Sweet& Merry when we are together..Love ya Tia Khadeja & Mia Ayesha..and papa too:)
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Sweetest Two Weeks- Ep 1
This and few more episodes to come is going to be our special entries- mama spent 24 hours for 2 weeks with you both,it was wonderful and lovely-definitely a sweet time to remember and cherish.Today is the first day after the 2 weeks leave in office, our maid heni has returned back,she's been waiting for mama to call,she is looking forward to come back and work with us,mama didn't realized that heni is so syukur and happy to work with us,her daughter wrote a letter thanking mama for the small gift mama bought and for taking care of her mother well.It is so syukur to have a maid that really ikhlas to work with us where the whole of her family sent regards and ole ole for us including uwan, so we welcome her back with open heart.The two weeks was and still sweet, lots of stories to tell, we will begin with excursion to maklang's house.
First day masuk office today is so sweet,greeted by a lovely flower wreath from a wonderful friend auntie nerry@torberry, sweet gift for mama's birthday on 29.7, nerry wrote a really sweet words,it seems that mama didn't realized many things-she said "happy birthday to a very inspiring lady",mama is so glad that mama has inspired few people in life may it be a close relative,friend or anybody that mama had known. In this busy world people still care for each other,mama received many birthday wishes on 29.7 ,mama sendiri masa tu tak ingat pun birthday,ada staff from office yang hantar sms middle of the nite even before papa can wish mama,that makes life so sweet and wonderful and mama hopes that mama can inspire and give more love to everybody.
First excursion on the 29.7 which was mama's birthday was to maklang's house,we ve been greeted by a lovely dollies with birthday wish for mama..thank you to maklang and kak ayan
Both happy lepak2 with kak ayan..tengok water curtain..mula2 tengok jer after that..mulalah menyembur air kiri dan kanan..
mak lang got lovely compound with outdoor oven,flower bushes etc..
maklang ada lovely ayam kenit2..dah bertelur pun..banyak pulak tu..best lah feeling bela ayam ni..ada reban macam kat kampung..nanti kita dah pindah we bela jugak
Ni cup cakes yang dah maklang sediakan kan..tapi yang best bila kak ayan and maklang buat masa kita orang ada..so sedap makan cup cakes panas2..tak sedar masuk 4,5 bijik dalam perut
both were amazed with daisy punya size..so big and fluffy this feline..tia sampai terjerit-jerit panggil daisy
After lunch mama gave both bath,kak ayan set rambut and we took picture here as kenangan..tapi tak berapa clear sebab dogil nak suruh duduk diam2..
The sweet Tia with gap teeth...
The sweet and sexy mia (blame kak nur for the sexy dress..he..hehhh)
After makan2 both went to check out kak ayan's room..
Yey kak ayan took out her guitar..a gift from someone special ye kak ayan..chenta..chenta dengarnya yerrr...
kak ayan showed tia how to play guitar..tia was so excited..
Yey..lets rock..mama loves this picture..
After having fun with guitar we went down again and kak ayan dandan2 rambut tia..girl time lah ni..
We then masuk dapur sebab maklang dah siap buat batter for cup cakes and kak ayan siap sedia nak masukkan dalam mould..we pun sibuk2 lah tengok..
While waiting for the cake to be ready..we kacau2 daisy lagi kat belakang rumah...
The girls having fun with daisy...
Rumah daisy and the gang,yang belakang tu pulak rumah 7 ekor hamster..macam2 kat rumah maklang ni ada...
Uwan pun sibuk jugak tengok kak ayan buat cup cakes..
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wow maklang got so pretty outdoor oven...nak salai orang pun boleh masuk tu.... baik2 tiamia dont play hide and seek kat oven tu nanti tauu... can see the happiness fromm tiamia face... the 2 weeks leave is worth it..
cumel sgt muka si tia mia dlm entry kali ni..
ops...sexy to the max la baju kak nur frm bali ni..ala2 gi pantai hawaii..haha
welcome back to hernie.
wah looks like mama and daughter had so much fun! :-D comel jer tia mia excited main kan ;-)
Happy belated birthday!!!
Enjoy ur day ya.....
Amboi Tia &Mia mmg sungguh sexy. Depan belakang sexy. heheheeeee.... They are so sweet...
Azu, bila dah cuti lama, mesti sedih nak masuk keja balik - tinggalkan 2 kecik comel tu kan>?
*Cantik rumah MakLang.
nerry kakak aku asyik guna oven dia tu buat bar b que..aku punya lak masih bertapa..memang worth sangat the 2 weeks rasa macam kejap jer.
nur esah,tak pe seksi pun makasih bebanyak..masa kecik ni ok lagi..nanti beli lagi ok:)
welcome back...
rasa cam kejap je kan 2 weeks tuh...
mesti sedeh skit....huhuhuh..
cantekk tol umah maklang kan....
Nampak bestt sanagt2 kat rumah alang tu. enjoy budak2 cekci ni. Cantik la ayan dandan rambut. Nanti dah besar boleh g saloon sama2. Hehe...
Bilik ayan cantik...sweet macam tuan dia..
Maksu..ikin memang tengah survey sikit2 ni barang rumah.Nanti nak opinion mana2 yang murah and ok. Bulan 10 rumah siap. tapi ...bulan puasa and raya...mesti takde masa sangat nak survey2.Pelan2 la...tapi dalam masa yang sama...tak sabar2 ni....
cantiknya rumah kak ton...
kim salam ngan dia yer..lama dh tak dgr berita dia...
best tak cuti dok kepit sama tia mia...
ida pon tgh cuti agak panjang ni psl uwais asyik demam jer..
best tul tiamia... lps ni kena suh mama slalu cuti aaa...
dress tiamia tu mcm cutting jLo la... sexyyy!!!
bole..tp tia mia kena tdo umah kak nur eh..
kak yan..ko pandai ke main gitar tu?
mcm real jer..haha
umah alang makin best utk berehat2..garden dia best
sooo niceee rumah maklang. suasana nyaman. ada ayam. meow2 evn tho i ni shy2 cat but daisy looks so cute. maybe she cn help me overcome my fear. tia mia pun enjoy exploring :)
i curios lah, is daisy on a leash? i ve never seen one on a cat.
btw azu, i just realised it's been a year since u have kindly welcomed me to ur home, to meet and get to know ur loved ones. thanks :)
( i remembered posting my first comment at ur fotopage :)
hi ann, yeap daisy is on leash bila bawak dia keluar jalan2..just in case she terperanjat and lari..kalau dalam rumah dalam compound tak payah lah.Oh yea...time flies fast..its my pleasure to know someone like you and you are most welcome.
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