Monday, November 26, 2012

My Kitchen@Budget Makeover.

I always love makeover since i was small:)

It is in me, i need to tweak or change something in the house.If i have money i ll buy small new things but most of the time i just makeover my mom's kitchen/house without buying anything.Grew up in a kampung with spacious house; kitchen open to a garden and veges patch,bedroom with big door to a Bunga Cina bushes- i need space and fresh look .

Makeover is not about 'showroom kitchen/house",it is about your own satisfaction,in the old days without blog or fb you just keep your makeover close to your heart.If people says smell of a new leather brings satisfaction to them; to me fresh linen,crisp air in the kitchen and delicious aroma from a newly baked cake brighten up my days.

My kitchen is 8 years old:) I didn't change much,i make do with most the aging things in it- my dream as always is to build a new house,new kitchen.Recently i look around and i saw my 4 tiers plastic rack is like dying carrying all the plastic cutleries,milk bottles,free plastic containers and it was placed in the middle of the kitchen next to our dining table- it was an eyesore.I told Heni few times to put most of it in the cabinet as the two girls are already 5 years old but she said not enough space.Well that is the dilemma for a kictchen in a double storey house,teeny weeny space but we have to make do and be creative.

I need space to move around and i can't wait for a new house to be built in order to have that. It is not that I want to place a treadmill in the kitchen,i just need a cosy and unrestricted nook for family to have meal,space to keep my baking items; all in all i need a cosy kitchen just like a bedroom where you can rest and have fun!For the past few weeks i have listed down things that i need to change with little spending- finally i had an idea which in the beginning sounds like impossible but after carefull explanation my husband had agreed;):)

I started my little project with my husband on Saturday. It involved a lot of works and patience,with backache,taking out hundred of things from the cabinet and put it back,without determination it will fail.The result- well nothing much from the outside but i have cleaned things which supposed to be cleaned ages ago and now i have quite a decent cabinets;) tak ler habis jatuh barang bila bukak kan:):)

Before that Please Dont be offended- if you expect much this is not Martha Stewart kinda of Makeover,this is just me playing with my kitchen:):)

I bought new knobs for my kitchen cabinet;) No money to change the cabinet or too messy to give a new coat-solution is just change the knobs!

After spending hours at the knobs shop i decided on these knobs- they are the same like my kitchen in the house i ve sold.Something sweet and nice is better to be kept and remembered:)

Matching long handle for pull out kitchen drawers.

If you remember the old knobs were black metal,the new knobs made the cabinet looks brighter.But the work behind was not simple.There were 24 knobs to be change and for each drawer my husband needs to take it out,put out the things inside,dimantle the wood cover inside the drawer,put the knob,screw it back,put the wood cover screw it and so on.

I took out few things from my store for decoration, i ve been keeping it for long.I love this copper pan,it was a set of 4 and gift from a friend,she bought it in UK.Thanks Ita.

I love this antique mould too, it is heavy and was a good buy from Swan Valley,WA.

To create a cafe atmosphere hang I some old pictures,each was priced AUD6.00 from an antique shop,they were 1845 pictures with original signature at the back.

Birthday present from a staff.

I like flower or fruits wreath and you can find many during this upcoming Christmas season.

The biggest challenge to create more space in the kitchen was to move my truly big and bulky 7 years old fridge.With hundred kilos of food; first we thought it was impossible- how do move it from the kitchen to the study room- there's a  little split level between the two.Nak angkat dari floor dapur yang lebih rendah ke floor studyroom yang lebih tinggi macam nak mati!I took out everything and macam nak nangis,there were endless bottles,containers,can drinks etc..the floor became wet and to make it worst..botol kicap pecah..lalu nangis:) But we finally managed- two heads are better than one- our fridge is now safe and sound in the studyroom next to our kitchen.

For this makeover i bought two main things, there were cheap furnitures from Ikea- one is this open cabinet to store and keep cakes and baking items like cake stand,recipe books,etc.

To soften the cabinet look,i added plastic laces/dollies to the shelves.

I love this section,now i dont have to keep all these nice things in the closed cabinet,it can be a display also it can  be  used at anytime.

I changed my kitchen curtains with these  lace curtains.It is simple,no sewing needed and not expensive.

Finally this is what i have in the kitchen.More space to move around,cosy meal area with bench and cushions for the girls.

The black bench is another buy from Ikea and it was priced at RM299.

I like unformal meal area with bench and few pillows where we can sit for long and continue chatting.

The kitchen tablecloth were from Yvoire,Geneva,Tia Mia yang pilih because banyak hearts.The tea towel which i used to cover my open cabinet and on the oven were gift from Kak Nur Paris;);) My open cabinet at the bottom tu was for Oven actually but i found i rather odd to place an oven at the corner and at that level.The open cabinet above it was meant for small tv,there was a pull out shelf below to store a DVD player,tapi in the end tak guna..masa buat dulu tak plan betul2.

This kitchen tea towel was from Anncey,France, too beautiful nak lap tangan;)

So that was my little makeover..dapat lah keluarkan barang2 nak display dari terperap dalam almari;)

Working table at the wet kitchen got a new baju too;) Plus a chopping board beli dari travelling.

Ini tempat duduk Heni lipat baju..i kemas kan jugak.

The girls suka buat their painting here.

Now we ada space lebih sikit lah untuk makan dan borak2;)

Jugak buat activity.

But the problem of having a fridge in the study room is ;you tend to open it frequently..especially when you have favourite ice cream inside!

But i guess it's okay to treat myself with my favourite things after all the hardwork.

My good buy today at Parkson Elite ( wuishhh Parkson Elite dah tak jual plastic2 dah,,semua branded items..there were many Kitchen Aid on display..with colour meruntun perasaan,the colourful ones were priced at RM2799 while the white one was at RM1999 ..waaa paying additional RM800 for colour you)

Okay lah itu saja cerita..nite2 semua;) I am still very tired..but masih ada nak hunt few small things he he..pada yang comment about my blog new look..please bear with me,i like my  new font so much last time but since some you said susah nak baca i berkorban tukar, it took me sometimes to create the new look, i had to google pictures,changed about hundred of times,the font,the colour etc..i bukan pandai IT so it was a hardwork for me, satu hari spent buat itu ajer, bak kata orang penat pun tak habis lagi:);) If you feel my blog new look is so disturbing i am sorry;) but i kinda like it and will keep it for sometimes,will think about changing it once i got bored just like my kitchen makeover.



  1. 'Makeover is not about 'showroom kitchen/house'

    I'll definitely keep that in mind ka zu.. =)

  2. Nice makeover. Dtg la apartment kita tlg makeover kan hahahahaha. Let me guess, the study area tu is the extended area kan. Lama nk tnyee tp segan hahaha

  3. akak saya selalu baca blog akak tapi jarang drop komen..but this time i have to! Your kitchen looks so nice, warm and cozy, you used the space effectively. So many things in such a small area, but that doesn't look crampy. great! You're totally my idol haha :)

  4. cantik sangaaat kitchen you, very cosy looking :) good on you zu :)


  5. assalamualaikum mama tia& mia,
    dont worry your blog look just fine :) btw cantik nya dapur akak.kalau cantik macam ni, hari-hari nak lepak kat dapur je

  6. cantikkkk n yes, dah dapat spacious kitchen kan ..agaknya nama kita sama, perangai pun sama kan Azu, dr kecik, i selalu makeover my mum house,i masih ingat normally on Friday, time cuti weekend kat KT, mak ngan ayah i kuar g kelas agama, balik jer dia tau umah dia dah new look, i change sofa pi sana , meja makan kat sini ..tapi tak suka mencuci, so mak i nanti dapat kerja laaa, kena cuci semua2 cushion cover , alas meja semua yang i tukar hehehe...
    Pastu, bunga2 mak i tanam..i petik, buh dalam vase cantik2 n buh atas meja dad suka betul tengok ....
    now umah sndiri, lagi macam2 laaaa i ubah heheh

  7. salam perkenalan...

    kak.. sesekali terjumpa @ terblog hop kat blog ni. Pasni kena letak dlm blog list saya la nampaknye. sebab selalu ingat tia mia tp lupa nama diorang n blog ni. sorry... btw, nak tanya, apa makna nama MIA? saya tak jumpa kat mana2 pon. penat dah cari maknanya.. thx

  8. Salam Zu...wah dah siap your MO..sgt nice and cozy..Rasa nak duduk2 kat meja dapur tu sambil2 belek recipe book and mengadap laptop.Pas tu lepak2 kat kerusi Heni lipat kain sambil minum hot milo..yummm...haha...I miss my kitchen...Asyik menatap gmbar2 tu tetiba terpandang sesuatu yg familiar,pas tu tgk namaku di sebut..hihi..berjasa jugak kitchen towel tu ya...
    Bravo!!You did it,girl..You deserve a pat on the back and of course Azam too:-)
    Tak lama lagi KA mixer pulak akan tertenggek dgn bangganya kat atas kitchen cabinet tu.Can't wait..
    Ok Zu,hug hugs to the girls and salam kat Uwan ya


  9. waahhhh nice kithen make over...i looiike it... tapi kak zue tak zoom out to ur dapur masak yang dah ade plastic lace di tepi2nye tu..nampak sipi2 aje.. plss zooom ye kak zue..

    suke sgt kitchen kak zue! inspired me a lot...

  10. Good job kak azue.. Love the make over.. Wish I could be as creative as you :) Keep on inspiring me ye.. Take care!

  11. Aloooo...i've been ur silent reader for years and just love it! I would like to ask abt ur new plastic curtain, where did u buy it? Coz i would love to have it for my kitchen too. Thx!

  12. Aslmkm Azu..
    I think all woman is just the same after all. Macam I pun, I love to berkemas where ever yang I dah rasa jemu..I would change or push furniture from one place to another.
    Don't worry, yr kitchen nice and sweet.
    Ahh Azu, what did you do to your Picasa web yang dah penuh tu? Please let me know, cos I am having the same problem..thanks.

  13. :) ok. noted.

    open cabinet tu cantik la kak Azu. aduhai...ada tingkap pulak kat meja makan tu. Sangat suka...tapi untuk buat kat rumah sendiri ni tak mungkin dah...

  14. Salaam Azu :-)..the makeover - LOVE IT :-)

  15. Cantik dapur zu
    Bila le Akak nak dpt kitchen macam ni...Akak ni x kreatif sangat.

    Akak pun sama...malas nak tukar background blog sebab segala2nya Kena tukar Nanti....ponat den.

  16. Canteknye dapur kak zue! I always berangan nak ade sofa kt dapur. tp dapur rumah sekarang so cenonet.hehe..

  17. You have always inspired me, Kak Zu! I hope that one day, i will be a good wife & mummy same like u ;)

  18. Fresh, warm and inviting, great job Zu.

  19. Salam. Kak Zu, what a nice make-over kitchen.. Cantik sangat kak.. Sangat selesa dan suami akak pun begitu memahami minat isterinya.. Bila baca part alihkan freezer dan tukar old knobs tu, memang Nur salute dekat akak dan suami.. Hasilnya memang memukau.. Macam Kak Nur Trganu kata, tak sabar nak tengok mixer KA display atas kabinet dapur tu.. mesti bertambah2 rajin Kak Zu baking..

    Tentang susun atur blog dan pemilihan font blog akak ni, Nur rasa dah ok sangat. Apa yang penting kerajinan tuan empunya blog untuk update entri dan kongsi kisah2 dan kata2 positif yg jadi inspirasi buat semua pembaca. Rasanya singgah blog akak ni umpama singgah rumah akak yang cantik tu.. Do take care sis..

    p/s: Kak, aiskrim tu menggoda!!

  20. salam kak....

    wah first perenggan tu totally ayat2 yg ohsome sebab eden pun begitu jua disini...

    Wah KA kat Parkson murahnya....rugi rugi..hehehehe! anyway welcome to the club kak.I always love White colour.
    Saya pun hari ni meng 'make over ' dapur sebab beli fridge baru.Sambil2 tu rearrange semua benda2 yg selalu guna letak kat open shelf.Senang nak capai.

    satu je yg frust pasal dapur saya...
    saya tak de space nk letak small dining table langsung.Cuma boleh boh meja kecik aje.Kalau nak jugak kena hangkut toilet lain tempat la jawabnya kikikiki.

    Tengok akak beli bench tu kan.....kepala saya ni dh lama nk mofify coffe table yg beli kat ikea nk jadikan bench.Saya rasa letak coffee table kat living menyemakkan otak aje...

    Anyway nice and cosy kitchen kak...

  21. Gambar-gambar mama Tia Mia hari ni membakar semangat kakpinat untuk make over dapur akak yg sekangkang kera ni..owwhh!!! so terbakarrrr..!

  22. Ishhh... tengok makeover akak,
    rasa nak lari balik umah - kemas dapur sekarang jugak!
    Nice one, anyway x worry about your blog template
    - i suka cerita-ceriti taik mata tiga kati you. Have a nice day!

  23. Seronoknye tgk org make over umh kan... hehehehe...
    sy nk make over cntik2 ank2 msh kecik lg. bila kemas jap dh sepah balik. huhuuhu...sabo jer lah. ;)

  24. MashaAllah nice makeover... Suka tgk dapur azu, rasa nak lepak2 kat situ birak2 minum kopi hmmm hehehe..

  25. the makeover turns everything perfectly! suke tgk!

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