Sweet& Merry when we are together..Love ya Tia Khadeja & Mia Ayesha..and papa too:)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Fiesta of Hotto..hottto airrrr...
We went PutraJaya,Presint 2, on sunday to see the Fiesta of Hotair balloons, were we excited before going, papa said :be prepared for dissapointment,don't expect too much.mama said: don;t be sceptical papa..be proud of malaysia.Mama read from newspaper they have numbers of hotair balloons and they will flood the sky as early as 7.45 in the morning,so went there really early...hmmmmm..there was only 1 hotair balloon there..but hot air for sure was everywhere:) and Tia got lethargic easily..there were few paragliders flying in the sky..not so impressive..but the girls had fun,pakcik and family came to joint us..kak ikin dah sembuh..so happy to see her coming there..she looked great and the girls were happy to see their "kikin"(that's what they called kak ikin at home)..they had fun playing with helium balloons and abang din bought them "aeroplane'..dispite the disspointment in the hotair balloon we had fun with family..that's the most important.See our hot pictures below.
Just arrive.
The only hotair balloon around.
Mia herann nihh...
Tia and papa
Mia..sibuk nak tengok.
The girls warming up
Suka hati....
We got our hotair baloons too..
Tia dah start letih..tak tahan panas..muka monyok jerr
Yeyy jumpa pakcik anf family..kikin dah baik yeee..
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wow..looks like a really hot hot day thr !!
the twins sweating hot ya !!!
he eh ..as long as its a fun fun day after all !!!
its sure are hottoo hottoo hahahaha..apesal org jauh smpat g tgk? kami tk smpat pon azue..uwaaaaa..sedey sgt terlepas event nih..sorga mengambil gbr neh..
anyway. tgk mereka sggh kool wlu hot skalik pon ye..bagus la tia n mia..sporting!!
Best...memang beshhh
Hahaha...enjoy layan budak2 tenit ni...
Satu family enjoy...
Ni bukan hot air balloons fiest...ni pesta makanan. hahaha.
Nanti petang2 kak ikin upload gambar lagi ye...gambar uols banyak ni ...
it's the good company of family members that makes the outing memorable. so fun kan tia mia dapat jalan2 :D
tak terserempak ler plak
klau tak mesti leh jumper si kecik ni kan... =)
Seronok tengok aktiviti akak sekeluarga.. :)
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