Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Saya mencintai Si Kotak-Kotak, Si Rambut Uban, Si Pipi Labuh dan Si Senyum Manis.

"Kamu tidak boleh memberi kepuasan kepada semua orang,tetapi kamu boleh memberi kepuasan kepada golongan yang berakal,beradab dan terpilih" - Ibnu Maqaffa.

Salam! I couldn't agree more on the above statement,Ibnu Maqaffa is brilliant! I got this from a fb's friend wall..this friend mengeluh pasal orang asyik mencemuh dia kurus,she said it's okay if the comment is sincere and not too much but if it is too harsh,too personal..she couldn't take it anymore.Kurus pun susah apatah lagi gemuk..semua nya jadi cemuhan..so Ibnu Maqaffa you are so right kalau golongan itu tidak berakal,tidak beradab,tidak terpilih mustahil saja lah dia nak berpuas hati dengan apa pun yang kita laku kan..untuk menjadi beradab perlu ada akal dan untuk jadi golongan terpilih perlu ada keduanya..kalau akal tidak digunakan, tidak tahu membezakan mana yang boleh di komen atau tidak, tempat mana patut di utarakan pendapat dan nasihat tentu saja lah tidak berakal jawabnya:);)

To those asking about my kotak-kotak table cloth..yeahhh Saya Pencinta si Kotak-Kotak!Where to get? This small kotak-kotak i bought from a small shop in Kuala Pilah and it was priced at RM5.50 per meter,i think it is normally used for sarung bantal.I cut and hand sewed myself..tak kemas pun tapi boleh lah pakai for outdoor use. These pastries from Deli France somehow reminds me of you Mazni (GFE)....your blog represent Spring and all things warm,sweet and nice;)

And this big kotak-kotak i bought from a small ID shop outside KD Giant,it was priced at RM19.90:):) I keep all my outdoor tablecloth in my kitchen drawer so it will be easier to take whenever I want to use it.The slides from Little Tikes behind Tia was stolen when we put it outside the gate during Uwan's kenduri kesyukuran..tak boleh compute macam mana orang boleh curi slides..hee hee..as replacement the girls got their cubby house now:)

Ahaaa saya memang gila kan si kotak-kotak..tempat letak asam garam pun beralas si kotak-kotak dulu..This this the plastic type bought for RM8.90 from local store.It was in a big piece and i cut into small pieces according to the rack measurement.

Huhhh kotak2 lagi..he he this is from ID shop outside KD Giant too..it was sold during Chirtmas and that is why is has a Christmas look a bit;)This is for a round table with good quality cotton so it was sold for RM29.90 .

The craziness for kotak2 travel to Uwan's kampung too..when i shop for her house in Kuala Pilah i look for kotak2 things too:) I got this nice small green kotak2 tablecloth in a small indian shop in Kuala Pilah and it was priced at RM15.00 setelah i menawar gila2 kat Indian tu:)

Ha ha uwan's kitchen cannot escape from kotak-kotak too..she got nice small kotak-kotak as curtain and cabinet cover,the material was from Kuala Pilah,it was a good cotton with 'licin' surface,price at RM8.90 per meter, and we needed few meters only,with a cheap sewing cost in Kuala Pilah we can have this nice rambu ramba kotak for less than RM30!

Anyway my love for kotak-kotak bukanlah sepanjang masa..kadang2 tukar jugak..now i got few pieces which i bought from France and Geneva and they all have Olive,Lavender and Lemon theme..i always love tablecloth,they play important role in my house plus Uwan's house:) The tablecloth in the picture was bought at BritishHomes before they were closed down,it was priced at RM69.90 but the quality is really good, it has double material.

Beside kotak-kotak i love stripes too..cheap or expensive as long as they are nice and comfortable.The wallpaper,curtain and cushion covers are all from BritishHomes but the lampshade is from Romantika and the RM19.90 green throw was from non other than Ikea;)

Really crazy about kotak-kotak kan..until my office's sofa is also kotak-kotak! Ha ha it was not easy to get this sofa as the office normally buy the plain leather or vinyl types of sofa. This one was bought for shooting purposes after they re done with the shooting it was left at the storeroom, i saw it and asked the management services for it. And I gave up my entitlement to buy new plain jane sofa;);) But the two girls in this picture were too much kan..they had 'holiday' in my room! So my office doesn't have shiny new furnitures, they are all old and worn from the  storeroom but i love them as it brings colours and life into the boring,typical type office environment:)

To RP who has commented about Mr Sherlock Holmes being sweet to his daughters:) Alhamdulillah my Sherlock Holmes is a very doting father,he loves the girls very much;) Oneday he was talking to a friend and i heard he said "  In fact they are the reason for living in this world!" Even it is very sweet but i pura2 marah!!! I said ' how about me? how about me? I am not the reason?I am not? How could you????..ha ha mengada-ngada kan...anyway he is very fair..in the morning three of us will receive sweet warm kisses from him on our cheeks.Yeayyyy!! So RP enjoy your time with your nieces and when the time comes i wish a wonderful and bless moments with your own kids..they are a blessing from Allah Sbt that strengthen bonds between you and you wife plus you dont have to wait for rain to see rainbows..they re everywhrere, in your bedroom,kitchen,living room,wallet,car..etec etc..but sometimes it is a bit too much that it glares you eyes into Incredible Hulk!!! ha haaaa..

Because of that i love Mr Sherlock Holmes Si Rambut Uban...

See anak nak blowdry rambut pun papa redho ajer lah;):)

And this is really sweet..si papa menjahitkan telinga Minnie Mouse anak yang koyak:):)

Again, I love you Si Rambut Uban..Alhamdulillah:)

Because i love si rambut uban,si senyum manis i don't mind masak bersusah payah dan serve bersusah payah jugak;);)

Who is Si Pipi Labuh??? ha ha my cucu lah..i dah ada cucu tau..cucu sedara..and salah sorang yang sangat sayang this Si Pipi Labuh dan kening Najib ni! masa mak dia masuk ICU kena denggi..i pi lah jumpa dia kat rumah sedih betul masa tu..asyik duduk kat riba i ajer..anyway Si Pipi Labuh ni tak lah jauh pun duduk ,dalam KD jugak.

It seems there's so many thing that i like and love..since today is still puasa i teringat my Omellete ..i love telur dadar with tomatoes on top..yummy:)

Ini cinta sejati tau..ishhh, Ateh kalau datang KL tolong beli ni kat tepi jalan kat Rembau tu okay:):) sangat marbeles yang kat situ:) cukup tua,segar pulak tu..bila makan tup tup bunyi dia,..ha haaa:);)

And To Peminat blog Ikin yang tanya' nape dia tak update blog"? he he so sweet lah you all..si budak Ikin ni sangat busy,ni final year dia buat Master dalam Computer Science..dah tu tolong husband run their restaurant " SateOri Mexican Grill" kat Shah Alam..sebab dua2 masih kerja dengan badan korporat maka tak menang tangan lah both..kesian dia.Anyway this coming weekend she's gonna open a stall at Mont Kiara Flea Market..i pun nak tumpang jual barang2 lah..sampai nak roboh wardrobe dah:):)

Almari nak roboh but we keep buying..aduhh..he he these two senyum manis dah dapat their first online order yang they buat with Kak yan hari tu..skirt from Cottonon Online..cantik kan priced at SGD5.00 only..free shipping pulak tu:):) Psstt the swimming suit yang they pakai kat dalam tu i beli online jugak..he he..cantik kan;):)

Finally this is Si Senyum Manis yang i always love..ever and ever:):) Moga kita sama2 di beri keberkatan Emak:) I Love You!.... P.s raya haji ni emak nak tukar langsir kotak2 tu tak??? he he..Ta Taaa Ti Tiiiii Tu Tuuuu:):)


  1. i pun peminat kotak2 sis..tp satu benda pun xde kotak2 kat umah...thanks sbb bg idea

  2. suka baca blog sis :))..salu baca senyap-senyap je hikhik

    suka sis deco-deco..dan suka sis yg sentiasa positif dlm hidup..nk jd mcm sis juga sbb sy rs penat sgt menguruskan rumahtangga n anak-anak yg sedang membesar

  3. Salam Kak Zu,

    Ingat saya tak? Liza..:) kak zu pernah tulis nak doakan saya akan jadi seorang ibu dalam masa terdekat bila saya komen dalam entry pengalaman bersalin kak Zu.
    Alhamdulillah, sekarang saya dah pregnant 5 bulan, terima kasih kak Zu mendoakan saya juga. Love..love..love baca your blog, hari2 plak tu baca..thnx.

  4. Salam Zu...bab cucu yg tak tahan tu.knur pun dapat cucu (cucu sedara) yg pertama baru ni..Alhamdulillah..lagi buat knur tak sabar nak balik...
    And all those kotak2/petak2 pun buat knur tak sabar nak balik..rindu rumahhh...
    Thank you Zu...
    Salam to Uwan and the whole family.

  5. Salam Kak Zu,
    I love kotak2, jalur, stripes,checkers,round,love... too

  6. Sedap eh puding roti tu.. tapi saya tak pandai buat pon. Telan air liur je..:)

  7. Salam,
    Saya ada beli kain kotak2 tu tapi tak buat apa2 lagi...nice idea ^_^

  8. salam zu,
    petai jeruk tu beli kat wic part of rembau? fyi my kampung is in rembau, so maybe i bley try beli kat situ nanti whenever i balik kampung, eventho most of the time i n my husband buat petai jeruk sndiri :). tapi now dah malas nak buat dah, nk try beli pulak.

  9. memang cantik alas meja kotak2 camtu, nampak simple dan menarik

  10. salam zu, thank you for mentioning me in this beautiful post! it's autumn now and i'm posting lots of autumn themed entries, rajin2lah singgah my blog whn you can okay…and all your readers too! i love the quote you have in the beginning…and the lovely tablecloths!

  11. kak zu,

    will u be there on this weekend flea market? Kat mana? teringin nak jumpa. hehe ;)

  12. kakpinat pun ada beberapa koleksi kotak-kotak jugak..polkadot jugak..jalur-jalur pun..ehh..? memacam pulak..:)

  13. Hahahaha mahal uban tu. Uban kan aku menjd nyalaan di akhirat nnt based frm wat I've read. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    Abt ur skinny twiggy waify fren of urs, ckp kat dia how I myself really wanted to be skinny. I'm nt dat fat but my rangka tulang xkan memberi effect skinny yg dikehendakikan itu. Tell me how much kate moss has earned by being skinny. Skinny is fashion forward. Ceh emo hahaha.

    Xbleh tgk gamba ketupat tuuuuu. Dis is the first year for so long dat I didn't anyam ketupat wit my mama for raye. Huhu its the hilight of the last day of puase for me. Oi rindunye hahahaha

  14. saya enjoy baca blog ni.
    Kirim salam kat uwan :-)

  15. nice, nicer...lovely as alwiz... mtm pls keep sharing, addicted suda dgn blog nih, n pica petai is d cham for tiz posting :))

  16. tq kak sbb bagi info on kotak2....
    nanti pi tengok ah kat giant...
    tapi tang balik pilah nak boli tu yg tak menahan tu....itu balik kono siap package cendol pilah skali tu weehuuuuu
    Akak dh bulih jadi duta kolopilah ni...hahahahha.Idop Pilah..

  17. wahhhh....sgt suweettt....akak nak jual brg kat flea market...alaaaa....bgtahu la bilaaa....

  18. Kak zu, nak pergi flea market. Boleh bagi address. Ikin tu cantik la. I pernah jumpa dia actually....dia pernah present journal ...and I antara delegates yang hardir. Bila kerja...dia memang nampak garang gila. Tapi...bila u duduk satu meja dengan dia...sangat beautiful inside and outside. Macam kak zu. Never kedekut kongsi ilmu. Tapi i tak pernah reveal i baca blog kak zu. Malu la...i ni biasa2 je.

  19. semuga kita tergolong dari mereka yang berakal, beradab dan terpilih. amin.
    dats why u r a good company and we enjoy to hang out here :)

  20. assalamu'alaikum

    kak, comey la cereal dispenser tuh, beli kt mana eh?

  21. Salam, suka blog ni sbb umah tersusun rapi n cantik deco :))
