuggets:):)

Evening; she cooked 'kaki ayam and kepak' sup for the "king' yang tak menang trophy.. don't worry King you are always a winner in my heart;):)

One of the pick by Uwan at the hypermarket,she has lots more in her drawer including few pairs of pyjama bottoms with heart and floral design:):) 

Finally Alhamdulillah tak terhingga kepada Allah SWT,dapat menikmati ketenangan,keindahan..moga semua muslimin dan muslimat dan mahkluk2 Allah yang lainnya diberkati dan di pelihara dari segala malapetaka.Amin.

To Sham yang mintak recipe wantan noodle soup,senang ajer sham,i cuma rebus air,masukkan bawang merah dan putih yang dihiris, 4-5 ulas lada putih yang di pecahkan,2 sudu chicken stock dari maggie dan sedikit serbuk lada hitam.Bila dah mendidih di atas api dapur,i pindahlan masukkan dalam bekas steamboat,biar mendidih lagi masukkan bahan2 dan wantan yang akhir sekali,bila masak sikit ajer tutup api sebab wantan cepat kembang.Makan dengan cilisos sangat sedap.Selamat mencuba.

Pada yang bertanya cara nak buat rebus asam terung telunjuk; belah terung dan rendam bilas few times,tumbuk 2 biji cilipadi dengan kunyit,bawang merah putih dan segenggam ikan bilis.Tumis dengan sedikit minyak,bila bau dah naik dan kuning masukkan sedikit air,biar mendidih betul2 baru masukkan terung kalau tak nanti terung lebam.Bila terung dah lembut masukkan sekeping asam,tambah garam dan boleh lah tutup api.


  1. hahaha kelakarlah Uwan :)
    mm sedapnya sup soon.. nanti nak kena buat jugak.. hirup panas2 ;)

  2. Sedapnya tengok suun soup tuu..Malam malam kat hostel ni,takde makanan..btw,kito samo lahh,kak.. waghihh! :D

  3. akak,
    sebelah sandal uwan ade bedak cina tu.sukeee,nostalgia

  4. thanx azu utk resipi wantan noodles tu..akan mencubanya nanti insyaallah..

  5. Zu; alhamdulillah syukur Uwan da bole bershopping cam biasa ye...mmm my king also pergi main "gollop" tapi seblh ptg while m n anak2 dok rumah;semlm cuaca panas sangat di melaka ni..

  6. AsSalam Zue..

    eh eh i ternampak bedak nyonya . my mum pun still pakai lagi bedak tu.. ingat lagi masa kecik2 dulu selalu berangan jadi cikgu, tulis kat cermin guna pecahan bedak tu.. hehee

    salam to the family.


  7. Amin. My young son was worried when he heard about the tsunami alert.
    cheery orange yellow flowers! Alhamdulillah uwan dah ikut shopping. MasyaAllah uwan is 89. Alhamdulillah. Nikmat sehat dan nikmat di kerumuni anak2 dan cucu2 soleh solehah.
    U always have a good eye for nice stuffs. i go Giant but fail to notice unique items such as uwan's new sandals.
    XXL ;)
    ok next time i go lavender, will let my daughter try cream caramel stick, she likes caramel.

  8. Hi Zue,

    M one of your silent reader. Realy interested to know the bout the kindy you sent yor twins to.
    Appreciate if you could share some infos as i couldnt locate them in the web.




  9. terong telunjuk tu susah nak dapat skang...nak kene carik jugak ni..

    heheeh Heni ni klakar laa....

    suke bile kak zu wat caption gold nuggets tu... :))

  10. Salam. Boleh tahu di mana lokasi kedai Lavender tu?

