Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Baking@My Home is open for Registration!

See pictures first..story is at the end! first ever Baking@My Home with me will be open for registration starting from today! The class will be conducted in my own little kitchen,kindly provide your short name with a cute picture so that we can customise your apron! You ll be delighted to see the The Pink Apron with name and your cute picture embossed on it:)

The first two recipes will be : Dark Chocolate Chewy and Muddy Brownies and Golden  Brown Buttery Banana Tea Cake. Before that please take not this is  not a  serious,professional recipes,it is just 'easy to bake by normal people' type of recipes..we don't want to stress our heads in the kitchen will all the unnecessary details like separating the egg yolks etc etc:):)

The Class will start in the morning while your mood and body is still gorgeous) I will provide you sumptious breakfast and for the first upcoming class we will have a) Golden honey soft and buttery pancakes with maple syrup, cream and strawberries b) Steam nasi lemak with big prawn sambal, soft eggs,homemade pan fried chillies paru plus the lots of Zuchinni, fried anchovies and Prawn Crackers.

Please come with your most comfortable clothes that will make you feel good  as at the end of the session we will have a small brunch in the garden with cakes and some freshly cooked kerang kueyteow or Mee Hailam with soft beef,lots of gravy,fresh fishballs and fishcakes. Please also take note that i ll be arranging a personal masseur to come to give us a warm feet bath in rose petal tub plus a nice 20 mins neck massage.

We will have two new recipes for every week with a different breakafst and garden activities..we may have a personal tutorial on make up / shawl or even a gossip session or a short shopping trip!

At the end of each month the class will have  Girl Outing Day whereby we can book a Gold Class/Premium seat to see Girls's movies . The Gold/Premium class will provide us with warm blanket,popcorn and sandwiches. Alternately we may have a high tea at 5 star hotel or sing our hearts at The Red Box!

So ladies don't wait ,Register Now..this is not a mere Baking Class but it is more a "Desperate To Bake House/Working Women  Exclusive Club" ..we can do anything that we ve been dreaming to do with our gilfriends here at 'Baking@MyHome"

For Real???? Hoax???...Ha ha ..Tipu i wish i could do that kind of advertisement in the near future:) But seriously will you be interested? Hmmm may be i ll go and pitch my idea at Travel and Living first!

Sorry girls i just couldn't help it..very much into baking this week..tak tau pasai apa:) 

Those asking about Ikin's Gerai at Solaris Mont Kiara Flea Market on this coming Saturday- Her stall will be No 5, i ll be putting some of my stuffs there too..she' ll be coming over to pick up my pregnant Laura Ashley dresses, some ZARA Tops,Tia Mia's gowns,legging  etc etc tonight! I ll be there inshAllah ...tak lah menjual nak mengabiskan duit ajer:):)The market will start from 12 pm- 9pm.

Salam and Take Care.


  1. Owh tidak..sis dah bunuh keterujaan nak join kelas bakar membakar sis.. X suka.. X suka. Huhuhu

  2. dh teruja membacanya..dlm hati bestnya bestnya..sedihnya x dpt join sbb jauh rupanya akak tipu hehe..nasib baik tipu kalau x sedih benau rs x dpt joinn

  3. azu..syoknyaaaaa.......sambil membaca sambil berangan berada di kelas memasak u..kalaulah boleh ia menjadi kenyataan..i'm the first yg akan register..

  4. adoiii.. kak zu nih mmg taw. sy dah excited mula2 tuh, tup tup.. soba yo lah kan? kan best dpt masak sama2 dgn kak zu. direct tutorial gitu.. how i wish.. hurmmm..
    *sambil imagine duk mkn2 kt garden kak zu yg cantik tuh..^_^#

  5. Oh my!! Thought it was for real!! Wll definitely joined ! Hehe xkisahla bayar berapa pon fee , :) Dah best Aja baca the main topic, terus click coz afraid that the baking course open only to limited numb of person. Whatever it is, adore you very much. Always pergi OU with hope dapat terserempak Ngan kak zu, but until to date takde rezeki lagi. ;( maybe next. Time yeah! Insyallah. Just wanted to personally tell you that I adore you so much. In your cooking, career, how you managed your beautiful family, everything la! :)

  6. As salam..

    laju-laju dtg sini sbb nak join sama lps baca tajuk tu.. nnt klu ada rezeki buat this baking class for real, jangan lupa ajak ek.. he..he..

  7. zuuuuuuuu..yeah thot it for real too!!! dah excited2 but finally its just acah jee..mula2 frust gak xdptlah nk join sbb i'm in JB but insyaAllah one day we meeet. Anyway wish u & family happiness & gd health!


  8. chop.... kedai mana kat pilah yang you beli periuk ek? i tau kedai rojak, sebelah tu kedai cendol kat pasar yang jalan menaik bukit tu, tapi, tak perasan la pulak kedai tu. and lagi satu, iushhhh, petai jeruk tu pon nampak sangat sodap. kedai nyer kat mana yer. err, my kampung dekat johol.


  9. he..he...ingatkan betul betul...such a good idea....boleh direalisasikan ni....cuterai tengok.....cuterai...

  10. Jgnlah jual baju pregnant tu dulu..mana tau ada rezeki nanti Tia Mia dapat adik pulak..;)

  11. Aduii....alangkah indahnya klau itu kenyataan...ermm :-)

  12. Tipah tertipu rupanya... Teringin gak nak join sebab saya ni tak pandai baking-baking ni tp keinginan nak try tu ada.

  13. hahaha apalah kak zu ni.. anyway even with this false advertisement pun buat i terkenang2 nasi lemak with soft eggs and sambal paru.
    alamak, esok kena carik ni buat breakfast... :P


  14. hahaha terkejut ai.....

    nak register awal2 kalu betul2 buat advertisement camni.. :)

  15. i thot it was for real until i read the down part :D

  16. Kak Zu, i'm ur silent follower and kalau apa yang Kak Zu impikan tu jadi kenyataan i will the first to join ur class... love ur blog, u and tia mia n also uwan..

  17. asalamualaikum kak zu.....

    cam iyo2 jo kelas bakar membakar tu.... heheh... apo2 pon niat dah ado...InsyaAllah dikabulkan... yg xdo niat langsung ni camno...saya la dah tanyo sblum ni tp sodih xdo respon... huhuhu... kak zu ..aminah resort kat mano... parit seberang or masuk ikut sekolah kg parit... ari tu balik kg dah ronda2.. tp xjumpe,,, punye la xcited sampai azan maghrib n jalan mati ujung kg kt esso lama... saya sgt2 seronok baca blog ni.. hari2 mau jengah.. kalau xdpt.. esoknya mesti tanya kwn yg perkenalkan...apo2 pon moga kak zu n family sihat n ceria selalu,,, kirim salam dgn uwan... ckp ngn uwan orang kg tongah kirim salam... heheh wsalam...

  18. Am in...bila da real i da booked ya MTM..hik hik

  19. Dah berangan ni..rupanye k.zu pon berangan rupenye..haha. btw, saya dh try teh tarik tu. Sedapppp..saya gandingkn ngan roti nan (bli yg frozen), buat sambal sardin. Feeling2 kat kdai mamak :)

  20. salam zu, thanx for visiting my blog, means a lot, feeling a bit nostalgic at the moment… :( btw, i really thought your cooking class invite was for real at first, you must do it online i thought, then i can join! :)

  21. Hahaha...sambil baca,smbil pk betul ke ni kak zu nk buat semua ni? Bia betul ni. bnyak keje ni...

    Sekali kena tifu daaa... huhu. xpe.xpe. atleast ada smthg yg buat adrenalin bgerak pantas kendian stop. hancur hatiku. hihihi. nakal kak zu.
    love u.

  22. uhuk.. sampai hati.;p

    dah teruja..siap fikir2 dah, boleh ke encik suami hantar ke rumah akk nanti. ;p

    hehe, ape pun, nice entry.. :). moga dalam jagaanNYA sentiasa.


  23. salaam mamatiamia..baking class activities sounds very interesting..why not :-))..have a great weekend ahead.

  24. advert u sangat berkesan. tengok tu ramai dah nak register, termasuk la member setia u ni :D

    kiara, saturday, hmm kalau lah..
    ok i doa dulu..insyaAllah ada kesempatannya in the future :)
    nak go restoren ikin pun belum sempat walau selalu di offer oleh kawan baik ku di BU :D

  25. alaaaaaaaaaaa kak zu ni... yer yer org da excited da register da tadi.... punah harapan tau!

    btw, kalau betul2 nak buka class nanti zura confirm join tau...

    take care.
    assalamualaikum uwan.

    xoxo zura

  26. 6, 2012 at 7:58 PM

    bestnya bestnya saya pun nak join jugakkkkkk :)

    cepat la promote idea ni kat tv3 pasni MTM bleh la jadi celebrity pulak...

  27. Kakak!!! Saya nampak kakak n family n pashik mashik too kat tasik perdana pagi td... Mcm nampak artis plak rasanya...

  28. Assalammualaikum kak, akan ader lagi x jual2 kat flea market mont kiara? x sempat nak g semalam.
    ~silent reader~
