Susah nak say "NO' to our kids..tanyalah semua parents pun..with all the merajuk,tantrums,kadang2 as parent we malas and just succumb to what they want. Mama for example bukan experience mama pun,first time being a mama terus dapat twins and girls pulak the degil,the perangai,the tantrums semua double,despite sayang each other you both dah mula compete,dah mula ada rasa jealous towards each other.Sebab tak ada orang lain yang dalam rumah kita nak really emphasize " No means No" as uwan too sayang kat cucu, papa too sayang kat his cute little girls, heni do not dare..mama lah yang kena jadi here mama nak share "No means No" with readers:
1. Nak pakai heels mama bila nak keluar jalan2, mama said "No,this meant for big people,you are too small,dangerous,Tia/Mia boleh jatuh,luka,kena bawak Doctor,boleh kena jab, futhermore you got cute shoes,boleh lari kat park,main slide,naik swing,lagi best". Kalau degil jugak,mama said bye-bye mama closed the gate, then kenits mesti kalut nak pakai kasut dia.
2.Nak bawak big and many toys into the car,mama allowed only one or two,then dah sampai destination nak bawak yang tak practical turun,mama cakap "let the bear sleep in the car,he is tired,nanti we buy something for him,he is happy here,we selimut the bear kat atas kerusi ni okay". Kalau degil jugak "tup" mama tutup pintu kereta "bye,bye, you stay in the car with the bear"..nangis kejap then will say " okay..bear you tinggal sini".
3. Nak tengok VCD again and again..mama said "VCD is scratch need to be sent to shop, tomorrow mama will send to the shop,now already late, we must sleep otherwise when everybody asleep Tia/Mia will be alone in the dark,tomorrow we get up early we can enjoy ourselves,we go to the park,we have nice breakfast in the garden"
4. Nak makan ikan masin,telur masin,nak minum air teh..mama said " you cannot eat ikan masin,it is for old people,you are little girls,you can have worms inside your tummy,macam snake,takut tak..nanti kena jumpa doctor,worms gigit perut".If air teh..mama tell them"remember hari tu tak boleh berak,sakit kan..that is why little girls cannot drink tea"
5. nak makan chocolate banyak2,nak makan vitamin banyak2..everytime beli chocolate mama bukak dan masukkan a few dalam small container for each othem, tak boleh nampak packet,nanti nak makan semua,bila dah habis dalam container mama cakap "dah habis,no more,tomorrow mama will buy nicer brush your teeth or ulat will come and eat your teeth,same goes with the vitamins"
6. Nak pakai lisptick mama everytime tengok mama pakai,mama tak pernah letak pun kat bibir dia orang mama will say' this is not good for little girls like you both, Tia Mia dah cantik,your lips already red" then mama will use the lipstick to draw heart shape on their hands, they will be very happy,now everytime nak pergi office,they datang cakap "mama nak heart shape on hand"
To summarize, too many "nak,nak,nak" from kenits,they kadang2 tak faham pun the real reasons kenapa tak boleh,tapi they faham kita punya "voice tones"..serious or not whether "no means no" or "even its no if i nangis i will get it". we cannot escape from explanation, after dah explain nangis jugak biarlah..bukan lama pun and bukan dia jatuh sakit pun.As uwan said "biar dia nangis sekarang,jangan kita yang nangis kemudian hari" tapi uwan maksudkan ni untuk mama and anak2 orang lain lah..bila tang cucu dia..hmmmm semua ada exceptions..tak pe biar mama yang uphold uwan punya principle tu.Insyallah dan Ya Allah berilah panduan dan kekuatan.
2. The Scary Smear.
Secondly nak share some infos on cervical cancer. Hari ni mama attended talk kat office about Cervical Cancer,pembunuh nombor dua terbanyak kat Malaysia and among the region Asia is the highest numbers with cervical cancer. Cervical cancer ni kita boleh dapat if kita dah pernah ada sexual activity even once, the virus is very common, macam 80% dari ladies boleh ada dalam dalam badan tapi normally kita ada natural immune system yang boleh musnahkan ia.How to reduce chances of getting?1. stay monogomous 2. wear condom 3. don;t smoke 4. stay healthy .How to prevent? 1. Do a yearly pap smear test 2. Go for a vaccination-hospitals and private clinics in Malaysia already have it. Kalau kena detect at advanced stage the doctor said tak guna lagi nak give treatment,you prolong your life you suffer..the suffer part yang really teruk..just imagine you have bleeding,puss in your cervic the most delicate part..really painful,really torture. Mama had last pap smear two years ago, insyallah mama will go for the vaccination. Oh ye lupa nak cakap ada yang tanya "why Asia the highest case,sedang kan free sex etc ni lebih banyak kat western countries? the answer is " western they go for yearly pap smear test..we Asian malu..tak nak buat..bila detect dah terlambat"..Mintak jauhkan Allah sbt dari kita semua and must buat the prevention too. Take care everybody,have a nice weekend.
thank u for sharing.. good n practical way to say 'no'. anak2 cerdik macam tu laa.. nnti tunggu diorang dah besar sikit all the explanations sure kena 'upgrade'.. selamat mnyambut tahun baru hijrah.. semoga bhagia sentiasa dan Allah makbulkan doa tia mia.. amiinn.. :)
memang sungguh anggun si suri nih tanak la anak2 kita jd gitu...semacam mendera la plak...biar la diorg ni jd dan menikmati zaman kecit2...zaman tade nk main nak nangis jer..hehehe...iyo la mama tia mia...setuju dgn approach mama kat atas tuh...bebudak nih mmg kene cara gitu...kalu tidak melawan ummi ni kan manusia biasa...kdg2 tercubit jg peha dia...hahahaha....shiannnn...
Re : heheh dh ckp dh kat hubby...last2 dia lak yg bg url avillion kat kita...maknanya dia nak ctu lah tuh..tgh pk lagik nih..
suri looks so grown up. wat a waste she'l mis her childhood. tu la yg jadi tua nak balek teenager. tak kan nak ikut kan kehendak anak yg belum cukup akal dan ilmu.
ur approach is wise but i c nowadays parens melt wen anak nangis. me like u, gv reason 1st if nangis jugak, biarkan. they'l learn dat cry dnt work and we r always reasonable and keep to our words. i always say the children mus kno whos d bos. jgn they pulak jadi bos, cntrol paren pulak.
And true our society maseh malu nak smear.
To me, there is no fast rule on raising a child.I can only apply certain things to my children that my mak did to me.Tapi bab good manners and belajar mengaji, I tak boleh compromise.Semoden mana pun, I tak boleh compromise tentang agama...ia la mama dia pun bukan pandai hal agama...nak cakap arab pun tak tahu, tak boleh tolong kerja rumah kelas agama, tapi I akan explain to children apa yang boleh dan tak boleh.Bab halal haram pun I tertekankan. I tak bawa ke tempat yang tak tahu halalnya..I berdoa banyak-banyak, there will be protected dunia akhirat. About the pep smear, I buat tiap-tiap tahun on my birthday, pep smear and mamogram. It's a birthday gift for myself..anyway senang, I tak lupa tarikhnye. My eldest sister is a breast cancer we semua memang ambil berat about this.
Cian Suri tu.. jadi eksperimen mak dia. hehee...
thanks for sharing on how to say 'no'... biasalah budak kecik ni kena explain pjg lebar & berulang2 baru dia faham. Kita tak boleh penat lah.. kena kuat semangat :)
smear test kat sini mmg serius. the clinic will send a letter to remind us for the test..
Enjoy ur weeknd...
*Tell Tia&Mia kat Manchester dah ada snow...
tia & mia sgt comel. saya suke bace pasal tia mia ni,.hihi eventho baru 1st time bace..doakan supaya they will grow up jd anak2 yg solehah dan ikut ckp parents:)
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