Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's Over....


Thanks All;) Semua wanita pun sama bab kemas mengemas alih mengalih ni kan,tak kira dapur kita kecik,budget tak besar asal sedap di mata kita dan keluarga cukup lah. Pada yang ada ruang besar,budget pun besar mesti sangat seronok boleh ada pantry,separate laundry room with all the modern gadgets;) Again our kitchen or any other room in our house reflect ourself, the word 'nice,cosy,happening is very subjective.The most important is ;it got to be clean,put things in it's place and give 'life' to it by spending time with your family in it. A room or kitchen is meaningless if we keep tiptoeing walking in it to avoid knocking into our crystal or chandelier.

My goodness I am so tired but nothing hurt me more than the fact that my holiday is coming to an end;( Really tak puas lagi..i thought of extending it to another two days but my girl from the office shattered my dream when she smsed today to inform me about a meeting tomorrow. How could i attend a meeting tomorrow with no mood..kat Bangsar pulak tu:(:(

When my brother came to send Uwan today i told him " Acik bestnyerrr cuti duk rumah" He said ' yelah tu..sebab sekojap kalau tak kau mesti boring" I said " Tak lah Cik..bestttt..pagi hantar Tia Mia pi kindy dah tu duduk kopitiam minum kopi,makan sup,baca magazine tunggu kedai bukak..dah tu cuci mata,boli barang,..apo pulak tak best..berbulan pun boleh camtu"..he he my Acik stilled tak nak kalah,he said " iyo kalau dah bertahun mesti kau tak tahan"..ha ha...ha..that statement came from a Pensioner and i have to bear it in mind;)

Macam mana tak best..pagi i just grab my favourite bag( thanks Kak Nur suruh saya beli bag VB ni kat Paris dulu..dah jadi my favourite bag usefull)  and drive the kids to kindy;)

Then i just sat at the Kopitiam ordered Ipoh Chicken Hor Fun chicken soup with black tea:)Sup ni macam sedap giler kat Old White Kopitiam OU..rasa nak repeat lagi today:)

Kedai dah bukak i pi shopping..penat dan trolley dah penuh pergi rehatkan kaki dan isi perut;);)

Dari ambik budak2 tanya pulak they nak makan lagi tak..kalau ya,singgah makan lagi..yeayyyy

Petang jadi surirumah tersohor..masak rendang walaupun bukan raya;)

Then wait for your husband to come back for dinner with the kids.Bila malam hujan bunyi dentum dentam tu takut pulak tinggal  bertiga duduk depan TV, 3 orang berselimut..ohhh sungguh nyaman;) 

Everybody woke up with good mood in the morning;)

One of my good buy from Ikea- Milk Froth Maker:) It is battery operated.

Sampai kembang hidung minum susu ada froth..seronok betul they all.

Sebab good mood pagi2 pun buat breakfast yang leceh first attempt buat Pie with Flaky pastry..rupa buruk tapi rasa ada.

Salmon and potato au gratin pie with flaky pastry..i beli unbaked pastry sheet yang frozen .tapi tak berapa pandai nak separate kan the sheet sebab tu tak cantik.Ada tips macam mana nak separate the sheet supaya tak lekat2?

Today the papa was on leave, we promised the girls a trip to the Zoo..but i only finished my kemas2..susun segala benda makdatuk dalam cabinet at 12.30 so tak lah sempat pi Zoo.Kesian both we took them to YuKids OU.After dah kemas the cabinet susun dan simpan semua benda dalam container banyak rupanya ruang dalam cabinet.My cabinet under the sink Heni letak segala suratkhabar buruk etc..nak carik plastic sampah pun tak jumpa,ibarat bukak terus muntah segala isi..bila dah susun hanya 1/3 ruang yg digunakan.

We conclude our day with sweet moment it or not Wednesday will come to an end..Thursday is coming and Friday is waiting..yeayyyyyy;)

Sorry I am too tired today, will try to reply to all queries next time.I just jawab satu soalan yang crucial from Artlover Cinnamon World of Colours- kalau you ada same problem Picasa Web album penuh macam I visit UmiYumi (My Life in Perth) she ada letak link blog Qaseh yang bagi tutorial macam mana nak overcome the useful;);)

Ta Ta.aaaa;)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. betul agaknya kata kata pashik tu kan azu, my sister yang pencen awal use to say the same.."seminggu sebulan memang la kamu suka " hahaha..everytime i cakap to stay at home , jaga anak2..
    Uwan balik mesti suka tengok new look kat kitchen,but i believe Heni laa paling surprise hehehe...maid selalunya camtu, dulu my weekend digunakan utk settle all her sampah2 yang dia sumbat sesuka selamat bekerja la dear.., tapi weekend pun dah nak menjengah , so cuma tinggal 2 hari jer kerja...

  3. Heni mesti stress kn sbb akak mcm byk pantang larang je hahaha. Nk rosemary chicken!!!!!!!

  4. pastry sheet tu ce try saparate kan masa tengah beku.. bukan ape i teringat kalau nak goreng frozen prata, nk cerai kan lapisan plastik dia kena wat masa beku lagi kalau dh lembut confirm melekat..

  5. Kalau masak rosemary chicken Unk Mr pilot...kasi Akak sikit tau..hihi

    Memang Kalau kemas kabinet mmg penat Tp lepas tu Seronok bila tgok tersusun rapi.kdg2 tu byk benda yg dah x sayang nak buang.

    Rondang tu juga mgoda kalbu

  6. kak zu, heni sure tkejut beruk tgok rmh akk da brwajah baru... Hihi...

  7. alhamdulillah

    dah 2 tahun beronti kojo eden lobih relo jadi surirumah dari sekretari...

    rutin eden pun samo..sambil tggu anak balik sekolah bulih rerewang kodai kek moli topung ruti, bulih singgah mamak makan tosai rawa,
    boleh mengabih an bogheh kek Romantika.....huiiiii sumo sobo bulih itu yg tahan 2 tahun dah tak kojo tu hahahahahahha.

  8. salam zu!, i'm not really into home deco but i do appreciate one when i see it, your kitchen's awesome! have a well deserved rest now! btw, have you seen nigel slater's cooking? he is the latest craze over here, i just bought his fabulous cook book. simple yet delicious, if you like that kind of thing! take care.

  9. salaam azu, biasanya me beli puff pastry kawanku ada plastik sheet separator..ekceli me pun plan nak buat chicken pie with pastry..barang2nya semua dah ada cuma belum berkesempatan lagi :-). and I agreee with fatimah, try to separate the sheet masa dia beku :-)

  10. Salam Zu,
    sedapnya tgk nando's, kfc.. alas meja yg cantik, anak2 yg comel dan manja.. semuanya suka tengok. :)
