Monday, August 31, 2009

1.HaPPy BiRThDaY PapA 2. gArDEn CleAniNG 3. BuKak PoSA aT AlaM dAMai

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA! WE LOVE YOU,WE LOVE YOU..Alhamdulillah may Allah sbt bless us always.Papa is a Merdeka Boy,we celebrated papa's birthday last nite, we didn't go out anywhere, we just stayed at home clean our garden and all of us had so much fun. Mama cooked few of papa's favourite yesterday : Dalca Daging, Sambal Ikan,Pengat Bola Pulut with Pisang and Honeydew Milk Shake.Both of you were really excited,after a tiring day cleaning our garden and a long nap in the afternoon,mama put you both in new pyjama and all us sang birthday song to papa "EBy to you papa,Eby to you papa..." that's your versian of happy Birthday.The long weekend seems so short to us, too many activities and we had wonderful time bukak posa at maklang house too on Sunday.Enjoy the pictures.

Mama bought a small blackforest cake for papa,just nice and enough for 5 of us as uwan is still at maklang house.

Light up the candles..4 candles represent four of us:)

Both are really excited, more excited than the Birthday Boy himself:)

Yey..Papa make a wish..Alhamdulillah..we sayang you papa,we hug2 and kiss you..

Mama so happy managed to cook a few of papa's favourite.

Makan time..Tia Mia is having their cake,avocado and chicken wings..yumm..yummm

Special dalca daging with potato,terung,kacang panjang,carrot..memang sedap,boleh makan dan hirup macam tu jer..haa..haaa...eksen la mama.

Ikan sambal yang nyum..nyum..

Pengat pulut ball with pisang and tepung mata ikan..papa,the girls and uwan memang suka ni.

Monday morning..both kerja keras..wash,wash,wipe,wipe girls..

Papa fixing the new bench.We have bought new garden furniture,our garden dah tak kena bela quite sometimes,dulu mama use to take care baik2,we always have orchid and roses bloom,lately since busy with the new house..our garden terbiar.So mama decided to clean it give new look,everbody kerja keras on Monday.

Papa keep our mesin rumput at the new house..but that didn't stop mama from cutting the grass,mama cut with scissor and girls help out with sapu,sapu..hmm ye la ,helping and messing at the same time.

Adoiii..penat nyerrrr..sian both memang penat,berpeluh, mama prepared a cold strawberry milk for both...sedapnya relax kat bench baru...see Mia siap masuk tangan dalam tumbler nak korek the ice cube..

Haaaa..tu lah padahnya..habis air tumpah kat atas Mia..but since booth in a joyous mood..they just laugh and laugh.

yey papa dah fixed new bench and we makan2 first dah penat ni...

Peanut butter cookies ...makan peanut butter jer dua orang ni..biskut tu tinggal.

Sunday evening kat Alam Damai,nak bukak posa rumah maklang..the girls checking out reban ayam maklang..egg,eggg where are you.

Papa relaxing at maklang garden at the Eve of his Birthday.

Fun time with daisy the nomok kucing...

See daisy tambah nomok...

Food on the table..lauk semua maklang masak,daging salai,sambal telur,sup tulang with macaroni..kueh pot luck dari us,pakcik,maklong and kak nor

Homemade pegedel maklong buat..memang sedap ni.

Mama pulak suka sambal2 and the ulams la..

Tia having fun outdoor

happy dapat snake dari kak ayan..terus bawak balik.."Ni Tia punye Syenake"

Uwan and her two daughters in law..maklong, wife arwah paklong (emak kak nor) and makcik wife pakcik (emak kak ikin)..wah uwan yang paling slim la.

Both memang tak reti duduk diam..tapi so far so good kalau mama marah mesti berhenti buat sesuatu..

Hmmm panjat here and there..After dah makan mandi,we balik with perut kenyang..thank you for the wonderful food maklang,and sayang kak ayan for layan2 us:)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Siakap Kena kena kerat and "Nanak KongKong"

It was a cooking marathon yesterday,well, should be ok if you could cook peacefully in the kitchen but if you have little people pulling at your shirt every ten minutes and say " mama faster,lama kat kitchen ni..come la sit outside"..hmm how would you deal with it?Both are so cute wanting mama to sit in front of tv with mama had to stop every 10 mins, hug them,show them what's cooking inside the wok,teach them the name of the veges,show them how to cut onion,stirring etc..after that both will leave mama in peace like 15 or 20 mins and then come back again:) The story semalam is we suppossed to have the "berdiri or terbang siakap sweet sour " la, mama suka siakap or kerapu tu bila buat sweet sour kita belah badan dia tak putus dari bawah then we fry until golden,dirikan dalam pinggan and pour the sauce,kalau macam tu the fish will be crunchy..tapi semalam heni dengan kejamnya dah potong dan siap kelar lagi mama punya siakap..dia tengok besar sangat bulan puasa ni kena sabar lagi,redho jer lah goreng siakap kena potong and sambungkan kat dalam pinggan..whatever it is ..still sedap ok..the sauce just nice as mama nak.Dah masak siakap,mama buat pulak sayur lemak fucuk with labu air,mama bought a very fresh black udang harimau from jusco, so mama goreng kering with kunyit jer and the peak of the dishes yang mama sangatlah idamkan dah lama..haaaa..haaaa..none other then the sardin mama tumbuk bawang putih and merah with cilipadi kasar2,tumis sampai wangi masuk sardin,asam,garam sikit goreng sampai garing and kuah kering..adusssss..seriously sangat lah sedap di makan dengan lemak fucuk and sambal bilis extra limau nipis.Malam after dah settle semua prayer etc,while lepak with the girls in the room watching Tv,layan them with books and stickers we had this conversation:

Mama : "Tia and adik when mamapapa have enough money we will go to Hong Kong Disneyland ok,we stay at The Disneyland Hotel and you can have so much fun there"

The Girls : "Don't want KongKong, nak PD (Port Dickson), nak go PD, nak play sand,nanak KongKong"

Ha,ha both prefer PD than HongKong,they must have so much fun in PD last time as all the sweet memories is still with them,so mama talked about PD last nite,talk about them playing with sand,coconut,pool,bath tub and both tersengih-sengih cakap " nak PD lagi mama"..sian anak mama.As at now the ultimate place,the top of the chart for both girls is PD and Ikea..everytime nak keluar mesti cakap "Ikea,nak Ikea"

Siakap tak boleh berdiri..tapi tetap sodappp...a tinge of sweet from tomato and sour taste from the lime juice.
Tips untuk kekalkan udang manis dan not cook too long,once they dah bengkok sikit..angkat,kalau tak kering air udang will be sweet and juicy.

The best in the world,the top on the the simple peasant dish : sardin goreng kering with cili padi..ikin please give your testimonial..ha,ha..

sambal bilis with extra limau nipis adalah "partner" kuah lemak fucuk..they are so ngam..

lemak fucuk with labu air..since papa tak suka sangat fucuk..he can opt for the labu air..

Lemak and ketupat palas from One utama,balik mama potong,sapu minyak kat oven tray,bakar dalam oven sampai panas macam baru masak..cecah dengan rendang yang banyak kuah..memang sedap..favourite papa dan uwan.

rendang mahal ni memang sedap..cukup segala rasa..mama yang cerewet ni pun approve kan kelazatannya..
cendul kaw gilerr..walaupun gambar blur..mama letak santan fresh..taruk red kidney from can..Kimball brand sedap red kidney dia..taruk ice banyak,masak gula melaka with daun pandan..wangi dan lemak..papa minum 3 balang...

the sweet indian mango...

kalau makan lauk yang bersambal macam sardin..Zuchinni sangat sesuai dimakan sama..segarkan mulut..selain crunchy
walaupun memasak dalam keadaan mencabar..penuh dugaan dan rintangan..terhidang penuh semeja akhirnya..
Budak yang tak nak pi Kongkong tu sibuk nak the fresh orange juice..nak yang dalam glass tinggi dalam tumbler dia orang tak nak..

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mama and food,Tia Mia & the things that they can do.

One of the idaman today..

picture courtesy of Knizam Artwerk

Since Monday mama had been visiting pasar Ramadhan to buy food for break fast.This year the pasar ramadhan at our place is not so impressive,some of the sellers are 'bidan terjun' and from the look itself you know that the food is not nice.But for the past few days mama had no choice but to buy from there, so mama had to 'tawaf' like 5 or 6 times before deciding and bila bukak puasa tak der kepuasan.Apart from that going to pasar ramadhan needs kesabaran yang tinggi too,with the high traffic mama had to park the car quite far,upon reaching the pasar mama will face all kinds of kerenah,like yesterday bila sampai kat gerai murtabak tu,budak tukang jerit "murtabak paling sedap dalam dunia" tu tanya mama .."akak nak berapa?16?"..tahan sabar jer la..ada yang bagi komen gatal la..puji tak tentu arah just to make us beli their barang,yang really kedekut dengan kuah lah,beli gulai telur itik 4 bijik pun bagi kuah 2 sabarrr..puasa ni biarlah dia orang menghiburkan hati,penat kerja dari pagi agaknya.Today since morning mama dah decide nak masak,so today mama gonna cook :

lemak fucuk with labu air
siakap sweet sour mama's style ( mama tak suka yang kat kedai seafood tu yang too sweet,too much flavour sampai hilang rasa ikan sebenar,so mama punya just the fresh siakap deep fried with mama punya simple sauce)
udang harimau goreng kunyit
sardin goreng kering cilipadi (ini yang paling best rasanya,,nyum nyum kena kuah lemak)
sambal gesek.

Kueh pulak mama dah beli lemang dan rendang dari One Utama tadi,sedap rendang kat situ tapi mahal,satu batang lemang is RM12 dan 300 grams beef rendang is RM15..tak pe lah uwan dan papa suka so mama beli jugak.For dessert mama nak buat cendul lemak manis with red beans dan satu lagi pemanis will be indian mango. For drink pulak tengok blog kak ikin tadi mama terus teringin nak homemade orange juice,so mama dah beli sunkist tadi.

Puasa ni you both are really excited,excited with food on the table..sometimes tak boleh sabar and mama had to confine you both at play area kat atas until azan sebab dah bagi satu,dua tak cukup,main2 with the we read book,play with crayon kat atas until dah nak azan then we turun.Now its difficult for mama papa to hide things from you both,you can understand most of our conversation,sometimes mama underestimate your English since both for the whole day listen to uwan and heni..but mama is wrong,like last nite when papa nak bawak you all turun mama told papa in English " not yet wait until azan, they just want to attack the food on the table" then you both quickly said "go down now nak eat,nak eat,hungry la", on other occassion mama told papa " i bought durian for emak but i hide in the kitchen if Tia found out she surely demand for it"..the moment Tia dengar terus cakap "nak duyan,Tia nak eat duyan la". Mama is very happy with your development, since auntie Ann mentioned about your new kindy mama would like to tell here that you have stopped attending the new full day kindy,you were scared there,the thumbdrive shown to mama by the teacher is full with your teary sad faces, eating with tears streaming down you cheek,taking bath with swollen crying eyes and the one that torn mama's heart is seeing you both holding hands while sleeping..yo never did that at home,you both were truly scared and sad there.Mama do not want to take away your happiness, mama do not want to be selfish,Shichida is enough at the moment,you both are really happy at Shichida, that is the most important, we see whether by the time you reach 3 years old Shichida dah bukak kindy for 3 - 6 years here, now the kindergarten for older children cuma ada kat Singapore.Just enjoy your time now..this time is yours,you deserve your happiness..we take one step at a time and mama papa will learn from experience,error that we ve made..insyallah we will try our best in guiding you.

For a note mama write down here your development at 2 years and 3 months old so that mama will see that you are both growing just fine:

1. Can recite 1 - 10,recognise other numbers as well.Note : The best thing at Shichida they don't teach children to recite and hafal only but to understand so that the children can understand and say the number even you alternate it like after 1 is.......,after 2 is.....
2. recognise and able to recite most A - Z.
3. Recognise shapes and colours.
4. Able to make a nearly complete sentence like " nak take bath, nak main bubbles,Tia/Mia want susu now,mama cepat lah datang, mama don't go office,yey papa dah balik,heni nakal la, uwan tak boleh ambik Tia punya,mama pukul adik la.
5. Able to communicate on simple things like : if the milk is stale they will say : susu dah basi, if their diaper is too tight they will say " heni ni buat ketat la", when they see one of them eating with comot face : eee dirty go wash la.
6. Can sing simple and part of the long song like : twinkle twinkle little star,old mc donald,ba ba black sheep,alphabet song, air pasang dalam,papa dan kereta baru- most of the song are form Shichida and our CD in the car.
7.develop full emotion : appreciate pretty things, when see mama with new clothes they will say "mama cantik",choose their own clothes- demand to wear jeans.
8Can understand reaction and implication : if mama merajuk or angry both will come hug mama and say " sayang mama,mama sorry".
9.Can take simple instruction like : when ask to fetch the milk bag they will do eat,when ask to put things at it place they would be able to do it,
10. can do certain things like : can use fork and spoon, able to drink soup with spoon and eat pasta with fork, able to shampoo their hair,switch on and off tap and Tv,brush their own teeth, pick up a ringing phone and say hello,brought to mama the ringing handphone .Both can make up stories too like complaining "uwan broke Tia's lorry", "Doi (our pet hamster) bites adik" "Mickey Mouse bites adik" haaa..haaaa..ok lah mama guess full of imagination..

Overall you both ok and biasalah both also had some bad habits like taking out all items from drawer,sometimes tried to conteng dinding if mama tak nampak,wasting food, too manja without reason, gaduh with each other but when mama marah and nak "bab" berkesan jugak..Tia will immediately say "nanakkkkkk".

May Allah bless all of us this Ramadhan,May Allah bless our friend,relatives and Muslimin and Muslimah.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Gulai Tulang masak Lemak Cili Padi, Kepah Goreng Kunyit Cili Padi

Alhamdulillah, dah masuk hari ke 3 hari ni puasa,hari sabtu the fisrt day of Ramadhan was so wonderful,the whole family gathered at our house.Since you both got Shichida Class and mama couldn't cook that day,maklang,kak ikin,kak nur and kak intan bawak food from home and special homemade kueh from uwan:buah sepang,alhamdulillah nya uwan at this age kita masih dapat merasa air tangannya.So seronok sangatlah hari sabtu tu maklang bawak gulai itik,karipap ala "old chang kee',dadih,kak ikin bawak pajeri nenas,gorang ikan masin berlada,caramel,pakcik bawak signature biskut raya dia,kueh bangkit yang di beli dari kampung kat kelang,kak nur pulak maklong masak gulai asam pedas ikan tenggiri dengan terung,maklong ni orang johor so pakarlah masak gulai asam pedas ni,kak intan pulak bawak satay dari kajang.Mama suruh heni sediakan ulam2,sambal tempoyak dan cencaluk,..banyak sangat lah makanan hari tu,dan kecoh sangatlah hari tu ada 6 keluarga plus 3 maids..sampai tak nampak meja..azan jer kecoh lah lagi masing2..terjerit2 cari sudu lah macam2..mama pun tak sempat lah snap banyak sangat..the 2 girls of course lah seronok bangat..makan satay one of their favourite..overall sungguh week pergi rumah maklang,kak ikin dan lepas tu maklong and kak intan lah pulak.So hari Ahad,mama bayar baliklah tak dapat masak hari sabtu..pagi Ahad lagi we went Pasar Seksyen 6,Shah Alam mama nak carik tulang segar,ulam2 mama masak special tulang masak serai,kepah berlada api,goreng kambas etc dan kueh pun buat sendiri,lepat ubi dan bubur cha ahad tiada yang beli semua masak.Alhamdulillah jugak kita dah dapat our new car tak payahlah papa naik cab lagi pi office but hari ni mama yang bawak..nak test ler:) mama dah biasa bawak our four wheel rasa kereta ni rendah..tak pe bila dah boring nanti mama tukar balik dengan papa bawak mama punya Ford.

Assalamulaikum..Tia dah pandai cakap banyak sungguh..dah fikir macam orang besar..kalau nampak mama siap nak pi office dia cakap "mama ni nak go office pulak"..kalau nampak orang masak kat Tv dia cakap "ala Tia lapar lah..bagi cikit"..macam2 lagi yang beyond our expectation..sometimes mama cakap laju2 dengan papa in English tak nak bagi dia catch up..tapi mesti dia faham dan menyampuk jugak..
Belum tarawikh lagi girls baru pukul 4.00 petang ni..Mia is avery independant girl..Tia smart tapi manja..Mia tak kisah very happy go luck..suka kemas rumah..kalau baca buka dia concentrate..kalau mengira kat abacus pun dia kira sampai habis..sekarang dah pandai ikut mama nanyi lagu "rock a bye baby","kereta baru","air pasang dalam "twinkle twinkle little stars"..kelakar betul bila dengar baris lagu air pasang dalam tu dia orang nyanyi boleh sebut betul2 "itik bertelur ayam mengeram"

Dua orang ni sibuk kat depan rumah nak pakai "tekung"..waktu petang mama masak

While mama cook..Tia and papa melekat kat computer..main games..

Then both took over from papa..mama masih bersilat kat dapur..

Ni lah gulai tulang cilipadi berserai mama..yang memang sedap..dari pagi rebus bagi lembut sampai tanggal dari tulang..cukup santan,serai,cilipadi,bawang..wah sedap betul makan dengan nasik panas yang lembik2 sikit..

Tumis petola kegemaran papa..

Ini mama punya evergreen favourite..goreng kambas(bittergourd) sentiasa ada..mama rasa mama lah yang paling pandai masak benda ni..tak pahit,colour pun dapat kekalkan kehijauanya..haa..haaa..sungguh mama tak peduli..nak perasan jugak..

Ni resepi baru ciptaan mama..papa suka la malam tadi asyik makan ni jer..mama particular sikit masak kepah ni..tak suka yang orang masak dalam macam lembut cair2 mama tumis dulu dengan bawang putih merah,cilipadi kunyit sampai kering,masukkan hirisan serai,halia.cilikering dan bawang besar..sedap bila kering tu..lagipun wangi

Then mama buat bubur caca..uwan buat lepat ubi..tak sempat lah snap here.. sedap..likat2 dan manis..
Alhamdulillah dah dapat kereta baru papa..hari tu kita dah book satu kereta,loan pun lulus tapi mama marah lah kat salesgirl pasal colour etc..memang company to fee pun burn kita upset tak jadi ambik kereta tu sedangkan papa dah let go his car..sian dia kena ambik cab lama gak sebab mama guna our ford..beli kerata ni kira nasib jugak..kita plan benda lain jadi benda lain..itulah rezki hari ni mama dah drive..tak jauh beza drive S40 ni dengan BMW lama papa..overall the car is very smooth,easy to drive..tapi mama suka kereta masih suka four wheel..nanti tukar balik dengan papa.

Ni scene hari ahad..uwan tengah sediakan kueh buah sepang untuk anak2,cucu yang nak datang..
Ni lah buah sepang uwan..belum masak lagi

Satay istimewa dari kak intan..satay kajang

Karipap special maklang..sodap..sungguh bosar..ado tolo ayam kek dalam..hehh..hehhh

Ada pasembur jugakkk...


Gulai nangka kegemaran uwan..

Dah makan melepak sementara tunggu group nak pergi tarawikh..

See..dasat betul punya kenyang..kak ayan sudah belayar kepulau impian....

Dah balik tarawikh sambung balik ni..tengok kak ikin tu..apakah posing yang di beri?kak nur pun sampai tergolek golek makan..tu kepala abang din and maklong alhmadulillah bertongkat pun dapat jugak pi tarawikh..

Geng lelaki balik tarawikh dok kat luar dulu..ada yang berasap..ada borak2 boy pulak dengan DSLR dia tengah dok snap macam2..

Ni lah kueh bangkit yang sedap pakcik bagi ..murah jer dia beli kat orang kampung kat kelang..orang tua2 yang buat bakar pakai sabut kelapa..tak jemu ni..

mama dapat hadiah telekung yang cantik dati kak intan beli kat bandung..makasih ya neng..

Tia bangun pukul 5.30 pagi terus good mood sangat jumpa teddy bear sama besar dengan dia yang kak intan bagi..tia kata"brown..Tia nak brown.."..sekarang dia panggil teddy ni "bulat".

Mia pulak happy dapat yang pink ni..nasib baik tak berebut..Mia cakap "adik nya Pink".Thank You kak intan..mesti kak intan suka kalau tengok how happy both dapat teddies tu